Tierney Award for Susan – Leader of the Pack!


Susan Jeffrey received Drylaw’s Thomas Tierney Award for Good Citizenship at a packed Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre last night. Susan was joined by friends, family and colleagues at a reception organised to mark the annual award that celebrates our unsung local heroes (writes Dave Pickering).

Susan was the unanimous choice of Drylaw Telford community members for her incredible contribution as a volunteer with the Brownies at Drylaw Parish Church – Susan has been with the pack on a Monday evening for thirty years!

Presenting the award, Councillor Lesley Hinds said: “It’s really nice to see such a big crowd here tonight and it’s particularly good that Mrs Tierney has joined us once again.

“The community council received four every strong nominations this year ans it says a lot that Susan was the unanimous choice of the community council for her thirty years service with the local Brownie Pack, but also in recognition of her work as a fundraiser with Drylaw Church, where she chaired the fundraising committee.

“Presenting the award gives me particular satisfaction this year as I am an ambassador for the local Girl Guiding movement and I know just what a difference people like Susan can make to young people’s lives. I wonder just how many girls and young women have been influenced in a positive way over those thirty years? Susan has been described as a ‘warm, caring person’ and while she may be quiet and reserved she has made a great contribution to community life here in Drylaw.”

Susan said: “I would like to thank everyone – my friends and family – who have helped and supported me. I don’t know if I will manage another thirty years but we will see how things go!”

Speaking after the presentation Guide Leader Elizabeth Martin, ex-Commissioner of Raeburn Division (which covers Pennywell District, of which Drylaw is part) said: “It was an honour for me to present Susan with her 30 year knot at 170th ‘B’ Brownies in January, my final role as Division Commissioner for Girlguiding Raeburn.

“Susan has seen many girls go through Brownies and some have even become leaders within Girlguiding and Scouting. She always encourages the girls to do their best along with encouraging the volunteers she has had over the years to take a full part in the unit. Susan runs a very full programme of activities for the girls and plans the unit meetings with her other leaders. Congratulations, Susan on your Award.”

If you’d like more information about Girlguiding – perhaps your daughter is interested in joining or you’d like to find out about volunteering with the organisation, visit www.girlguiding.org.uk

Susan is the fifteenth recipient of the annual award – and the women have forged into a clear lead! The tally now stands at 9-6 in the girl’s favour, so come on Drylaw boys – get out and support your community!


Thomas Tierney Award for Good Citizenship Award Winners:

2000 Harry MacDonald

2001 David Pickering

2002 Anna Aitken

2003 Alexander Sandilands

2004 Emma Robertson

2005 Florence Atkinson

2006 Evelyn Crawford

2007 Jackie Brown

2008 Eileen Outterson

2009 Margaret Robinson

2010 Henry MacDonald

2011 Ian Moore

2012 Alex Dale

2013 Mhairi Curren

2014 Susan Jeffrey

More pictures from last night’s event:






Dave Pickering


Brown Owl Susan to receive Tierney Award


Local Brown Owl Susan Jeffrey will receive the Thomas Tierney Award for Good Citizenship at next week’s Drylaw Telford Community Council meeting.

The Tierney Award was launched both to remember local activist Tam Tierney and to celebrate the work carried out by volunteers to improve life in the local community -and with thirty years service with the Brownies at Drylaw Parish Church Susan fits the bill admirably!

Community council chairman Alex Dale said: “We had four very worthy nominations for the Award this time round but Susan was the stand-out choice. To have volunteered with the local Brownies for thirty years shows incredible commitment and dedication. People like Susan help make communities better places to be and we are looking forward to presenting the award next week.”

The community council’s monthly business meeting will be held in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre on Wednesday 25 March at 6.30pm and will be followed by the Award presentation and reception.

Brown Owl Susan (seated) is pictured with her current Brownie pack 

Thanks a million, volunteers!

Alex Neil pledges cash to support volunteering ahead of The Gathering today


Over £1.1 million will be invested to train and recruit 3,000 volunteers from disadvantaged backgrounds, Social Justice Secretary Alex Neil has announced.

