Lothian MSP hosts roundtable to tackle the issue of Social Isolation

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, has hosted a roundtable at the Scottish Parliament to bring communities, charities and organisations together to bring an end to the loneliness and isolation that is causing a public health and well-being crisis across the country. 

Edinburgh is classed as one of the loneliest places to live in the UK. Changing Britain research found that 33 per cent of Edinburgh citizens do not feel that they are involved or feel part of the community.

The cost-of-living crisis is adding to the awful knock-on effects of loneliness and isolation particularly in older people, where it has been shown to increase the risks of dementia by 50%, and heart attacks and stroke by 30%. 

The roundtable was attended by a range of charities who are leaders in the field of social isolation and measures to reduce it’s impact on individuals in communities across the country.

Also speaking was Dr Jane Morris, Head of the Royal College of Psychiatry, to talk on the effects on mental health. As well as Dr Morris, Police Scotland’s specialist on scammers and fraudsters who target the elderly and isolated, DCI Steven Trim, spoke at the roundtable.

Mr Briggs has previously called on SNP Ministers to provide great funding to tackle loneliness and social isolation in Scotland.

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “I am pleased that we have had the opportunity to discuss measures to reduce loneliness and social isolation across Lothian and the rest of Scotland.

“From the roundtable it was clear that people are passionate about tackling loneliness in Scotland.

“Feeling lonely is a horrible feeling and I am optimistic that we can take forward actions that will prevent people in communities up and down the country from feeling lonely.

“This was a very productive roundtable and there is plenty of work to be getting on with to make people feel more connected across Scotland.”

Reform to regulation of legal services backed by Committee majority

Proposals to reform how legal services are regulated in Scotland have been backed by a majority of MSPs on Holyrood’s Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee.

The Regulation of Legal Services (Scotland) Bill sets out a modernised regulatory framework, which any firm that provides legal services in Scotland would be subject to. The Bill also reforms how complaints about legal firms are handled.

Evidence presented to the Committee showed that consumer groups, including Consumer Scotland, the Competition and Markets Authority and the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission’s Consumer Panel, broadly welcomed the proposals to modernise the regulatory framework. The groups told the Committee that the changes could address some of the difficulties consumers face in accessing and affording legal services.

However, the Committee also heard criticism of these proposals from the Senators of the College of Justice, Faculty of Advocates and Law Society of Scotland, who told the Committee that the current model of regulation was effective and independent.

The Committee’s report concludes, by majority, that the need to not further delay the reforms, alongside promised amendments to the proposals from the Scottish Government, outweighs the concerns that were raised.

The report calls on the Scottish Government to carry out further work on the Bill, including ensuring that the existence of two categories of regulator does not add to complexity for consumers and requests that the complaints process be further simplified.

The Committee would also like the Scottish Government to support the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission in developing a process so that complaints without merit can be quickly addressed.

Commenting on the findings, Kaukab Stewart, Convener of the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee, said: “During our scrutiny, we heard many strong views, particularly around the proposals to establish an independent regulator of the profession.

“Everyone on the Committee accepts that reform of the regulatory framework is long overdue and accepts that the current complaints process must be simplified.

“However, we are also aware of several significant issues with the Bill which must be resolved to ensure that the independence and efficacy of Scotland’s legal system is not undermined. The Scottish Government has sought to reassure us that it will introduce amendments to resolve these concerns.

“On balance, a majority of the Committee accept these reassurances and recommend that the Parliament should agree to the general principles of the Bill in order that we can review the amendments and not further delay these important reforms.”

Three Committee Members, Meghan Gallagher MSP, Paul O’Kane MSP and Annie Wells MSP, dissented from the report’s recommendation on the general principles of the Bill.

Focus on the future as Holyrood sets out its plans to mark 25 years

Reflecting on 25 years of the Scottish Parliament as well as a focus on the future will be the central themes of plans announced today to mark the Parliament’s institutions’ quarter century. 

The Scottish Parliament plans include a year-long programme of engagement designed to involve people throughout Scotland in a conversation that both reflects on devolution and considers how we can shape the Parliament in future.  

A special event will take place on Saturday 29 June at the Scottish Parliament which people across Scotland will be invited to join. Further details  will be announced in the coming weeks.

