Corstorphine Hill murder inquiry update

Detectives investigating the murder of a middle-aged woman whose remains were found in an Edinburgh nature reserve are still looking for help to identify her, ten days after the woman’s dismembered body was discovered on Corstorphine Hill.

Detective Chief Inspector Keith Hardie, who is leading the inquiry, said: “I am really pleased with the response from the public and we have received a lot of useful information. However I am still awaiting that one elusive phone call which will provide the vital clue which will assist us to put a name to this woman.

“We are receiving calls and information from across the UK and it is all being assessed and followed up. However, as yet, we have not been given the crucial piece of information which will tell us who she is. “

The woman was believed to have been aged between 32 and 60 and had had extensive cosmetic work, in the form of veneers, carried out on her teeth.  She was white, slim and of medium build and about 5ft 2ins tall.

Forensic examination of four rings belonging to the woman continues. Two of the rings stand out – one in the shape of a daisy and one in the shape of a love heart.  Both are made of gold and are set with precious stones. It’s hoped that pictures of the distinctive rings worn by the victim will be made available on Monday.

DCI Hardie added: “I hope that a combination of the description of the woman, her rings and an appeal for any woman who has not been seen  anytime in the past six months will strike a chord with people.”

The inquiry team has also received a lot of useful information about people seen on Corstorphine Hill with big rucksacks and carriers in which the dismembered remains may have been transported and implements which could be used for digging.

Chief Inspector Murray Dykes, of Police Scotland Edinburgh Division, said: “High visibility patrols continue on Corstorphine Hill and the surrounding area and members of the public are encouraged to approach these officers if they have any information they want to bring to our attention.”



Festival of Cycling gets underway today

The first ever Edinburgh Festival of Cycling – the UK’s biggest cycling festival – gets underway today. Running until 23 June, the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling boasts a packed calendar of events from exhibitions, films and talks, to rides and races, workshops and the world’s first cycling poetry slam, Bike Slam.

Heels on Wheels, a ‘Ladies day’ of cycling, will be held at The Meadows next Saturday (22 June) from 11am to 3pm and aims to be a fun and educational event for the whole family. This event is free and all are welcome.

Copenhagen’s bicycle ambassador, Mikael Colville-Andersen, will give a talk on “Bicycle Culture by Design” this evening in the Assembly Hall, Mound Place at 7.30pm. Tickets are £15 (£13 concessions).

In ‘The Fastest Woman to Cycle Around the World’, Juliana Buhring will give a talk about setting the first women’s world record for fastest circumnavigation of the world by bicycle, which she achieved in just 152 days, finishing in December 2012. This talk will be at 7.30pm on Saturday 22 June at George Square Lecture Theatre – tickets are £12 (£10 concessions).

The city council has provided £8,000 in funding, as well as advice and support, to the organisers of the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling. Councillor Jim Orr, Vice Convener of Transport and Environment, said: “There is so much to do, see and hear in this exciting festival programme – I would encourage anyone with an interest in bikes to check it out, you never know what you’ll discover. It’s not just for cycling enthusiasts, either – there are plenty of events for families and for people who don’t already cycle but are keen to take it up.

“Having just been on an inspirational visit to Amsterdam, where cycling is such an intrinsic part of urban life (half of all journeys in the city centre are by bike), I’m very keen to build on Edinburgh’s already-established reputation as a cycling city. Events like this terrific Festival of Cycling are exactly the kind of collaborative, forward-looking initiatives which will help us do just that.”

Kim Harding, Festival Director, said: “We set out with the aim of creating a real Edinburgh-style festival, something that would act as a showcase for all aspects of bicycle culture and the host city. From rides (sporty and otherwise) to family activities to a range of cultural events, we hope that the Edinburgh Festival of Cycling will truly have something for everyone. Let the fun begin!”

The Council has committed 6% of its Transport budget to cycling, with current projects including the A90 cycle route from Haymarket to Forth Bridge and the resurfacing and widening of North Meadow Walk.

Festival of cycling

Dads Rock head to Hamilton for fun on Father’s Day

Eileen Campbell opened Dads Rock at The Prentice Centre
Eileen Campbell opened Dads Rock at The Prentice Centre

Edinburgh dads group Dads Rock will head west to help launch a new PlayTalkRead initiative aimed at men tomorrow.

A list of 30 things for dads to do with their children up to the age of three is being launched this Father’s Day. Dads attending the Family Man Fun Day at Hamilton Park Racecourse this Sunday will be invited to have a go at some of the suggestions on the list by climbing on board the PlayTalkRead buses.

