NHS Dentistry ‘at tipping point’

Over 8/10 NHS dental practices unable to offer appointments to new adult patients, in the most extensive survey of patient access ever undertaken 

The British Dental Association has pressed government to step up and deliver urgent reform, as new research from the BBC underlines the scale of the access crisis facing NHS patients across the country.  

Between May and July, BBC researchers reached out to every UK dental practice with an NHS contract to ask if they were taking on new patients. Working with the British Dental Association, the BBC identified 8,533 dental practices across the UK that were believed to hold NHS contracts and attempted to call them all.

The survey found:

  • In Scotland, 82% of NHS practices were not accepting new adult patients, 687 of 839.
  • Of those practices not taking on adults in Scotland, 39% (267) said they had an open waiting list, and 18% (124) said the wait time was a year or longer, or were unable to say how long it would be.
  • Out of 32 local authorities in Scotland, BBC researchers did not successfully reach any practices accepting new adult NHS patients in 9 (28%) local authorities.
  • In Scotland, 79% of NHS practices were not accepting new child patients, 663 of 839. Out of 32 local authorities in Scotland, BBC researchers did not successfully reach any practices accepting new child NHS patients in 7 (22%) local authorities.

Last month BDA Scotland warned the Scottish Government risked undermining the future sustainability of NHS dentistry, as they scaled down vital financial support for the service.  

From April to June practices received a 1.7 multiplier to the fees paid to provide NHS care, a reflection of the unprecedented backlog practices have faced as they try to ‘live with Covid’ and the continued suppressed activity compared with pre-pandemic levels.  This was cut down to 1.3 from July, following no discussion with the profession, leaving many dentists at risk of delivering some NHS treatments at a loss.

Official data suggests the total number of high street NHS dentists in Scotland has fallen by over 5% since the onset of Covid. The BDA has again urged the Scottish Government to, in the short term, develop a suitable interim funding package to support dentists and their teams as they work through the backlog, and begin work on a new, sustainable long-term model for NHS dentistry. 

David McColl, Chair of the British Dental Association’s Scottish Dental Practice Committee, said: “The Scottish Government promised free NHS dentistry for all, but the public are now living with the harsh reality. 

“You can’t run a health service on soundbites and slogans. Ministers need to take a long hard look at the evidence, and bring forward the reforms and resources we need to deliver for patients across Scotland.”

UK-wide 90% of NHS practices were not accepting new adult patients, 6,193 of 6,880.

Of those practices not taking on adults in the UK, 25% (1,572) said they had an open waiting list, and 17% (1,039) said the wait time was a year or longer, or were unable to say how long it would be.

Out of 217 local authorities in the UK, BBC researchers did not successfully reach any practices accepting new adult NHS patients in 77 (35%) local authorities.

80% of NHS practices were not accepting new child patients, 5,506 of 6,880. Of those practices not taking on children in the UK, 1,480 (27%) said they had an open waiting list, and 16% (902) said wait time was a year or longer, or were unable to say how long it would be. 

Out of 217 local authorities in the UK, BBC researchers did not successfully reach any practices accepting new child NHS patients in 25 (12%) local authorities.

Breakdowns by nation:

NationProportion not accepting adult patientsProportion not accepting child patients
Northern Ireland90%88%

Girlguiding volunteers needed in Edinburgh

A new recruitment campaign looking for volunteers to join Girlguiding Scotland has launched – #ExploreDiscoverVolunteer – which will help support the return of face-to-face guiding in communities across Scotland.

Around 1000 girls and young women in Edinburgh are currently on the waiting list to join a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide or Ranger unit and to help fulfil this Girlguiding Scotland is looking for volunteers across the nation. 

From adventure weekends away to earning new badges, Girlguiding Scotland wants to provide even more girls and young women a safe space to have fun, connect with their friends and build skills for their future.

According to Volunteer Scotland there are many benefits to volunteering including gaining confidence, meeting new people, being part of a community, taking on a challenge and having fun, all of which can be gained from being a volunteer with Girlguiding Scotland. 

A survey carried out by Girlguiding found that nearly a third of girls and young women in Scotland felt lockdown has had a negative impact on their mental health – amidst high levels of worry, stress, and loneliness.

Tricia Forrester, Girlguiding Scotland volunteer said: “It has been especially hard during the pandemic; we have had to come up with new and innovative ways to help support girls and young women’s wellbeing during these uncertain times.

“Being a volunteer for Girlguiding Scotland has really helped me embed myself into the community as well as being so rewarding, knowing that I am providing girls and young women with a safe space to have fun, connect with their friends and build skills for their future.”

