Police appeal following Leith purse theft

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Police are appealing for information after an elderly woman had her purse stolen in Leith. The incident took place between 12.30pm and 1pm on Thursday (20 October) in Portland Street.

The woman, who is in her eighties, answered the door to a man who forced his way into the house. He then stole her purse from within the living room, which contained a three-figure sum of money, and left. The purse was later found in Blackie Road by four children, all under the age of ten, who handed this into Leith Police Station.

The suspect is described as white, 5ft 4ins tall, of slim build, 25-30 years old, with dirty brown hair, unshaven and wearing a navy zip-up top.

Detective Constable Chris Harding of Gayfield CID said: “We’re conducting a number of enquiries in an effort to trace the perpetrator and are appealing for the public’s help as part of this. Although the victim was uninjured, she was understandably very shaken and I’d urge anyone with information which can help to come forward.

“Anyone who recognises the description of the suspect, or who may have seen him in the Portland Street or Blackie Road area, is asked to get in touch. I also want to take this opportunity to extend my sincere thanks to the children who found the purse and made the effort to hand this back in.”

If you have any information contact Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Muirhouse Shopping Centre transformation moves to next stage


A proposal to redevelop Muirhouse Shopping Centre and surrounding area to create a new civic centre in Pennywell and Muirhouse will be considered by the Council next week as the latest stage of the ongoing regeneration of the wider area. Continue reading Muirhouse Shopping Centre transformation moves to next stage

Help find a new home for Henry


The Scottish SPCA is seeking a special home for a cat who has faced over 200 days of rejection. Henry, a black and white male, came into the care of the charity’s Balerno centre in March after he was found as a stray with injuries to his face.

Seven months on, Henry has attracted very little interest from potential new owners and staff are keen to find him the home he needs.

Centre Manager Diane Aitchison said, “Henry is a special boy who is seeking a peaceful home in the countryside as he is not keen on people or other animals.

“He is his own boss and although he is happy to tolerate us, he can act angrily at times.

“As Henry is really not comfortable around people, he is looking for a special person who will understand his personality and can let him do his own thing. He’d be ideally suited to a farm or rural type home where he can come and go as he pleases.

“It is heart-breaking to see Henry languishing in a cattery when he would love to be out exploring the countryside.

“Henry seems to have had a traumatic time in the past and we just hope there is someone out there who can offer him a second chance at happiness.”

Anyone who can offer Henry the home he needs is being asked to contact the Scottish SPCA’s Balerno centre on 03000 999 999.

It’s time for bed at Museum of Childhood

Scenes from some of the nation’s best-loved stories have been stitched together to create the ultimate bedtime story quilt at the Museum of Childhood. The centrepiece of ‘Bedtime Stories’, a free new exhibition at the City of Edinburgh Council’s Museum of Childhood, is a huge quilt showcasing artworks by more than sixty creative children and adults from across the UK.

Continue reading It’s time for bed at Museum of Childhood

Police Scotland tackles human trafficking on Anti-Slavery Day


Police Scotland has identified and is ensuring the welfare of 11 potential victims of trafficking, following a national day of action which took place across Scotland – coinciding with Anti-Slavery Day – in a major initiative to identify and protect potential victims of human trafficking. Continue reading Police Scotland tackles human trafficking on Anti-Slavery Day

Turning politics on it’s head

North Edinburgh residents to lead the debate in ‘upside down hustings’

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Community campaigners in north Edinburgh are turning the traditional hustings model, which sees political candidates telling voters what they will do if elected, on its head. Pilton Community Health Project (PCHP) is bringing together a group of grassroots ‘experts’ from across the north of the city to tell politicians what changes are needed to improve the area. Continue reading Turning politics on it’s head

Nelson Monument to celebrate special anniversary


The iconic Nelson Monument on Calton Hill will be colourfully commemorated on Trafalgar Day this Friday. Celebrating 200 years since the telescope-shaped structure rose into the Edinburgh skyline, the famous memorial will be decorated with colourful flags and installed with a commemorative plaque by the City of Edinburgh Council.

Continue reading Nelson Monument to celebrate special anniversary

The kindness of Edinburgh folk


Over the years many donations have been received by Muirhouse Millennium Centre from members of our community(writes JAMES McGINTY).  The kindness still exists, and the latest donation (from someone who would like to remain anonymous) was a baby buggy in new condition.  Nieve & Lacey posed for the camera, both children from the Muirhouse Mini’s.

For more info on the Muirhouse Mini’s click HERE 

or go to www.muirhousecommunitycentre.co.uk