£65 million to help ease impact of pandemic for culture and events

Details of a financial package worth £65 million for culture and major events have been confirmed by the Culture Secretary Angus Robertson.

The split of the funding is as follows:

  • for cultural businesses, organisations, venues and independent cinema support and grassroots venues – £31.5 million
  • National Performing Companies (for Christmas losses and touring fund re-purposing) – £2 million
  • Freelancers – £10 million
  • Events sector – £19.8 million
  • Museums, galleries and heritage – £1.7 million

Culture Secretary Angus Robertson said: “The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is once again causing disruption and uncertainty in the culture and events sector, who have already been hit so hard by its impact.

“We have been engaging with the sector about the impact of the Omicron variant and we are fully committed to supporting culture and events while they recover from the impact of the COVID – and we are aware of just how important they are to Scotland, and indeed the wider recovery from this pandemic.

“These additional funds will help protect the livelihoods of the people working in the sector – and allow us to give further support to freelancers, culture organisations, venues and our national performing companies.”

Creative Scotland’s Cancellation Fund for Creative Freelancers opens for applications this Thursday at 2pm.

Creative Scotland’s Chief Executive Iain Munro said: “We are very grateful for this significant increase in emergency funding from the Scottish Government which reflects the severity of the challenges being faced by Scotland’s culture sector. 

“Our Cancellation Fund for Creative Freelancers is live, with applications open from 6 January, and more information on support for organisations and venues will follow as soon as possible.”

VisitScotland Director of Events Paul Bush said: “The Scottish Government’s commitment of £19.8 million for Scotland’s events sector is welcome news as the industry continues to deal with the latest challenges presented by the pandemic and the Omicron variant.

“EventScotland is currently working with the Scottish Government and the Event Industry Advisory Group (EIAG) to determine the best way of distributing the funding to ensure we get support to those in need across the sector, and details on this will be shared shortly.”

Funds worth £27 million for culture and £17 million for events were announced by the First Minister on 29 December.

This was additional to the £20 million of business support funding for culture and events that First Minister announced on 14 December.

Scotland’s UNESCO Trail launched

The world’s first ever UNESCO trail, bringing together some of Scotland’s most iconic, diverse and culturally significant sites, has been launched.

Scotland’s UNESCO Trail connects the country’s 13 place-based UNESCO designations, including World Heritage Sites, Biospheres, Global Geoparks and Creative Cities to form a dedicated digital trail.

It aims to take visitors on a cultural journey across the country experiencing everything from history to science, music, design and literature to nature and cityscapes. 

Designed specifically to support ambitions to make Scotland a world-leading responsible tourism destination, Scotland’s UNESCO Trail encourages visitors to stay longer, visit all year round, make sustainable travel choices, explore more widely and at the right time of the year, and in turn, contribute to the sustainable quality of life of those communities surrounding the designated sites.

The digital trail – which is available on www.visitscotland.com/unesco-trail – showcases the breadth of culturally astounding UNESCO designations on offer across Scotland, providing information and inspiration to visitors across the world. It also celebrates businesses and communities that are committed to responsible tourism business practices and promotes sustainable travel options.

Scotland is the first nation in the world to create such a pioneering initiative. Developed through a unique partnership between VisitScotland, the Scottish Government, the UK National Commission for UNESCO, Historic Environment Scotland, NatureScot, the National Trust for Scotland and Scotland’s 13 UNESCO designations, the project has received £360,000 funding from the Scottish Government to support the strategy for the sustainable recovery of Scottish tourism. 

Tourism Minister Ivan McKee officially launched the trail in Dundee, the UNESCO City of Design, by unveiling a specially commissioned design by illustrator and printmaker, Jagoda Sadowska, a graduate of the city’s Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art.

The design has been printed onto a door, which will be incorporated into the city’s Open Close tour as a permanent legacy of the trail.

 Tourism Minister Ivan McKee said“Scotland has always been a pioneering nation and I’m pleased to see we’re leading the way with the world’s first UNESCO digital trail.

“Tourism is key to Scotland’s economy and as we begin to recover from the pandemic, this collaboration between the Scottish Government, VisitScotland, NatureScot and UNESCO could not be more timely. 