The Presiding Officer will also visit regions all over Scotland, meeting people from all walks of life to hear their views and ideas for the future. These activities, together with other events to be announced, will enable communities up and down the country to help shape the Parliament of the future.

The Presiding Officer, the Rt Hon Alison Johnstone MSP said: “This year we will reflect on the Parliament’s record and the significant political events during 25 years of devolution.  While that reflection is welcome, I also want the Parliament’s focus to be firmly on the future.

“I want to use this milestone as an opportunity to engage people all over country about their aspirations for their Parliament.

“I want to continue to build on and strengthen that relationship between people and Parliament and modernise Holyrood to ensure it meets Scotland’s needs for the coming years.”

Further details for our 25th anniversary will be announced throughout the year.

A special 25th anniversary themed Festival of Politics will take place in the Scottish Parliament in August.

The 25th anniversary year will also explore several themes from the Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee’s report on public participation.

This work identified a gap in our activities around making the Parliament visible in and engaged with local communities.

Boyack demands Yousaf is honest with public over fate of Eye Hospital

Labour MSP for the Lothians, Sarah Boyack, has written an open letter to First Minister Humza Yousaf urging him to be honest about the fate of Edinburgh’s replacement eye hospital.

This comes after the First Minister confirmed that the Scottish Government was still committed to the eye hospital, despite the capital spending freeze imposed on health boards.

However, excerpts from the NHS Lothian board papers confirmed that work on the eye hospital would “cease” and stated that the board “should recognise the loss of this future infrastructure” will lead to major, negative challenges in delivering scheduled care over the coming years.

This admission throws into doubt the First Minister’s commitment, given the Scottish Government’s instruction to NHS Lothian to “immediately cease all capital projects”. The instruction includes “the New Eye Hospital at the BioQuarter”.

It also highlights a lack of certainty within the health board about the project’s status.

The current Eye Pavilion was deemed not fit for purpose in 2014, and a new replacement has been deemed a top priority by NHS Lothian.

Since 2014, the average wait time in days for inpatient and outpatient appointments more than doubled.

Ms Boyack has urged the First Minister to end the uncertainty around the project, as it is having detrimental impacts on patients and their treatment.

Commenting on her letter, Ms Boyack said: “The First Minister needs to level with the public about the replacement eye hospital.

“It was promised at the last election, then in the budget we found out that no new capital project can go ahead.

“While the First Minister says he is committed to the project, his government have kicked it into long grass.

“NHS Lothian has been put in an impossible position.

“If the First Minister is serious about delivering Edinburgh’s eye hospital, then he must come forth with a concrete timeline to deliver it.

“Anything less is just being dishonest with the public and damaging to patients.”

The letter reqads:

Dear First Minister,

I am writing regarding the recent announcements in relation to the construction of a replacement Eye Pavilion in Edinburgh.

As you are aware, you and your predecessor have both committed to a new Edinburgh Eye Hospital since the 2021 Scottish Parliament election following the current Eye Pavilion being deemed not fit for purpose in 2014. However, in a letter I received from the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care on the 18th January confirmed that the building of a new Eye Hospital will not go ahead.

Moreover, NHS Lothian Board papers, published in advance of the board’s meeting on the 7th of February, have stated “NHS Lothian was directed to immediately cease all capital projects”. The board paper observed that  “the loss of this future infrastructure will substantively and negatively impact on our ability to deliver compliant access to scheduled care for our population in coming years.” Worryingly the paper also highlighted the “the significant and detrimental impact this decision has had on our teams many of whom have dedicated time, expertise, and leadership in supporting progress of these vital projects.”

In light of your comments during First Minister’s Questions, on January the 25th, which appear to contradict NHS Lothian, I would appreciate if you could give an overview of the timeframe for the Eye Hospital being delivered if it is still the Scottish Government’s intention to proceed with the project, after the two year capital spending project freeze. Given the lengthy and increased waiting times for operations, the Scottish Government must also provide immediate support to ensure that NHS Lothian is able to provide adequate care for those with vision impairments.

My concern is that confused information and delays will only cause more disruption for patients, on top of increasing numbers of cancelled and delayed appointments.

Best wishes,

Choudhury: ‘Let’s work together and get new station done!’

Labour MSP Foysol Choudhury has called for sustained action to secure a train station for Winchburgh.

