EVOC AGM and conference to focus on place

Compact Voice, the latest guide to Edinburgh’s third sector and it’s work with public service partners, has been launched. The report is packed with facts and figures about the capital’s voluntary sector: how it is made up, how it organises itself, how it is funded and Compact Voice also covers current concerns and issues for the sector. Well worth a read.
A5 Compact Brochure 2017 [FINAL] 3A5 Compact Brochure 2017

Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council’s (EVOC) annual general meeting and conference takes place on Tuesday 7 November from 9am – 2pm. There are still a handful of places available, so sign up for your free place now!
This year’s Conference will focus on how we use constructed space to think differently, collaborate and participate. Keynote speakers are city council leader Councillor Adam McVey and Diarmaid Lawlor of Architecture & Design Scotland.
Workshops on the day are:
- Partnership Working With School Communities
- Prevention Within the Context of Grants Review and Funding Cuts*
- Good Governance – Doing Things Right Means Doing the Right Things
- Participatory Budgeting an Effective Tool for Community Engagement?
- Social (in)security
*We have updated our workshop on setting up a Commission on Prevention to look specifically at prevention in the context of funding and grants, in light of the review of the Health and Social Care grants programme.
All workshops will be available to sign up to on the day, and you can find more information about the topics and speakers by visiting the website.