Letters: protecting our parents


Dear Editor

The first part of the BBC programme Protecting our Parents, screened on 17 April, was very moving, highlighting situations of caring that could face the parents of anyone.

Parents are individuals with thoughts, feelings and wishes: in short they are human beings in vulnerable situations.

As illustrated in the programme gentle but subtle pressure is put on patients to decide on moving to a care or nursing home, or returning to their homes with a ‘care package’ arranged by the local authority. The first option could involve considerable financial cots, the second totally inadequate visiting time and care.

We are constantly being told the numbers of elderly people will increase over the years and the country will not be able to afford the care; the implication being that even the inadequate level of care given today cannot be maintained.

How dare they approach the situation from that point of view; they must be oblivious of the mental and physical suffering caused through inadequate care?

Care of the elderly – having given a lifetime of service and care of children yet to serve the future – are and must be absolute priorities for the nation.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens




Cross-border skirmish marks St George’s Day


What’s Scottish independence got to do with the English, anyway? Well, quite a lot according to Prime Minister David Cameron. Mr Cameron chose St George’s Day to launch a passionate defence of the union, but in the evening Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond launched a cross-border raid to assure our neighbours that social and business links will remain as strong as ever …

David Cameron relected on England’s role in the United Kingdom in his St George’s Day message. The Prime Minister said: “I want to send my best wishes to everyone celebrating St George’s Day. Up and down the country – including here in Downing Street – the flag of St George is flying high and celebrations – from the archaic to the eccentric – are taking place:

“In Plymouth – a patriotic festival; in London – a great feast in Trafalgar Square; in Leicester – a medieval re-enactment; and in Worcestershire – an annual ‘asparagus run’, to welcome the new harvest.

“St George has been England’s patron saint since 1350. But for too long, his feast day – England’s national day – has been overlooked. Today, though, more and more people are coming together on or around April the 23rd, eager to celebrate everything it is to be English. And there is much to celebrate. Because this is a country whose achievements in industry, in technology, sport, music, literature and the arts – they far outweigh our size.

Our counties and cities are known the world over:

In America, where Newcastle Brown Ale is the most imported ale; in China, where the most popular international football team is from London: Arsenal; in Australia, where they go mad for a Cornish cuisine – the humble pasty; in South Korea, where Yorkshire-set Downton Abbey is a TV favourite. And across the globe, where the best-selling band is from Liverpool: the Beatles.

“This St George’s Day, I want us to reflect on one of England’s greatest achievements: its role in the world’s greatest family of nations – the United Kingdom. In just 5 months, the people of Scotland will go to the polls and decide whether they want to remain a part of this global success story. So let’s prove that we can be proud of our individual nations and be committed to our union of nations. Because no matter how great we are alone, we will always be greater together.

So once again, to everyone across England, I’d like to wish you a very happy St George’s Day.”

Alex Salmond did not miss an opportunity to reaffirm Scotland’s commitment to our friends across the border. The First Minister said that Scotland will not wait until independence day to strengthen Scotland’s relationship with the north of England and celebrate ‘the ties that bind the nations of these islands’ following September’s independence referendum.

In a St George’s Day speech delivered in the shadow of Carlisle Cathedral, Mr Salmond told the invited audience of business people that a successful Scotland will become a new beacon of growth to the north, shifting the centre of economic gravity of these islands and preventing the flow of power, wealth and talent flow downhill to the south east.

He said independence for Scotland would cause an economic rebalancing of Britain and the Scottish Government would refuse to wait 30 years for high speed rail to be delivered by Westminster and instead will commission a feasibility study on work on HSR beginning from the north heading south. The Scottish Government will also push forward its responsibility to make improvement to the West Coast rail line north and improve the transport connectivity between Carlisle and the south west of Scotland, creating a ‘a conurbation of connectivity’.

Announcing the study, the First Minister said: “The vision – of these border lands as hubs – requires the transport connectivity to link Scotland and the north of England more effectively together.

“The UK’s current plans for high speed rail lack high ambition – for Scotland and for the north of England. They also lack speed – they may not reach Manchester and Leeds, let alone Carlisle, until 2032. Indeed even Sir David Higgins, who is in charge of delivering the project, has expressed concern about that current timescale.

“But since 2007, rail travel has increased by 144% between London and Glasgow; by 191% between Manchester and Scotland; and by 261% between Birmingham and Scotland. Demand for freight is also increasing, but line capacity is constrained.”