Winchburgh is an expanding West Lothian community, with Winchburgh Developments Ltd delivering thousands of new homes and some new schools. However, a train station has not been delivered, as a new railway station was not a condition of planning permission.

As a result, homeowners in Winchburgh have been left without commuter links to Glasgow and Edinburgh, leading to a campaign to get the station built.

Foysol Choudhury, a Labour MSP for Lothian, has been pursuing the issue on behalf of constituents and has addressed the issue in the Scottish Parliament with Ministers, as well as making enquiries with other stakeholders such as the Council, local councillors and the Developers.

Mr Choudhury has raised concerns that he has written to THREE successive Ministers for Transport – Jenny Gilruth MSP, Kevin Stewart MSP and Fiona Hyslop MSP – to ask them to meet with him and other interested MSPs so that they can all work together to try and find a solution for constituents.

Mr Choudhury says he was disappointed to have only received a response on the 10th January 2024, which referenced the correspondence sent to Ms Gilruth, Mr Stewart and Ms Hyslop and said that as Winchburgh is in Ms Hyslop’s constituency, she has recused herself from this project. The letter said that the issue now lies in the Ministerial Portfolio of Patrick Harvie MSP, who says he cannot meet with Mr Choudhury at this time. 

Mr Choudhury has written back to Mr Harvie highlighting the importance of meeting to discussing this issue, for the sake of constituents, and has asked to be invited to an upcoming meeting with the relevant stakeholders.

Mr Choudhury said, following issuing this response to the Minister: “It is incredibly disappointing that I have had to write to so many Ministers, only to finally receive a response which did not offer a meeting.

“We must all work together to secure a station for the people of Winchburgh, who were sold homes on a belief it would be a commuter town-I cannot understand why the Scottish Government has ignored my requests to this extent so many times.

I even previously invited the Minister to come and see first-hand why a railway station is needed and the importance of clean and sustainable transport links for Winchburgh, yet the Scottish Government still do not seem to be taking this seriously.

“I am glad that other stakeholders, including MSPs, local councillors, the local community and the developers Winchburgh Developments Ltd, are instead taking this seriously where the Scottish Government are not.

“We were able to come together earlier this week to have a very productive conversation on how we can work together towards a new station for Winchburgh and I am hopeful that together, we can get this done!”

Mr Choudhury says he remains committed to continuing to pursue a new Winchburgh train station on behalf of all his constituents and will work with all relevant stakeholders possible to secure the station for his constituents. 

Children’s engagement with the Scottish Parliament to be expanded

Children from across Scotland have joined the Presiding Officer to sign a joint commitment to increase their involvement in the work of the Scottish Parliament.

Watch on YouTube

The commitment is a working in partnership agreement between the Scottish Parliament and the Children’s Parliament. It will help develop children’s knowledge and understanding of the workings of the Scottish Parliament and support them to build the skills and confidence to inform and influence legislation.

Members of the Children’s Parliament (MCPs) including Eva and Millar from Fife, Cara, Lewis and Evie from East Lothian, Waldah and Michael from Clackmannanshire, Arden from Edinburgh and Rida from Aberdeen were invited to the Scottish Parliament to sign the agreement and to hear more about the work of the Parliament.

Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament, the Rt Hon. Alison Johnstone MSP, said: “This agreement has been written with children, for children. This commitment signals our aim to ensure that children in Scotland know that they have a voice in their Parliament.

“MSPs and Parliament staff work extensively with schools, in Holyrood, in local communities and online to engage with children about the work of the Scottish Parliament. This agreement will help us to do even more. Children in Scotland should be treated as valued and equal citizens with a voice in issues that affect and impact them.”

Arden, an MCP from Edinburgh who attended the event, said: “Younger children are just bursting with creative ideas and solutions. They are just waiting to be given an opportunity where they can be listened to. It’s just about giving them the space, time and support.”

Director of the Children’s Parliament, Cathy McCulloch, said: “Having MCPs sign the partnership agreement with the Presiding Officer sets us on a path to new awareness and understanding of children’s human rights throughout the Parliament. This is another sign that Scotland takes children seriously and is committed to realising their rights to be healthy, happy and safe.”