Speaking ahead of the annual third sector conference The Gathering today, Mr Neil outlined the Volunteering Support Fund will support new and existing volunteers at 110 projects in Scotland.

This investment is just one part of the third sector funding in the 2015-16 budget which will give communities more control over decision making, addressing inequality and discrimination and mitigating some of the worst effects of welfare reform.

Mr Neil said: “In these challenging times for the third sector over one million volunteers are playing an important role helping to address inequalities and poverty across Scotland.

“This funding boost will give some of the vulnerable people in our communities the opportunity to volunteer.

“Volunteering is a way to make new friends, learn new skills, boost self-confidence and get a sense of community spirit.”

The Gathering is the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations’ annual two-day event on February 25 and 26 and brings together more than 5,000 representatives from the sector across Scotland to the SECC in Glasgow.

At the conference, Mr Neil is expected to outline the third sector’s crucial role contributing to the Scottish Government’s Social Justice agenda. He said: “There are so many third sector projects carrying out tremendous work in their communities. That is why the Scottish Government is investing in the third sector to build capacity and make sure they get the support they deserve.

“On top of this, our new Third Sector Forum will bring together representatives to brainstorm ideas about the sector’s future, funding challenges and opportunities to engage with communities.

“We are determined to work with the third sector to remove the barriers which prevent people from reaching their full potential. The third sector is crucial to achieving social justice and its organisations are closing the gap in employment and health inequalities and addressing the significant problem of poverty in Scotland.

“I look forward to hearing directly from organisations how we can work together to create a fairer and socially just Scotland.”

The Volunteering Support Fund is being delivered on behalf of the Scottish Government by the Voluntary Action Fund.

Keith Wimbles, Chief Executive of the Voluntary Action Fund said: “The Voluntary Action Fund (VAF) is delighted to manage the Scottish Government Volunteering Support Fund again in 2015-16.

“As a grant maker VAF has over 30 years’ experience supporting quality volunteering opportunities in the third sector. We believe that it is essential that the value of volunteering is recognised and that investment is provided to support volunteer management.

“Volunteering is an important catalyst to developing social capital and unlocking resources in our communities. Through this new funding we will continue to demonstrate the often underrated impact that volunteering has on volunteers, organisations and wider society.”

John Downie, Director of Public Affairs, Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) said: “This is welcome news for the charities and communities right across Scotland who’ll benefit from the hugely valuable support of volunteers and for the people who’ll reap rewards from becoming more actively involved in their local area and doing their bit to make Scotland a better place for everyone to live.

“It’s great timing as thousands of people working and volunteering for charities come together at The Gathering to share their experiences and ideas about how to work together to build stronger communities in Scotland and support more people to help themselves and others.”

The Volunteering Support Fund will deliver £1.1 million support to third sector organisations in 2015/16. The fund is open to support third sector organisations in Scotland to create new volunteering projects; increase the diversity of their volunteers (especially those experiencing disadvantage); and improve opportunities, skills and personal development through volunteering.

Praise for Scotland's volunteers

Make volunteering your New Year resolution!

volsCommunity Empowerment Minister Marco Biagi has applauded the work of one million Scots who volunteer in their communities and is encouraging more people to take up volunteering in 2015.

Around three in ten adults gave up their time for organisations in Scotland in 2013, with those numbers expected to rise thanks to the record numbers of volunteers who helped make Glasgow 2014 the greatest ever Games.

Of those who volunteer regularly, around 23 per cent contribute to youth or children’s organisations, 21 per cent help with health, disability and social welfare organisations and 20 per cent volunteer with children’s activities at schools.

Mr Biagi made the plea as he wrapped up warm for a morning volunteering with the Bethany Christian Trust’s Caring Christmas Trees project in Edinburgh.

treeThe charity relies on volunteers giving up their time to help customers pick out, wrap and carry their trees, with proceeds from the purchase of Caring Christmas Trees in Edinburgh funding the charity’s Winter Care Shelter, which gives rough-sleepers a hot meal and a safe place to sleep during the freezing festive period.