The First Minister continued:

“But by the time high speed rail first came to the UK, when the Eurostar link was completed, the regions weren’t served at all. There was no further development of services beyond London. In fact, a report by the House of Commons Transport Select Committee pointed out that “The acquiescence of Members of Parliament to the Channel Tunnel Act 1987 depended on the provision of regional services.” Its view was that “The regions have been cheated.”

“And we have seen in the last ten years that the major upgrade to the West coast Main Line focused on Southern parts of the line. We then missed the opportunity for faster services to the north because the UK Government’s procurement process for the InterCity West Coast franchise collapsed. That piece of incompetence which cost taxpayers £50m. At the moment, we may have to wait for refranchising in 2017 to see a significant improvement.

“To summarise, under Westminster control, high speed rail won’t come to Carlisle for decades. The west coast line doesn’t get upgraded, and the franchise process collapses. The east coast line has seen consistent failures of operators – and when they do have a public operator which works, their answer is to change the franchise!

“By comparison, I am pleased to report that our two rail franchise procurements are proceeding well and on schedule. And we’re keen to get on with making major improvements to connectivity.

“We are already working with the UK Government to prepare joint plans for high speed rail links between England and Scotland. Initial findings from this review are due in the summer. And we are taking the initiative within Scotland – detailed planning is being undertaken for a high speed service between Edinburgh and Glasgow, which could link to high speed lines from England. The business case for that Edinburgh to Glasgow link will be sent to Scottish Ministers in a few weeks.

“An independent Scotland could do more. Rather than paying our share of the borrowing costs for high speed rail, as we wait decades for it to spread up from the south, we can use that money to build high speed rail from the north instead.

“It’s time to take positive action. I can confirm today that the Scottish Government will build on the joint work we are undertaking with the UK Government. We will establish a feasibility study to explore in detail the options for building high speed rail from Scotland to England. In doing so, we will work closely with partners across the UK, especially in the north of England. Of course we can’t determine the route, until we undertake the feasibility study. But it is a statement of intent.

“I want to draw a brief comparison. In the north of Scotland, we are investing to reduce the time it takes to travel between Aberdeen and Inverness. We’re doing that because we want to create a conurbation of connectivity across that part of Scotland. In a similar way, we can develop a conurbation of connectivity between Carlisle and the south west of Scotland.

“That way, a prosperous Carlisle and Cumbria will benefit south west Scotland, just as a prosperous Scotland will benefit the north of England.

“These rail projects could have the potential to bring huge benefits for all of us. But they require an initiative and impetus which is more likely to come from a Scottish Government whose main population centres are within 100 miles of here, than from a Westminster Government based 300 miles away.”

The First Minister’s commitment to closer cooperation between an independent Scotland and the border lands of England will also be recognised through a forum to forge strong economic links for those both north and south of the Border with a dedicated lead minister post-independence.

During the speech, the First Minister told a gathering of business people that a railway line from London to Manchester and Leeds would bring £3 billion benefit to Scotland – but a full High Speed Rail connection would bring £24 billion and lead a major shift from air to rail.

Concluding, the First Minister said:

“I look forward to a future of close collaboration between an independent Scotland and the north of England – in a partnership which will be good for Scotland, good for the north of England, and good for all of the nations of these islands. Happy St George’s Day. ”


Car Boot sale anyone?

Who isn’t interested in a car boot sale and this one is for a good cause. All sales of cakes and refreshments and pitch proceeds to go to Project Zambia (details can be found at www.justgiving.com/ProjectZambia2014)


Project Zambia is run by St Andrews Student Services. During summer students will be travelling to Kazemba, Chongwe for four weeks teaching literacy and music in a primary school. For these children, many of whom are single or double orphans, education represents the major route out of poverty.


Venue: Holy Cross Church Hall, Quality Street (opposite Tesco), Davidsons Mains

Date: Saturday 10th May 2014

Time: 2.00-4.00pm



Free compost this Friday!

Compost_giveaway_posterVictoria Park

The city council is giving away free bags of compost made from residents’ recycled garden waste to mark the return of fortnightly garden waste collections and to thank residents for using the service.

The local event in the North neighbourhood is this Friday (25 April) at Victoria Park (entrance by Trinity Primary School gate) from 12.20 until stocks run out.

Council officers will be on hand to provide information about all city recycling services, and will have some food waste kitchen caddies and liners to give to those who need them.

UK premiere to launch MS Awareness Week


Leith’s MS Therapy Centre is to mark MS Awareness Week 2014 (28 Apr-4 May) by hosting the UK premiere of “When I Walk”, an award-winning film by Jason DaSilva about his life with MS.

The event takes place on Monday (28 April) at the Filmhouse Cinema on Lothian Road at 11am. Tickets are priced at £12.50 and available at www.mstc-lothian.org.uk.

Thirty five year old New Yorker Jason (pictured above) was diagnosed with MS in 2006. He had been on holiday with his family when he suddenly fell down. Unable to get back up, he could no longer ignore the disease which doctors had diagnosed a few months earlier.

Jason tried exercise to help, but after his fall on the beach his mum reminded him he was still able to pursue the things he enjoyed most in life – art and filmmaking – and from that moment he set about set out on a worldwide journey in search of healing, self-discovery and love.

Jason said: “I just want people to relate to it to as a story that is interesting and compelling to watch. And I do hope that for people with disabilities or struggles with illness similar to mine, it will be cathartic for them to see their story on film.”

Nancy Campbell, Operations Manager at the MS Therapy Centre, said: “We are showing the film in the hope it will provide some insight into MS, its symptoms, and its impact. Scotland has the highest incidence of MS in the world and can’t be ignored. “

The MS Therapy Centre Lothian is a charity providing help and practical therapies such as physiotherapy, complementary therapies and oxygen therapy as well as emotional support and advice.www.mstc-lothian.org.uk

Fidra Court incident: Man charged

A 61 year old man has been charged under the Explosives Substances Act after an incident in Muirhouse at the weekend.

Fidra Court was cordoned off by police officers on Friday night after a number of suspicious packages were reported. Bomb disposal experts were called to the scene and residents were evacuated until the early hours of Saturday morning.

Police have confirmed that a 61-year-old man has now been charged and he is expected to appear in court later.

Chief Inspector Sara Buchanan said: “We are still in the early stages of our inquiry and I’d like to thank the public for their patience, particularly those who were evacuated at Fidra Court, while we worked to establish the circumstances of this incident.”

Fidra Court

Volunteering opportunities at Fresh Start


A local resettlement charity is looking for enthusiastic people to join its band of volunteers. Ferry Road Drive-based Fresh Start, which helps people previously homeless make a home for themselves, urgently needs people to join its Hit Squad and Gardening teams.

Keith Robertson, Managing Director at Fresh Start (pictured above with volunteer Caroline) said: “You don’t need to be an expert gardener or decorator – we are just looking for people with some basic skills who can work as part of a team and support vulnerable people to get back on their feet.”

Hit Squads work alongside new tenants to help them decorate their new house. Volunteers help prepare the rooms for decorating including cleaning, sanding, lining walls and painting the whole room. Last year 120 clients received support to decorate their new home through the Hit Squad service.

But while Hit Squads work alongside new tenants to help them decorate their new house, it is more than just a decorating service. Not only does it improve a client’s living space but also teaches new skills to help them establish and maintain a home and it also benefits people through positive social contact, helping to combat vulnerability and isolation

The charity is also looking for people to volunteer in its allotment where food grown such as vegetables, herbs and potatoes will be used in cookery classes at Fresh Start’s Food Station.

The Food Station service aims to tackle health inequalities amongst people who have been homeless by giving access to refurbished cookers, cooking classes, food packs and budgeting advice.

Keith Robertson added: “Both these projects are fundamental to Fresh Start’s work helping to combat vulnerability and isolation often experienced during periods of homelessness. Hit Squads support people to learn new skills that will enable them to maintain their home, while our cookery classes and gardening projects help people to learn basic cooking skills as well as enjoy being outdoors in the garden.”

To find out more about volunteering:

visit http://bit.ly/freshstartvolunteer

call Fresh Start on 0131 476 7741

or email enquiries@freshstartweb.org.uk


City to (book)mark World Book Night

WBN logo

Edinburgh libraries will be joining the celebrations to mark World Book Night 2014 tomorrow (23 April) by hosting free events across the Capital to encourage reading in local communities.

The celebrations will be led by the Central Library, which will be welcoming visitors to attend a debate with world leading psychology writer Richard Wiseman, whose book ‘59 Seconds’ is one of the top 20 titles being celebrated through Community Book Giving on World Book Night.

The event, which will be chaired by journalist Claire Black, will look closely at the modern day mind myths promoted by the self-help industry, and outline quick and quirky ideas to help people achieve their aims in minutes not months.

Elsewhere in Edinburgh, Oxgangs Library will be hosting a free World Book Night Quiz and Book Swap, while Leith and McDonald Road Libraries will be inviting visitors to discuss their favourite books with staff. Staff from Wester Hailes Library will also be visiting Tynecastle Boys Football Club to hand out books and promote Edinburgh libraries’ teenage reading programme.

Councillor Richard Lewis, the city’s Culture and Sport Convener, said: “World Book Night is a great opportunity for everyone in Edinburgh to share or even start their love of reading and encourage others to get involved. It is very appropriate that Edinburgh, the world’s first UNESCO City of Literature, are hosting this event to get people excited about reading, writing and literature.”


Sue Wilkinson, CEO of The Reading Agency, said: “World Book Night is one of the highlights of the year for us and for all our partners; this year it promises to be more exciting than ever. All over the country people are coming together to celebrate and share their love of reading. The generous tradition of volunteer book giving inspired and supported by publishers is being extended this year to include community book givers all of whom will give away a book of their own to inspire someone in their community to love reading.

“We hope that this, together with the events taking place in libraries across the UK, will ensure that April 23rd is an evening we will all long remember; the night when many more people realise that everything changes when we read.”

On World Book Night, 250,000 titles will be given by a network of volunteer reading enthusiasts and institutions focusing on reaching the 35% of the population who don’t read for pleasure. As World Book Night plays out, strangers will become friends, colleagues will pause and reflect, libraries and bookshops will go the extra mile to ‘stay up late’, and authors of all genres will share their writings and love of the written word with audiences of all ages.

Since it began in 2011, World Book Night has created an extraordinary group of 46,000 volunteers, giving books away to over 2 million people. This will be a landmark year for World Book Night which has recently come under the guardianship of The Reading Agency: the charity with a mission to give everyone an equal chance to become a reader.


This year for the first time, The Reading Agency is launching Community Book Giving, a new way of getting involved in World Book Night which will widen the opportunity for volunteer participation further than ever before, allowing even more people to spread a love of reading to those who don’t normally read for pleasure or own books.

Community Book Giving means that anyone can take part in the annual gifting of books on April 23 without applying to give away copies of the official books donated by publishers for the occasion; anyone can sign up, and they will be responsible for giving their own book, which can be anything they choose, either taking it from their book shelves, or buying it new or second-hand. Special World Book Night branded stickers and bookplates will be available from libraries, participating bookshops – including Waterstones and independents – or available online to download so that books can be officially branded as part of the celebrations.

As in previous years, World Book Night will be celebrated on UNESCO International Day of the Book with many experiences unfolding simultaneously across the UK, the USA and Ireland. In the UK flagship events will be held in Birmingham and London.


Author Andy McNab’s ‘Today Everything Changes’ is one of twenty books included on this year’s list. He said: “I am delighted that one of my books has been included in World Book Night. I didn’t read my first book until the age of 17, but I clearly remember the feeling of pride and achievement when I closed the cover at the end. Books changed my life and if World Book Night puts books into the hands of people who otherwise might not discover them then it is achieving something incredibly important.”

For more information about World Book Night go to:


Government bingo!

Dear Editor

I thought George Osborne would be interested in my extended playing of Bingo, with the caller’s comments:

By itself, number 1 … Tory philosophy

By itself, number 4 … Out the door – bedroom tax

By itself, number 5 … Wasted years

By itself, number 8 … show them the gate!

Number 10 … Cameron’s Den – not for long!

Legs, 11 … Osborne will need them!

Unlucky for some, 13 …. for about sixty million!

Blind, 20 … Cabinet profile

Two little ducks, 22 … Quack, quack, Jeremy!

Three and one, 31 … we’ve been done!

Blind, 40 … plus Ali Baba

Five and seven, 57 … Tory heaven

The Brighton Line, five and nine, 59 … Let’s call time!

Clickety click, 66 … Any new tricks?

Any way up, six and nine, 69 … mine, mine, mine!


Prize – a lemon! Game over.


A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens








Scotland’s economy: glass half full or half empty?


Just how real is the economic recovery? For some, the future’s certainly looking brighter but for many more life continues to be a daily struggle … 

The economic recovery in Scotland is now becoming more embedded, Scotland Office Minister David Mundell said yesterday. Commenting on the latest Scottish Chambers of Commerce business survey, Mr Mundell also stressed that there was further work to be done.

Mr Mundell said: “As today’s Scottish Chambers of Commerce survey and other recent business surveys confirm, optimism amongst Scottish businesses continues to grow. Key performance measures have reached levels not seen since 2007 which is leading to more and more Scottish businesses looking to recruit new staff.

The manufacturing sector continues to show robust growth with investment at its highest level in six years and export orders increasing for five consecutive quarters.

“As part of the UK, Scotland is doing well. Whilst our economic recovery is becoming more embedded there is still much work to be done. The Budget set out the next stage of our long term economic plan, making it easier for Scottish businesses to invest, to take on new staff and excel on a global stage.”

