Expert reveals simple trick to boost memory ahead of exam season

●  A design expert has revealed a simple way that you can improve your memory as exam season nears closer, and all you need are coloured pens

●  Writing revision notes in colour has been proven to help retain up to 80% more information, with the most impactful colours being red and orange

●  Expert Mads Soegaard also highlights further tricks to boost retention, including using graphs and not revising for over 30 minutes at a time

●  As well as improving revision tactics for exams, the tips can also help adults to remember login details, shopping lists and important dates

Mads Soegaard, Founder at Interaction Design Foundation (IDF) has revealed a hack that will help boost memory just in time for exam season – and almost anyone can do it.

Instead of typing up reams of revision notes and hoping that you’ll take in the vital information, it’s much more effective to write notes by hand using different coloured pens to increase your chances of remembering them when you head into your exam. 

Mads Soegaard explains: “There’s a common misconception that taking down as much information as you can when revising is the best way to learn, and so many students opt for typing up their notes to write more with less effort and save some time.

“However, it’s much more effective to write down key points by hand using coloured pens, highlighters and sticky notes, as colour works to boost our memory.

“Writing notes by hand stimulates retention as you’re forcing your brain to process the information in a more detailed way than typing. It also forces you to be more selective about what you’re writing down – it’s about choosing quality over quantity.”

According to a psychological study, writing in colour can help us improve memory performance by up to 80%, because 90% of the information transmitted to the brain is visual.

In fact, the brain processes images a whopping 60,000 times faster than text, as the brain sees words as individual images that we must first recognize before understanding. Luckily, there’s an easy way you can make written words easier to process quickly.

Mads continues: “Using coloured pens when writing keynotes allows us to see words as visual information rather than a block of text, which means we’re more likely to understand what we’re reading and can take in the information much faster than we could otherwise.

“As well as boosting our memory, colour also helps  to form associations between notes, as when you recall a fact linked to one shade, your brain will naturally start thinking of the other facts that share the same shade.

“You can also use this association to your advantage when it comes to actually sitting your exam. By bringing something that’s the same colour as your notes into the exam with you – such as a bracelet or pen – you’ll trigger your brain to remember facts in the same shade.”

This is due to context-dependent memory, where recall improves because you have similar context cues around you as when you first took in the information.

Mads Soegaard explains that some colours are more effective than others: “Colours invoke different reactions, and so it’s vital to choose attention-grabbing shades associated with importance – particularly warm shades like red, orange and yellow.

“Picking contrasting colours can also help make information stand out more, so you may want to incorporate different sticky notes or highlighters for important points. However, make sure not to overload your notes, as making facts more distinctive is key. ”

And incorporating colour isn’t the only way to use visual learning to your advantage, the experts at Interaction Design Foundation (IDF) reveal, as you can also boost memory by:

  1. Using diagrams to link information. If you find yourself zoning out when faced with a wall of text, you may want to write notes as a diagram like a spidergram, flowchart or table. This helps separate the information into a more digestible format and makes it easier to colour-coordinate critical points without colour overload.
  1. Making sure your room is well-lit. As revising in the evening after school or work is typical, you’re likely writing notes without proper daylight. Just as colour can be a strong context cue, so can light, so make sure you’re revising in as close to test conditions as you can – meaning in a well-lit room without any other visual distractions (like TV or your phone) that will pull your attention.
  1. Taking a break every half hour. It’s easy to fall into the trap of spending hours on end sitting and writing notes, but doing so actually reduces the odds of you retaining information. You lose 85% of your input after reading for 25 minutes as it’s visually repetitive, so it’s essential to take frequent breaks to recharge and reset.

According to Mads Soegaard, some will benefit more from these tips than others, as he says: “If you’re someone with a preference for seeing and observing things in your day-to-day life – including pictures and written directions – you’re a visual learner, and you’ll struggle to retain information that’s just written down with no visual elements to trigger the memory.

“Incorporating visual elements like colours, diagrams and images into your day-to-day note-taking can help in a range of situations, not just revision – so try it out if you’re somebody who often struggles to remember important dates or personal details.

“Of course, some people do better with visual memory prompts than others, as not everybody is a visual learner. It’s important to leave yourself plenty of time to revise before an exam so that you can figure out a strategy that works for you.”

Hot, dry summer impacts UK butterfly populations

The heatwave and drought of summer 2022 has had a major negative impact on some UK butterfly species, a study has confirmed.