Scotland’s passion for volunteering will be maximised in 2015 by a £114,400 funding boost to Volunteer Scotland to build on the passion of the 15,000 Clyde-siders.

Mr Biagi said: “Over the next few weeks, thousands of volunteers across the country will be giving up their time to help their communities. Whether it’s through bag packing, befriending, carol singing or helping out at homeless shelters, these people are making a real impact and bringing cheer to those who need it most.

“Projects like Caring Christmas Trees provide a crucial life-line to some of the most vulnerable people in our communities and it’s been great to spend time at the project helping out and listening to people’s stories. It really brings the message home about the value of volunteers.

Volunteering is for everyone and can open up new opportunities to develop talents, boost self-confidence and help others. It’s something I’d encourage everyone to think about this Christmas and consider as a resolution for 2015.”

Iain Gordon, Chief Executive Officer, Bethany Christian Trust said: Without volunteers, much of our work would not be possible. We are delighted that the Scottish Government is encouraging people to volunteer and that Marco Biagi is supporting our Caring Christmas Trees project in aid of homeless people in Edinburgh.”

Film: Volunteering Changes Lives

We are delighted to share “Volunteering Changes Lives” – a short film celebrating 30 years’ work by Volunteer Centre Edinbugrh’s (VCE’s) Health & Wellbeing Team. 


It is an inspiring and powerful account of how volunteering has assisted a number of people to overcome the barriers & discrimination which accompany mental illness and disability. All are volunteers with local charities, supporting the delivery of services – being a helper rather than always being helped.

I am sure that a number of people featured in the film may be familiar to you!

Nick Woodhead, Health and Wellbeing Development Officer 



Volunteer Recruitment Fair’s this Wednesday


The Volunteer Recruitment Fair takes place at St Paul’s and St Georges Church on York Place this Wednesday (24.09) from 11am – 7pm. 

Entry is free, and we expect more than a thousand visitors to come along to find out more about the wide variety of volunteering opportunities available across Edinburgh with charities, social enterprises and the public sector.

This year, in addition to fifty plus stalls, there will be free employability workshops running at 11.30am and 3.00pm, and when visitors need to sit down after taking in all this new information there’s a café serving delicious food and drink run by the by city-based social enterprise Out of the Blue Drill Hall Arts Café .

Volunteering helps people build new skills, get a taste of different working environments, create new friendships and boost individual confidence and wellbeing. For those seeking a route into work, volunteering also adds skills to CVs as well as providing work experience and up-to-date references.

Making the choice to give your time and expertise to help others is a positive and meaningful commitment, with big rewards for the volunteer and the organisation or clients that the volunteer donates their time to. The Volunteer Recruitment Fair is the perfect way to match those who want to make best use of their time with those who benefit from their input. It’s also an opportunity to publicise Edinburgh’s vibrant Third Sector community.

VCE Convener Kris Von Wald said: “The role of volunteers in improving the quality of life in their communities has never been more important. The success of last year’s Volunteer Recruitment Fair demonstrated that the desire to donate both time and skills to help others is alive and well in the citizen’s of Edinburgh. All the signs point to 2014 being even more successful.”

For more about the Volunteer Recruitment Fair, visit the Volunteer Centre Edinburgh’s website, or Facebook page.


Set your stall out at Volunteer Recruitment Fair

Edinburgh’s annual Volunteer Recruitment Fair takes place later this month. The Recruitment Fair is the biggest event of its kind in Scotland and offers great opportunities for organisations and volunteers …


Volunteering Centre Edinburgh’s Craig Turner explains:

“With over a thousand members of the public expected, this is a great recruitment and networking opportunity.

Now firmly positioned as the capital’s volunteering event of the year, the fair will showcase volunteering opportunities from across the city, helping to put volunteers in touch with volunteer involving organisations and vice-versa.

When? Wednesday 24th September 2014
What time? Open to the public between 11.00am – 7.00pm
Where? At St Paul’s and St George’s Church on York Place

How much will it cost? Depending on your organisation’s income between £50 and £170 for a single stall.

