Home delivery mum inspired to become paramedic

A young mum says she has been inspired to carry out her dream of becoming a paramedic after having her first child delivered at home by Scottish Ambulance Service emergency responders.

Ashleigh Carpenter, 19, was at her mum’s house in Bo’ness when Lily Scott was delivered.

Continue reading Home delivery mum inspired to become paramedic

UK Government support for Scottish festivals

Mundell’s on the Fringe!

Scottish Secretary David Mundell will be joined by other UK Government cabinet ministers in Edinburgh this week in a show of support for Scottish festivals and to celebrate the international profile and significant economic boost they bring. Continue reading UK Government support for Scottish festivals

Port of Leith Housing Association makes a stand against domestic abuse

Port of Leith Housing Association (PoLHA) has become one of the latest organisations to have signed up to the Charted Institute of Housing’s (CIH) Make a Stand campaign. Continue reading Port of Leith Housing Association makes a stand against domestic abuse

Cast of Bravo 22 joins forces with Poppyscotland

Sick and injured veterans from Bravo 22 Company, one of the most remarkable theatre groups at the Fringe, visited Lady Haig’s Poppy Factory in Warriston yesterday to highlight the work of Poppyscotland. All are taking part in Unspoken, a premiere inspired by the stories of 100 ex-Servicemen and ex-Servicewomen which runs from 21-27 August. Continue reading Cast of Bravo 22 joins forces with Poppyscotland

Save Leith Walk campaigners to lobby Planning Committee

Campaigners to hand in 10,000 signature petition

For the past five months, residents, local businesses, and supporters of Leith have come together to protest the proposed development by Drum Group at 106-154 Leith Walk, which includes the demolition of 80-year old red sandstone buildings.

Continue reading Save Leith Walk campaigners to lobby Planning Committee

Mesh implants: Holyrood Committee calls for halt

A Holyrood committee is calling on the Scottish Government to halt the use of mesh procedures in Scotland, until there is confidence in the findings of the Independent Review set up to examine the controversial procedure. Continue reading Mesh implants: Holyrood Committee calls for halt