The latest results from the annual UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS) led by Butterfly Conservation, the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH), British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), show that the extreme weather experienced across much of the UK in the summer of 2022 has had a significant impact on some butterfly species.

The Green-veined White, Small White, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock and Brimstone, all familiar garden and countryside butterflies, appeared in good or average numbers during the spring and early summer, but numbers in the subsequent generations were greatly reduced following the widespread drought conditions, and scientists fear that there will be similar negative impacts on other butterfly species when they start to emerge in 2023.

Drought impacts the offspring of the butterflies that are flying during the hot dry weather by causing the plants that caterpillars rely on for food to wither and die. Without sufficient food, many caterpillars will fail to survive, leading to lower numbers of butterflies in the next generation.

For some of the UK species that have more than one generation in a year, the resulting major decline in numbers has already been seen. However, for others, the next generation isn’t on the wing until this summer, meaning there could be noticeably fewer butterflies around in 2023.

It’s not the first time butterflies have been affected by drought in the UK. Data gathered by the UKBMS has shown serious negative impacts of droughts on butterflies in 1976 and 1995. Some species have never recovered their former abundance levels after the 1976 drought, although habitat destruction is likely to be a major factor in their failure to bounce back.

The difference in 2022’s drought compared to 1976 is that nowadays most UK butterfly species are already in decline. Butterfly Conservation’s recently published State of the UK’s Butterflies 2022 report revealed that 80% of butterflies have declined in abundance, distribution or both since the 1970s.

With droughts predicted to become more frequent and severe in the UK as climate change continues, some butterfly species may be pushed towards extinction.

Butterfly Conservation’s Head of Science, Dr Richard Fox, said: “Overall, the data for 2022 tells us that it was an average year for butterflies. However, it was a year of two halves with butterflies seen early and in about average total numbers (compared to the last 10 years) from April – July but then in greatly reduced abundance after the summer heatwave and drought.

“In general, warm, sunny weather is good for butterflies as they can be active, finding food, mating and laying eggs. But drought is a major problem as plants wither and die, meaning female butterflies may struggle to find anywhere to lay their eggs, or there is not enough food for the caterpillars when they hatch.

“The knock-on effect is fewer butterflies in the following generation. We have already seen an indication of this in the 2022 data for some of those species with a generation that flies in late summer and autumn, and sadly we can expect to see a decline in numbers of other species in 2023 too.”

The meticulously gathered UKBMS data show that, despite these concerns, 2022 was a good year for some species, including Purple Emperor, Large Blue, Chequered Skipper and Dark Green Fritillary, all of which have been the focus of targeted conservation work over the last few years. However, scientists issued a word of caution, as we have yet to see the result of the drought on these species because the next generation will not emerge until this summer.

There is much work to be done to conserve threatened species of butterfly in the UK, and the UKBMS data helps target those species most in need of conservation work.

Butterfly populations fluctuate naturally from year to year, largely due to the weather, but the long-term trends of UK butterflies are mainly driven by human activity, particularly the deterioration of habitats due to inappropriate management and pollution, and climate change.

Conservation efforts can make a real difference to local populations and working on threatened species in key landscapes to deliver nature recovery is a priority.

Dr Marc Botham, Butterfly Ecologist at the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, said: “In 2022 we collected data from over 3,000 sites and we are incredibly grateful to the thousands of volunteers who carry out monitoring and maintain this invaluable long-term dataset.

“This enables scientists to measure how butterflies are faring as well as assessing the health of our countryside generally. The UKBMS data are vital in assessing the effectiveness of government policies and progress towards the UK’s biodiversity targets.”

Nature Minister Trudy Harrison said: “Our beautiful butterflies are at risk from a changing climate and human activity. We have set out clear steps to enable nature’s recovery through our Environmental Improvement Plan and Pollinator Action Plan, which will help us meet our legal target to halt the decline in nature by 2030.

“The impacts of warm and dry weather last year are cause for concern, but it is encouraging that the last decade has seen most species stabilise. In particular, I welcome the findings that the Large Blue and the Purple Emperor, two wonderful and unique species people may recognise from Wild Isles, both experienced their second best year on record in 2022.”

Dr James Heywood, Breeding Bird Survey National Organiser at the British Trust for Ornithology, whose volunteers collect butterfly data through the Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey, said: “These data are incredibly valuable as butterflies are indicators of the health of our natural environment and therefore the information gleaned from the UKBMS data is not just used to help understand and conserve butterflies, but also to help understand and protect the wider ecosystem on which so many birds, mammals and other species rely.”