The two buses will be packed with activities for children to enjoy with their families. One of the buses will be taken over by Dads Rock, Scotland’s only musical playgroup run by dads for dads, who will be demonstrating their own brand of fatherly fun through songs, storytelling and games.

The 30 Things To Do With Dad Before You’re Three list offers loads of great ideas to encourage dads to spend some quality time with their children, from dressing dad up as a superhero and making pancakes together, to staging a mini Olympics and building a den to read a book inside.

Minister for Children and Young People Aileen Campbell said:

“Father’s Day rightly celebrates all that’s great about dads and is a great opportunity to have some family fun.

“This new list is packed with great ideas for dads spending quality time with their children. We know that evidence shows us that during the first three years of a child’s life, 75 per cent of brain growth is complete and an estimated 50 per cent of language is in place, so it’s never too early to start.

“Simply playing, talking and reading with little ones will give them the best start in life. I hope everyone visiting the PlayTalkRead buses at the Family Man Fun Day has a great day out.”

The full 30 Things To Do With Dad Before You’re Three list is available to download from the PlayTalkRead website along with a number of new interactive games for parents and children.

Thomas Lynch, co-founder of Dads Rock, said:

“We are thrilled to be asked to be a part of PlayTalkRead’s celebration of Father’s Day. This is only one step towards our long term vision to support dads across the country to understand the vital role they play in their children’s development. In line with PlayTalkRead’s principles we believe that doing simple things such as singing along to your favourite band, or playing with your children daily is crucial for bonding and children’s healthy development.”

Research underpinning the Early Years Framework shows that:

  • During the first three years 75 per cent of brain growth is complete
  • By the age of three, 50 per cent of our language is in place
  • Children whose parents talk to them frequently have better language skills than parents who seldom talk to them (at 20 months babies of talkative parents knew 131 more words that infants of less talkative parents. At 24 months the difference was 295)

Follow Play Talk Read on Twitter – @playtalkread

Arise, Sir Baldrick!

images[3]At last, a ‘cunning plan’ has come together – and in British honours system hierarchy Baldrick now outranks his master Blackadder! Blackadder actor Tony Robinson has been knighted while his co-star Rowan Atkinson receives a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours.

Among the other well-known names to receive honours are Adele, Rob Brydon, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber, Clare Balding, golfer Paul Lawrie and former Lib Dem leader Sir Menzies Campbell, but the majority of recipients are unsung heroes – of the 1,180 people who appear on the Birthday Honours list, almost three-quarters are people who are actively engaged in charitable or voluntary work within their local communities.


Edinburgh’s top, say tenants

Edinburgh tenants have given Council housing in the city a vote of confidence in a new survey. Over 1000 Council tenants took part in the survey, which showed that satisfaction ratings are among the highest of any similar landlord in the UK.

Of those questioned, 89% were satisfied with the quality of their home, giving Edinburgh the highest score among similar landlords. 90% of participants responded that they are happy with the housing service they receive and only 4% responded that they are dissatisfied.  Satisfaction levels with key services, customer care and engagement were either equal to or higher than other large landlords in the UK.

Neighbourhoods were also rated highly with 92% of tenants stating that they are happy with their neighbourhoods and only 2% were not.

Housing Convener, Councillor Ricky Henderson, said: “This feedback from tenants reinforces the high reputation of the Council’s housing service and is a real vote of confidence.

“The Scottish Housing Regulator has already awarded our housing service the highest grade of any local authority, so it is encouraging to see that our tenants are also satisfied with their homes and the service they receive.”

The Council has worked closely with Edinburgh Tenants Federation in designing the survey. Both organisations will work together to develop an action for any necessary improvements identified from the results.

Betty Stevenson, Convener of Edinburgh Tenants Federation, said: “The Federation has been closely involved in developing the survey and we are pleased with the results showing high satisfaction. We will be working with the Council to make sure that any identified improvements are put in place.”

Do you agree with those survey results? Are you saisfied with the city council’s housing service? Let us know!


For one night only … the fabulous Timebank Temptations!

The Timebank Temptations is the local singing group formed by members of North Edinburgh Timebank.

Fresh from their appearance opening the Volunteer Awards ceremony at the City Chambers last week, they are doing a free show for all their supporters, friends and families tomorrow evening. All welcome!

 Friday 14 June at 7pm in North Edinburgh Arts 

catch them before they go global!

No, not those Temptations - the Timebank Temptations!
No, not those Temptations – the Timebank Temptations!


