Holyrood passes landmark Social Security Bill

A Bill allowing the Scottish Government to make the first social security payments later this year has been passed by Parliament. Last night’s unanimous vote means MSPs have passed the Social Security (Scotland) Bill establishing Scotland’s first social security system. Continue reading Holyrood passes landmark Social Security Bill

Last call to find Edinburgh’s Green Business Champions

The search for Scotland’s best green businesses draws to a close this week – Edinburgh companies have just ONE DAY left to enter the VIBES – Scottish Environment Business Awards. The awards, which are free to enter, are calling on businesses of all sizes and sectors across Scotland who are implementing sustainable practices to get in touch and apply before 5pm tomorrow (Friday 27 April 2018). Continue reading Last call to find Edinburgh’s Green Business Champions

Edinburgh adoption charity awarded £16,000 from Scottish Children’s Lottery

Edinburgh-based Scottish Adoption has been awarded a £16,000 grant from the Scottish Children’s Lottery. The charity provides support to anyone affected by adoption – be it children, birth families, prospective adopters, adoptive parents and adults who were adopted as children. Continue reading Edinburgh adoption charity awarded £16,000 from Scottish Children’s Lottery

Cashback for city arts projects

Creative projects in Edinburgh will benefit from over £40,000 as part of the Scottish Government’s aim to tackle inequalities experienced by young people, in the Year of Young People 2018. Six Edinburgh arts projects – including Granton Youth Centre, North Edinburgh Arts and the Tinderbox Orchestra – will receive funding as part of the CashBack for Creativity Open Fund, which has awarded a total of £252,000 to 32 projects across the country. Continue reading Cashback for city arts projects

“A laugh, a joke, a tear and a beer”: veterans mark Anzac and Gallipoli Day

In a touching show of comradeship and remembrance today, representatives from all sides came together to attend the annual ANZAC and Gallipoli Day Service at the Scottish National War Memorial, at Edinburgh Castle, organised by Legion Scotland. Continue reading “A laugh, a joke, a tear and a beer”: veterans mark Anzac and Gallipoli Day