Three important events coming up at Royston Wardieburn

Development Meeting
at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre
Thursday 30 April at 10am – 1pm
Come along and have your say on the future development of your café
Soup and fruit will be provided. All welcome.
Coral Café Development Meeting poster

Family Fun Day
Saturday 30 May 11- 3pm
Raffles, Tombolas, Bouncy Castle, face painting, Water Slide, Bungi Run, Soft Play, Familiar TV Characters, Table Top Sales.
Food & Refreshments available & Music throughout the day.
There will be a small entrance fee and Table Hire
The Fun Day has been organised by the kids -they need to raise £2,000 for M&D’s (P5-P7) and East Links (P1-P4).
fun day poster

Saturday 30 May 11am – 3pm
£5 per table
To book a table or for more information contact Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on 552 5700 but HURRY! TABLES ARE LIMITED!
Table top Sale flyer
Royston Wardieburn Community Centre
Management Committee