The Guid Auld Days at Muirhouse Millennium Centre

Janet - Compare recieves a bouquet

Thursday saw Edinburgh College students with volunteers – Step Up – running their first social event in the community: a retro quiz in Muirhouse Millennium Centre with our regular social groups, The Sunshine Club & the Loose Women (writes James McGinty).

Continue reading The Guid Auld Days at Muirhouse Millennium Centre

Holyrood 2016: factfile

The Scottish Parliament elections take place on Thursday 5 May – one week to go! See below for all the information you could ever wish for!

womens manifesto

Your local constituency candidates are:


BETTSWORTH, Hannah (Scottish Liberal Democrats)

BOYACK, Sarah (Scottish Labour Party)

DAVIDSON, Ruth (Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party)

DICKIE, Alison (Scottish National Party (SNP))

JOHNSTONE, Alison (Scottish Green Party)

LAIRD, Tom (Scottish Libertarian Party)



CALDWELL, Jack (Independent)

HINDS, Lesley (Scottish Labour Party)

MACPHERSON, Ben (Scottish National Party (SNP))

MCGILL, Iain (Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party)

VEART, Martin (Scottish Liberal Democrats)


BATHO, Sandy (Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party)

COLE-HAMILTON, Alex (Scottish Liberal Democrats)

GIUGLIANO, Toni (Scottish National Party (SNP))

HEADLEY, Cat (Scottish Labour Party)


Other Edinburgh Constituencies:

Edinburgh Eastern

COOK, Nick (Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party)

DENHAM, Ash (Scottish National Party (SNP))

D’INVERNO, Cospatric (Scottish Liberal Democrats)

DUGDALE, Kezia (Scottish Labour Party)


Edinburgh Pentlands

FARTHING-SYKES, Emma (Scottish Liberal Democrats)

HEARY, Blair (Scottish Labour Party)

LINDHURST, Gordon (Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party)

MACDONALD, Gordon (Scottish National Party (SNP)


Edinburgh Southern

BRIGGS, Miles (Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party)

EADIE, Jim (Scottish National Party (SNP))

JOHNSON, Daniel (Scottish Labour Party)

SUBBARAMAN, Pramod (Scottish Liberal Democrats)

Holyrood Parliament


The names of the parties for the Lothian Region are listed below in the order that they appear on the ballot paper.

Seven candidates will be elected to the Lothian Region as Members of the Scottish Parliament, from the following list:

RISE – Respect, Independence, Socialism and Environmentalism

Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

Scottish Green Party

Scottish Labour Party

Scottish Liberal Democrats

Scottish National Party (SNP)

Scottish Women’s Equality Party

Solidarity – Scotland’s Socialist Movement

UK Independence Party (UKIP)

Holyrood Parliament


The Additional Member System (AMS) is used to elect members to the Scottish Parliament.

How it works:

There are 129 Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs)

There are two ways an MSP can be elected.

Each elector (voter) has two votes.

Scotland is divided into 73 constituencies and each constituency elects one MSP. These are known as constituency MSPs and are elected by ‘first past the post’ in exactly the same way as MPs are elected to Westminster. This is the elector’s constituency vote.

The regional vote is used to elect 56 additional members. Scotland is divided into 8 parliamentary Regions and each region elects seven regional MSPs.

In the second vote the voter votes for a party rather than a candidate. The parties are then allocated a number of additional members to make the overall result more proportional. The regional MSPs are selected from lists compiled by the parties. These MSPs are also sometimes referred to as List MSPs.

holyrood parliament MSPs


Always read the instructions for filling in the ballot papers carefully, even if you have voted before.

You will receive two ballot papers.

On the lilac coloured ballot paper you will vote for your constituency MSP. The ballot paper lists the name of each candidate along with their party name and party logo.

Simply put a cross (X) next to the one candidate that you wish to vote for.

On the peach coloured ballot paper you vote for a party or independent candidate competing for the seven regional seats for your region of Scotland. The ballot paper lists political parties and independent candidates.

Simply put a cross (X) next to the one party or independent candidate that you wish to vote for.

If you make a mistake then you can ask the polling staff to give you another ballot paper.

Scottish Paliament Holyrood


Your polling place will be noted on your Poll Card, or you can check it online. You should go to your polling place to vote on 5 May, between 7am and 10pm.

Find your polling station

womens manifesto


What do they stand for? What are they offering?


RISE man



tory manifesto



green manifesto

Scottish Greens Manifesto_Online



LAB manifesto

Scottish Labour Manifesto 2016



LD manifesto








women manifesto



SOLIDARITY – Scotland’s Socialist Movement

SOLIDARITY manifesto

Manifesto available on Solidarity website



UKIP Manifesto



Keep up on Twitter:

‪#‎SP16‬ ‪#‎VoteSocialEnterprise‬ ‪#‎Holyrood2016‬ ‪#‎SP2016‬
‪#‎VoteRISE‬ ‪#‎GreenHolyrood‬ ‪#‎VoteGreen2016‬ ‪#‎BothVotesSNP‬‪ #‎BothVotesLabour‬ ‪#‎VoteLibDemTwice‬ ‪#‎TeamRuth‬

Dead ignorant

Almost 1 in 5 men ‘lethally ignorant’ they even have a prostate, new survey finds

man alone

Prostrate Cancer UK has launched a new campaign to raise awareness of the lethal disease.

  • over 2,900 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year in Scotland
  • over 850 men die from prostate cancer every year in Scotland
  • two men die from prostate cancer every day in Scotland.

The charity’s latest research reveals a shocking lack of awareness among men about their own bodies and their risk of prostate cancer, leading to thousands of needless deaths each year – but a new nationwide TV advertising campaign aims to tackle the ignorance head on.

Despite one man every hour dying from prostate cancer, it seems most men still have no idea what the gland does or even that they have one.

PCUK’s new survey of almost 2,000 men found a massive 92% of them had no idea that the prostate helps make the fluid sperm swims in and contains muscles for ejaculation, with more than half not knowing where it was in their body and 17% unaware of it altogether.

Worryingly 88% of men from higher risk groups – those over 50, black or with a family history of the disease – were unaware of their increased danger. An alarming 11% of them believed they were actually at lower risk of developing prostate cancer, and 86% of black men didn’t know they were twice as likely as any other racial group in the UK.

The shocking results coincide with our new nationwide TV advertising campaign, urging men to stop ignoring prostate cancer and join the fight to beat the disease. With enough money and the right action from clinicians and researchers, PCUK believes we can halve the 14,500 men projected to die from prostate cancer in 2026, creating the better diagnosis and treatments that will make it a disease the next generation needn’t fear.

“Ignoring your prostate can be lethal,” says Prostate Cancer UK chief executive, Angela Culhane. “You can’t see it, you can’t feel it, and shockingly many men only realise they have a prostate when it starts to go wrong.

“If men really knew what the prostate can do to them, they wouldn’t ignore it. As a country, we need to wake up and stop men dying needlessly. Ignoring prostate cancer won’t beat it – only fighting it will. Now is the time to join the fight to beat this disease.”

Exam arrangements now in place


The city council has confirmed alternative arrangements for pupils sitting exams next month who are affected by the current school closures.

The contingency plans have been put together as exams start in the first week of May, and all pupils will be sitting their exams in the schools they are currently attending.

The arrangements are:

  • Royal High, Drummond and Firrhill pupils will use their own schools
  • Gracemount and Craigmount will be sitting their exams at their host schools of Liberton and Tynecastle respectively

Individual schools will update pupils and parents regarding their specific arrangements.

Over the past week the Council has had very positive discussions with the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) about exams and the contingency arrangements.

Education Convener Councillor Paul Godzik said: “With the first exams only a few weeks away it is absolutely vital that we have these plans in place and pupils are given notice as to where they will be sitting their exams.

“Pupils have enough to do with their studying preparations without additional worry over where they may be sitting them. Despite the hugely challenging situation the Council have tried to ensure our pupils are given every chance to prepare properly and that as far as possible they are not impacted by the school closures.

“We will be outlining in detail to the SQA the arrangements we have put in place and how this has affected pupils, as well as providing additional study support to pupils where we feel this is necessary.”

Jean Blair, SQA Director of Operations, said: “Clearly our primary concern is for all the young people involved. We continue to work closely with City of Edinburgh Council and the individual schools to support them in the practical arrangements for the exams, which begin on Wednesday 4 May.

“The national timetable of exams will continue as planned and pupils should continue with their studies in preparation to sit their exams on the dates in the published exam timetable.”

The programme of structural surveys arranged by the Edinburgh Schools Partnership is continuing. Parents will be provided with further information on individual school surveys once the full reports are received and assessed.

Police initiative supports Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre



Police Mutual have been inviting officers around the country to apply for funds from their new ‘Force for Good’ initiative, designed to help community projects in our local area. Continue reading Police initiative supports Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre

Emma chooses life to become LEAP’s 500th graduate


A mother-of-two has achieved a major milestone after becoming the 500th graduate of a pioneering drug  and alcohol detox recovery programme. Emma Hogg has battled her addiction to alcohol to successfully complete the Lothian and Edinburgh Abstinence Programme (LEAP).

Continue reading Emma chooses life to become LEAP’s 500th graduate