Anyone for croquet?

With the sport of croquet today enjoyed by a wave of younger enthusiasts, British menswear brand Simon Carter has issued a rallying cry to croquet newcomers to give the game a go for free in this the first year Britain has hosted the Croquet World Championship since 2011.

Ahead of this year’s prestigious World Championship, where the British team will be led by its youngest ever team captain, lead sponsor Simon Carter is extending an invitation to the nation to try croquet for free at one of more than 200 local clubs across the UK on National Croquet Day on the 12thMay 2019.

“As a passionate player of the game, I want to share my love of croquet with the wider world,” said Simon Carter, founder of the eponymous menswear brand. “The game is undergoing a surge in popularity especially among the young. May 12th is National Croquet Day, so turn up at your nearest club and give it a go!”

On 12thMay, croquet clubs around the country will open their doors to people of all ages in a bid to reveal the contemporary side of a sport which in the mid-19thCentury was more popular than tennis. All equipment and access to croquet lawns will be provided free of charge on National Croquet Day with croquet club members on hand to provide expert advice.

Carter hopes this drive to attract a new generation of enthusiasts to the nation’s favourite summer pastime will galvanise national support for England’s croquet team players competing in this summer’s World Championship.

“I am delighted to be the main sponsor for the 2019 Croquet World Championships. This is an excellent opportunity to show what an exciting, skilful and engaging game this is and to overturn many people’s preconceptions”, he said.

From Saturday 27 July to Sunday 4 August, the UK hosts the WCF Simon Carter Golf Croquet World Championship for the first time since 2011. The event will be held at the Sussex County Croquet Club in West Sussex (amongst additional local venues) with 74 players competing from 18 nations.

The British team comprises its youngest players to date and will be led by team captain J.P.Moberly, aged 24.

To find out the location of your local croquet club click here.  

Meadows Croquet Club Info: mcc_leaflet

#SustainPCHP: Health Project survival battle moves on to next stage

Pilton Community Health Project have announced their latest plans for moving forward following funding cuts:

We are delighted to announce that Pilton Community Health Project will continue delivering support and services into 2020! With our fantastic crowdfunding campaign extended until 18th April ( and other fundraising initiatives ongoing, we plan to move forward into a time of regrowth for the project. Continue reading #SustainPCHP: Health Project survival battle moves on to next stage

MSPs call for police ‘cyber-kiosk’ rollout to be paused

Members of the Scottish Parliament’s Justice Sub-Committee on Policing are asking police to stop their deployment of cyber-kiosks or ‘digital triage devices’ until there is greater clarity on the legal framework for their use in a new report out today. Continue reading MSPs call for police ‘cyber-kiosk’ rollout to be paused

High school pupils make it count for Leith Walk By-election

Local school pupils are urging residents in the area to cast their votes in the Leith Walk by-election this Thursday (11 April).

Drummond Community High

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Theresa May: deal or no deal?

Prime Minister Theresa May issued the following statement on Brexit negotiations last night: 

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Check your repeat prescription ahead of the Easter holiday weekend

NHS 24 is reminding people to check their repeat prescription ahead of the Easter holiday weekend.

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