Care experts provide tips to help vulnerable older people stay safe

Agincare, a family-owned care provider, has released practical home improvement advice to help families adapt an older relative’s home or care home room into a space where they can live comfortably and safely.

The advice contains just under a dozen home improvement and interior design tips that can help older people living with dementia, visual impairment, Alzheimer’s, hearing impairment, and mobility.

Adam Luckhurst, Director at Agincare, said: “We’ve set out our recommendations covering rooms for people living with dementia, visual impairment, hearing impairment, Alzheimer’s and frailty. And our 3D floorplans really bring the ideal layout in a care home room or an entire house to life.

“Ultimately, we want to help people stay independent for as long as possible, and these simple changes can make a big difference. Whether your family member wants to stay in their own home or is living in a care home, there are simple and effective changes you can make to help improve their quality of life.”

Agincare’s top tips for making homes and care home rooms safer and more comfortable are:

1)    Replace wall art with family photographs in wooden frames.

“Photographs can provide important visual reminders to family members with dementia. But be careful about using mirrored frames as they can trigger confusion. Agincare’s experts suggest using wooden frames instead.”

2)    Make sure rooms are brightly lit with natural light.

“Plenty of natural light can not only help with sight, including spotting any trip hazards for older people unsteady on their feet, it is also proven to reduce psychoactive symptoms, which are common side effects of neurodegenerative diseases.”

3)    Remove rugs and frayed carpets.

“Family members of older people with limited mobility may be conscious about electrical leads and slippery surfaces causing a trip hazard. However, one of the most common reasons for falls in the home is rugs and frayed carpets. These should be removed from living rooms and kitchens to create a safer space.”

4)    Have open shelving instead of cupboards.

“Cupboards can be stressful for older people with dementia. It can be difficult for them to remember which contents are behind which doors, for instance. Installing open shelving can help by putting everything on display.”

5)    Install a banister rail on both sides of the staircase.

“A single banister on one side of the staircase is not enough to minimise the risk of falling. Instead, they suggest having two banisters – one on each side – to give support going up and down the stairs.”

6)    Choose furniture that contrasts with walls to help visibility.

“The trendy minimalist colour schemes of contemporary homes may not be practical for an older family member with a visual impairment. If furniture is the same shade of colour as the decor, it can present a trip and injury risk. Embrace a colour clash and bring more contrasts into the home.”

7)    Hang thick curtains for improved sound insulation.

“Good acoustics are essential for older people with hearing difficulties. Street noise can make hearing conversations, listening to music or enjoying what’s on the television tricky. Thick curtains provide good sound insulation.”

8)    Decorate with a variety of textures to help with sensory needs.

“When you begin to lose your sight, you start relying more on your sense of touch. Agincare recommends using a variety of textures in decorating the home of someone with a visual impairment to help them find their way around.”

Agincare’s experts have created a series of 3D room layouts to illustrate their top tips.

The free room layouts from homes are available on the Agincare website here and the room layouts from care homes are available here.

National Road Safety Banner Design Competition deadline extended

The deadline for entries for this year’s schools  design a road safety banner competition has been extended until 18 October to give children aged four to 11 longer to get creative.

For the twelfth year running, Recognition Express has teamed up with road safety charity BRAKE to run  the ‘design a road safety banner’ competition. Winning designs based around this year’s theme of ‘No need to speed’ will be reproduced onto high quality, full size banners for display the child’s school during Road Safety Week (16 – 22 November). 

In addition, the budding designer will also receive a special personalised trophy to mark their achievement. Recognition Express has a network of branches across the UK and there will be several regional winners. 

New for 2020 is the option to email or  upload entries online in addition to entering by post.

For full details and to download the entry form visit

Keeping people safe continues to be a priority – but it’s not just Covid that poses a threat to human safety. Someone is injured on a UK road every four minutes and vehicle speed plays a part on every occasion.