Edinburgh Cancer Centre investigates COVID-19 immunity in cancer patients

Researchers from NHS Lothian and the University of Edinburgh have conducted a clinical study to investigate the extent to which cancer and cancer treatment affects COVID-19 immunity.

Blood samples were taken regularly from over 760 consenting patients, most from Southeast Scotland, who were receiving routine treatments for cancer.

The samples were then tested for signs of an immune response to COVID-19 using an antibody test.

The study is the largest of its kind in the world with the first patients being recruited in May 2020, just months after the United Kingdom experienced its first lockdown.

Dr Peter Hall, Consultant Medical Oncologist at Edinburgh Cancer Centre, said: “Treatments such as chemotherapy can affect the immune system, so it was really important for us to understand the effects of COVID-19 on people undergoing anti-cancer treatment.

“We now have a better understanding of how the virus affects these patients in the short and long-term, and to what extent the vaccine had an impact on their antibodies.

“It’s very reassuring to see that most cancer patients can go ahead with their treatments without fear of excessive risk from COVID-19, and that vaccination offers an effective means of protection.”

The study found that COVID-19 infection rates in patients with cancer largely mirrored those of their local population and that treatment type did not impact the rate of their antibody response.

It also concluded that vaccination was effective in protecting people with cancer from COVID-19.

Dr Hall continued: “More research is needed, but this was an important step in understanding how people receiving anti-cancer treatment are impacted by the virus.

“It’s also another example of NHS Lothian and the University of Edinburgh working collaboratively to understand how best to care for some of the most vulnerable patients.”

You can read the Scottish COVID Cancer Immunity Prevalence Study in full in The Oncologist.

Emergency service collaboration shows ‘ground-breaking’ results in disadvantaged community

Research suggests vanguard initiative helped people previously unreached by services

study led by the Scottish Centre for Policing & Public Health at Edinburgh Napier University has found a collaborative initiative between emergency services in a disadvantaged community had a potentially ‘ground-breaking’ impact.

Researchers conducted an exploratory evaluation of a Strategic Delivery Partnership ‘vanguard initiative’, which saw public service agencies Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire & Rescue Service establish a ‘team around the community’ model of cross-service response.

The report published today found the initiative transformed traditional practice and helped to address several problems faced by people who found it hard to engage with services. Officers worked full-time in a community hub in the area’s primary school and pro-actively established trusting relationships with people to identify problems, provide solutions and protect people in crisis.

The study made seventeen recommendations, such as the need for more robust evidence on the vanguard initiative, resolving tension between ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ operational working and carefully selecting the officers involved, while retaining the ones who helped to build trusting relationships.

Professor Nadine Dougall of Edinburgh Napier University’s School of Health and Social Care said: “This research could act as a model for providing crucial public services in disadvantaged communities across the country.

“Although more work needs to be done to establish the full effectiveness of the vanguard initiative, these findings suggest this model of connective working managed to reach people who were previously either unable or reluctant to get support from emergency services.

“Issues which are common in disadvantaged communities, like drug supply, anti-social behaviour, and personal safety, appear to be much better addressed by this public health and trauma-informed approach to reduce inequalities and enhance community resilience.”

The rapid research evaluation and case study assessment the vanguard initiative was based on a community in Scotland identified as being in the top 1% of most deprived Scottish areas.

It has the highest number of alcohol and other drugs admissions in the local authority area, a high prevalence of violence, and its most common crimes relate to substance use and vandalism.

The study, funded by the Scottish Institute for Policing Research, and supported  by the Scottish Ambulance Service, Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, was conducted between March and June 2022, using in-depth interviews with the services involved.

Report into Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland recommends changes to ensure patients’ voices are heard

Pioneering study heard from patients, named persons, practitioners and tribunal members

An Edinburgh Napier University-led study, funded by the Nuffield Foundation, into stakeholder experiences of the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland (MHTS) has recommended several ways it could improve its processes and decision-making.

Addressing the influence of clinicians, encouraging participation of patients and offering more support for named persons are among the suggestions put forward in the report.

The MHTS was set up authorise and review compulsory psychiatric measures under the 2003 Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 and began operating in October 2005. The legislation is underpinned by human rights-based principles which govern the way that the MHTS makes its decisions about compulsory psychiatric care and treatment.

This study is the first of its kind since the Tribunal’s formation and heard from patients, their named persons, MHTS panel members, lawyers, independent advocates and health and social care professionals.

