Helping new Scots settle into communities

Action set out to support integration

A package of measures to help ensure refugees and people seeking asylum are supported to make their new communities their home has been unveiled.

The New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy: Delivery Plan 2024-2026 – developed by the Scottish Government, Scottish Refugee Council and COSLA – includes commitments to work with employers to help them recruit refugees, to identify ways to improve English language provision and to ensure services are co-ordinated effectively.

The plan also aims to ensure people understand their rights, responsibilities and entitlements, and to help New Scots and communities to integrate.

Equalities Minister Kaukab Stewart said: “Scotland has a proud history of welcoming those fleeing war and persecution, and we are dedicated to helping them integrate into communities from the day they arrive.

“It is vital that we support refugees and people seeking asylum to understand their rights and access employment and services to help them to rebuild their lives in Scotland.

“This plan, which was informed by engagement with those with experience of seeking refuge and settling in Scotland, as well as those with expertise in supporting them, lays out the steps we will take to support refugees and people seeking asylum to integrate across different parts of society.

“It also recognises the role communities and employers can actively play in supporting people.”

Chief Executive of Scottish Refugee Council Sabir Zazai said: “Global conflicts and humanitarian crises are forcing record numbers of people to flee their homes in search of safety.

“The commitments set out in this plan will help those seeking protection in Scotland to rebuild their lives here in a meaningful and sustainable way. We welcome the plan and thank everyone whose views and expertise helped shape it.”

COSLA Community Wellbeing Spokesperson Cllr Maureen Chalmers said: “Scotland’s local authorities remain fully committed to welcoming and supporting people who are fleeing war and persecution to find safety and integrate in their new communities.

“The New Scots Delivery Plan sets out actions which local authorities will be working towards to help to improve New Scots’ experiences of living in our communities and accessing local services and, importantly, seeks to ensure that they are able to access their rights. Working in partnership with New Scots themselves, and with our partners, including Scottish Government and Scottish Refugee Council, will be key to the successful delivery of this plan.”

UNESCO Chair for Refugee Integration through Education, Languages, Arts at the University of Glasgow and the New Scots Core Group Chair Professor Alison Phipps said: “To develop the New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy Delivery Plan, New Scots and communities across Scotland have reflected deeply on what it means to live together, with and despite differences.

“This plan offers an exciting commitment to action across Scotland and to embedding the rights of all who seek refuge.”

Scottish traditions to be formally recognised as UK joins UNESCO Convention

Public encouraged to propose festive traditions, such as Christmas pantomime and Hogmanay, for formal recognition alongside other mainstays of UK culture

Communities across Scotland will be able to nominate their most cherished traditions to be included in a new register of cultural heritage in the UK. 

Festive favourites, such as pantomime, Hogmanay and pagan Yuletide traditions could all be formally recognised. 

Seasonal celebrations taking place at St Andrew’s Day, Burns Night, Edinburgh Fringe Festival and Up Helly Aa in the Shetlands could also be included. 

Traditions that are central to Scottish culture, identity and communities, from Highland dancing to bagpipe playing, cèilidhs and commons riding are expected to also be put forward for a UK-wide official inventory. 

Artisanal crafts such as kilt-making, tweed-weaving and the art of making the perfect haggis, together with the practitioners of these traditions, will also be considered. 

The selected Scottish traditions will sit alongside valued traditions from across the rest of the UK, from the male voice choirs of the Welsh Valleys to cheese-rolling and the art of basket-weaving. 

It comes as the UK Government has confirmed its intention to ratify the 2003 UNESCO Convention for Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, which seeks to protect the crafts, practices, and traditions which are recognised as being key part of national life and providing a sense of identity to communities. 

These practices are often also referred to as ‘intangible cultural heritage’ or ‘living heritage’ and are inherited from our ancestors and passed on to our descendants.

Arts and Heritage Minister Lord Parkinson of Whitley Bay said: “The UK is rich in traditions which have been passed down from generation to generation, and so many of those which are best known around the world – from bagpipe-playing to the Highland games – are Scottish.

“These crafts, customs, and celebrations have helped to shape our communities and bring people together, who continue to shape them in turn. 

“By ratifying this Convention, we will be able to celebrate treasured traditions from every corner of the country, support the people who practise them, and ensure that they are passed down for future generations to enjoy.”

