Trinity’s Summer(?) Special

Did you notice (sorry, ‘detect’) that it’s been summer? (Maybe now!) Trinity Community Council (TCC) has been in recess but things just keep happening … (writes BILL RODGER)



29 & 30 AUGUST, 11am – 3.30pm

There’s a buzz going round Trinity. Neighbours are chatting and tweets are tweeting (try @TrinityGala). Signposts popping up in the strangest of places. Yes – it’s the Trinity Community Gala! Something for everyone over two days.

  • on Saturday 29th Wardie Church for ‘Open Doors’; local history and flower displays; Trinity Timeline; fun competitions; treasure hunt; quiz; kids can make their very own gardens or try out cold cooking.
  • on Sunday 30th Lomond Park has an open air service at 11am then from 12 it’s BBQ time with Porto & Fi; live music, local bands; kidz sports; bouncy castle; face painting; ‘Marathon’, bowls and tennis tasters; local produce, fun dog show and much more….

The Gala now enjoys the support of many local businesses and organisations keen to celebrate the spirit of our community – so do come and join the jamboree and some real GALA FUN!

Granton Harbour

Following concerns raised with us by Granton CC we had asked CEC for information about the piecemeal nature of this development and how some residents are alleged to be subject to exploitative facilities charges.

It seems that since then the developer’s demands have become more forceful and, with CEC holding a strong line, this has culminated in the developer withdrawing for further discussion with officials. Watch this space. Let us know if you have a view.

Also on the waterfront … cruise liners

You may have noticed the cruise liner Britannia docked at Newhaven in July with 5,000 passengers. While a welcome commercial boost, inevitably there was some disruption while passengers were ferried to and from the City Centre. What do you think? Is this an exciting new development or an emerging problem?

Closure of RBS Goldenacre


The branch closed its doors on 13 August. We protested not only about the impact on local business and vulnerable people but also about RBS’ failure to consult despite signing up to a protocol on this as recently as February.

When a meeting was eventually arranged, it was at short notice, without an agenda and not even held locally. It was evident that RBS had no intention of even delaying closure and the only concession conceded was to hold drop-in sessions to help customers wishing to try online banking or gain familiarity with ATMs.

Unbelievably, though, even this was undermined when RBS decided not to mail customers to let them know about this help.

If you are unhappy about the move we can only point to local alternatives Bank of Scotland or TSB at Goldenacre – or alternatively you might want to get up to £150 simply from switching to another bank.

Legislation introduced in 2013 now makes this very easy: see

Starbank Park Green Flag

Keep Scotland Beautiful has awarded a Green Flag to Starbank Park recognising the magnificent efforts of the Friends and CEC staff in restoring the park to its place as a jewel in Trinity’s crown. It means that both Trinity’s parks now have a Green Flag.

Victoria Park Tennis and Basketball Courts

Victoria Park 1T

And on the Glorious Twelfth, Victoria Park’s renewed basketball and tennis courts were formally opened by Cllrs Lesley Hinds and Richard Lewis together with Jamie Hepburn, Minister for Sport (above). Our parks are really going from strength to strength!

127 Trinity Road

The application to build five houses was rejected by CEC on 12 August following a lot of local concern. TCC had expressed its concerns about overdevelopment and that was the reason CEC gave for rejection. It remains to be seen whether the developer will now modify the proposal, appeal or abandon the project.

Granton Walled Garden

There seems to be growing support and greater cooperation from developers for the preservation of this medieval garden. It gives hope that a nearby amenity will be saved from being built over.


City councillors voted for a hearing to be held on 26 August about the demolition of the “Earthy” building at Canonmills Bridge despite officials earlier recommending demolition. The decision means that objectors will be able to present the case for retention directly to the Development Committee.

Scotland Street tunnel

And in Scotland Street tunnel next month there will be a community exhibition of thoughts, paintings and photographs. Launch event is on 27 September.

South East Scotland City Region Plan (SESPLAN): Major Issues Report

The MIR is the first stage of preparing a new strategic plan for the 1.25m people (forecast to rise to 1.5m) living in Edinburgh, the Lothians, Borders and half of Fife. It is a consultation document and is the principle opportunity for everyone to give their views on how the region should develop over the next 20 years.

Consultation runs until 30 September. You can make your thoughts known at . Alternatively pass them on through TCC. Or do both!