Bookings and stalls will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Book now to avoid disappointment! Download the Booking Form

During last year’s hugely successful event, almost 1,000 visitors were introduced to roles as diverse as pond cleaning, working with young people and befriending. An equally wide variety of opportunities is expected to be available in 2014. Will your organisation be part of it?

We always receive lots of positive feedback from both the public and stall holders, here are a few comments from stallholders last year:

“A really lovely day, very worthwhile and enjoyable”
“Venue was excellent. Well laid out and plenty of room to walk around”
“Had doubts because of the road works, but was still really busy!”


When members of the public were asked to sum-up their experience of the Volunteer Recruitment Fair in ONE word here’s what they said: “Informative, Relaxing, Enlightening, Revealing, Useful, Helpful, Informing, Busy, Good, Overwhelming, Interesting, Inspiring, Varied, Lively, Buzzing, Inspiring, Welcoming, Busy, Organised, Worthwhile, Encouraging, Excellent, Stimulating, Timely, Comprehensive, Opportunity, Enthusiatic, Friendly, Effective, Engaging, Insightful, Energy, Comprehensive, Fantastic, Full, Great, Eye-opening, Kindness, Brilliant, Wonderful, Uplifting, Expansive, Mind-expanding, Determination, Variety”

Check out our Photo Album from last year.

Showcase your Volunteering Opportunities this year and help us make it even better!


Craig Turner, Edinburgh Volunteering Centre

volunteer fair



Volunteer and help Scotland’s animals

Scottish Animal Week, 1 – 7 September

FundraiserThe Scottish SPCA is appealing to kind hearted people in Edinburgh and the Lothians to help raise funds for abused, abandoned and injured animals by volunteering.

Scotland’s animal welfare charity is urging locals to get involved this Scottish Animal Week, which runs from 1-7 September, by shaking a collection tin in their area.

Diane Stewart, manager of the charity’s Edinburgh and Lothians Animal Rescue and Rehoming Centre said, “Last year our centre cared for a staggering 1,365 animals and 2014 is proving to be even more challenging.

“As an animal welfare charity, we receive no government or lottery funding and rely on the generosity of the public to continue our vital work.

“During Scottish Animal Week we have opportunities to fundraise throughout Edinburgh and the Lothians and we’d be very grateful if locals can get behind our appeal and help.

“Door-to-door fundraising can be carried out between Monday and Friday,
while people can hold street collections on the Saturday. Even if someone can only spare an hour or two to shake a collection tin, their time and efforts would be hugely appreciated.

“It’s something we always say because it’s true: every pound and penny raised really does make a difference and gives animals in desperate need of our help a second chance in life.”

Anyone who would like to help fundraise for the Scottish SPCA can contact the fundraising team on 03000 999 999 or email fundraising@scottishspca.org


Fast Forward to Clydeside


Mhairi Smith is volunteer co-ordinator at Leith-based youth project Fast Forward. Mhairi has just completed some volunteering of her own – she was a Clyde-sider at Glasgow’s ‘pure, dead, brilliant’ Commonwealth Games.

Click on the link below to read her story:

As a Commonwealth volunteer I danced with Rod Stewart, stood next to the Queen, and got proposed to by a Ghanaian athlete.

via As a Commonwealth volunteer I danced with Rod Stewart, stood next to the Queen, and got proposed to by a Ghanaian athlete.

Don’t judge our young people too quickly

Youngsters get stuck in to support Millennium Centre


Some of the youngsters in Muirhouse are given a hard time by others, but here we show the other side of them and prove we should not judge the majority by the minority.

Some youngsters came along to the Centre and volunteered during their summer holiday period and we thought it was a great idea. The lads went at it with gusto, tidying the garden as our older retired volunteer was on his annual vacation, and as shown in the photo sweeping and hoeing the paths and car park spaces. No task was beneath these young lads, and they were polite, friendly and hard working.

We would like to thank them all and ask others not to judge our young people too quickly.

James McGinty

Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre
