Screen Education showcase at The Filmhouse


Screen Education Edinburgh is hosting a screening event to showcase films made by our young people on their BFI Film Academy, Cashback for Creativity, Princes Trust: Get Started with Media and SEE It Make It (Into Film) programmes.

This event will take place on Saturday 22 October at The Filmhouse.

For further information email

Lingotot to star in The Mummy Diaries

Mum’s The Word for Lingotot in North Edinburgh

©Sam Faiers

Mum’s the Word for Giselle Dominguez, whose Lingotot business in North Edinburgh is set to star in ITV’s Sam Faiers; The Mummy Diaries. The six week series, which follows the day to day life of the reality TV star as she finds her feet as a mother to baby Paul, will feature a Spanish Lingotot class inside the young mum’s home. Continue reading Lingotot to star in The Mummy Diaries

Voluntary Sector: Have your say on key services


Each year the Council engages citizens on its spending and savings plans for the year ahead.  A four year financial plan for Edinburgh has been set now. However,  participants from previous consultations told the CEC that they would like to be involved in helping the Council to identify solutions and redesign services.  Continue reading Voluntary Sector: Have your say on key services

UK steps up to support global fight against slavery and child exploitation


To mark the national day against slavery on October 18, International Development Secretary Priti Patel outlined an increase in support for women and girl refugees in Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon, and for vulnerable people at risk of trafficking on migration routes in North Africa and Europe. The Scottish Government also launched a consultation on human trafficking last week. Continue reading UK steps up to support global fight against slavery and child exploitation

Living in Harmony latest

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Many thanks to everyone who attended the Living in Harmony forum on Hate Crime. It was a very useful session and we covered a lot of ground. I’m attaching the minutes and will send around the slides from the training in due course.


Evaluation exercise

I will be handing over to Adam Farquhar at the beginning of November as I go on maternity leave. It would really help us to reflect on the forum and plan for future activities if you were able to fill in the attached evaluation form and return it to me.


St Andrew’s Day march

Sarah Neal has asked me to forward the attached information about an anti-racism march taking place in Glasgow.


Kind regards

Hannah Kitchen

Development Worker, Living in Harmony, Pilton Community Health Project

0131 551 1671

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