Neighbourhood Watch Alerts

Want to know if there’s a break-in near you or if cars are being vandalised? Sign up for free emails or text messages through this link: for more information.


This is just a sample. Much more at our next meeting on Monday 14 September at 7 pm in Wardie Parish Church, Primrose Bank Road. Open to all. Come along and give us your thoughts. We need to know them!

Did you find this bulletin useful or informative? If so, why not show it to a neighbour? Anyone in Trinity can subscribe to the bulletin simply by emailing Or drop us a line and tell us what you think could be better.

Anyone for tennis in Trinity?

Partnership serves up new free sports facilities

Victoria Park 1T

Councillor Lesley Hinds opened new tennis courts and a basketball court in Victoria Park yesterday. The Environment Convener was joined by Minister for Sport, Health Improvement and Mental Health, Jamie Hepburn and Culture & Sport Convener Councillor Richard Lewis to open the new sports facilities, which came about following a consultation organised by Trinity Community Council.

Cllr Lesley Hinds said: “We have many wonderful parks and green spaces throughout the city and Victoria Park is a fantastic example of an excellent outdoor space that is enjoyed by the whole community.

“The consultation showed us that there is demand for free local sports facilities so the opening of these new tennis and basketball courts is great news. I hope it will encourage even more people to make the most of this beautiful park.”

The new courts are thanks to a £95,000 investment jointly funded by the City of Edinburgh Council and Sportscotland via the Legacy 2014 Active Places Fund.

A community consultation found that some local residents were discouraged from using local sports facilities due to financial barriers and that there was a lack of quality free sports provision in the area. The results of the consultation led to the development of the courts, which will also benefit the three schools located nearby, Trinity Academy, Trinity Primary and Holy Cross Primary.

Culture and Sport Convener, Cllr Richard Lewis, said: “I am delighted that these new facilities are now open and the fact that they are free and accessible to everyone makes them an excellent resource for the community.

“A key priority for the Council is to provide more opportunities for people to get active and encourage greater participation in sports as part of healthy lifestyle. The new courts will help us to achieve this and will be a real asset for local people of all ages.”

Victoria Park was first awarded a Green Flag in 2011 and forms part of the North Edinburgh Cycle Network, National Cycle Network and North Sea Route.

News from Trinity Community Council

Trinity CC’s 8 June meeting was well attended. The main points:

RBS branch closure: 'strong protest' from Trinity CC
RBS branch closure: ‘strong protest’ from Trinity CC

Traffic and Transport

TCC and neighbouring CCs have been concerned about the lack of a review of Waterfront developments on traffic and transport in our part of the city. The most recent (in 2008 at a cost of £250k) North Edinburgh Transport Action Plan (NETAP) had assumed that the tram would come to Newhaven. Much has changed since then. Cllr Hind’s office had indicated that ‘the new Local Development Plan will have an action to review the NETAP‘ but no timescale nor detail was given.

Speaking at our meeting, Cllr Hinds recognised the importance of proper infrastructure planning but indicated that even a short stand-alone review could cost around £100,000. Finding this money would be difficult. She would ensure that officials put a timescale in writing on how NETAP would be covered in the LDP and offered to arrange a follow-up meeting with officials. She also accepted that a lighter touch traffic and transport study could be set up involving various CCs in North Edinburgh.

Community engagement was essential if a less cumbersome, more holistic planning process is to be developed which can better handle changing circumstances and be more readily communicated to those affected.

Responding to questions, Cllr Hinds agreed the importance of clarifying developers’ intentions at Granton and also the level of industrial development at Leith Docks since both would have direct implications for traffic and transport. Access arrangements to Leith Docks could have a significant impact on the volume of heavy traffic along the Waterfront.

The importance of controlling emissions had been underlined by the introduction of low emission zones in London with a knock-on effect on Edinburgh as vehicles have been redeployed north.

Cllr Hinds acknowledged that infrastructure planning must include wider amenities like schools and green space while smarter design at no extra cost could better integrate cycle path planning within mainstream road/pavement planning.

Extension of 20mph speed limits

20mphWorries about whether the Police would be able to enforce the 20mph limit were expressed but Cllr Hinds assured the meeting that the Police would enforce it as they did other speed limits. Some concern was also expressed that despite the number of schools, Craighall Road remained at 30mph. Moreover a potential increased volume of traffic from cruise liners disembarking at Granton/Newhaven could become significant.