“Supported by £360,000 of Scottish Government funding, the UNESCO Trail will help to attract and welcome both domestic and international visitors again, by showcasing Scotland’s unique cultural heritage and many UNESCO sites. As we approach COP26, I’m pleased to see that the UNESCO trail has sustainability at its core and will help visitors make responsible and sustainable choices by highlighting green accredited businesses and promoting environmentally friendly travel.”

Francesca Osowska, CEO of NatureScot and Chair of Scotland’s UNESCO Trail Steering Group, said: “The Trail is a hugely exciting global first, inspiring visitors to Scotland to journey through its unique natural and cultural heritage.

“All the designations in the Trail have a distinctive story to tell and we hope that, whether people visit just one, or travel to all the sites, they will be wowed by what they see.

“Responsible tourism and greener travel are at the heart of our ambitions for the UNESCO Trail.  This will lead to a more sustainable economy and will help to create better places for people to live and visit in every corner of Scotland. This is so essential as we work to tackle the nature loss and climate change crises and prepare to host COP26.”

VisitScotland Director of Industry and Destination Development, Rob Dickson, said: “There is no other journey like Scotland’s UNESCO Trail and we want to inspire visitors to take a once-in-a-lifetime experience across the country, delving into its history and heritage, experiencing the wonder of its natural assets and the magic that inspires art, music and literature.

“The innovative trail not only showcases the breadth of culturally astounding UNESCO designations we have across Scotland but also the exceptional visitor experiences this trail creates.”VisitScotland is focused on the recovery of the industry, building a destination and visitor experience which allows tourism and events to flourish now and in the future. We’ll continue to work with, and support, businesses to ensure we rebuild this vital part of Scotland’s economy.

“Tourism is a force for good – creating economic and social value in every corner of Scotland and enhancing the well-being of everyone who experiences it.

Professor Anne Anderson, Non-Executive Director at the UK National Commission for UNESCO said: “Scotland’s UNESCO Trail is a world-first bringing together Scotland’s world-class cultural and natural heritage. Not only this, the Trail does so within UNESCO’s broader aims of building peace and sustainable development.

“Across Scotland, these UNESCO designations are local partnerships and communities that protect and promote their outstanding creativity, cultural heritage and the natural environment. By partaking in the Trail, visitors from around the world will rediscover Scotland’s unique treasures, know they are travelling sustainably, and contribute to the communities who maintain these precious places.

“From the stunning mountains of the northwest Highlands, the heart of Neolithic Orkney, the vibrant music scenes of Glasgow, to Edinburgh’s outstanding heritage and literature festivals, there is a wealth of people and places waiting to welcome you.”

Artist Jagoda Sadowska said: “It’s been a great pleasure to be involved in the project. Dundee is a wonderful city and hopefully, with the opening of Scotland’s UNESCO Trail, it will get even more recognition and appreciation. 

“As someone who recently graduated from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, I feel extremely fortunate to be able to pursue Illustration as a full-time job. Dundee is filled with warm and motivated people that create an encouraging environment for upcoming artists.

“There’s a strong sense of community that is both friendly and welcoming and had a fundamental influence on my practice. Creative Dundee does a wonderful job of connecting people, providing space and opportunities for creatives.

“I hope the Trail can work as a gateway to allow more people to experience the City of Dundee and beyond.” 

The full list of designations included in Scotland’s UNESCO Trail are the Galloway & Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere, Wester Ross UNESCO Biosphere, Dundee UNESCO City of Design, Edinburgh UNESCO City of Literature, Glasgow UNESCO City of Music, Shetland UNESCO Global Geopark, North West Highlands UNESCO Global Geopark, the Forth Bridge UNESCO World Heritage Site, Frontiers of the Roman Empire: Antonine Wall UNESCO World Heritage Site, New Lanark UNESCO World Heritage Site, Heart of Neolithic Orkney UNESCO World Heritage Site, Old and New Towns of Edinburgh UNESCO World Heritage Site, St Kilda World Heritage Site. 

For more information, visit www.visitscotland.com/unesco-trail

Staycation Nation?

Scotland ranks third in GB tourist destinations survey

WITH the nation set to embrace staycations, Wales has been named the most popular UK destination to visit post-lockdown – closely followed by the south coast of England, leaving Scotland in third place.

The ranking of top destinations was formed following a survey by leading caravan and motorhome home supplier Kimberley – The Caravan & Motorhome People.