The agreement will see information provided to help MSPs and Scottish Parliament staff increase their understanding of children’s human rights – in line with the UNCRC – and commit to ensuring Parliamentary processes create a safe and friendly environment for children to participate with dignity and respect.

Established in 1996, Children’s Parliament is dedicated to the realisation of children’s human rights in Scotland. 

Scottish Budget faces difficult choices in challenging circumstances, says Finance Committee

The Scottish Government’s budget for 2024/25 has been set amidst a context of persistently high inflation, low growth and high interest rates amidst deep cuts to capital funding.

In its budget report published on Wednesday, Holyrood’s Finance and Public Administration Committee looks at the choices the Scottish Government has made, including on taxation.

Finance and Public Administration Committee Convener Kenneth Gibson said: “Significant pressure on Scotland’s public finances have presented difficult tax and spending decisions in the budget. Everybody recognises that.

“The Scottish Government priorities are based on delivering its three ‘missions’ of equality, opportunity and community.  However, there was a great divergence in views from witnesses on what those priorities should be, with the focus understandably in areas where budgets will be reduced rather than increased.

“The committee is unclear how spending has been prioritised towards a fair, green and growing economy.

“Regarding taxation, there is uncertainty about the behavioural impact on taxpayers earning more than £75,000 per year and when there will be a fundamental review of the council tax.

“The Scottish Government needs to deliver long-term financial planning. At present it gives the impression that it’s procrastinating on important decision-making that would help the sustainability of Scotland’s public finances, albeit in the medium and longer-term.

“The Committee is also disappointed at continuing cuts to the capital budget by the UK Government which restricts the Scottish Government’s ability to invest in capital projects, achieving net zero and growing the economy.”

On public service reform Mr Gibson added: “The Scottish Government’s public service reform programme is critical to the sustainability of the Budget and ensuring effective delivery of public services.

“While the government has set out principles and objectives for its reform programme there are few other signs of progress. This is disappointing given the urgent need for reform.

“We need to see the government develop and deliver its reform programme at a quicker pace in the months and years to come.”

The report also says that the Scottish Government must explain why it has delayed:

  • the public sector pay policy 2024-25
  • an updated infrastructure project pipeline and
  • a financial strategy for public service reform.

Boyack: Soaring waiting times show Eye Pavilion’s not fit for purpose

A Freedom of Information request, lodged by Labour Lothians MSP, Sarah Boyack, has revealed that the average wait times for patients at Edinburgh’s Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion, has more than DOUBLED since 2014.

The average wait for inpatient appointments in 2014 was 56.6 days, compared to a staggering 132 days in 2023.

This is an increase of over 130% from when the Eye Pavilion was deemed not fit for purpose in 2014.

A replacement Eye Pavilion was deemed as a top priority of NHS Lothian, but the Scottish Government have not yet committed to the project.

This is despite promises by then First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon that the Scottish Government would proceed with a replacement building.

The outpatient average waiting times has also skyrocketed by similar margins. In 2014, the average wait times for outpatients stood at 49.8 days – by 2023, it had increased dramatically to 136.6 days.

Commening on the figures, Sarah Boyack said: “These soaring waiting times illustrates that the current Eye Pavilion, is not fit for purpose.

“Patients deserve top notch services, but instead they face ever increasing waiting times and a government that is looking the other way.

“The Scottish Government must look at these waiting times and realise that their decision not to go ahead with the hospital will only make things worse.

“I urge the Scottish Government to do the right thing and finally fulfil their pledge to build a new eye hospital in Edinburgh.”

Craig Spalding, Chief Executive, Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans, commented: “The soaring waiting times at Edinburgh’s Princess Alexandra Hospital unfortunately come as no surprise, as the building and its facilities are severely outdated.

“The Scottish Government’s decision to not go ahead with a new hospital is letting so many vulnerable people down.

“Growing waiting times are causing lives to be put on hold, and unless positive action is taken, there will likely be more cancellations, prolonged delays, and heightened risks for both patients and staff.”

Holyrood committee: Lack of detail and narrow criteria hamper proposed mental health debt relief

A Scottish Parliament committee has expressed its concern with proposals to support people experiencing mental health issues and struggling with debt.

The Bankruptcy and Diligence (Scotland) Bill proposes introducing a “mental health moratorium” – meaning people suffering from poor mental health would be protected from some debt recovery action while their health improved.