New handrail in Laverockbank Road

You may have noticed this new addition to our streetscape. This will make it possible to get up and down the hill safely in even the most inclement weather.


Police are appealing for witnesses following a serious assault on 2 people in Laverockbank Road by 4 attackers. This happened at about 1am on Sunday 31 May with both victims sustaining serious facial injuries.

Closure of RBS Goldenacre 

rbs goldenacreWe have protested strongly about RBS’ plans to close its Goldenacre branch from 13 August 2015 following a 25% drop in customer use over the last 3 years. We have pointed to the distance to the suggested alternatives as well as the growth planned for our side of the city.

Despite letters asserting a policy of “actively engaging, helping and supporting our customers and the local community” no bank representative was available for our meeting. Indeed as recently as March, the British Banking Association published a protocol that banks would “work with local communities to establish the impact of the branch closure prior to its closure”. This has been notable by absence.

We were assured that CEC Councillors are pressing the issue as is Malcolm Chisholm MSP. We hope to arrange a meeting with RBS shortly.

New Street Lighting

Quite a few complaints about the new LED street lighting which, while cheaper to run and environmentally sounder, is creating some unfortunate dark patches. Alternative settings are now being used to widen and increase light distribution and in certain places, additional lamps have been installed. Cllr Hinds accepted that installation without a prior explanation letter had been a mistake. Anyone who remained concerned about the quality of the lighting should contact her or one of the Forth councillors.

Public Consultations

Two surveys which you may be interested in completing –
– Tram Inquiry
– Police Scotland counter service.

127 Trinity Road

This has been resubmitted but again received a high volume of objections. We therefore expect the application to receive a full Committee consideration with a distinct possibility of becoming a Hearing. That permits TCC and other interested parties to speak.

Our beautiful green spacesStarbank_Park

Lots of praise for Victoria Park’s improved basketball and tennis courts. Starbank Park goes from strength to strength including a Midsummer Madness event on 21 June (see attached poster).

starbank event

Next meeting will be on

Monday 14 September at 7 pm in Wardie Parish Church, Primrose Bank Road.

Come and give us your thoughts!

Did you find this bulletin useful or informative? If so, why not show it to a neighbour? Anyone in Trinity can subscribe to the bulletin simply by emailing Or drop us a line and tell us what you think could be better.

Community council concern over bank branch closure

Trinity CC met on 11 May. Here are the main points:


RBS Goldenacre closure

This long-established branch has been scheduled for closure by RBS. We have expressed our very strong reservations about the impact on local businesses and the wider community but also about the underlying commercial logic. We sincerely hope that RBS will consider these points and have asked for a spokesperson to come to our next meeting.

Walkabout – Saturday 25 April

This identified a number of priorities for CEC spending:
– patching potholes in Netherby Rd, Lennox Row
– attend to puddle at Boswall Rd/Netherby Rd junction
– consider yellow lines for various sections of Boswall Rd
– some minor repairs to Wardie Steps
– clarifying ownership around Wardie Bay as initial step towards strengthening the sea wall, upgrading existing steps, cleaning up the beach and installing litter bins.
– better lighting in Walkway tunnel near L Granton Rd
– more litter bins in pathway between Newhaven Rd and Trinity Academy, and in Victoria Park.
– handrail down the steep part of Laverockbank Road.


127 Trinity Road – Application to develop garage site

The previous application has been withdrawn and resubmitted. This follows a significant number of objections mainly concerning overdevelopment with few objecting to residential development in principle. Indeed some of the adjoining residents in Lower Granton Road would favour development as they expect it to improve their environment and drainage in particular.

Other concerns include difficult access particularly for emergency services and bin lorries, restricted parking provision, remediation of the former fuel tanks/potential for contamination, removal of trees from a site within the conservation area, a proposed height which would overlook some existing properties.

Craighall Road – West Side

The developer has undertaken to move quickly to tidy up this development site.

134B Newhaven Road – Change of Use

After several attempts, permission has been granted by CEC to change the annexe to the former nursing home at 134B Newhaven Road to residential use.