With 20% of the vote, Wales – famous for its rugged coastline and mountainous national parks – topped the list of the UK places where caravan and motorhome owners plan on visiting once coronavirus restrictions are fully lifted.

Scotland took 17% of the vote, just 2% behind the south coast of England.

More than 1,900 adults aged 35 and over were surveyed by YouGov as part of the research, which was commissioned by Kimberley and carried out in late June.

It comes after a record number of leisure vehicles were sold across Europe in 2020 – rising 12% to around 235,000 units, according to the European Caravan Federation

Chris Lowe, director at Kimberley, said: “When restrictions relaxed last summer, there was a huge rise in demand for passport-free holidays and once all lockdown measured are fully removed, it’s expected that British people will once again opt to remain on home turf.

“From the iconic Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands to the White Cliffs of Dover and Lake Windermere in the Lake District to the Welsh views of Snowdonia, it’s no secret that people have been enjoying so many of Britain’s beauty spots and discovering a new-found appreciation for what is on our shores.

“I’m quite surprised Scotland has come third in the poll. As a country with outstanding natural beauty, we know it’s a firm favourite with motorhome and caravanning fans due to the ability to enjoy everything from coastal views to mountainscapes.”

Malcolm Roughead, chief executive of VisitScotland, added: “Scotland’s incredible scenery provides stunning surroundings no matter the mode of transport. With our dynamic driving routes criss-crossing the country, it is no surprise Scotland has ranked so highly as a must-visit destination for caravan and motorhome owners.

“New driving routes – like The Coig covering Ayrshire and some Scottish islands, and South West Coastal 300 – have been a huge success for Scotland’s visitor economy, while showing off the incredible landscapes and attractions to be found across the country throughout the year.

“It is extremely important that we all do our upmost to preserve these special places and enjoy them responsibly. We would urge visitors to ‘know before they go’, checking online whether attractions and businesses are open, welcoming visitors and offering pre-booking – with this being especially important for caravan and motorhome owners. To ensure that visitors and the communities they visit enjoy the best experience possible, we urge all visitors to leave no trace and to dispose of waste and litter responsibly.

“We know that tourism is a force for good – creating economic and social value in every corner of Scotland and enhancing the well-being of everyone who experiences it. We all deserve a holiday, and Scotland, with all it offers, will be the perfect antidote after a series of restrictions and lockdowns.”

The south coast – including Brighton, Somerset, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall – came second in the list, with 19% of caravan and motorhome owners pining to visit once restrictions are eased. The east coast, including Norfolk and Suffolk, came in fourth place (10%) and the north west placed fifth (7%).

Of those surveyed, 8% of people said they had no plans to travel, with 4% being unsure about where to visit.

Chris said: “Sales of caravans and motorhomes have also surged due to this increase in staycations, with holidaymakers relishing the flexibility that leisure vehicles have to offer. With lockdown restrictions easing but foreign travel uncertain, more people are looking at the domestic holiday market and leisure vehicles allow them to conveniently take a break.”

Kimberley – which was set up in 1981 – has branches in Kimberley, Nottinghamshire; Darlington, County Durham; and is preparing to open its third site in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, in late summer 2021.

As well as supplying new and pre-used leisure vehicles, Kimberley offers a variety of exclusive caravans and motorhomes that leading manufacturers Compass, Coachman and Swift have tailored to its own specification – including the addition of multiple unique features and upgrades.

Once coronavirus restrictions are fully lifted, which one, if any, of the following places in the UK do you plan on visiting first? 
LocationPercentage of caravan and motorhome owners aged 35 and over 
South coast (e.g. Brighton, Somerset, Dorset, Devon, Cornwall)19%
East coast (e.g. Norfolk and Suffolk)10%
North west (e.g. Cumbria and Lake District)7%
Midlands (e.g. Peak District)4%
Isle of Wight1%
Northern Ireland0%
No plans to travel8%
Don’t know4%

For more information on Kimberley, please visit www.kimberleycaravans.co.uk.

New campaign urges UK drivers to plan ahead for their Scottish staycation journeys

VisitScotland typically sees around 14 million trips to Scotland by UK residents every year and 134 million tourism day trips1, with 64% bringing their own car2, so it’s anticipated Scottish roads will be busier than ever. 

With fatigue being a contributory factor in collisions that kill or seriously injure around 50 people every year in Scotland3, drivers should also ensure they are well rested before setting out on their staycation trips and plan regular breaks.

Minister for Transport, Graeme Dey, said: “We know that drivers are keen to get to their destination but it’s really important they plan ahead before setting off on their staycation.

“Take plenty of rest stops to combat fatigue and be prepared for roads you may not be familiar with. Through this campaign, we’re providing drivers with practical tips and good advice to help them plan ahead and stay safe on our roads this summer.”

The new campaign encourages drivers who are planning a trip in Scotland to be patient as the roads get busier with holiday traffic, and prepare for the unexpected on rural roads. It also highlights that Scotland’s many country and single track roads may require new and different driving skills, particularly for those with less experience of driving in rural areas.

Chief Superintendent, Louise Blakelock, Police Scotland said: “Understandably this year, as a result of the continued uncertainty surrounding COVID restrictions, many people will look to holiday throughout Scotland and elsewhere within the UK in lieu of a foreign holiday.

“This will inevitably result in our roads being far busier than previous summers with greater numbers of cars, motorcycles, caravans and motorhomes travelling across the country and many motorists will be on roads they are unfamiliar with. 

“It is therefore essential that road users are considerate and courteous to each other, drive or ride responsibly to the road conditions and road class they are travelling on.   Road users must also be mindful of their impact on local communities and park in a safe and considerate manner, when enjoying Scotland’s countryside.

“As always, Road Policing Officers will be patrolling throughout Scotland over the coming months to influence road user behaviour, educate motorists on appropriate driving practices and enforcement action will be taken when necessary.”

Everyone has a vital role to play in keeping people safe on Scotland’s roads this summer. Four in five UK residents (84%) are planning a 2021 staycation, with two of the top ten destinations on the travel bucket list located in Scotland – the Scottish Highlands (43%) and Edinburgh (34%).4

Caroline Warburton, Regional Leadership Director, VisitScotland, said: “As we move into the summer months, better weather and further easing of restrictions, we would like to remind people to plan ahead, whether that be booking their accommodation in advance of visiting, checking ahead to see what is open and available and if anywhere is busy, move on to somewhere that isn’t.

“Through our responsible tourism campaign, we are working with a number of organisations and campaigns, including this new road safety campaign to address issues including littering, access, fires, pollution and parking/transport. We ask everyone to do their bit to #RespectProtectEnjoy our beautiful country this summer.”

The new campaign (running across social media, PR and partnerships) features advice about taking your time, planning ahead and expecting the unexpected on rural roads.

For more information visit roadsafety.scot/topics/driving-around-scotland or check out the Road Safety Scotland Facebook and Twitter (@roadsafetyscot) pages #PlanSmartDriveSmart.

TikTok star in new film promoting responsible wild camping

Irreverent video with TikTok creator Jarad Rowan launches ahead of busy camping season

Ramblers Scotland has today launched a new short film featuring Scottish TikTok star Jarad Rowan, aimed at encouraging responsible wild camping in Scotland.

Jarad, known as @LittlestChicken to his hundreds of thousands of social media followers, discovers five ‘Rules of Wild Camping’ during a trip to Borders Forest Trust’s scenic Corehead estate near Moffat.

The light-hearted video – supported by NatureScot and John Muir Trust – shows Jarad learning where to camp, what to pack, where to go to the toilet outdoors, how to leave no trace and the importance of using stoves rather than lighting fires.

Jarad, aged 21 from Stranraer, said: “This was such a great project to be involved in and I had the best time filming! It was also really cool to be shooting in Dumfries & Galloway. There are some lovely spots here in Scotland. I’m wondering does this make me an icon in the world of wild camping now?!”

The film has been planned by Ramblers Scotland alongside a team of young adults – the target audience – who have completed Ramblers Scotland’s Out There Award, which helps 18 to 26-year-olds kick-start their journeys into the outdoors.

Ramblers Scotland director Brendan Paddy said: “Scotland has world-class landscapes for everyone to explore. Getting more people active outdoors more often will help make Scotland a happier and healthier nation.

“It can also provide valuable income for rural communities and help more people feel inspired to protect the places where we all love to walk. 