By ratifying the Convention, the UK Government will be able to recognise Scotland’s most important crafts and traditions in the same way as we have considered physical heritage sites such as New Lanark, Edinburgh Old Town, and the Heart of Neolithic Orkney. 

UK Government minister for Scotland, John Lamont, said: “Hogmanay, Burns Night and ceilidh dancing are Scottish traditions celebrated across the world and now we will be able to give them recognition alongside those from around the UK as part of this international convention.

“I encourage communities across the country to nominate their local traditions that will be ratified and help to preserve them for generations to come.”

As intangible cultural heritage can only be considered as such when it is recognised by the communities, groups or individuals that create, maintain and share it, it will be these groups and people from across Scotland who will be able to nominate the UK’s favourite traditions to be formally recognised. 

A public consultation launched today will seek the public’s views on the UK Government’s proposed approach to implementing the Convention across the UK to safeguard valued traditions. This will include the approach to how people will be able to nominate traditions, how they will be adjudicated, and any criteria that the nominated practices will need to meet before they are considered. 

The UK Government has been working closely with the Devolved Administrations, the Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories in the run up to this decision and will continue to do so in order to implement the Convention and collate the UK-wide inventory, which is expected to launch for nominations next year.

Scotland’s UNESCO Trail launched

The world’s first ever UNESCO trail, bringing together some of Scotland’s most iconic, diverse and culturally significant sites, has been launched.

Scotland’s UNESCO Trail connects the country’s 13 place-based UNESCO designations, including World Heritage Sites, Biospheres, Global Geoparks and Creative Cities to form a dedicated digital trail.

It aims to take visitors on a cultural journey across the country experiencing everything from history to science, music, design and literature to nature and cityscapes. 

Designed specifically to support ambitions to make Scotland a world-leading responsible tourism destination, Scotland’s UNESCO Trail encourages visitors to stay longer, visit all year round, make sustainable travel choices, explore more widely and at the right time of the year, and in turn, contribute to the sustainable quality of life of those communities surrounding the designated sites.

The digital trail – which is available on – showcases the breadth of culturally astounding UNESCO designations on offer across Scotland, providing information and inspiration to visitors across the world. It also celebrates businesses and communities that are committed to responsible tourism business practices and promotes sustainable travel options.

Scotland is the first nation in the world to create such a pioneering initiative. Developed through a unique partnership between VisitScotland, the Scottish Government, the UK National Commission for UNESCO, Historic Environment Scotland, NatureScot, the National Trust for Scotland and Scotland’s 13 UNESCO designations, the project has received £360,000 funding from the Scottish Government to support the strategy for the sustainable recovery of Scottish tourism. 

Tourism Minister Ivan McKee officially launched the trail in Dundee, the UNESCO City of Design, by unveiling a specially commissioned design by illustrator and printmaker, Jagoda Sadowska, a graduate of the city’s Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art.

The design has been printed onto a door, which will be incorporated into the city’s Open Close tour as a permanent legacy of the trail.

 Tourism Minister Ivan McKee said“Scotland has always been a pioneering nation and I’m pleased to see we’re leading the way with the world’s first UNESCO digital trail.

“Tourism is key to Scotland’s economy and as we begin to recover from the pandemic, this collaboration between the Scottish Government, VisitScotland, NatureScot and UNESCO could not be more timely. 

“Supported by £360,000 of Scottish Government funding, the UNESCO Trail will help to attract and welcome both domestic and international visitors again, by showcasing Scotland’s unique cultural heritage and many UNESCO sites. As we approach COP26, I’m pleased to see that the UNESCO trail has sustainability at its core and will help visitors make responsible and sustainable choices by highlighting green accredited businesses and promoting environmentally friendly travel.”

Francesca Osowska, CEO of NatureScot and Chair of Scotland’s UNESCO Trail Steering Group, said: “The Trail is a hugely exciting global first, inspiring visitors to Scotland to journey through its unique natural and cultural heritage.

“All the designations in the Trail have a distinctive story to tell and we hope that, whether people visit just one, or travel to all the sites, they will be wowed by what they see.

“Responsible tourism and greener travel are at the heart of our ambitions for the UNESCO Trail.  This will lead to a more sustainable economy and will help to create better places for people to live and visit in every corner of Scotland. This is so essential as we work to tackle the nature loss and climate change crises and prepare to host COP26.”

VisitScotland Director of Industry and Destination Development, Rob Dickson, said: “There is no other journey like Scotland’s UNESCO Trail and we want to inspire visitors to take a once-in-a-lifetime experience across the country, delving into its history and heritage, experiencing the wonder of its natural assets and the magic that inspires art, music and literature.

“The innovative trail not only showcases the breadth of culturally astounding UNESCO designations we have across Scotland but also the exceptional visitor experiences this trail creates.”VisitScotland is focused on the recovery of the industry, building a destination and visitor experience which allows tourism and events to flourish now and in the future. We’ll continue to work with, and support, businesses to ensure we rebuild this vital part of Scotland’s economy.

“Tourism is a force for good – creating economic and social value in every corner of Scotland and enhancing the well-being of everyone who experiences it.

Professor Anne Anderson, Non-Executive Director at the UK National Commission for UNESCO said: “Scotland’s UNESCO Trail is a world-first bringing together Scotland’s world-class cultural and natural heritage. Not only this, the Trail does so within UNESCO’s broader aims of building peace and sustainable development.

“Across Scotland, these UNESCO designations are local partnerships and communities that protect and promote their outstanding creativity, cultural heritage and the natural environment. By partaking in the Trail, visitors from around the world will rediscover Scotland’s unique treasures, know they are travelling sustainably, and contribute to the communities who maintain these precious places.

“From the stunning mountains of the northwest Highlands, the heart of Neolithic Orkney, the vibrant music scenes of Glasgow, to Edinburgh’s outstanding heritage and literature festivals, there is a wealth of people and places waiting to welcome you.”

Artist Jagoda Sadowska said: “It’s been a great pleasure to be involved in the project. Dundee is a wonderful city and hopefully, with the opening of Scotland’s UNESCO Trail, it will get even more recognition and appreciation. 

“As someone who recently graduated from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, I feel extremely fortunate to be able to pursue Illustration as a full-time job. Dundee is filled with warm and motivated people that create an encouraging environment for upcoming artists.

“There’s a strong sense of community that is both friendly and welcoming and had a fundamental influence on my practice. Creative Dundee does a wonderful job of connecting people, providing space and opportunities for creatives.

“I hope the Trail can work as a gateway to allow more people to experience the City of Dundee and beyond.” 

The full list of designations included in Scotland’s UNESCO Trail are the Galloway & Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere, Wester Ross UNESCO Biosphere, Dundee UNESCO City of Design, Edinburgh UNESCO City of Literature, Glasgow UNESCO City of Music, Shetland UNESCO Global Geopark, North West Highlands UNESCO Global Geopark, the Forth Bridge UNESCO World Heritage Site, Frontiers of the Roman Empire: Antonine Wall UNESCO World Heritage Site, New Lanark UNESCO World Heritage Site, Heart of Neolithic Orkney UNESCO World Heritage Site, Old and New Towns of Edinburgh UNESCO World Heritage Site, St Kilda World Heritage Site. 

For more information, visit

Scotland’s UNESCO Trail

Did you know Scotland is home to six World Heritage Sites, two Biosphere Reserves, two Global Geoparks, and three creative cities? That’s a supersized helping of history, nature and culture right on your doorstep!

If you aren’t sure what UNESCO status means, it’s similar to how National Park status helps to tell you a place is special.

Scotland is now the first country in the world to bring these truly unique sites together into trails to enjoy at a pace that suits you.

Discover destinations with a difference:


Refugee projects in Scotland awarded £2.8 million

Organisations and community groups working to support refugees in Scotland will share £2.8 million through a new grant scheme.

In total, 56 projects will receive funding to deliver initiatives designed to help New Scots settle in their adopted communities by promoting employability, education, health and social and cultural connections.

Grants awarded include:

  • £104,615 for employment and training support for refugees in the West of Scotland
  • £72,930 to help Arabic speakers in Dundee, Fife and Clackmannanshire access certification to work in the Scottish construction industry
  • £114,987 to improve mental health and reduce loneliness and social isolation of refugees and separated children in Edinburgh
  • £23,075 for English language learning (ESOL) in Midlothian that focuses specifically on preparing learners for the workplace

Social Justice Secretary Shona Robison said: “We are committed to supporting the integration of asylum seekers into our communities from day one, not just when leave to remain has been granted.

“The funding and development of these projects will support our aim to have cohesive, connected and multi-cultural communities where people can access services and be supported into employment and education.

“Scotland has a long history of welcoming asylum seekers and refugees from all over the world. In re-building their lives they help make the country stronger, more compassionate and more successful for everyone.”

This project is part funded by the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and is part of the New Scots Refugee Integration Delivery Project. It is led by the Scottish Government in partnership with COSLA, Scottish Refugee Council and the UNESCO Chair at the University of Glasgow.

Scottish Refugee Council CEO Sabir Zazai said: “There is such a strong will in Scotland to support newcomers and make people feel welcome. Equally strong is the desire from refugee-led groups to make a contribution and use their skills and expertise to create flourishing, well integrated communities.

“This funding will build on all of this and allow groups and organisations to strengthen and deepen their work with people seeking safety in Scotland.”

COSLA’s Community Wellbeing spokesperson, Councillor Kelly Parry said: “I am thrilled so many local authorities have secured funding to implement a wide range of exciting projects aimed at enhancing refugee integration.

“From improving refugee employability to developing tailored mental health support for young asylum seekers, the projects being funded are both ambitious in their scope and innovative in their approach.”

UNESCO Chair at the University of Glasgow, Alison Phipps, said: “The New Scots policy is regarded with acclaim internationally, modelled on human rights and dignity for all.

“It is especially heartening to see refugee led projects at the forefront and to know that new and expanded work will take place across Scotland.”

Forth Bridge likely to become World Heritage Site

‘To have the bridge inscribed as a World Heritage Site would be a tremendous accolade for the bridge itself, for the local communities it spans and for Scotland as a whole’ – Fiona Hyslop, Cabinet Secretary for  Culture, Europe and External Affairs


The Forth Bridge is a step closer to becoming Scotland’s sixth World Heritage Site.

The agenda has been published for the forthcoming annual World Heritage Committee, which will decide whether the iconic bridge is to be awarded World Heritage Status.

The papers for the committee’s 39th session, to be held in Bonn in Germany from 28 June until 8 July, include a draft decision to inscribe the Forth Bridge as a World Heritage Site. It is the strongest signal yet that the Forth Bridge could be in line for a place on UNESCO’s prestigious World Heritage List. This follows a recommendation from official UNESCO advisors at the international conservation body ICOMOS.

Responding to UNESCO’s draft decision, Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Europe and External Affairs, Fiona Hyslop said: “The Scottish Government is delighted that UNESCO has published its draft decision to inscribe the iconic Forth Bridge as a World Heritage Site, which would be Scotland’s sixth site on the list.

“Together with Network Rail, Transport Scotland and the other partners in the Forth Bridges Forum, Historic Scotland has prepared a compelling nomination which presents a strong case for the Bridge’s Outstanding Universal Value. This is accompanied by a Management Plan which outlines how the Bridge will be maintained in the future, together with ways in which the benefits of World Heritage inscription can be maximised.

“A great deal of work has been carried out by officials and local community representatives to get to this point. The recent recommendation by ICOMOS and the draft decision published this week by UNESCO underlines the strength of the case that has been made.

“To have the bridge inscribed as a World Heritage Site would be a tremendous accolade for the bridge itself, for the local communities it spans and for Scotland as a whole. The bridge was nominated by the UK for inscription last year – in itself that process was a celebration of our country’s incredible engineering pedigree and ingenuity. I look forward to UNESCO’s final decision on the Forth Bridge bid in July.”

Scotland already has five World Heritage Sites. They are:

St Kilda – a group of remote islands and sea stacs 100 miles off the west coast of Scotland;

the heart of Neolithic Orkney– one of the richest surviving Neolithic landscapes in Western Europe;

the Antonine Wall – the most northerly frontier of the Roman Empire running right across central Scotland;

the old and new towns of Edinburgh – one of the world’s most beautiful cityscapes; and

New Lanark – a restored 18th century cotton mill village situated in the narrow gorge of the River Clyde and renowned for the enlightened management of the social pioneer Robert Owen.