BBC to offer major educational support during lockdown

“Education is absolutely vital – the BBC is here to play its part and I’m delighted that we have been able to bring this to audiences so swiftly.”

The BBC is set to deliver the biggest education offer in its history across more of its platforms. It will bring together BBC Two, CBBC, BBC Red Button, BBC iPlayer and online to deliver a new education offer to children, teachers and parents as a third national lockdown begins.

Reacting quickly to the news of UK schools moving to remote learning, the new offer from the BBC will ensure all children can access curriculum-based learning, even if they don’t have access to the internet.

Starting on Monday 11 January, each weekday on CBBC will see a three-hour block of primary school programming from 9am, including BBC Live Lessons and BBC Bitesize Daily, as well as other educational programming such as Our School and Celebrity Supply Teacher and much loved titles such as Horrible Histories, Art Ninja and Operation Ouch.

BBC Two will cater for secondary students with programming to support the GCSE curriculum, with a least two hours of content each weekday.

Content will be built around Bitesize Daily secondary shows, complemented by Shakespeare and classic drama adaptations alongside science, history and factual titles from the BBC’s award-winning factual programming units.

Bitesize Daily primary and secondary will also air every day on BBC Red Button as well as episodes being available on demand on BBC iPlayer.

Tim Davie, BBC Director General, says: “Ensuring children across the UK have the opportunity to continue to follow the appropriate core parts of their nation’s school curriculum has been a key priority for the BBC throughout this past year.

“Education is absolutely vital – the BBC is here to play its part and I’m delighted that we have been able to bring this to audiences so swiftly.”

This TV offer sits alongside a wealth of online content which parents, children and teachers can access when and where they need it:

  • For primary, BBC Bitesize online has an expanded offer of structured lessons in Maths and English for all year groups – these can be used at home or in the classroom. ‘This Term’s Topics’ also covers other curriculum subjects and curates learning content that works for the Spring curriculum. This content can be easily incorporated into a learning plan or used to explore different topics at home. Visit, click on the year group and subject and all the content is there.
  • For secondary pupils, Bitesize is also home to two-week learning packs for English and Maths in KS3 (years 7, 8 and 9) as well as This Term’s Topics for other subjects to be used at home or to support teachers in the remote classrooms.
  • For students in Years 10 and 11, the Bitesize GCSE offer allows students to pick their exam board and subject to find everything they need to help with their studies. Visit for details.

Oliver Dowden, Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, says: “The BBC has helped the nation through some of the toughest moments of the last century, and for the next few weeks it will help our children learn whilst we stay home, protect the NHS and save lives.

“This will be a lifeline to parents and I welcome the BBC playing its part.”

Educational content for all nations will also be available.

Emergency Services: Together Let’s Care for your Mental Health

NHS 24, Police Scotland and the Scottish Ambulance Service are working together to support mental health and wellbeing for people across Scotland during the Festive Season.  

After a year like no other for the people of Scotland and our NHS and emergency services, the Together Let’s Care for your Mental Health campaign aims to raise awareness of a range of mental health information and services that support mental health.

The three organisations have been working together to develop new ways to support people in mental health distress when they contact the services.

People calling Police Scotland in mental health distress may now be offered access to the NHS Mental Health Hub service. The Scottish Ambulance Service is also able to support some callers through a similar pathway.

Under the banner ‘Together Let’s Care for your Mental Health’ the partners are able to signpost to a range of self-help guides and options for further support. Online information is available for a range of day to day concerns such as anxiety, depression, young people’s mental health needs, alcohol, gambling and drug use.

NHS 24 offers a range of online mental health guides through as well as the 111 Mental Health Hub and Breathing Space’s telephone and web chat services.

Vicky Burnham, Consultant Paramedic in Dementia and Clinical Lead for Mental Health with the Scottish Ambulance Service, said: “We have been faced with many different challenges this year as a result of Covid-19 and all key workers have gone above and beyond, providing exceptional care throughout the year during an unprecedented global pandemic.