The timing of the study’s report means that its findings will be used to help inform the Scottish Mental Health Law Review, which is due to publish its recommendations on Scottish mental health, capacity and adult support and protection law this autumn.

Jill Stavert, Professor of Mental Health and Capacity Law at Edinburgh Napier University said: “Our study revealed several areas of agreement across all participant groups on how the Mental Health Tribunal operates and evidence of considerable caring goodwill on the part of the Tribunal and health and social care practitioners.

“However, there were certain areas where the experience and perceptions of patients and Tribunal panel members was not shared, particularly surrounding patient perceptions of their ability to participate during tribunal hearings.

“An important test whether human rights principles are effective is not only whether they are given effect by state authorities, such as tribunals, but also the extent to which they are felt to be given effect by rightsholders such as patients.”

Some of the report’s recommendations include, among others, addressing perceptions of the influence of clinicians and diversity issues, supporting patient participation, and supporting named persons more.

Professor Stavert continued: “Some of these, we consider, should be addressed by the Tribunal itself while others are for other bodies to take up.

“This is very important as human rights requirements increasingly require active respect for the rights of persons with psychosocial, cognitive and intellectual disabilities.”

University places for most deprived at record high

The number of 18-year-olds from the most deprived areas being offered a place at university is at a record high – up 32% since 2019, the last year there were exams.

The latest UCAS data also shows 29,630 Scottish domiciled students have been offered a place at a Scottish university on SQA results day – up 6% compared to 2019 and the second highest on record.

The number of students accepting places to study nursing at Scottish providers also increased, up 17% to 2,940 compared to 2019.

Separate statistics published yesterday by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) show that in the first quarter of 2022-2023, the number of Modern Apprenticeship starts is up 16% to 3,946 compared to last year.

Minister for Higher Education, Further Education, Youth Employment and Training Jamie Hepburn said: “Congratulations to everyone receiving results today after what has been another extremely challenging year. Whether you are now heading to university, college or taking part in a Modern Apprenticeship, I wish you the very best for the future.

“These statistics are encouraging, particularly the fact we have a record number of 18-year-olds – the closest measure to school leavers – from the most deprived areas being offered a place at university. We want every young person in Scotland to have an equal chance of success, no matter their background or circumstances.

“The number of students accepting places to study nursing has also increased compared to 2019, demonstrating that Scotland continues to be a popular location to undertake medical education and training.

“EU students enrich our campuses, and make a vital contribution to our economy and society. It is bitterly disappointing to see another sharp drop in the number of EU students coming to study in Scotland – a direct result of Brexit.

“The SQA’s appeals process is now open for anyone who needs it. The clearing process is also now live and places are still available for those who want to study in Scotland.”

  • Scottish domiciled acceptances to Scottish providers increased by 6% to 29,630 (since 2019) This is the second highest at SQA results day. In 2021 there was a record 31,070 Scottish domiciled acceptances to Scottish providers
  • the number of 18-year-old acceptances from the most deprived areas has increased by 410 to 1,680, since 2019 (as at SQA results day)
  • the number of EU domiciled acceptances to Scottish providers decreased by 77% to 720 (as at SQA results day 2019)
  • the number of Non-EU domiciled acceptances to Scottish providers increased by 15% to 2,670 (since 2019) This is the second highest at SQA results day
  • Scottish domiciled acceptances to study nursing at Scottish providers increased by 17% to 2,940, since 2019 cycle (as at SQA results day)
  • Scottish domiciled acceptances to study medicine and dentistry at UK providers increased by 23% to 920, since 2019 (as at SQA results day)

UCAS statistics

SDS statistics

SDS Results Helpline

Choose your future at Edinburgh College Course Clearing Event

People seeking to take the next step in their education journey are encouraged to attend Edinburgh College’s course clearing event being held at its Granton Campus this Friday (12 August).

The event, which runs from 11am until 3pm, provides prospective students of all ages with the opportunity to speak to lecturers about their options following the release of exam results this week and to secure a place on a course for session 2022/23.

Those who would like to change their original choice of course, or have not yet made an application for College but would like to study this year, are also invited to get advice about study options for the new academic session.

Edinburgh College delivers a wide range of courses across the following areas: Creative Industries; Engineering and Built Environment; Health Wellbeing and Social Sciences; and Tourism, Hospitality and Business. Courses are delivered in variety of study modes including full-time, part-time, day and block release, with a return to campuses the focus for the College in 2022/23.

Student Services staff will also be on hand to provide advice on funding options and access to learning support.