In a crash, 1mph can mean the difference between life and death, but people still regularly break speed limits or travel too fast for the conditions of the road.

Chris Masters, managing director of Recognition Express, said:  “The Covid pandemic has turned everything on its head this year and school children are one of the groups most affected. 

“Our design a road safety banner competition has become a fixture in the calendar of many local schools and we have been hoping against hope that schools would be allowed to go back for the autumn term and take part.

“Whilst our cashflow is tight as a result of the lockdown, we believe road safety is very important, and are committed to keeping people safe. Our relationship with BRAKE is long standing and we didn’t want to let them down this year. 

“Road Safety Week aims to inspire thousands of schools, organisations and communities to take action and promote road safety awareness during the week and beyond and it is a privilege to be involved.

“Our competition is a fantastic opportunity to engage primary school children and help establish good road safety sense for years to come.

“We are always impressed by the creativity and quality of the designs sent in each year. I hope that our competition will help restore a sense of normality for the children this term and look forward to seeing more entries than ever before.”  

61% increase in demand for food parcels between now and Christmas

Approximately 2.2 million people in the UK are living in food poverty, many of whom require support from foodbanks on a regular basis. Before the outbreak of the pandemic a record high 1.9m emergency food parcels were distributed between April 2019 and March 2020 by the Trussell Trust. It is estimated there will be a 61% increase in demand for food parcels between now and Christmas.

This equates to six parcels being distributed per minute. Mass unemployment, on a scale not seen since the early nineties is predicted, which will result in a further rise in food poverty. An estimated 670,000 additional people will be classed as destitute by the end of 2020.

Since its launch in 2014, Bounceback Food CIC has been committed to fighting food poverty. Their public cookery courses and foodbank drive uses the ‘buy one, give one’ model to generate social impact.

The cookery courses have enabled them to provide free places to people using foodbanks or getting third sector support, teaching them how to cook.

Their foodbank drive is supported through donations at market events. This proactive approach to tackling food poverty has helped them teach thousands of people how to cook, donate over 10,000 items of food to foodbanks and provide over 75,000 meals as part of their wider community outreach work which includes catering, supper clubs and corporate cook offs.

Prior to lockdown, Bounceback’s outreach work predominantly supported people in Greater Manchester, Cheshire & North Wales. However, as the economic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic continues, the non-profit organisation is adapting its model to social franchising, so they are able to support the increasing numbers of people living in food poverty nationwide. By introducing this model the team at Bounceback are more confident they can help combat the growing number of people in food poverty in the UK. 

Its current crowdfunder aims to raise sufficient funds so they can expand with three additional teams in new locations throughout the UK by November 2021, supporting the social enterprise’s long-term plan to have 20 teams operational by 2024.

Each team will manage regional cookery workshops educating people how to cook as well as their market events generating food donations which will then be distributed to foodbanks in the community. 

Discounted tickets to cookery workshops are just one of several rewards that people who pledge their support to the crowdfunder will receive. Signed first edition copies of the new recipe books are also available.

The organisation is determined to make things fun too and have introduced an innovative way for people to stay connected, learn about food preparation and global cuisine, even in these difficult times.

Their Secret Supper Clubs is a new concept that will bring a group of friends together for a dinner party with a difference.  Bounceback’s team serves up a feast based on their favourite recipes as the host joins an interactive, virtual cook-a-long session.

In line with the current UK Government  ‘rule of 6’ guidelines, these intimate social events may be a welcome alternative way to spend an evening, as the nation faces more restrictions on socialising out of the home – although this would not currently be allowed north of the border, where it would only be permissable for one household.

A range of corporate sponsorship packages have also been developed providing businesses with an opportunity for exposure by sponsoring an episode of Bounceback’s weekly Share Your Secrets podcast.

The podcast celebrates the diversity of food, art and community and includes interviews with the artists involved in the production of  ‘Secret Dishes From Around the World 2’, insights about community and culture from people in the featured countries and updates from Bounceback’s team as they scale up their proactive fight against food poverty across the UK.

Bounceback’s founding director Duncan Swainsbury (above) said: “I’m proud of the progress we have made over the last 6 months and that we have developed new ways to work.

“We have pledged 5 million free licenses to our online Cooking & Nutrition Portal and donated all remaining stock to our foodbank drive in the North-West – this is as well as adapting our catering service to deliver meals door to door, and launching online cookery workshops that provide free places for our beneficiaries.

“As claims for Universal Credit soar and with the furlough scheme coming to an end, we know that our organisation will be needed more than ever before to support those living in food poverty.

“It is essential that we scale up our social enterprise and build delivery teams in multiple locations to provide effective support to people nationwide.”

Heart research UK Healthy tip – National Cholesterol Month

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by Dr Helen Flaherty, Head of Health Promotion at Heart Research UK

National Cholesterol Month: The benefits of eating oats

October is National Cholesterol Month. Cholesterol is a fatty substance which is needed in the cells of your body. Too much cholesterol in your blood can lead to a build-up in your arteries, which increases your risk of having a heart attack.

Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet that is low in saturated fat and high in fibre is a good way to keep your cholesterol healthy. Oats contain a type of soluble fibre known as beta-glucan, which can help to lower your cholesterol. In this healthy heart tip, we provide some ideas for increasing your consumption of oats.

Start your day with a warm bowl of porridge

As the weather gets cooler, you could start your day with a comforting bowl of warm porridge. Rather than adding sugar, honey, jam or syrup to your porridge, you could try adding fruit, such as berries, chopped apple or sliced banana and a sprinkling of chopped nuts, seeds or cinnamon. 

Save time in the mornings by preparing an oaty breakfast the night before

If warm porridge is not your thing, you could try starting your day with Bircher. Bircher is made by soaking oatmeal overnight in yogurt and adding fruit, nuts and/or seeds. Why not try out some of these Bircher recipes from BBC Good Food:

Add oatmeal or oatbran to soups and casseroles

You can get more oats in your diet by adding oatmeal or oatbran to soups and casseroles. This will increase the amount of fibre as well as helping to thicken your soups and casseroles.

Swap wheat crackers for oatcakes

If you tend to choose wheat crackers with your cheese, why not switch to oatcakes instead. You could also reduce your saturated fat intake by having a low fat cheese spread on your oatcakes, rather than a hard cheese, such as cheddar. Hard cheeses tend to be high in saturated fat, which can raise your cholesterol.

You can find more healthy tips, recipes and advice at

Consultation launched on banning common single-use plastic items

Plans to ban some of the most environmentally damaging single-use plastic items in Scotland, including plastic cutlery and plastic straws, have been published for consultation.

The Scottish Government is seeking views on the introduction of new legislation to restrict the sale or commercial supply of plastic plates, plastic straws, plastic cutlery, polystyrene food and drink containers, plastic balloon sticks and products made from oxo-degradable plastics.

These items are the ones most commonly found washed up on European beaches and were identified in the EU Single Plastics Directive as contributing the majority share of litter found in the marine environment.

Millions are used in Scotland each year, including an estimated 300 million plastic straws, 276 million pieces of plastic cutlery, 50 million plastic plates and 66 million polystyrene food containers.

Restrictions on the sale or commercial supply of these single use plastic products would support efforts to tackle Scotland’s throwaway culture, reduce problematic litter and promote the use of more environmentally-friendly alternatives. 

Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham said: “There is no longer any doubt that plastic waste is having a hugely damaging impact on our oceans, rivers and land ecosystems.

We must act now to reduce our reliance on single-use plastic and drive forward a move towards more sustainable, environmentally-friendly alternatives.

“Failure to do so is a dereliction of our duty to our children, who will inherit a natural world polluted by the plastics we have thrown away for the sake of convenience.

“This government is committed to tackling this problem. We were the first country in the UK to ban plastic-stemmed cotton buds and plans are well underway for a Deposit Return Scheme in Scotland.

“The proposals published today will take us further – keeping pace with the environmental standards of our European partners and re-affirming our position as a world-leader in the circular economy.

“However, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important that the introduction of these measures is carefully considered. It is why we are keen to hear a range of views and I would encourage any individual, business or organisation with an interest to respond to the consultation.”

It is expected that any legislation would be introduced in 2021. The consultation will also seek views on the introduction of a ban on the non-commercial supply and manufacture of the single-use plastic items outlined in the consultation.

Iain Gulland, chief executive of Zero Waste Scotland, said: “Plastic is by far the most commonly used material in today’s single-use culture. There are clear benefits in use, of flexibility and durability, but plastic also causes significant damage when it leaks into our natural environment, including our rivers, lochs and seas.

“The consultation offers an opportunity to protect wildlife and prevent the heart-breaking scenes we see all too often in TV documentaries like Blue Planet 2. We hope people will also take this opportunity to adopt more sustainable solutions, such as reusable alternatives, to these single-use items.”

View the consultation on Citizen Space. The consultation will be open for 12 weeks and close on 04 January 2021 .

The full list of products being considered for market restrictions are:

  1. Single-use plastic cutlery (forks, knives, spoons, chopsticks)
  2. Single-use plastic plates (plates, trays/platters, bowls)
  3. Single-use plastic straws
  4. Single-use plastic beverage stirrers
  5. Single-use plastic balloon sticks
  6. Single-use food containers made of expanded polystyrene
  7. Single-use cups and other beverage containers made of expanded polystyrene, including their covers and lids
  8. All oxo-degradable products. This type of plastic (due to additives contained in it) contributes to micro-plastic pollution in the environment, is not compostable and negatively affects the recycling of conventional plastic.

Restricting these items would bring Scotland in line with Article 5 of the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive (EU) 2019/904.

Green light for a greener Meadowbank

Plans to transform Meadowbank into one of Edinburgh’s greenest neighbourhoods were approved by councillors last week.

Shaped in response to views shared by local residents – who were keen to see more quality greenspace, places for play and better-connected walking and cycle routes brought to the area – the masterplan for Council-owned land at Meadowbank was approved by the Development Management Sub Committee on Wednesday.

The £100m project is now expected to become the first development of its size in Edinburgh to promote the Council’s net zero carbon by 2030 goals by creating a low-car, low-carbon community and energy efficient new homes.

The sustainable mixed-use development will also create jobs and a significant economic boost by regenerating a five-hectare area next to the new Meadowbank Sports Centre – which is already set to become one of the greenest and most accessible centres for community sport in the country when it opens next year.

Space for a new GP surgery and community and commercial uses, the protection of existing trees and planting of saplings plus new rain gardens also feature in landscaping designs, which aim to pay tribute to the area’s sporting and industrial heritage.

With support from Nature Scot and the Scottish Government, the Masterplan has been awarded Building with Nature accreditation, setting the standard for high-quality low carbon features, and the Council has undertaken studies on the option for ‘green roofs’. The designs have also been endorsed by Sustrans’ Places for Everyone scheme, which brings specialised active travel knowledge to the project.

Councillor Neil Gardiner, Planning Convener, said:  “As a planning authority, we need make sure we protect our City’s beautiful and historic built environment, while supporting our communities to become sustainable for twenty-first century living.

“We also need to adapt our city to meet the needs of a growing population, address the increasing impact of climate change and ensure growth is responsible. These designs for Meadowbank meet these needs with plans for a truly low-carbon, low-car, energy efficient neighbourhood, featuring new affordable homes. This is a really important site for the City and I’d like to thank everyone who took time to participate in the consultation process.

“The masterplan includes homes to meet different needs, including for families. One third of the houses will be affordable, making a welcome contribution to the needs of the heroes who keep our city running every day. This masterplan, which has broad community support, offers a gold standard for new developments across the city for both the public and private sectors.”

Councillor Maureen Child, Vice Planning Convener, said: “Our aspirations for place making through our new City Plan, which we are currently drafting, are about making sure our communities continue to be great places where people want to live and visit, so feedback from the local community has been key to shaping Committee’s decision making on Meadowbank.

“I’m pleased that an open conversation has been had and that we’ve been able to agree these ambitious plans, which offer a mix of community benefits and improved facilities. It will see the community evolve into a more connected and climate conscious community, in line with our net zero carbon targets.”

Keir Bloomer, the project’s independent Sounding Board Chair, said: “The current proposals have emerged through an intensive exercise in community engagement. In addition to a number of public information sessions and consultation meetings, a Meadowbank Sounding Board was established almost two years ago.

“This group contains representatives of a wide range of local community groups and organisations, including those who were opposed to the original proposals for the site. Local councillors and others with relevant committee responsibilities are also members but they are in a minority.

“Considerable efforts have been made to ensure that the sounding board is able to express its views, regardless of whether these are favourable to the Council’s perspective or not. I was asked to chair the group as somebody who is completely independent.

“The sounding board met quite frequently until restrictions during the pandemic made this impossible. Designs for the site have been altered on a number of occasions in response to its views. As a result, the current plans are greener and more open. Housing density has been reduced and designs improved. It is intended that the sounding board will continue in existence through the development phase, acting as a strong voice for local people.”

Cathy Houston, Project Architect at Collective Architecture, said: “We are grateful for the time taken by members of the community to engage in the Meadowbank design processes. 

“This is such an important site in Edinburgh’s City Centre and so it is wonderful to be at this stage with a multifaceted proposal which seeks to enrich the neighbourhood on many levels: ecologically, environmentally, socially and with a huge amount of care. 

“The process undertaken with the community has ensured that the development sensitively integrates new housing, local amenities, greenspace and restored public routes east to west.”

Brenda Devlin, a local Community Councillor, said: “Using the expertise of Collective Architecture and the City of Edinburgh Council, local consultations, focus groups, workshops and public meetings were organised.

“It became obvious that the participants that attended these events were being listened to and their suggestions and ideas taken on board. The plans now being presented are a result of these consultation sessions and mostly reflect the vision of local residents, groups, organisations and businesses.

“The creation of a Sounding Board provided another opportunity for further targeted local input and a place for checks and balances to be carried out on the final plans. This eco-friendly development with a mixture of housing types, quality green spaces and community facilities makes this a very exciting development and will be an asset to our area.”

Around 600 modern energy-efficient homes – a minimum of 35% of which will be affordable – are detailed in the planning application, which is available to view as a report to Committee.

More information is available at

FORTH 1 to launch ‘The Big Saturday Football Show’

Forth 1 has announced the launch of ‘The Big Saturday Football Show’ with Ewen Cameron and Steven Mill next Saturday (17th October ).

Well-known football fan, Ewen Cameron will be hosting the show with Steven Mill who is also a self-confessed sports nut and the show from 2pm to 6pm will feature a mix of music, sport and entertainment every Saturday afternoon.

Ewen said: “Sport and broadcasting are my two big passions so to be able to bring them together in ‘The Big Saturday Football Show’ is brilliant.

“What could be better than a Saturday afternoon of football, music and chat with Steven and the listeners who will inevitably have their own opinions about my expert analysis!”

Steven Mill joined Forth 1 in July 2019 and is delighted to have the opportunity co-host a show where he can talk about his favourite subject.

Steven said: “I spend hours of my life watching and discussing football so it is brilliant to have a show where we can do that while playing some of our favourite music and entertaining our listeners.

“The capital city has the great rivalry between Hearts and Hibs as well as an unrivalled passion for rugby and I am sure the show will be a great success.”

Victoria Easton-Riley, Content Director, Hits Radio Network in Scotland, said: “Sport is so important in Scotland and discussing and debating the merits and failings of our teams is a national pastime.

“We have seen the success of Superscoreboard for many years and are confident that the new show with the experience, knowledge and chat of Ewen and Steven will be just as popular.”

The refreshed weekend line-up will also include Stuart Webster on a Saturday playing the biggest hits and throwbacks from 12 noon to 2pm.

‘The Big Saturday Football Show’ will launch on Saturday 17th October at 2pm and you can listen on FM, DAB, online, via the station App or on your Smart Speaker.

The new Saturday line-up on Forth 1:

6am – 9am         GRANT THOMSON                                     

9am – 12pm       BOOGIE & ARLENE         

12pm – 2pm       WEBSTER



10pm – 1am      CALLUM GALLACHER     


6am – 9am         GAVIN PEARSON

9am – 12pm       EWEN & CAT

12pm – 4pm       MICKY GAVIN

4pm – 7pm        THE UK CHART SHOW                                                       

7pm – 10pm      THE THROWBACK WITH GREIGSY                                          


Government must act to address steep rise in Covid transmission among children, says union

Teachers’ Union the NASUWT is deeply concerned following the release of the COVID-19 Statistical Report by Public Health Scotland showing a significant increase in the percentage of secondary age children testing positive for Coronavirus in September.

The percentage of young people testing positive for coronavirus is of great concern to the NASUWT, particularly among the 12-17 age group, and could potentially increase the risk to teachers, education staff and the wider community unless further measures are introduced in schools to protect them.

Additionally, since the end of September there is evidence of increased percentage of patients testing positive among the primary school age group.

NASUWT General Secretary Dr Patrick Roach has called on Deputy First Minister John Swinney to urgently review the situation and identify what further measures can be taken to mitigate the risks posed by the increases seen in the data.

Dr Roach said: “Schools should remain open as long as they remain safe. But it is clear the spike in the Covid-19 transmission rate in certain secondary school children age groups, and also primary school age groups, coupled with the rise in transmission in the community, could potentially increase the risk to teachers and other education staff unless further measures are introduced in schools to protect them.

“At a time of significantly increased risk of virus transmission within the wider population, the data on the number of cases and testing among children strongly indicates a deeply concerning trend within the secondary school age population.

“The sharp upward trend in the data is a major concern for our members and secondary schools increasingly appear to be high-risk environments for coronavirus.

“This situation urgently requires attention by the Government and further mitigating measures need to be identified and implemented.”

NSPCC launches virtual assembly with guest hosts Ant & Dec

  • With children back at school in Scotland, monthly referrals from the NSPCC helpline continue to be significantly higher than pre-lockdown levels.
  • The NSPCC made the decision to produce an online assembly so they can still be in schools. 
  • Primary Schools can sign up, for free, to access the assemblies and resources via NSPCC Learning.

With referrals from the NSPCC helpline remaining more than 30% higher than pre-lockdown levels since schools returned in Scotland, the charity has teamed up with Ant & Dec to make sure children know what to do and who to speak to if something is worrying or upsetting them.

The celebrity duo is hosting a new virtual version of the NSPCC’s Speak Out. Stay Safe assembly, which – before lockdown – the charity had delivered to millions of pupils across the UK.

NSPCC experts reported that the risk of abuse and neglect increased during lockdown, and in the period April to July, the NSPCC helpline saw a 50% increase in its average number of monthly referrals to agencies in Scotland.

Today, the charity can reveal that in August and September, as children have returned to school in Scotland, the number of referrals were 38% and 61%, respectively, above the average monthly figure before lockdown this year. There were 157 referrals in August and 184 in September.

Last month NSPCC Scotland launched a social media campaign with CPC Scotland, Barnardo’s Scotland and Police Scotland asking people to keep an eye out for unusual behaviours or signs that something was not right for a child, and to speak up so that children who might have had adverse experiences during lockdown could be supported.

The national lockdown left many children trapped indoors with their abusers for months on end, and the main issues the helpline heard about were physical and emotional abuse and neglect.

It is vital that children know what to do and who to speak to if something is happening in their life which is making them feel scared or anxious.

Before the pandemic NSPCC Scotland delivered its assembly face-to-face, in more than 96% of all primary schools across the country, and in 2019/20 the charity visited 833 schools, speaking to more than 145,000 children, before lockdown was imposed.

At this current time, NSPCC school volunteers can no longer deliver the assembly in person, so instead the organisation has made a 30-minute online Speak Out. Stay Safe assembly available to all primary schools in the UK.

In an accessible and age appropriate way, the assembly helps children understand how to recognise different forms of abuse, and how to speak out if they need to.

The NSPCC is also offering supporting teaching materials with plenty of engaging activities. The assembly and resources are also available in British Sign Language (BSL).

As well as this, it also focuses on some of the additional worries that children are experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Hosts Ant & Dec, who’ve been supporting the NSPCC for many years said: “We’re thrilled to be involved with the online version of the NSPCC’s Speak Out. Stay Safe assembly and we’ve had great fun filming with Buddy, the NSPCC mascot.

“We know that the lockdown will have been a difficult time for some children and others may be struggling with being back at school.”

Dec added: “This is why the NSPCC’s Speak Out. Stay Safe assembly is so important as it reminds children that no matter what may be worrying them, there is always someone who can help.

“It is a real privilege to be supporting the NSPCC with this online assembly and we want all children to remember that difficult times never have to be dealt with alone.”

In all Speak Out. Stay Safe assemblies children are taught to speak out if they are worried, either to a trusted adult or Childline.

The assemblies help to reinforce key lessons about abuse and neglect that are compulsory for all primary schools.  

Alan Stewart, NSPCC Scotland schools service manager, said: “Because of measures put in place to control the spread of Covid-19, children have had months of staying at home; away from school and cut off from their usual support networks.

“At the NSPCC, we know for some children home isn’t always a safe place and that many will have faced increased risk of harm.

“As the pandemic continues we all need to be there to support children, and equipping them with the knowledge and understanding they need to speak out is one vital way we can help ensure their safety.

“I encourage all primary schools to sign up, so that we can work alongside teachers to help as many children as possible to recognise and report any worries they have.”

To sign-up visit

Adults concerned about a child can contact the NSPCC helpline seven days a week on 0808 800 5000, or email

Children can call Childline on 0800 11 11 from 7.30am to midnight from Monday to Friday or 9am to midnight on weekends.

Or they can get in touch via

Autistic people struggling to get vital support, says new report

– 72% of people responding to a survey about their experiences of the Scottish Government and COSLA’s 10 year Strategy for Autism reported that they did not have enough support to meet their needs – 

The findings are published in today’s ‘The Accountability Gap’, a report from the Cross-Party Group (CPG) on Autism’s review of the Scottish Government and COSLA’s 10-year Strategy for Autism

Supported by charities National Autistic Society Scotland and Scottish Autism, who provide Joint-Secretariat to the CPG, a survey carried out as part of the review also found that: 

  • 72% of respondents said they did not have enough support to meet their needs 
  • 78% of respondents said that it was not easy accessing support locally 
  • 50% felt that autism awareness among the general public had not improved 
  • 69% said that with more support they would feel less isolated 
  • 36% said they received no support within 12 months of receiving a diagnosis. 

The CPG on Autism is Co-Convened by Annie Wells MSP and Alexander Burnett MSP, and has a large membership that comprises of MSPs, autistic people, families, organisations and professionals from across Scotland. The group meets regularly looking at issues faced by autistic people and families.  

In 2011, the Scottish Government together with COSLA published a 10-year Scottish Strategy for Autism that set out priorities and aimed to deliver strategic action for autistic people and their families in Scotland.  

The CPG on Autism undertook its review from May 2019 to January 2020 and heard first-hand the difficulties faced by autistic people and their families in Scotland. It found widespread recognition that the Government’s strategy set out a welcome vision and was well-intentioned however the majority of people who participated said there had been limited impact for many people in a number of areas including autism diagnosis and post-diagnostic support, as well as support in education, care and employment. 

It also highlighted how a lack of accountability at local level, is leaving autistic people and families fighting, often with little success, to get the support they need. 

The review makes 10 recommendations that aim to help improve the lives of autistic people that the Scottish Government and COSLA should consider when the Strategy comes to the end of its lifespan in 2021. These include: 

  • Solving the accountability gap by establishing a new Commissioner role, whose remit includes ensuing that autistic people and families get the support they need. 
  • Developing a new Scottish Strategy for Autism that is co-created between autistic people, families, charities, COSLA and the Government, is appropriately funded and delivers real sustainable change. 

Co-Convener of the Cross-Party Group on Autism, Alexander Burnett MSP, said: “The majority view of the hundreds of people who have been involved in our review is that the ambition and aspiration set out in the Scottish Government’s strategy has not been realised in practice and that many autistic people and their families lack the appropriate levels of support in order to thrive in our society. 

“We found that there are concerns surrounding a lack of training for professionals, as well as a lack of pre and post diagnosis support across a number of areas 2including social care, education, transition into adulthood, housing and employment. 

“In the context of the pandemic we believe the report’s recommendations are more important than ever for Scottish Government, COSLA and partners to consider when planning for what comes next when the strategy is due to come to an end next year. 

“Over the years, we have seen numerous reports and reviews on autism, however there seems to be little evidence to suggest any real change is being delivered at a local level.

“This is a system that is repeatedly failing to meet the rights and needs of autistic people. We must therefore focus on systemic sustainable change to enable better access to education, health, social and community services for autistic people and their families.” 

Kirsteen, a mother from Aberdeen said: “I have an autistic son called Toby who is now a young adult. When Toby was younger he received support from the school, college and the local authority but virtually stopped overnight when he became 16.

“Toby needs a lot of support and without it we struggled to cope as a family. Ultimately, we reached crisis point and things escalated even to the extent the police got involved as he became very frustrated and lashed out.

“Toby is now living in his own flat which initially I had to pay for as the local authority did not provide anything that met his needs. They had offered a place in a hostel for people with drug issues which is completely inappropriate. 

“I’m now selling my place so I can move closer to Toby as I desperately want to make sure he is supported. I do this because my son and daughters mean the world to me but it’s hugely stressful to hold down a full-time career in nursing and provide support for someone with such complex needs. 

“I don’t feel things have got better over the last few years and I don’t think they will change unless Scotland implements legislation – committees and reviews on autism make no difference.” 

Nick Ward, Director of National Autistic Society Scotland, said“Today’s ‘Accountability Gap’ report from the Cross-Party Group paints a stark picture of the struggles that Scotland’s 56,000 autistic people and their families face in order to get the services they are entitled to – a struggle which sadly they often lose leaving them frustrated, distraught and often in crisis.

“The Government must now look to build on the 10-year strategy by building accountability into the system so people get the services and support they so desperately need.” 

Charlene Tait, Deputy Chief Executive Officer at Scottish Autism, said: “We recognise the Scottish Government’s commitment through its 10-year strategy to set out a landscape where autistic people and their families have access to the services and support they need. 

“However, there is an evident ‘accountability gap’ between service provision and what is available.  The reality is that many autistic people and their families often have to fight to get the vital services and support to which they are entitled. 

“Over the years, we have seen numerous reports and reviews on autism, however there seems to be little evidence to suggest any real change is being delivered at a local level. This is a system that is repeatedly failing to meet the rights and needs of autistic people. 

“We must therefore focus on systemic sustainable change to enable better access to education, health, social and community services for autistic people and their families.”