“With social interactions being limited as a result of restrictions this year, it’s vital that health care providers and emergency services are able to provide additional support to those who require help related to anxiety, depression, young people’s mental health needs, alcohol, gambling and drug use.

“We look forward to working alongside our colleagues at Police Scotland and NHS24 to ensure we continue to provide the very best care to patients across Scotland.”

Stephanie Phillips, Director of Service Delivery, NHS 24 said: “”We are pleased to be working together with Police Scotland and the Scottish Ambulance Service to provide the best possible outcomes for people in mental health distress.

“We know this Festive Season is going to be very different for everyone and many people will feel more anxious than usual. Our online resources are a good place to look for the first steps to support and self-care. If you need help now there are a range of services available to you. Our team are here to help those getting in touch with our services with a compassionate response.”

Tony McLaren, National Coordinator for Breathing Space said: “We know that this time of year can be a particularly poignant and difficult time for some.  This year there will be many people who are facing bereavement, anxiety and stress, perhaps for the first time.

“Talking about how you feel, and being listened to, can make all the difference. Our Breathing Space advisors are here to listen and respond when you need someone to support you.”

Assistant Chief Constable, Police Scotland, Gary Ritchie said: “It is the challenge of all in public service to ensure that when people need help, they get it at the right time from the most appropriate agency.

“This is why we have strengthened our work with NHS and SAS colleagues, to make sure that those callers who are suffering mental ill health can now be referred directly to a qualified health professional. We will never step away from people in crisis where they have nowhere else to turn.”

Christmas without family tops concerns for Samaritans callers

Being separated from family and loved ones over the Christmas period is one of the biggest concerns facing callers to Samaritans, the charity has revealed.

Volunteers on the 24-hour helpline say almost a third of callers are feeling concerned about their wellbeing over Christmas, with the majority of those worried about being separated from family and loved ones, and coping with being lonely during Christmas or having to spend Christmas alone.

Samaritans surveyed 1,400 of its own volunteers in Ireland and the UK to see how callers to the helpline have been feeling about the festive season.

Niall Mulligan, Executive Director for Samaritans Ireland, wants to remind the public that Samaritans are there 24 hours a day, including Christmas Day, for anyone who is distressed, lonely or suffering.

Samaritans volunteers in the Republic of Ireland answered almost 40,000 calls in December 2019. More than 50 volunteers answered over 1,150 calls and written contacts on Christmas Day alone.

“It has been an unprecedented year with the pandemic affecting so many people’s health and wellbeing and this will be a very different Christmas for many people,” Mr Mulligan said.

“Some may not be able to visit family or friends, others may have family oversees who cannot travel home, and for others missing normal events, like Christmas Mass or socialising in the local pub, can be devastating.”

“We know that people struggle more at Christmas, as it’s a time when loneliness can really hit home. We want people to know that we are available 24/7 for everyone on freephone 116 123 or email”

Among the volunteers on duty this Christmas Day will be Bernie Keane and her brother Thomas Carbery, who will be on duty together in Samaritans Waterford branch.

Bernie said it’s “no sacrifice” to volunteer on Christmas night as she loves being there for others when they need someone to talk to.

“I find it very rewarding to volunteer on Christmas Day,” said Bernie, who joined Samaritans 12 years ago.

“A lot of places close for Christmas, like care and day centres, and there are very lonely people, some with mental health issues, who may not see anyone for the whole of Christmas. Giving them 15 minutes just to talk to someone can make a difference.

“They may not be suicidal, but they’re so lonely. Other callers may have had a fall out with family members or other issues may surface like bereavement.”

Thomas joined Samaritans five years ago when he retired as a sergeant in the Irish Defence Forces.

“It can be hard sometimes on a particular call, but at the end of that call when someone says thank you for being there it feels good. You can’t get that feeling anywhere else,” he said.

“It’s nice to be there at Christmas when people need you and when they do not have anyone else to chat to. You could be the only person they talk to all day. It’s a good feeling to know you have been there for that person. It’s definitely been hard for people this year.”

Tonight, Samaritans in Ireland will also mark the Longest Night of the year – the Winter Solstice on Monday December 21st – by asking landmarks across the country to illuminate in green to remind people we’re there for them in their darkest hours.

Dublin’s Convention Centre, The Rock of Cashel, Kilkenny Castle, Millmount in Drogheda and Limerick County Council offices are among those taking part to raise awareness of our service.

Images will be shared across social media channels with the hashtags #LongestNight #AlwaysThere.

Urban Union helps Edinburgh’s homeless with Christmas donation

Regeneration firm Urban Union is donating £1,500 to support homeless charities across Edinburgh this festive season.

Crisis in Scotland will receive a cash boost from the developer behind Pennywell Living, to support people homeless in Scotland this Christmas. The donation has been made in lieu of the firm’s annual staff Christmas party, with Turning Point also being recipients of the donation. 

Crisis in Scotland will be using the money to help its front-line team and 250+ volunteers provide people with hot meals, personalised wellbeing packs, online activities (including entertainment, learning and wellbeing) and a telephone befriending service throughout December.

Urban Union has also embarked on a new partnership with Invisible Cities, an Edinburgh-based social enterprise that trains people affected by homelessness to become walking tour guides.

Work is currently underway on a new tour celebrating the rich history of Glasgow’s Gorbals area which is home to Urban Union’s first development, Laurieston Living.

Neil McKay, Managing Director of Urban Union, said: “Our focus at Urban Union is to not only build new homes, but to create strong relationships and support the communities in which our developments are based.

“We are pleased to be able to support Crisis as well as work with organisations like Turning Point and Invisible Cities, who carry out brilliant work supporting the displaced and vulnerable across Edinburgh and Glasgow.

“We hope our donations will allow them to continue to provide crucial and important services through what are difficult times for many over Christmas.”

Crisis’ Edinburgh Skylight centre provides expert support and advice to homeless people to help them leave homelessness behind for good. How Crisis helps someone depends on their individual needs and situation, so it could be that they help someone to find a home and settle in, work together to help them gain new skills and find a job, or improve their overall health and wellbeing.

Kirsty Potter, Fundraising Manager from Crisis in Scotland, said: “We are very grateful for this generous donation from Urban Union which will make a real difference to people in Scotland without a home this Christmas.

“It will help bring comfort and dignity to people being supported in hotels, BnBs and other forms of temporary accommodation this Christmas. Everyone deserves a home, and donations like this will help people in incredibly challenging situations access the support they need to end their homelessness for good.”

City of Edinburgh Council’s Convener of Housing, Homelessness and Fair Work, Councillor Kate Campbell said: “We’ve worked together to put our most vulnerable residents first during this crisis – but the biggest challenges are still to come.

“Making sure people can access the right support when and where they need it is an absolute priority. So it’s great to see these funds going to Crisis and Turning Point to help them help others. Particularly at this time of year”

Urban Union will also be donating funds to Turning Point Scotland which provides support for people who are dealing with mental health conditions, learning disabilities or are homeless.

The charity has led the way in its introduction of the Housing First approach to homelessness in Scotland – by granting secure accommodation as a first step in addressing the issues that led to the situation, rather than the last and being given as proof of recovery.

In addition to the donations, the regeneration specialist has partnered with Invisible Cities to train up to eight people who have experienced homelessness and develop a new walking tour proposed to launch in early 2021.

The group will undertake training to help with confidence building, public speaking and customer service skills and have the opportunity to become an official Invisible Cities guide or access further support to pursue a career path of interest to them.

Urban Union regenerates areas across Scotland to create revitalised communities through building new, high quality, affordable homes.

Across each of its developments, Urban Union aims to deliver sustainable long-term benefits to the new and surrounding neighbourhoods, with job and training opportunities, ensuring the community will benefit from the projects for years to come.

There’s still time to take the Next Step this Winter

There’s still time to take the #NextStep and support people like Ben this winter.

This year we need your support to provide people experiencing homelessness the opportunity to take their #NextStep. 

Our services from street outreach to family mediation have never been more needed. With the impact of Covid still ongoing, we’re seeing rising numbers of people who need us.

You can take action now and help tackle homelessness right here in Scotland.

As we move into Winter, we are asking if you could help people like Ben take the #NextStep towards a more settled and positive future.  

For every £10 donated to our #NextStep winter appeal, our generous appeal sponsors will match your donation pound for pound making your gift go further. 

Your gift could support people like Ben to access essential short-term survival items, and work with our Navigators to move into safe accommodation with access to food and support over the harsh winter months. 

Families like Ben’s could access our award-winning family mediators to support them to navigate family conflict and prevent their young person from leaving home. 

Whatever you can do to support people like Ben this winter, thank you. With warm wishes this winter, The Team at Cyrenians.

Tackling social isolation and loneliness

Funding promotes inclusion and wellbeing

Almost £6 million in funding will provide friendship and human connection to people at risk of social isolation and loneliness over the winter months.

Part of the Scottish Government’s £100 million winter package to support people, the funding will ensure services such as wellbeing calls, befriending support, advice and volunteering are maintained and extended over winter.

Through the Connecting Scotland programme, an extra £4.3 million will help 5,000 older people to get online, and around 200 families to maintain contact with a loved one in prison custody, through digital devices and internet access.

More than £1.6 million will go to organisations providing key helplines, for groups such as older people and victims of domestic abuse. Over £900,000 will go to various other projects across Scotland supporting people of all ages affected by social isolation and loneliness.

Equalities Minister Christina McKelvie said: “Living through an extended period of not spending time with our friends and loved ones has been painful for everyone, but extremely damaging for some and we know that many people will find the upcoming festive period particularly hard.

“The events of this year have reaffirmed our commitment to tackling social isolation and loneliness as a serious public health issue.

“That’s why part of our Winter Plan for Social Protection will have a specific focus on addressing this across society. In particular among older people, disabled people, the young LGBTI community, care-leavers, and women and girls at risk from violence and abuse.

The charity Generations Working Together will receive £76,200 to continue connecting care home residents with their families and younger people in the community.

Chief Executive Officer Alison Clyde said: “We provide support and training to care home staff to ensure residents are connected with loved ones, as well as young people from the local community.

“Participants share their skills and life experiences, learn together whilst making new friends and most importantly have fun. This also helps to break down intergenerational barriers – vital in tackling ageism and reducing loneliness and isolation.”

Shared Care Scotland will receive £80,000 for its Time to Live grant scheme for unpaid carers.

Chief Executive Don Williamson said: “Ongoing restrictions continue to have a significant impact on carers, many of whom are unable to access their usual forms of support.

“Accessing a short break through a Time to Live grant can make a huge difference to a carer’s health and wellbeing, helping them recharge their batteries and sustaining them through the winter months.”

YouthLink Scotland will receive £150,000 to allocate small grants to local grassroots youth work.

Chief Executive Officer Tim Frew said: “Some young adults face uncertainty around their future job prospects and struggle to cope with the restrictions. This funding will enable us to direct youth work support to where it is needed the most, boosting young people’s interaction with others and promoting positive mental wellbeing.”

In addition to the £5.91 million from the winter support package, the Scottish Government has also provided £1.16 million funding over the course of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic to organisations who tackle isolation and loneliness through local projects, intergenerational learning and phone helplines.

Our National Assistance Helpline, connected to all Local Authorities, remains in place to support people and provide advice when they need it.

In addition to those mentioned above, organisations to receive funding include: Befriending Networks (£100,000), BEMIS/Ethnic Minority Resilience Network (£100,00), Scottish Mens’ Sheds Association (£100,000), Chest Heart Stroke Scotland (£75,000), Glasgow Disability Alliance and other national disability organisations (£120,000).

Sextortion: what you can do

Police are aware of incidents of Sextortion in the Edinburgh area. They encourage anyone experiencing this to contact them:

Many people use webcams for business, gaming or to enhance their online chat experience but sometimes people you meet online aren’t always who they say they are.

Sextortion is a type of cyber-enabled extortion which involves the threat of sharing sexual information, images or clips to extort money from you, whether images actually exist or not.

The extortion often takes place when the unknown person (offender) persuades you (the victim) to remove your clothes in front of your webcam and/or perform sexual acts.

You believe this to be a private act – but it is not.  The offender, unbeknown to you (the victim) is recording everything that you do. 

Very soon afterwards the offender will threaten you. They may demand money and threaten to share the images or videos with your friends on social media, or share publicly.

What can YOU do to reduce the likelihood of it happening?

  • Be sensible when using the internet. Only activate your camera when you want to. Make sure it is ‘off’ at all times when not required. Never allow yourself to be duped into activity that you will later regret.
  • If using video chat apps, be alert to the fact that ‘contacts’ are not always who they say they are. If you allow a relationship to develop be guarded if unusual requests are made of you.
  • If you use online chat rooms looking for a person to chat with – be careful about any relationship that you form and in particular if you are asked to transfer to a different chat platform.
  • Some online chat rooms have a visual contact facility so if you are looking for a person to chat with and allow a relationship to form – be guarded on what you say and do.
  • Relationships are quick to develop. End any that you are not comfortable with – stay in control of what you do.
  • If you make a mistake, you have doubts or you need support or advice – contact the Police or a support agency immediately.

REMEMBER – what goes on the internet stays on the internet – forever.

What to do if you’re a victim of sextortion

  • Do NOT panic. You have already taken the first big step by recognising you are the ‘victim’ in this and that you may require support to help you through this difficult time. The Police will take your case seriously, will deal with it in confidence, and you will not be judged
  • Do NOT pay. Although some victims who have paid what the offenders have demanded and hear no more about it, many others who have paid have then continued to receive further and often increasing demands. In some cases, even when the demands have been met the offenders will still go on to post the videos or images anyway
  • Do NOT communicate further with the offenders. Obtain screen shots of any communication, preserve evidence. Make a note of all details provided by the offenders, for example; the Skype name (particularly the Skype ID), the Facebook URL; the Western Union or MoneyGram Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN); any photos/videos that were sent, etc. Be aware that the scammer’s Skype name is different to their Skype ID, and it’s the ID details that police will need. To get that, right click on their profile, select ‘View Profile’ and then look for the name shown in blue rather than the one above it in black. It’ll be next to the word ’Skype’ and will have no spaces in it.
  • Deactivate your social media account and use the online reporting process to report the matter to the platform to have any video blocked and to set up an alert in case the video resurfaces. Deactivating the Facebook account rather than shutting it down will ensure data is preserved and will assist law enforcement in obtaining evidence. The account can also be reactivated at any time ensuring online memories are not lost forever
  • Report the matter to the Police and your online service provider. If the blackmail is occurring through a social network, also alert the administrator.

Remember that you’re the victim of organised criminals – you’re not alone and confidential support is available. You can get through this.

Further help and support

If this has happened to you and you’re under 18 please talk to an adult that you trust. It may feel like there is no way out, but there are professionals who can help you. Whether you are a concerned Parent, a worried friend or a child or young person who has been affected by online sexual abuse you can report your concerns to CEOP.

If you have already reported your concern to your local statutory service, including children’s social services or the police, you do not need to make a report to CEOP. Further information available HERE.

Additional information, help and support available from:

COVID: Headteachers need “tangible support, not just words” from Scottish Government

Headteachers and Depute Headteachers from across Scotland have shared their extreme disappointment at the Scottish Government’s decision not to allow schools to move to remote learning as a means of protecting the health of staff,  pupils and their families in the final week before Christmas.

A meeting of the EIS Headteacher (HT) and Depute Headteacher (DHT) Network, held on Friday, heard first-hand testimony from HTs and DHTs over the severe additional workload pressure that has been placed on school management teams as a result of COVID contact tracing requirements whenever a pupil or staff member tests positive for the virus.

Headteacher and Network Convener Lorraine McBride said, “The COVID pandemic has had a severe impact in our schools and has created huge stresses on everyone within our communities.

