Edinburgh Castle Seeks Modern Apprentices

Nine school leavers to gain work experience at Scotland’s top paid visitor attraction


Historic Environment Scotland celebrated Scottish Apprenticeship Week by offering nine school leavers the opportunity to join the team at Edinburgh Castle on a two-year Modern Apprenticeship. Continue reading Edinburgh Castle Seeks Modern Apprentices

You’re hired: Scottish Apprenticeship Week

Thinking of a career change? Don’t dismiss an apprenticeship!


Discontented workers in Edinburgh looking to change careers could be limiting their options by assuming that apprenticeships are just for school leavers, according to new research released today from Scottish Gas. Continue reading You’re hired: Scottish Apprenticeship Week

Train with North Edinburgh Childcare


We still have places available for our Childcare Academy Information Sessions on:

Monday 8th February @ 10am
Wednesday 17th February @ 1.30pm

If you would like to book a place to come along and hear more about the Academy, ask any questions and take away an application pack, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below or Barbara Webster on 0131 311 6926.
Audrey O’Neill
Training Administrator
North Edinburgh Childcare
18b Ferry Road Avenue
Edinburgh, EH4 4BL

Childcare Academy information sessions

We still have places available for our Childcare Academy Information Sessions on:

Monday 8 February @ 10am
Wednesday 17 February @ 1.30pm

If you would like to book a place to come along and hear more about the Academy, ask any questions and take away an application pack, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below or Barbara Webster on 311 6926.

2016 CA Publicity Poster 16+

Audrey O’Neill

Training Administrator, North Edinburgh Childcare

Tel: 311 6931

Follow us on Twitter @NEChildcare

Like our Training Services on Facebook @https://www.facebook.com/pages/North-

Community transport training with PEP

Community transport training opportunities

with Pilton Equalities Project


Accredited (PATS) Passenger Assistant Training

Friday 12 February 9.30 -2.30 at the PEP Centre

MIDAS training

Accredited Minibus Training – limited places still available for Monday 8 February

For further info contact: theopepequalities@hotmail.co.uk

MiDAS PAT’s Publicity (1)


A place for all at Edinburgh College

Edinburgh College guarantees a place to local school leavers


Edinburgh College is guaranteeing a place to study to all school students in Edinburgh, East Lothian and Midlothian, to make sure they can achieve their education and career ambitions. The college is promising to help every eligible school student who applies find a course for 2016/17 at the right level in the right area. Continue reading A place for all at Edinburgh College

Edinburgh College Information Day today

Granton Campus today from 2 – 6pm


Edinburgh College is inviting anyone wanting to learn about study options to information days at its campuses this week. Course advisors will provide guidance about 2016/17 courses and remaining last-minute places on programmes starting this month. Continue reading Edinburgh College Information Day today