As well as the in-person clearing event, the Edinburgh College course clearing line will also be open for applicants and prospective students to call on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week (9, 10 and 11 August) from 9am until 4pm.

The clearing line gives a further opportunity to discuss applications and courses ahead of the new term. The course clearing line is 0131 297 8500.

Edinburgh College Principal, Audrey Cumberford, said: “The new academic session is fast approaching and clearing day is an important time for applicants and prospective students to firm up their plans for the year ahead.

“I would encourage anyone who is unsure about their existing application or is thinking of starting a new course in 2022/23 to come along and speak to our teams at Granton Campus, or to call our clearing line.

“Our College offers a vast and diverse range of courses, all delivered by expert teaching staff, which are geared towards equipping students with the skills they need to forge a successful career in their chosen field.”

European Movement calls on Scottish Government to give young people a chance with Erasmus replacement

The European Movement in Scotland, Scotland’s leading pro-EU organisation, calls on the Scottish Government to give young people a chance and put in place a replacement for Erasmus+, the world’s biggest and most successful student exchange programme.

The Scottish Government’s decision to shelve plans to replace Erasmus+ is depriving young people of life-changing opportunities. We are calling on them to restore the opportunities afforded by Erasmus+ and implement a comprehensive Scottish Exchange Programme that enables young people from all walks of life to live, learn and work overseas.

Following the UK government’s decision to quit Erasmus+ and the EU’s block on Scotland rejoining the scheme on its own, the Scottish Government pledged to develop and implement an equivalent programme alongside their counterparts in Wales.

The Welsh Government have put their £65m scheme in place but the Scottish Government have delayed their own indefinitely.

This delay is damaging for the thousands of young people who wish to enhance their education and training by studying in Europe. Those from disadvantaged backgrounds and/or in FE colleges are feeling the biggest impact with targeted funding taken away since the UK left Erasmus+.

Chair of the European Movement in Scotland Mark Lazarowicz says: “The loss of Erasmus+ is an act of cultural vandalism and we must do everything to restore the huge opportunities it gives to students, apprentices and others.”

Learn more about The European Movement’s Campaign by visiting:

Ten tips to help your kids get the most out of exam revision

With exams well under way, millions of young people across the UK are hitting the books to brush up on their knowledge before they head into the exam hall.

But for many, who after months of home learning will be facing their first formal exams since lockdown, exam season already seems like a daunting prospect. 

But, revision doesn’t have to be scary, and to prove it virtual learning experts Minerva’s Virtual Academy have shared some of their top tips for staying focused and getting the most out of your revision.

Tidy space, tidy mind

We’re big believers in the clear desk, clear mind philosophy here at Minerva. Revision can feel like a big task and trying to work amongst lots of clutter can make things feel overwhelming. After all, you don’t want to be rummaging through stacks of science notes when you’re trying to revise Shakespeare!

A quick tidy of your workspace and gathering all of the relevant notes can be a nice way to get yourself into the revision mindset and make sure you’re focused on the task at hand.


We’ve all got subjects that we feel more comfortable tackling and often, those are the ones we enjoy the most.  To use your revision time effectively, you should think about the subjects you’re less up to speed on and make those your priority.

Giving yourself the time to get to grips with the things you find tricky will pay dividends in the exam hall and make you feel much more confident from the offset.

Divide and conquer

It’s easy to panic and try and revise everything all at once but that’s not the best way to get your mind working at its best. Breaking your revision down into smaller chunks, whether that’s by subject or individual topic will make things much easier to navigate and also will make it easier to identify the topics that you could do with a little more help on.

You’ll likely find that you’re able to take in more information this way too as you won’t be bombarding your brain with lots of information in one go.

Timing is everything

Much like breaking your revision into chunks, the same goes for your time. Long stints of revision might seem to be the best way to cram in all that information, but it’s really not the most effective way to learn, plus it can also be boring!

Dividing your revision time into smaller 10 or 15 minute bursts will keep you engaged, stop your mind wandering and will make things feel much more manageable.

Switch off the social

We’re all guilty of getting distracted with a quick scroll through our social feeds but before you know it you can waste a huge amount of time that could have been spent getting some revision in.

Try using your ‘Do Not Disturb’ or ‘Focus’ function while you’re revising to make sure you aren’t being distracted by constant notifications or even, just switch your phone off during your revision to make sure you can really focus. 