However, the Bill proposes that only those subject to compulsory mental health treatment would be protected.

The Parliament’s Economy and Fair Work Committee has called on the Government to extend the criteria to include more people experiencing a mental health crisis, so vulnerable people are not left behind by the new scheme.

Economy and Fair Work Committee Convener Claire Baker said: “The Committee is broadly supportive of this Bill and its aims. The idea of a mental health moratorium will be very helpful to those who need it.

“However, we are concerned that the proposed narrow criteria will mean this Bill does not help enough people, and the Bill should be looked at again with this in mind.

“We are calling on the Scottish Government to extend the criteria to allow more people experiencing a mental health crisis to lean on this support.

“Experts suggested various alternative approaches, and we hope the Government will listen to their views.

“We also believe that this is an opportunity to increase the amount protected for debtors during an earnings arrestment, and further protect vulnerable people from destitution.”

The Committee also criticised the lack of detail around the proposals made available while it was taking evidence.

Crucial information concerning how the moratorium would work was not made available when the Bill was introduced, and more detail won’t be available until the Government sets it out in regulations.

The Committee heard from Minister for Community Wealth and Public Finance Tom Arthur that the Government would “endeavour” to produce draft regulations ahead of stage 3. 

Ms Baker added: ”The Committee looks forward to working with the Government further on these proposals. The Government has indicated they will bring forward draft regulations, and the Committee will look carefully at these.

“It is vital that the Committee has a chance to scrutinise these regulations before the Bill is passed, so that the detail of these proposals can be fully examined.”

Choudhury: Third sector community organisations crying out for support

A Labour MSP for Lothian has rung alarm bells about the barriers to funding for small, community-based organisations.  

Foysol Choudhury yesterday (17th January) hosted a roundtable at the Scottish Parliament for third-sector community organisations to discuss the current funding model, barriers to access for smaller organisations, and what lessons could be learnt. 

 The roundtable attendees and MSPs heard from Citadel Youth Centre, Edinburgh and Lothians Regional Equality Council (ELREC), EVOC, North Edinburgh Arts and The Larder.  

Mr Choudhury is Chairperson of ELREC and will be well aware of the challenges faced by third sector organisations.

Following the roundtable, Foysol Choudhury praised the work of these third-sector organisations in working so closely with, and to benefit of, local communities. He said, however, that more could be done to support these vital organisations to be more included in the funding process: 

The third sector in Scotland is a vital contributor to both the economy and society as a whole.   

“The recent Scottish Budget announcements have left many organisations in the third sector unable to be sure of secure funding for the year ahead, directly impacting on their ability to provide vital services to communities when they need it the most post-pandemic and during the cost-of-living crisis.   

It was made clear from today’s discussion that sustained, long-term and fair funding is needed for the sector. 

“Some third sector organisations may be smaller, but they have a big impact and they must be consulted with and represented in the Scottish budget. 

“This is especially true where they cater to minority communities and exclusion from the budget may increase inequalities for those communities.” 

Mr Choudhury says that the conversation at the table today was positive and collaborative but that the organisations were also “crying out for more support and recognition of their vital work”.  

Organisations at the roundtable raised how many smaller organisations were in competition with each other for grants and core funding, so the system should facilitate more collaboration.

Other groups also raised how smaller organisations are missing out on funding because they don’t meet criteria, or don’t have the experience and funds to hire fundraisers to make applications like many bigger organisations do.

Mr Choudhury says he will continue to build on this constructive conversation and represent small third-sector community organisations in the Scottish Parliament, pressing for more funding and consultation wherever possible.

Budgets are about spending priorities, and Labour trails both the SNP and the Conservatives at Holyrood. Elections to the Scottish Parliament will not take place until May 2026.

Of more immediate concern for voluntary sector organisations is the current budget process. The city council (a Labour-led coalition with Lib-Dems and Conservatives) is looking at further cuts as it sets it’s budget for 2024 – 25.

Councils blame the Scottish Government for funding cuts while Holyrood in turn blames the UK Government at Westminster. It’s a blame game that’s gone on for as long as I can remember, and while the politicians bicker, the poorest communities – and the charities and voluntary sector projects that support them – bear the brunt and feel the pain of service cuts.

That’s got to change – but sadly change, if it comes, will come too late for many – Ed.