“Quite apart from the impact on the physical health of many teachers and students, there has also been a severe impact on their mental health and wellbeing. Added to this has been the huge additional workload burden generated by the demands of the contract tracing system, which frequently interrupts weekend and evenings on top of taking up swathes of time during the school day that should be being spent on other essential priorities.”

“Whenever there is a positive case linked to a school, this creates a demand on SMTs to quickly track, trace and isolate every pupil and staff member who has come into close contact with the infected person. This is additional workload, over and above the many usual demands on SMT’s time, and it has been imposed upon us with little or nothing in the way of tangible support.”

Ms McBride continued, “It is concrete support that we need – not just fine words from the Scottish Government or our employers telling us how much they appreciate us. Many HTs and DHTs have been left absolutely devastated by the Scottish Government’s decision not to allow schools to close their buildings early and move to remote learning in the final week before Christmas.

“This decision means that, where positive cases are identified late, SMTs may be expected to deliver or support contact tracing work over the Christmas period. The Scottish Government’s decision also significantly increases the risk of pupils and staff taking the virus into their homes, or into the homes of potentially vulnerable family members, during the festive period.”

Ms McBride added, “All we we’re asking for was for school buildings to close a few days early, in order to protect us all and our families. Education would have continued via remote learning and we were absolutely not asking for extra holidays, as has been falsely claimed elsewhere.

“In failing to take a small, common sense, step to protect teachers, pupils and their families, the Scottish Government is risking what little goodwill remains amongst a teaching profession that has been worn down to the point of physical and mental exhaustion over this past year.”

Stories of Hope: New report reveals 200,000 individual acts of support during lockdown

A new report has calculated that churches across Scotland have delivered 212,214 acts of support during lockdown.

The Stories of Hope report, which was requested by the Scottish government and produced by the Evangelical Alliance and Serve Scotland, found that these acts were delivered by 3,212 volunteers and impacted 55,671 beneficiaries.

The study details how churches in over 180 locations, often in partnership with others, developed support networks and established projects to support the most vulnerable and isolated in their communities.

Projects were active across the country from the Highlands to the Borders, across the breadth of denominations and in partnership with a number of charities including CAP Scotland, the Bethany Trust, and Glasgow City Mission.

Kieran Turner, Public Policy Officer for the Evangelical Alliance in Scotland said: “2020 has been a year of disruption for all of us and churches, like many other essential services have had to adapt.

“This report has highlighted the significant impact churches up and down the country have had in supporting the most vulnerable in society.”

The report also highlighted the importance of churches partnering with local businesses and other agencies as more than two-thirds of the projects identified were delivered in partnership to provide support to those in need.

Supermarkets, community councils, businesses, NHS boards, housing associations, voluntary support groups, and food banks have all worked with churches on the ground in these projects. In addition, 11 local authorities were identified, sometimes by multiple projects, as providing emergency funding for weekly support costs.

Kieran Turner continued: “Churches have re-purposed existing services and staff and volunteers have been quickly redeployed. New projects have been set up to deliver food, phone the elderly and isolated, support those homeless or claiming asylum, and connect with children and young people who were struggling with their mental health.

“For many, these services were literally a lifeline – often the only contact in a day when all other normal support networks and buildings were closed.”

Case study: MARIE

Marie is a young mum who lives with her partner and four children in a two bedroom flat in a tower block in Aberdeen.

She first connected with Seaton Community Church through the Mums & toddlers group. When lockdown happened as she faced real financial hardship with a young baby she turned to the church’s packed lunch project for help.

The church provided daily meals and also supported the family through this daily connection with mental, emotional and spiritual support. This lifted a huge financial and emotional pressure off her shoulders and Marie has now become part of the wider church community, watching church online as well building deeper friendships with others locally.

The online survey was gathered data from May 2020 to July 2020 by the Evangelical Alliance with the aim of understanding the range and focus of church-based projects taking place across Scotland during the pandemic.

To find out more and download the full report go to