Police seek help over Corstorphine Hill murder

CorstorHillDetectives investigating the discovery of human remains on Corstorphine Hill in Edinburgh are appealing for help from the public in identifying the female victim. A member of the public reported finding part of the body last Thursday when cycling on Corstorphine Hill.

Since then a detailed and careful excavation of the site has been undertaken by forensic experts and a post mortem was carried out on Tuesday (11 June).

Detective Chief Inspector Keith Hardie of the Specialist Crime Division’s Major Investigation Team said: “The victim’s body had been dismembered before it was buried on Corstorphine Hill. We believed this may have been within a time frame of a matter of a few weeks but possibly as much as six months. This is a murder investigation and our immediate focus is on identifying this woman, and establishing the circumstances around her death. We need the public’s support to achieve this.

“This is someone’s daughter, it may be someone’s mother and I am appealing today to the public to consider if there is a mother, a daughter or a friend you have not seen or heard from  for the past few weeks or months, and the person fits the following description I would urge you to contact us now.

“We know the lady  was white, middle aged, slim and of medium build and short in height.. She has had significant cosmetic work on her teeth. We have also recovered a number of rings and two of these are distinctive, both are gold in appearance with one in the design of a daisy and the other is heart shaped. I feel confident that someone will recognise the description of the lady’s teeth and the rings, together with the general description of a slim middle aged lady who has disappeared.”

Mr Hardie is also convinced that the body was dismembered elsewhere and later taken to Corstorphine Hill. He is asking people who use this popular nature reserve to consider if they may have seen anyone who, on reflection, could have been involved in depositing the body in the area.

“Can you recall, anytime since the end of last year, seeing a person or individuals on the hill with particularly large rucksacks/backpacks or carrying tools, If so, please get in touch with us.”

Chief Inspector Murray Dykes, of Police Scotland Edinburgh Division, said: “This is a distressing case but I want to reassure people that it is also a very unusual one. Corstorphine Hill is very popular, well used and a safe place to walk, cycle and enjoy some leisure time. While there are very few reports of crime relating to that area, I have had high visibility patrols in place since Thursday to provide reassurance and these will continue for the time being. These officers will be engaging with members of the public and people can pass on information through them if they wish or at the Police Command vehicle which is currently situated on Balgreen Road.”


Almost £90m to help young Scots into work


Almost £90 million is to be invested in helping Scotland’s young people into work and supporting small business growth, as part of record funding bringing together cash from the Scottish Government, local councils, Cosla, the European Commission and employers.

Up to 10,000 young people Scotland-wide are expected to be supported into work – particularly in small businesses – thanks to the £87.85 million total investment package detailed today by First Minister Alex Salmond. An additional 3,000 jobs are expected to be created in small business around the country for workers of all ages.

In all, the investment package is comprised of two different funding streams:

  • The £50 million Youth Employment Scotland Fund, made up of £25 million from the Scottish Government and European Social Fund, matched by £25 million worth of in-kind support from employers and local councils
  • The £37.85 million SME Growth Programme to support businesses to grow and create employment opportunities for people of all ages – including young people, made up of £15.1 million cash from the European Regional Development Fund matched by £22.75 million worth of support from Scottish Enterprise and Business Gateway.

Details were unveiled by First Minister Alex Salmond this morning at Millar Callaghan Engineering in Irvine. Mr Salmond said: “No government across these islands has ever shown such commitment to ensuring young people are able to build their skills, develop real job experience and find tangible employment as this administration. This work continues to reap rewards, with figures released today showing youth employment rising and youth unemployment falling.

“Since Angela Constance was appointed as Minister for Youth Employment in December 2011 youth unemployment has fallen from 25.4 per cent to 15.2 per cent. Now Scotland has one of the lowest youth unemployment rates in Europe. However, there is not a shred of complacency in our approach.

“We know that Scottish progress is threatened by Westminster austerity and Chancellor Osborne’s failure to back economic growth. Therefore, this substantial announcement illustrates our determination for further success in a Team Scotland drive against youth unemployment.

“Today’s announcement of a further £88 million investment represents an enormous contribution to furthering that cause. Up to 10,000 young people will get real jobs thanks to this money – 10,000 young people getting the chance to build themselves real futures with real careers. That’s in addition to a further 3,000 jobs for people of all ages working in Scotland’s small business sector.

“Thanks to working together with employers, councils, Cosla and public agencies, we’ll be able to build considerably on the £25 million of European structural funds earmarked last year to promote youth jobs – more than tripling the original sum.