Moira McKenna, Chief Guide for Girlguiding Scotland said: “We currently have a strong team of around 10,000 volunteers, but with growing demand we want to ensure that all girls and young women have the opportunity to join Girlguiding. We are looking to increase the adult membership to help more girls and young women access the benefits that guiding has to offer.

“We are looking for more volunteers to get involved to make a meaningful impact in the lives of girls and young women, building on the incredible work during the pandemic.

“New volunteers can choose from opportunities to work directly with young members and lead on the delivery of activities; go on international trips and adventure weekends away; and access bespoke training.

“The campaign highlights how volunteering with Girlguiding Scotland supports people’s self-development and improves their confidence and wellbeing.”

Bringing the benefits of guiding to more girls and adults across Scotland is central to Girlguiding Scotland’s strategy which aims to ensuring every girl and young woman who wants to join guiding in Scotland, whatever their background, will have the opportunity to do so.

Anyone can get involved in guiding, whether they’ve previously been a member, and with a variety of volunteer roles to choose from people can give the time that suits them.

If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer or know a girl who would like to join guiding, please visit www.girlguidingscotland.org.uk/get-involved/ to find out how to get involved.

Scottish Children’s Services Coalition: More than 1,600 children have been waiting over a year for mental health treatment

The Scottish Children’s Services Coalition (SCSC), an alliance of leading providers of children’s services, has called for significantly increased investment in mental health services and warned of a mental health pandemic as the impacts of Covid-19 on the young become clearer.

The call comes as new figures published today (7th September 2021) from Public Health Scotland indicate that at the end of June 2021, 1,686 children and young people had been waiting over a year for treatment from specialist child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) provided by the NHS. This figure represents a doubling from June 2020 (787).They also represent 14.4 per cent of those waiting for specialist treatment.

With already under-resourced and overstretched services facing overwhelming pressure due to increased demand, the SCSC has raised concerns over a potential “lost generation” of vulnerable children and young people whose mental health is being impacted by Covid-19. 

Even prior to the pandemic cases of poor mental health were at unprecedented levels and there are a growing number of vulnerable children who cannot access adequate support. This was further reinforced by a recent blog post from Antony Clark, a director for public health watchdog, Audit Scotland, who noted that “serious concerns have existed for years”, and that action was now more urgent given the impact of the pandemic on young people.

Figures issued last month showed that self-harm among the young in Scotland was at its the highest level for 14 years and this is undoubtedly only the tip of the iceberg.3

While 4,552 children and young people were treated over the period April to June 2021 by CAMHS, only 72.6 per cent were seen within the Scottish Government’s waiting time target for the NHS of 18 weeks from referral to treatment (met for at least 90 per cent of patients).4 Nine out of 14 health boards failed to meet this target (full table in Notes to Editors).

In addition to increased investment in mental health services, the SCSC has called for a renewed focus on expanded prevention and early intervention services, reducing the need for referral to costly specialist CAMHS. It has also called for greater partnership working between the public, private and third sectors as well as greater awareness of the services on offer, especially those at a community level.

A spokesperson for the SCSC commented: “These frightening statistics highlight the challenges ahead and while we welcome a commitment by the Scottish Government to increase investment in mental health services to 1 per cent of NHS spending over the next five years, we need this investment now

“This increased investment should not however just apply to the NHS and one of the key problems is that early intervention support has not been available due to funding restrictions.  Investing in early intervention limits the need for highly costly CAMHS and increasing resourcing in support services and intervention strategies must be a priority for this government.

“We have for some time raised concerns over a potential lost generation of vulnerable children and young people, whose mental health is being impacted even further by the Covid-19 pandemic.  It is more important then ever that children can access the support they need, when they need it, irrespective of where they live.

“This is a crisis we can overcome, but it will require a similar energy and commitment to that demonstrated for Covid-19 if we are to achieve this and prevent many young people giving up on their futures.”

NHS Trusts grappling with challenges on ‘multiple fronts’

Survey by NHS Providers reveals fears over waiting lists, COVID-19 and winter pressures

survey by NHS Providers sets out in stark detail how NHS leaders are grappling with challenges on multiple fronts as they seek to meet rising demand for health services alongside a rapidly growing waiting list and a worrying surge of COVID-19.

The health service is coming under concerted pressure with recent figures revealing a record 5.1 million people on waiting lists, over 2 million A&E attendances in the last month and a steep increase in demand for mental health services.