Waterfront Developments

We remain concerned about the traffic and infrastructure impacts of what appears to be patchwork developments at Granton Harbour and along the Waterfront generally. We believe it is essential that we understand what exactly is envisaged by the different owners and what planning consents are still valid. Cllrs Jackson and Redpath are pursuing this on our behalf and we hope that Cllr Hinds will be able to attend our June meeting to discuss and advise.


The recent spate of house break-ins appears to be subsiding: two further arrests have been made. Thieves are now targetting garden sheds. Hinges have been removed and hasps forced so Police advice is to use an alarm if there’s something valuable in your shed. Other options include gravel around the shed and motion activated lighting. You can find more information here police security advice or through a Neighbourhood Watch if you have set that up.


New Street Lighting

While more energy efficient, the new LED streetlights have a number of problems. The beam is narrow and the overall effect inadequate. Further installation is on hold in some streets and under review in over 100 streets where they have already been installed. Trialling of different intensity settings is also being done to see if that makes sufficient difference. It is unfortunate that no notice had been given of the installation plans.

Edinburgh Association of Community Councils

The EACC exists as a means through which all Edinburgh’s community councils can act collectively, among other things via the Edinburgh Partnership including CEC, NHS Lothian, emergency services and business. For various reasons it has been fairly quiet of late but new office bearers were elected on 21st May and we look forward to a reinvigorated EACC making a positive difference for all our communities.


Public Toilet Closures

The CEC consultation on the criteria for closing public toilets has now closed and the results will be published on the CEC website from Friday 5 June. We are not hopeful that any outside the city centre will be spared though it is possible that some may be taken over by Lothian Buses for the use of their staff only.


A number of trees have been chopped down, notwithstanding the legal protection afforded to them by conservation area status. To help address the general ignorance, including the possibility of substantial fines, an informative article will be placed in Trinity Spotlight.


This will take place on Monday 8 June 2015 in the New Hall of Wardie Parish Church, Primrose Bank Road, 7.00pm. As well as the Annual General Meeting we hope to confirm:

  • An RBS spokesperson to address the various concerns we have about the Goldenacre closure. Come and have your own say.
  • Cllr Lesley Hinds to provide an update on Granton Harbour and traffic planning across north Edinburgh.

Do you have a view on how we might do things better? Come to the AGM on Monday 8 June at 7 pm in Wardie Parish Church – and tell us!

Anyone in Trinity can subscribe to the bulletin by emailing

Or drop us a line and tell us what you think could be better.

A busy weekend in Trinity

On *Saturday *we have our annual Trinity CC walkabout. Starts at 10 outside Wardie Primary.

What are you doing on Sunday?  How about exploring our walkway/cycle paths? Check out

What about Monday?  So much to choose from ….

If you’re interested in Crime Prevention then you might like to try this:

…but if culture (in aid of a good cause) is more your thing, then check out the attached poster – an annual concert at North Leith Parish Church featuring our very own Trinity Pipers (and others). Its in aid of Help the Heroes.


Of course, if you’re quick off the mark you might just be able to fit both in! Beats Eastenders!

Bill Rodger, Trinity Community Council

Latest news from Trinity CC

trit cc

Trinity Community Council met on 13 April. Here are the main points – and please note the annual walkabout this Saturday:


Police have focussed considerable resource on housebreaking with one particular arrest reckoned to account for a lot of the problems. Other arrests include a youth riding his motor bike at speed through Victoria Park and a housebreaker in Lower Granton Rd.

Nothing beats good security – lock windows/doors, set alarms, light timers and motion lights in gardens. Best of all, get to know your neighbours and keep an eye out for each other’s property. Maybe set up a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme? Savings on house insurance alone will repay the effort!

A high speed chase through Trinity involving an unmarked police car raised concerns about risk to pedestrians. We have received assurances that the police vehicle was driven by a trained and authorised Roads Policing Officer and the pursuit was only undertaken following a careful assessment of risk. The culprit was eventually apprehended and charged.

Is there new LED street lighting where you live? Does it properly illuminate the street? It seems it isn’t fully effective everywhere depending on the distance between lampposts. CEC are trialling adjustments as a possible remedy.


Some highlights from the first of what will be a quarterly report on the performance of local services:

Refuse collection – short of target but trending closer and showing the benefit from a new system to quickly identify missed bins.
Park maintenance – both parks still show high ratings but concern from residents about the impact of staff cutbacks on Victoria Park.
Anti Social Behaviour Complaints resolved – improved sharply in February as newly trained recruits came into service.
Overall Residents’ Satisfaction – Forth overall has a poor showing on this. We have asked for separate figures for Trinity.
We have also asked for information on road repairs. While we are concerned about how often roads are dug up CEC cannot coordinate as utilities can give almost no notice of road works.



This year’s walkabout reviewing potential issues and community investments will start outside Wardie Primary School then via Afton Terr, Netherby Rd, Boswall Rd, down Wardie Steps to Wardie Bay and Lower Granton Rd. Then Trinity Rd Lane, back to the walkway via 5-Ways Junction and finishing at Trinity Academy/Victoria Pk. Do join us!


… has been withdrawn and will be resubmitted as the Firemaster is requiring improvements to the adjoining lane.


We received an update from Granton and District CC which contained some disturbing messages about the behaviour of the developer and property management company and the patchwork nature of ownership which potentially will lead to piecemeal development and inadequate provision for road and school infrastructure.

Exacerbating everything is a lack of clarity concerning basic facts such as the applicability of planning consents. We have given our support to Cllr Jackson to convene a meeting of all interested parties to clarify matters. We support the principle of development but not at any price.


City of Edinburgh Council have now written to local residents setting out plans as described in last month’s newsletter – with one important difference. Trialling single yellow lines will NOT now be included in the 6 month monitoring period only their potential use. This appears to meet concerns emailed to us by various residents.


Trinity CC held a stimulating and productive meeting with TASC when we discussed walkway safety, bike security, litter bin provision/emptying, and renovation of the basketball and tennis courts in Victoria Park. We plan to repeat these meetings every six months with pupils also being encouraged to attend TCC meetings.


The Easter Friday event was a great success. Over 200 parents and children enjoyed the morning and a net £350 was raised. In addition, Keep Scotland Beautiful has awarded £250 to establish a fernery. Consideration is now being given to how the two annexes of the current building might be best used. Ideas such as a cafe, gallery or exhibition space (but not toilet) are all being considered.

Do you have an idea for further events in the Park? Let us know and we’ll pass it on.


… have offered their support to other similar worthy causes. Do you have an event planned? Let us know. We’ll put you in touch.


CEC are consulting on closure of up to 10 public toilets in order to save around £300,000 pa. Granton Square and Canonmills are included in the list. You can express your view at:


We are grateful to Wardie Parish Church for hosting this and our remaining meetings this year. Welcome, also, to Kevin Taylor, the new representative from Wardie Parent Council.

Next meeting will be held on Monday 11 May then AGM on Monday 8 June. Both starting at 7 pm in Wardie Parish Church, Primrose Bank Road. Open to all. Join us if you have something to say or simply want to listen.

Did you find this useful or informative? If so, why not show it to a neighbour? Anyone in Trinity can subscribe to the bulletin simply by emailing Or drop us a line and tell us what you think could be better.

1504 ebulletin


Good Friday event at Starbank Park

Starbank Easter

Are you looking for something to entertain your kids or grandkids this Easter? Perhaps involving a bit of fresh air and exercise? Better still, while you relax and let them get on with it? Maybe some tea/coffee?

The Friends of Starbank Park are organising an Easter Egg Trail on Good Friday. It will last one hour from 10:30 to 11:30.

There will be a mixture of eggs to find and some of the eggs have a special prize attached!

To be eligible, children should be aged between three and eight years old.

And to follow? Well, there’ll be some sunflower seed planting – which means you can bring the children back at regular intervals to see how their own particular sunflower is growing!

Bill Rodger, Trinity CC

Trinity Community Council – March bulletin

Trinity CC met on 9 March. These are the main points:



There was a lot of interest in the apparent recent increase in housebreakings in our area but police say that while there have been some high profile cases, housebreaking in Trinity is in fact down year on year.

West of Granton Road has been worse hit. Either way, police are taking steps to tackle the issue including specialist analytical and helicopter support. They believe they know the relatively small number of people responsible and are confident of bringing this rash under control. The perpetrators are by and large disciplined and reports of violence have exaggerated the extent to which violence occurs: it remains unusual.

Detection rates are up and when a successful prosecution is achieved police are requesting that sentencing includes evening curfews.