“These two programmes will help more small and medium sized businesses recruit young people and build capacity for economic growth. The total investment available is unprecedented in its ambition and will make sure employers have the right help in place to take on more young staff and grow their business.

“We already know employers are willing. Here at Millar Callaghan, as at many workplaces around the country, young staff are being taken on, learning new skills and in turn helping bring in new business. We want all small companies to take advantage of the support available to make young people their business and, in turn, to grow their business.

“Our partnership approach was exemplified by the Employment Summit held with the STUC and our partners last year. However, cooperation on this cause is not just for government and social partners. It is the responsibility of every adult Scot, in our national endeavour to defeat youth unemployment.”

Also speaking at the launch event in Ayrshire were Cosla President Councillor David O’Neill and representatives of the Ayrshire Youth Employment Service.

The news came on the day that it was announced that the number of jobless in Scotland fell by 6,000 to 194,000 between February and April this year and that youth unemployment was 6.1 per cent lower than the same period last year.

COSLA President Councillor David O’Neill said: “Scotland’s Councils know that unemployment at a young age can have both dramatic and lifelong repercussions. We have invested significant local resource and effort into giving our young people the utmost support as they make the transition into the world of work. The Youth Employment Scotland Fund will add to this investment and allow us to deliver even more over the next year.

“All of Scotland’s local authorities have been successful in their bids for the Youth Employment Scotland fund and will be focused on delivering the maximum possible for our young people.”

A spokesman for László Andor, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion from the European Commission said: “The European Commission welcomes the package of measures launched by the Scottish Government, in particular the employer recruitment incentives.

“The initiative supports small and medium enterprises to prevent jobless young people from becoming long-term unemployed and providing employment opportunities for youngsters across Scotland, aged 16-24, who encounter difficulty in obtaining employment. These measures are supported by the European Social Fund. ”

European Commission Spokesperson for Regional Policy, Shirin Wheeler, commented: “The European Regional Development Fund is providing a series of targeted investments in Scottish SMEs, enabling them to become more competitive – to realise their growth potential and to create sustainable jobs. We are actively improving business connectivity and access to finance.”

Councillor Stephen Hagan, COSLA’s Spokesperson for Development, Economy and Sustainability said: “The Business Gateway service delivered by local government and its partners already provides support to Scotland’s existing businesses helping them to grow and create employment opportunities. This enterprising combination of funds and support will help Business Gateway add even more value to Scotland’s economy whilst assisting Scotland’s young people gain the skills necessary for a fulfilling career.”

While welcoming the announcement, Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and a member of Holyrood’s economy committee, said further investment in small businesses is urgently needed to help drive down youth unemployment.

She said: “It’s encouraging to see this drop. But we continue to see problems in our economy where people want to do more hours to cope with the rising cost of living but can’t get the work. And we continue to see small and micro businesses squeezed out of being able to bid for public contracts.

“Investment by the Scottish Government in small and medium sized businesses to take on young people is very welcome. I’d like to see more of this kind of initiative rather than the false economy of tax cuts to lure big businesses with what are usually poorly paid, insecure jobs. By growing our local economies and our small businesses we have a better chance of success.”



Armchair view of Botanic Gardens’ sparrowhawks

Birdwatchers can get close up and personal with a beautiful bird of prey – without having to leave the comfort of their armchairs

A webcam was mounted in a sparrowhawk nest within the Botanic Gardens on 29 May, and since then there’s been live online video of activity at the nest. This is the third year in succession with live video coming from a sparrowhawk nest in the Garden.

Research is showing that the Garden is a key breeding site for these magnificent birds – the regular successful breeding in the Garden is a reflection of a healthy songbird population in this part of Edinburgh as these small birds make up the key prey items of sparrowhawks.

The project is the result of a partnership involving the Garden, RSPB Scotland, Lothian and Borders Raptor Study Group and the Scottish Seabird Centre. RBGE is particularly delighted to see the return of the sparrowhawk in this the Year of Natural Scotland, a celebration of our country’s wildlife and natural assets.

To see the local sparrowhawks in action go to



Broughton pupils on Question TIme

Two senior Broughton High School pupils are to appear on BBC’s Question Time tomorrow evening. Daniel McIvor and Tom Bagshaw were inspired by the recent ‘Question Time’ style event run by the school, are they were selected for the BBC programme for questions they submitted about the  Scottish independence referendum.

The show – which tomorrow comes from Edinburgh and features an audience of 16 and 17 year olds –  screens on BBC1 at 10.35 p.m.