Take a break

Revision can be mentally tiring, so it’s important to give yourself regular breaks to recharge. Step away from your workspace and try taking a walk to get some fresh air, doing some exercise or watching an episode of your favourite TV show.

Revision can feel monotonous so breaking it up to do things you enjoy will make it much easier to manage. Remember, exams are important but you still need to have a life so don’t be afraid to have a day off if you need it! 

Use your teachers

Your teachers want you to do well and they’re there to help so if there’s anything you’re not sure of, don’t be afraid to ask. Sometimes if you’re struggling with a topic, it can be as simple as someone explaining it in a slightly different way – a new perspective can really help you to get your head around things and after all, that’s what teachers are there for. 

Don’t leave it to the last minute

Sticking your head in the sand and avoiding your revision until the very last minute is a surefire way to amp up your anxiety on the way into the exam hall. Make a plan and spread your revision out in the days or weeks leading up to your exam.

You’ll learn far more this way than trying to pull an all-nighter the night before and you’ll go into it feeling a lot more prepared. 

Write it down

We’re used to doing everything through a screen (after all, we’re virtual learning experts!) but going back to basics and writing your notes with a pen and paper can be a great way to help things stick in your mind.

Also try to keep your notes as short and snappy as possible – think flash cards, minimal information, maximum impact. 

Get creative

Sometimes it’s the weird things that are most likely to stay front of mind so thinking of quirky ways to remember things can be a great way to jog your memory.

Think funny acronyms, songs, even raps – it sounds silly but you’re more likely to remember a rap about Henry VIII’s wives than a whole page from a textbook!

For more tips and tricks or to find out more about Minerva’s Virtual Academy, visit:

Over a third of adults say they’re unable to afford adult education

The biggest barrier to British adults continuing their education is cost, with more than a third (35%) saying they’re unable to afford to study, while almost a fifth (19%) say they don’t have time.

A YouGov survey of 2,109 GB adults commissioned by distance learning provider Oxford Opening Learning found that, although  69% of respondents said they could be motivated to learn for any type of new qualification – from GCSEs to PHDs and industry certificates – only just over a quarter of Brits (27%) are likely to actually do so.

The five most common issues that stop adults continuing with education in the future are:

  1.    Lack of affordability (35%)
  2.    Time constraints (19%)
  3.    Not needing any further qualifications (18%)
  4.    Lack of motivation (17%)
  5.    Lack of energy (17%)

Almost half of millennials (25–34-year-olds) say they are likely to consider studying for a new qualification in the future.

The other barriers that Brits said most commonly stop them studying are that they don’t have the time to devote to it (19%) and feeling that another qualification would be unnecessary because they feel they are educated enough (18%).

As well as respondents also saying that they lack the motivation to study (17%), the same number also said they lack the energy. Many Brits also commented that they deem themselves too old.

The research also revealed that many British adults would be happy to continue learning if they felt they could. Receiving a boost to their pay packet is only the third most common incentive, agreed by three in ten (30%) of  Brits , whereas 42% would be more likely to take a course simply out of their own general interest in the subject.

Greg Smith, Head of Operations at The Oxford Open Learning Trust, said: “The fact that so many would like to study further but don’t feel they can points to a lot of misconceptions that people have about adult education.

“For those who think they’re too old, adult learning isn’t only about furthering a career – it’s also extremely beneficial in terms of mental health. There’s evidence to show that, not only does keeping the brain active combat depression and anxiety, but also helps prevent dementia in later life and boosts confidence.

“Studying for a new qualification with a distance learning course is also vastly different to a classroom and can be spread over a longer period to fit in with your current work or lifestyle.

“The initial cost is often far outweighed by the benefits of gaining a new qualification, through an increase in pay, a promotion or a career change.”

Oxford Open Learning’s Top Tips for Adult Learners:

  • Make the learning experience as relevant and useful as possible. Draw on your personal experiences and link the subject matter to real world benefits for your work and personal life
  • Make learning as engaging as possible to boost motivation. Use a variety of learning stimuli, such as images, activities, videos, lectures and podcasts to find what works for you
  • Breaking down information into bite-sized chunks can also help to make it easier to process, and don’t forget to take regular breaks to help you maintain concentration
  • Master your skills by playing an active role in your learning experience. Exploring the subject matter through self-study and active participation can help you to learn in a way that is meaningful to you
  • Let learning occur through mistakes. Trial and error can make the learning experience more effective, while the sense of overcoming a challenge can help to boost confidence

More advice on how to overcome perceived barriers to adult education can be read here: