Getting help for people at risk from harm

It’s vitally important during these unprecedented times that people know where to turn to if they feel someone is vulnerable in their communities.

We should all be following government guidance to stay at home to limit the spread of Coronavirus – however, being at home can increase tensions and affect mental health, meaning some people in our communities are more vulnerable now.

Children and adults can be at risk of harm, and some people will be experiencing financial difficulties or struggling with addiction – but help is available.

If you think a child or adult is at risk of harm, you should report your concerns so that professionals from social work, police, NHS and the voluntary sector can help.

The Council has already put in place measures to support people staying at home like support from our educational psychologists for families who may be struggling with home learning and wellbeing.

Depute Council Leader Cammy Day said: “Now more than ever in these challenging times we should all be reaching out to anyone we think may be suffering and requires support. Many people may be unaware that there’s a wide range of networks in the city for those in need.

“We’ve all heard of many amazing tales of kindness and selfless acts in Edinburgh during this pandemic. It’s so important we raise awareness among our communities of the help that is out there. So, our appeal is … please if you have concerns about someone then contact the appropriate organisation to get them support – you can make a real difference just by making that vital phone call.

“As a Council we work really closely with partner organisations like the NHS, police and voluntary sector to support the most vulnerable in our society.

“A great example is our All of Us campaign with the NSPCC which encourages people to get in touch if they’re finding it hard to look after children, a family needs some extra help or someone they know could do with more support.

“It’s vital people know who to turn to if they have concerns – don’t hesitate to make your voice heard and change people’s lives for the better.”

If you’re concerned about your own safety or someone you know like a relative, friend or neighbour then you should contact Social Care Direct on or call 0131 200 2324.

  • If you’re concerned for the immediate safety of a child or adult, phone the police on 999.
  • If an adult or child needs medical attention with or without COVID-19 symptoms, phone NHS on 111 or if it’s an emergency 999.

There are various forms of support such as Scotland’s Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage helpline on 0800 027 1234,  Edinburgh Women’s Aid on 0131 315 8110 and our All of Us campaign, with NSPCC Scotland.

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