Meantime we can help ourselves. CHECK YOUR SECURITY! It’s a matter of making your house less attractive to the burglar through security lights, CCTV and good locks, etc. so that housebreaker moves on. The police are always happy to provide advice.

A public meeting on domestic security is being planned to take place at Wardie Residents Club, towards the end of March. We will also be putting together proposals for a statistical crime report for our area to make the facts clearer. Information is also available on Police Scotland Twitter and Facebook.

East Trinity Road

A recent survey by CEC officials of traffic along East Trinity Road following the realignment of Lower Granton Road shows an overall 18% reduction but, significantly a reduction of up to 30% in the evening peak.

Officials conclude ‘that the level of traffic on ETR is now in a range appropriate for the nature of the road’. They also conclude that ‘traffic congestion on ETR has been significantly reduced and that the traffic conflict issues that previously existed have now largely disappeared’.

Nevertheless, ‘for very brief periods, opposing traffic flows can block each other’s free passage. This is due to the fact that there are limited places to stop and give way to oncoming traffic, particularly as the street, towards the east end, is wholly parked up until some residents leave for work or some other purpose.

This issue could be resolved by the strategic placement of short lengths of single yellow line to create a series of passing places which would be in force from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. leaving residents to park on them overnight. Such a measure would result in a maximum loss of fifteen daytime parking spaces.

They propose to implement passing places on an incremental basis and monitor traffic flows over the next 6 months.


TCC received a lot of feedback on this following our February issue including meeting with some local groups. While there remains a range of views there does seem to be a consensus in favour of the judicious use of yellow lines before considering Priority Parking Zones (PPZs).

Granton Waterfront

Revised plans for Granton Harbour were recently presented by the developers featuring 2000 new houses/flats, 120 bed hotel, retail, marina, boatyard and landing for cruise ship tenders. Our main concern is impact on traffic levels and local schools but we are assured that arrangements are in place for the developers to provide the financial support needed for local facilities. We will also continue to press for a North Edinburgh Transport Review.

The current owners (National Grid) of Granton Gasworks have been trying unsuccessfully to find a restoring buyer for the gasholder. Community views are split. Some feel it is an important part of North Edinburgh’s industrial heritage and every effort should be made to preserve it, perhaps incorporating it into a housing or hotel scheme as has been done elsewhere. Others feel that the structure is rotting away and that the land should simply be used for housing. Yet others believe that legislation should strengthen the obligation on the owners to maintain it. Do you have a view? Let us know.

Granton Castle Walled Garden

Another controversy concerns plans for the medieval walled garden between the gasholder and Caroline House. This is earmarked for 17 townhouses but two community groups have been formed to press for retention and restoration as they believe the garden could be an attractive visitor destination.

2015 Walkabout

Join us for this on the morning of 25 April! It’s an opportunity to identify where work needs done and we intend using it to inform our bid for a share of the £400k Forth Neighbourhood budget. Currently pavement improvements are scheduled in the Denholms and the tennis courts in Victoria Park have been upgraded.

So where to check out this year? Any thoughts?

Drop a line to

Lothian Buses to/from Trinity

The buses serving Trinity area are to increase with up to a doubling of frequency from numbers 7, 11 and 23. Saves parking!

Friends of Starbank Park

TCC has awarded a grant of £150 to provide a cold frame to enable the Friends to grow their own plants, of better quality and at lower cost. Watch out for a special Easter Friends event!

Wardie Primary Parent Council

We are delighted to welcome Kevin Taylor as WPPC’s new representative on TCC.

New Venue for next meeting

Next meeting will be held on Monday 13 April at 7 pm in Wardie Parish Church, Primrose Bank Road. Open to all. Join us if you have something to say or simply want to listen.

Did you find this useful or informative? If so, why not show it to a neighbour? Anyone in Trinity can subscribe to the bulletin simply by emailing

Or drop us a line and tell us what you think could be better!

1503 ebulletin

Trinity CC February News

‘Without intervention traffic and parking in Trinity will rise’

trinity 1

See below for the latest news from Trinity Community Council, whose latest meeting focused on parking, an issue of concern raised by several residents …

TrinityCC Feb


Do you have an opinion on traffic and/or parking issues in Trinity? Please share your thoughts with Trinity Community Council, who would be interested to hear your views.

To get in touch, email

1502 ebulletin

Trinity Community Council: December news bulletin


Housebreakings are up again – 12 thefts from houses and 10
from sheds/garages. Worst affected are the Bangholms,
Craighall Rd and the Dudleys. Police urge residents to be
vigilant about their own and other people’s security and are
pleased that many are reporting suspicious activity.

If a housebreaking looks imminent, you should call 999 rather than 101.

Thieves look for tell-tale signs that a house contains what
they are looking for e.g. a car with bike rack suggests bikes in
the house. Increased police patrols will continue until after
Christmas when the problem is expected to subside.

City of Edinburgh Council Budget Proposals 2015 – 18

balanceCllr Cammy Day of the ruling coalition outlined how savings of 2.1% are sought for 2015/16 rising to 6% by 2017/18. Because Children & Families and Health & Social Care are partly protected, the biggest savings are proposed from Services for Communities where a 7% saving is sought in 2015/16.

City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) is consulting on their proposals and have received 1,500 responses – mostly about plans to raise allotment fees.

We have broad concerns that:

1 The nature of the consultation provides insufficient
financial or statistical information to provide the context
needed for people to make an informed response.

2 There should be more focus on delivering the same services more efficiently rather than (as the proposals often suggest) reducing service in order to lower costs.
Achieving 2% efficiency improvements year-on-year should be achievable without cutting delivery.

Some points concerning detail:

  • Reducing City Car Club use seems like a backward step
    especially for North Edinburgh where we believe every possible tool to contain traffic growth will be needed.
  • If painting white lines on playing fields, cutting grass in parks, etc. needs reduced then voluntary/user groups may be prepared to help but that will require greater flexibility from CEC.
  • Closure of public toilets outside the city centre is disappointing when various residents have argued that there is a growing need for new/refurbished toilets in Starbank and Victoria Parks. Trinity Community Council intends to submit a formal response on this subject. Do you have any views you’d like us to take account of?

Looking further ahead, CEC intend undertaking a BOLD (Better Outcomes through Leaner Delivery) exercise. This will take a more radical look at council structures (including at the Neighbourhood Partnership level) to deliver services. We will be engaging with this.

20MPH Consultation

20mphFollowing discussion with residents (whose research was very informative) we welcome the proposal to introduce a 20 mph limit on Lower Granton Rd from Granton Square to Craighall Road.

Ferry Road from Newhaven Road to Great Junction Street will also become 20mph. It is understood that Granton Road, Craighall Road and Newhaven Road will remain at 30mph with the rest of Trinity at 20mph.

As ever, the key will be proper enforcement!

East Trinity Road

trinity 1City council officials have undertaken a further survey of traffic in East Trinity Road. We are seeking a meeting to discuss results. The next step is likely to be further consultation.


Problems with parking in Wardie Road has raised the possibility of introducing Priority Parking for the area from Ferry Rd to East Trinity Road and and from Granton Road to the Goldenacre Footpath.

As there will be a cost to residents not everyone will be
enthusiastic. We will undertake a survey of your views in 2015.

Traffic generally …

We remain concerned that disconnected proposals are popping
up without a coherent framework and that local problems will
simply be displaced. The issue of traffic and transport across
North Edinburgh needs considered as a whole through a proper review of the now outdated North Edinburgh Transport Plan.

North Edinburgh is the only part of the city where no transport review was undertaken for the Local Development Plan despite hosting a high proportion of planned housing development.

Contact in the Capital

NEN dec front page

The next issue of North Edinburgh News is hitting the streets now. Distribution will include Ferryfield and Rose Park with some copies being stocked at Leith Library, St Serf’s, Wardie Church and Lomond Park Bowling Club. If you get a copy, please let us know what you think.

Proposed Sainsbury’s Local in Craighall Road

trinity 4

We are advised that this application will be heard again by CEC Planning Committee on 17 December.



CEC are considering restoration work on the statue of Edward VII in Victoria Park. Feedback from the drop-in session on proposals to turn the third bowling green in Victoria Park into allotments was favourable and allotments will now likely be allocated 50:50 to people on the waiting list and local residents.

Current work on the tennis and basketball courts is near
complete. A permanent surface will be laid in the Spring.

Trinity CC: Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held on Monday 12 January at 7pm in St Serfs Church Hall, Clark Road.

Did you find this bulletin useful or informative? You can subscribe to the bulletin by emailing 

tcc merry xmas

Trinity CC December newsletter