Trusts and frontline staff are working at full pelt to clear the backlog of care that has built up during the pandemic, with 90% of pre-pandemic levels of operations now being carried out and a small, but welcome fall in the number of people now waiting over 52 weeks for treatment to begin.

But our survey reveals widespread concerns amongst trust leaders that winter pressures and further surges of COVID-19 will derail plans to deal with the backlog of care and undermine hard-won progress.

These findings come just days after the chief medical officer warned of a further wave of COVID-19 this winter and the prime minister was forced to delay plans to further ease restrictions following a sharp rise in infections and hospital admissions because of the Delta variant.

The survey responses reveal:

  • A large majority of leaders (88%) said it was likely that another surge in COVID-19 cases would place additional pressures on their services.
  • 89% said they were worried these additional pressures would come during the challenging winter months.
  • Almost three quarters (73%) of respondents raised concerns that plans to clear the backlog of care over winter risked being disrupted because of the need to prioritise demand for urgent and emergency care.
  • Almost half (48%) of respondents said they have seen evidence of staff leaving their organisation due to early retirement, COVID-19 burnout, or other effects from working in the pandemic. Respondents are concerned that juggling winter, flu, COVID-19 and ambitious recovery plans will once again put pressure on the workforce.

Commenting on the survey results, the deputy chief executive of NHS Providers, Saffron Cordery said: “Our survey reveals the sheer scale of the challenge facing trusts right now. They are battling on multiple fronts as they try to recover care backlogs, deal with increased demand for emergency care and treat patients with COVID-19.

“This is difficult at the best of times but as we saw last year, could become even more challenging during the hard winter months, particularly with the expectation that flu will return and there will be increased respiratory viruses among children.

“Trusts are committed to clearing the backlog of care that built up during the pandemic. We are confident vaccines are breaking the chain between infections and hospital admissions, but the reality on the frontline is that even a small increase in COVID-19 admissions or emergency care pressures could affect our ability to deliver non-COVID services.

“Trust leaders are doing all they can, but there are three steps the government can take immediately to ease the current pressure trusts are facing.

The government must provide much needed short-term capital funding so trusts can direct it to the services that need it most. Saffron Cordery    DEPUTY CHIEF EXECUTIVE

“First, the government must provide much needed short-term capital funding so trusts can direct it to the services that need it most. Trusts tell us they need capital quickly to expand intensive care units, to invest in digital to transform pathways to see patients more quickly, and to adapt estates to create more capacity.

“Second, trusts need to maintain patient flow and maximise their capacity. We’re urging the government to commit to permanent, dedicated funding for the discharge to assess programme, which ensures patients who are ready to leave hospital are placed in a more appropriate setting freeing up hospital beds.

“Third, we need national bodies to work with NHS leaders to get the planning for winter pressures right to help manage the risk ahead. We know the NHS faces a perfect storm of COVID-19, flu and other respiratory illnesses as well as a growing backlog of care. We must act now.”

‘The threat of winter is tangible’

RCEM supports NHS Providers call for action

Responding to the latest survey from NHS Providers about the challenges facing Trusts, Dr Adrian Boyle, Vice President of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, said:

“The health service is facing serious pressures: with the backlog of elective care reaching 5.1 million patients; and the urgent and emergency care system facing record breaking attendances.

“It is an incredibly challenging time, but we support our Trust Leaders and recognise that they are doing what they can to manage the current situation.

“We support NHS Providers and their three steps the government can take to ease pressures currently facing Trusts. We particularly welcome NHS Providers call for action ahead of winter and the likely increase of pressures that covid, flu and respiratory illnesses will bring, in tandem with the urgent tackling of elective care.

Since April 2021, the College has warned of the threat of winter and the need to prepare the health service and ready Emergency Departments. It is absolutely essential that we ensure there is adequate capacity, adequate access to alternative care, departments have the right resources, and that staff are prepared.

“Our Summer to Recover: Winter-proofing Urgent and Emergency Care for 2021 outlines the steps the government, NHS Trusts and Boards, and ED Leadership Teams can take to prepare ahead of winter.

“We welcome the recognition from NHS Providers of this threat ahead, now we wait for the urgent action and leadership from government that is desperately needed.”

Health: Tories call for greater use of private sector to cut waiting times

The amount spend by NHS Lothian on private treatment for inpatients has reduced significantly over the last five years. Inpatient (IP/DC) private spend has dropped from £15,751,689 in 2014/15 to just £1,339,216 in 2018/19. Continue reading Health: Tories call for greater use of private sector to cut waiting times