With business confidence rising, The Scottish Chamber of Commerce sees a brighter economic future for Scotland, The business organisation released their Business Survey results for the first quarter of 2014 yesterday.

“The hard work and determination of Scottish businesses is yielding positive outcomes for the growth of Scotland’s economy. All the indicators in this survey point to sustained economic growth as key sectors increase investment to expand activity, boosted by higher levels of business optimism”, said Scottish Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive Liz Cameron.

“Investment intentions of Scottish businesses are encouraging with the manufacturing industry showing superb results with higher levels of investment than at any time in the past 6 years and robust growth in export orders shown by a consistent increase over 5 consecutive quarters. Whilst investment levels in the construction sector remain low, for only the second time in 5 years investment has not declined, and over 70% of businesses in the sector have either maintained or increased commercial and domestic orders compared with the last quarter. Promisingly, almost 90% of construction businesses surveyed expect employee numbers to remain the same or increase in the next 3 months and less than 14% reduced employment in the previous quarter.

“Higher levels of business optimism in construction, wholesale, retail and tourism is a positive signal for continued growth, as all sectors reported higher levels of confidence in Q1 2014 compared with the same quarter last year.

“However, despite these positive indicators, challenges still remain. The retail industry is expecting a decrease in profitability in 2014 which may point to stalled consumer confidence and seasonal patterns, but benefit may be drawn from positive growth in the tourism sector as confidence levels among hotels remained high and a rise in the use of conference facilities was also reported.

“The issue of skills shortages is becoming more prominent as businesses look to expand and invest. Businesses in the manufacturing sector are reporting difficulties in recruiting skilled & technical staff and the tourism sector are also reporting difficulties in recruiting managerial staff and chefs. It is vital that the organisations responsible for the development of skills provision, actively work with the business community to ensure employees are provided with the skills required to succeed.

“The buoyancy and optimism of Scottish businesses is to be commended but Governments in Scotland and the UK must facilitate opportunities for businesses to access affordable finance, particularly as cash flow remains a pertinent issue for businesses in construction and manufacturing. Alongside this, efforts to export internationally must be strengthened by policy makers to enable Scottish businesses to take advantage of global trade opportunities.”

However other senior figures believe the latest figures don’t tell the whole story and that much still needs be done – particularly for the lowest paid.

Responding to the latest Labour Market and GDP statistics Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) General Secretary Grahame Smith said: “These figures include some more positive news on the Scottish labour market but confirm that recovery remains very slow. As some focus on the level it is important to stress that the employment rate – a significantly more accurate measure of the health of the labour market – remains fully 3.5% below its pre-recession peak.

“Youth unemployment continues to stagnate at a high level with the unemployment rate for 16-24 year olds falling by only 0.1% in the year to December. We also know that far too many of the jobs that are being created are low paid and insecure whilst the number of those needing more hours at work to make a decent living remains far too high.

“STUC is not unduly concerned by the fact that Scottish GDP growth in the last quarter of 2013 was much lower than for the UK as a whole. We expect growth to catch up in the subsequent quarter. Far more concerning is the overall lack of evidence of economic rebalancing in Scotland and across the whole of the UK.”

And earlier this week The Trussell Trust, the UK’s largest foodbank network, reported that over 900,000 adults and children have received three days’ emergency food and support from Trussell Trust foodbanks in the last 12 months, a 163 per cent rise on the previous year’s numbers. The charity says that despite signs of economic recovery, the poorest have seen incomes squeezed even more than last year and more people are being referred to foodbanks than ever before.

The Trussell Trust’s Chairman, Chris Mould, said: ‘That 900,000 people have received three days’ food from a foodbank, close to triple the numbers helped last year, is shocking in 21st century Britain. But perhaps most worrying of all this figure is just the tip of the iceberg of UK food poverty, it doesn’t include those helped by other emergency food providers, those living in towns where there is no foodbank, people who are too ashamed to seek help or the large number of people who are only just coping by eating less and buying cheap food.

“In the last year we have seen things get worse, rather than better, for many people on low-incomes. It’s been extremely tough for a lot of people, with parents not eating properly in order to feed their children and more people than ever experiencing seemingly unfair and harsh benefits sanctions.

“Unless there is determined policy action to ensure that the benefits of national economic recovery reach people on low-incomes we won’t see life get better for the poorest anytime soon.

“A more thoughtful approach to the administration of the benefits regime and sanctions in particular, increasing the minimum wage, introducing the living wage and looking at other measures such as social tariffs for essentials like energy would help to address the problem of UK hunger.”