“The challenge we now face is making sure that the welcome increase in people getting outdoors is backed by the support needed to ensure people have the knowledge and opportunities to enjoy the experience responsibly.

“I hope our new film will support people – especially beginners – to plan fun, responsible nights out under the stars.”

Ramblers Scotland and partners have launched the video ahead of what is expected to be a hugely busy summer for Scotland’s outdoors, particularly as many festivals, indoor parties and overseas travel remain off limits.

In fact, a recent study by the David Hume Institute (DHI) showed 36% of people in Scotland spent more time outside in nature last year than before – with 58% intending to spend more time outside in future.

It will be shown across Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, Twitter and TikTok throughout the summer.

Viewers are linked to a detailed new webpage at ramblers.org.uk/wildcamp that helps beginners plan safe and fun wild camps in Scotland.

The video campaign is part of a wider programme of visitor management activities led by VisitScotland and Scottish Government with public, charity and private partners. 

Together the partnership aims to deliver not just communication and education activities about enjoying the outdoors responsibly but also to address issues related to infrastructure and to co-ordinate direct engagement with visitors to prevent problems arising.

Last year, antisocial and irresponsible behaviour by a small minority of visitors in some popular locations caused real issues for the environment, local people, and other visitors. This summer is expected to be even busier, so it is vital that people act responsibly.

The film was produced by Edinburgh-based video agency Heehaw.

Edinburgh’s stories to be placed centre stage in new campaign

What stories might Edinburgh’s picturesque streets, historic buildings and beautiful outdoor spaces tell us if they could speak? This is a question set to be answered by the City’s exciting new marketing campaign: ‘Forever Edinburgh – The Story Never Ends’.

Delivered jointly by the City of Edinburgh Council, ETAG and VisitScotland, the campaign will bring to life the Capital’s dynamic stories and the unique experiences to be had around every corner in the city. The campaign promotes the city’s fabulous attractions, shops, bars and restaurants at a time when lockdown is easing, allowing people greater freedom to travel, meet up and spend time together once again.

Alongside showcasing all that the city has to offer, both in the centre and its eclectic neighbourhoods, the campaign will also shine a light on Edinburgh’s abundance of outdoor spaces, including coastal and waterway locations, and support the recovery of regions surrounding the city. The aim is to show how versatile the city we love to live in is and how it delivers a fantastic visitor experience throughout the year.

Over the next six to twelve months, the campaign will feature a series of summer and winter-themed films that will bring Edinburgh’s fascinating stories to life, from its fantastic folklore and magical myths to its historic shores and waters.

It will tell stories from beyond the grave and take a look at Edinburgh’s tasty past and present. Themed itineraries will invite citizens and visitors to explore undiscovered parts of Edinburgh, with more exciting chapters still to be revealed.

The campaign will also include inspiring imagery and dedicated story-themed content and itineraries on Edinburgh.org. This will be supported by targeted social media promotion and collaboration with industry partners and tourism businesses to help them tell their own stories to their loyal fans and audiences.

The overall aim will be to position Edinburgh as the top UK city break destination among domestic overnight visitors across Scotland and England as it emerges from lockdown, while encouraging citizens to engage more with Edinburgh’s cultural offer.   

We want to encourage businesses and residents to get behind the campaign by sharing their own stories of Edinburgh using #ForeverEdinburgh, to inspire their friends and fellow citizens and help them plan their next outing in Scotland’s capital city.

Councillor Adam McVey, City of Edinburgh Council Leader, said: “Forever Edinburgh – The Story Never Ends’ is designed to inspire people to get out and about safely and confidently as they seek out old favourites and discover new ones – creating memories that will last a lifetime. All the while supporting our vibrant local businesses as Edinburgh gets back to its fabulous self.

“This campaign puts our people, place and environment at its heart and mirrors our longer-term tourism strategy, approved just before the pandemic took hold. We’re sticking with our long-term goals and have mapped out a sustainable way forward for our tourism sector which Edinburgh’s residents asked for. Ultimately, we need a Team Edinburgh approach to deliver on those aspirations. 

“So, I encourage our residents, our businesses from retail and hospitality and our tourism tourism sector to celebrate all that is great about our Capital by telling their own stories and bringing the beauty of our city and landscapes to life.  

“Our story is ever-changing and never-ending, and we want our residents and visitors to be a part of that too, helping support our local economy and our City’s fair, inclusive and sustainable recovery.

Donald Emslie, Chair of Edinburgh Tourism Action Group, said: “The reopening of the sector on 26th April is hugely welcome news and after the turmoil of the last year, it is vitally important that we support the recovery of our tourism and hospitality sector throughout the coming weeks and months.

“We are looking forward to encouraging residents and visitors to get out and about to experience the best our city has to offer and supporting our local businesses in the process.

“We will of-course be doing this in the face of strong competition from destinations right across the UK, all of whom will be working just as hard to attract visitors, particularly from UK and Scottish markets.

“We are therefore delighted to have been champions of the Forever Edinburgh initiative since last year. Chairing the Forever Edinburgh Working Group over the last few months has ensured a true partnership approach which has been gratefully recognised by both VisitScotland and Scottish Government whose funding support has allowed us to develop a promotional platform that can work for all tourism and hospitality businesses across the city. 

“We’d like to invite everyone right across the city to get behind the campaign and to create and share their own stories with locals and visitors alike.”

Paula Ward, Regional Leadership Director at VisitScotland, said: “Edinburgh is Scotland’s tourism crown jewels and this exciting campaign will help to reinvigorate the city’s tourism sector as it recovers from the devastation left by the pandemic.

“It is the city’s stories and people that are the foundation of what makes Edinburgh a world-class visitor destination. Forever Edinburgh will not only showcase the experiences and businesses found across the city but will act as a springboard for the surrounding regions, with dedicated regional pages, spreading the benefits of tourism to the capital in a sustainable and responsible way.

“For tourism is a force for good – creating economic and social value in every corner of Scotland and enhancing the well-being of everyone who experiences it.”

The ‘Forever Edinburgh – The Story Never Ends’ campaign has been part funded by the Scottish Government’s Regional Recovery Fund and VisitScotland’s Market Readiness Fund.

It will build on last year’s successful launch of Forever Edinburgh – a city-wide collaboration of business from the tourism and hospitality sectors, alongside the Council and other partners, including VisitScotland, ETAG and Scottish Enterprise – and the #ShopHereThisYear, a year-long inspirational digital campaign, aimed at Edinburgh residents encouraging them to support local businesses in neighbourhoods across the city, which kicked off late last year. 

A very different St Andrew’s Day

St Andrew’s Day, 30 November 2020 is our national day and the perfect opportunity for everyone across the country to come together and celebrate the resilience, community spirit and shared goodwill that has helped us through these difficult times.

We may not be able to travel and get together right now but that doesn’t mean we can’t continue to look out for each other. Whether you’re a Scot or a Scot at heart, at home or overseas, let’s celebrate St Andrew’s Day and make connections with others through acts of kindness, sharing a message of hope and positivity from Scotland to the rest of the world.

A St Andrew’s Day message from First Minister Nicola Sturgeon:


Scottish Secretary Alister Jack celebrates how much we have collectively achieved, thanking everyone who has done their bit to help us all get through 2020 so far:

St Andrew’s Day is a chance for us to celebrate all that is great about Scotland, and Scots, and to reflect on what it means to be Scottish.

In 2020, St Andrew’s Day will feel very different.

We are living through a global pandemic. Our lives are almost unrecognisable from a year ago.

But I believe that, this year more than ever, we should take the time to mark just how much we have collectively achieved.

Over the past few months, we have risen to the challenge of the, frankly terrifying, virus. We have, and are, all doing our bit to defeat it. We have made huge personal sacrifices because we know it will save lives and protect our precious NHS.

Our frontline workers – from health care staff to supermarket workers, teachers and everyone in between – have been nothing short of heroic. Looking after the ill, supporting the vulnerable, and keeping the country going. You are an inspiration to us all.

So many others have also done their bit. From picking up shopping and prescriptions, to organising spirit-lifting video chats and amazing charity fundraisers – individuals up and down the land have gone out of their way to look after friends, relatives and neighbours, and also strangers in need.

We have much to be proud of. In 2020, it seems to me, being Scottish is about fortitude and kindness. And also optimism. With new vaccines on the way we are starting to see some light at the end of the covid tunnel.

So, this St Andrew’s Day, I ask you to join me in thanking everyone who has done their bit to help us all get through 2020 so far. I have never felt more proud to be Scottish.

SNP Ministers ‘hurting Edinburgh’s tourist industry recovery’

Scottish Government officials tried to block a tourism campaign to encourage visitors from the rest of the UK to come to Scotland, according to the Daily Mail.

Emails between Visit Scotland and the Scottish Government show that government officials altered a press release removing references to England and Northern Ireland. However, Visit Scotland highlighted the pressure they were receiving from the tourism industry to target tourists from the rest of the UK.

The tourism body say they have still not extended the campaign to the rest of the UK due to Scottish Government guidance.

Figures from Scottish Enterprise show that UK based tourists made up 77% of overnight tourism trips in Scotland in 2018.

A recent study by the University of Edinburgh Business School said that UK visitors are most interested and able to afford visits to Scotland and should be targeted, according to The Times.

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “Tourism is a key part of Edinburgh’s economy and decisions by SNP Ministers are actively hurting the capitals economic recovery.

“English, Welsh and Irish tourists are welcome to Edinburgh, despite the SNPs nationalist agenda.

“Local coronavirus guidelines must still be followed, but sending this message to the rest of the UK about visiting Scotland is not helpful.

“With international free movement being limited for the foreseeable future, tourism from other parts of the UK will be more important than ever for getting Edinburgh and the South East of Scotland’s economy back on track.

“It is vital that we protect and global reputation of Edinburgh as an inclusive and welcoming city – that fundamentally starts with our brothers and sister in other parts of Britain.”   

Councillors to discuss winter festival plans

Councillors will consider an alternative approach for delivering Edinburgh’s Christmas and Hogmanay this winter when they meet this week.

Last month initial discussions took place exploring potential revised plans for how both Edinburgh’s Christmas and Hogmanay could be celebrated in 2020, held by the Council All Party Oversight Group.

The proposals have since been developed and the Update on Edinburgh’s Christmas and Edinburgh’s Hogmanay 2020/2021 will be considered by the Policy and Sustainability Committee on Thursday (20 August).

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has meant that the Council, together with Underbelly, the producers of Edinburgh’s Christmas and Edinburgh’s Hogmanay, have had to adapt plans to meet public health guidelines while still delivering events to celebrate Christmas and Hogmanay.

Plans being developed will put Edinburgh’s residents and businesses first as the City celebrates the festive season in new ways including dispersing the Christmas market from the city centre, a carefully managed torchlit event which will thank key workers during the pandemic and marking Hogmanay with visually spectacular moments across the city.

If approved by Councillors, there will be further meetings for both events to refine plans and a full launch will take place later in the year.

Council Leader Adam McVey said: “It’s clear that this year’s Edinburgh’s Christmas and Hogmanay have to change in light of Covid-19 restrictions. These are unprecedented conditions and any public health requirements and guidance will be met in every eventuality. The safety of the public remains our priority and no events or activities will go ahead unless it is deemed safe for them to do so.

“I feel positive that we’ve found a safe way to celebrate Christmas at the end of what has been a challenging and for many, a life-changing year. By adapting this year’s event we’ll be able to keep numbers lower in each location while also spreading people further out to help support local businesses.

“If events are able to go ahead, they will not only be safe but also reflect the comments and feedback from residents on how Christmas and Hogmanay looks and feels in Edinburgh – with a strong emphasis on local year-round business and moving away from using green space to use hardstanding locations.”

Depute Leader Cammy Day said: “Whilst Edinburgh’s Christmas and Hogmanay will look very different from recent years, I know the exciting plans being considered will continue to show Edinburgh as the best place to enjoy the Christmas festivities and welcome in our New Year celebrations.

“I would like to thank the teams involved for their work so far and if the approach is approved, we will continue to work together with Underbelly and partners to develop these further and hold some amazing events for all the family where we can celebrate Christmas and Hogmanay. Everyone involved recognises the uncertainty of the situation and we are all committed to meeting the significant requirements for anything Edinburgh hosts to meet appropriate public health guidance.”

Charlie Wood, Director of Underbelly, said: “We have enjoyed working collaboratively to ensure Edinburgh Council’s vision for the Winter Festivals can become a reality. Working together, our absolute priority is public safety and our aim for both events is to put Edinburgh first.

“Once agreed by the council, we are confident these will be events the city will be proud of, which will support the community and preserve the city’s global status as a destination for Christmas and Hogmanay. We are very excited about the events and look forward to sharing the programme once the Council has reached its decision.”

Paul Bush OBE, VisitScotland’s Director of Events, said: “Like all events, Edinburgh’s Christmas and Hogmanay is having to adapt to operating in a new norm. The City of Edinburgh Council and Underbelly are developing a programme that maintains the spirit and reputation Hogmanay and Christmas in the city while adhering to Scottish Government guidelines.

“Events are an important part of our communities as they not only bring us great entertainment, they also sustain livelihoods and bring social and economic change. We look forward to working with the City of Edinburgh Council and Underbelly to develop plans for this year’s event.”

Companies benefit from the Scottish Government’s business support package

The Scottish Government created a support package for businesses in Scotland affected by Covid 19 and enterprise agencies worked at pace with VisitScotland and Creative Scotland to design and deliver two short-term funds: 

The Pivotal Enterprise Resilience Fund for vulnerable Scottish SMEs deemed vital to local, regional and national economies and the Creative, Tourism & Hospitality Enterprises Hardship Fund for tourism, hospitality and creative industry businesses that experienced hardship due to Covid 19.  

A total of 3,656 awards have been made to companies across Scotland equalling around £145.3M. Visit the Scottish Government website for more information

Chief Executive of Scottish Enterprise Steve Dunlop (above) said: “It is not an easy time for many businesses and Scottish Enterprise is working hard to provide funding, advice and resources to ensure businesses not only survive, but thrive now and in future.  

“The support from the Hardship and Pivotal Enterprise Resilience Funds has allowed companies across a range of industries to continue to trade. We will continue to work alongside Scottish Government and partners to focus on a fair, sustainable and jobs-focused recovery and play a critical role in rebuilding Scotland’s economy.” 

Precision engineering company Almond Engineering is based in Livingston and received £100,000 from the Pivotal Enterprise Fund and has remained in production throughout the pandemic by undertaking safety precautions. 

The business has also manufactured face shields to donate to the NHS as well as creating test equipment for ventilator manufacturers.

Managing director of Almond Engineering Michelle Quinn said: “The support from Scottish Enterprise has been so important for us. We have always really valued the help and support and in times like this it is doubly valuable.    

“The coronavirus has really impacted our orders at Almond and at times such as these when you don’t know how long the crisis will last nor how deep the recession will be, the government and Scottish Enterprise support allows time for the economy to start recovering and ensure that businesses such as ours are here once the world reopens.” 

Edinburgh based interior and graphic design firm 442 Design specialises in venue design, creating memorable customer experiences that challenge the conventions of traditional Food, Drink and Retail spaces. Their clients include Arsenal Football Club, Amazon, SSE Hydro, BBC Scotland, Adidas and Aramark. 

442 Design received £50,000 from the Pivotal Enterprise Resilience Fund, which was welcomed by Managing director David Dunn who said: “Our business relies heavily on crowds and entertainment whether through eating and drinking out, football matches or live gigs.

“The banning of crowd activity had a massively detrimental impact on our client businesses. Our business practically stopped with lockdown with all projects put on hold. 

“PERF has kept the company afloat during a time of forced abandonment of all projects, saved jobs and allowed 442 to reposition for the future. We’re now developing a different Covid-aware approach to designing spaces that can deliver both commercial return for client and ensure a great experience for our customers.” 

Arrayjet is a biotech company based in Roslin, Midlothian, supplying inkjet bio-printing instruments and also manufactures Covid 19 testing and research products.  

Iain McWilliam Chief Executive Officer of Arrayjet said: “The PERF grant helped support our cashflow during a critical period when revenue collection and generation was extremely difficult.

“Many of our customers had to cease operations temporarily, and the restrictions on travel prevented us from installing new instruments, look after our installation base, or to visit prospective clients.

“A large proportion of the Arrayjet team were already on the furlough scheme, but the PERF grant allowed us to continue some limited economic activity, to support our key local supply chain, to bring some staff back sooner and accelerate our recovery.  

“The PERF grant helped to stabilise our cashflow and gave our board the confidence to bring members of the Arrayjet team off furlough earlier than planned. As a result, we have been able to develop and market products and services related to Covid 19 research and diagnosis.”