‘Shocking’: Johnstone calls for action on health inequality

Life expectancy gap between rich and poor continues to grow


Lothian MSP and Scottish Greens’ spokesperson on Health and Wellbeing, Alison Johnstone has branded figures that show funding discrepancies between GPs in poorer and wealthier areas of Scotland as “shocking”.

The figures, published yesterday, were obtained by researchers at  the University of Glasgow and University of Dundee, and demonstrate there is a £7 per person per year funding gap between GP practices in the top 10% most affluent and the 10% most deprived areas.

Johnstone highlighted that health inequalities in her home region and around Scotland are rife, with a 7.3 year gap between Local Authorities in overall male life expectancy, and a 5.2 year difference between Local Authorities in overall female life expectancy.

Johnstone urged the Scottish Government to ensure that GPs in more deprived communities are able to deliver a high-quality health service, and called for resources to be distributed according to need, not wealth.

Alison Johnstone said: “These shocking figures highlight the challenges our NHS is facing trying to provide a decent service to all those who need it. It’s vitally important that help goes where it’s most needed, and the unequal distribution of funding means that doctors in deprived communities are unlikely to have the resources to meet their patients’ needs.

“In Lothian, a person living in one of the more affluent parts of the region can expect to live nearly two decades longer than those from the poorest.  If we don’t ensure that people in the poorest areas get the same quality service as wealthier communities, we have no chance of eradicating health inequalities.

“I urge the Scottish Government to take these figures very seriously and to reconsider how it distributes GP resources. It’s time to get back to basics – every single person from in Scotland deserves high quality healthcare, and we must make sure our NHS can deliver.”

Highest life expectancy for men in Scotland is in East Dumbartonshire at 80.7 years, with lowest in Glasgow City at 73.4 years. For females, highest life expectancy is in East Dunbartonshire at 83.9 years, and lowest at 78.7 years.

Figures available at: http://www.gro-scotland.gov.uk/news/2015/wide-variation-in-life-expectancy-between-areas-in-scotland

Fight or flight: Johnstone congratulates community campaigns

Airport to end trial two months early following community pressure

edinburgh airport

Alison Johnstone has today congratulated local communities on their campaign success after the Edinburgh Airport announced it will close its controversial flight path trial two months earlier than originally planned.

Alison Johnstone, MSP for Lothian and Scottish Green Party candidate for Edinburgh Central, said: “I’d like to congratulate the community on their success in reducing the length of the reckless flight trial by two months. This is entirely due to sheer determination and their well organised and effective campaign.

“October will still feel like a long month for the community who have had to suffer negative health impacts and disruptive noise caused by the trial, but I am please the airport have recognised the need to listen and act. And end to this stressful situation is now in sight.

“The past few weeks have demonstrated how powerful Scotland’s communities can be, and lessons regarding the need for meaningful consultation have been learned. I look forward to working with constituents and the airport in the months ahead to ensure that the health and well-being of residents is central in all future proposals.”

Over one million passengers travelled through Edinburgh Airport last month, making it the busiest August on record for the airport and its fourth million plus passenger month in a row. A total of 1,158,794 people arrived and departed Edinburgh Airport in August, an increase of 8.7% on August 2014.

Johnstone presses for fracking ban

‘Scottish government must come off the fence’ – Alison Johnstone MSP


Alison Johnstone, Scottish Green MSP for Lothian and a leading campaigner against unconventional gas extraction, is challenging coal gasification firm Cluff over their claim that ‘it is neither necessary, nor in the public interest’ to examine the risks of their plans.

Cluff wrote to all MSPs before Tuesday’s announcement that their plans for drilling under the Forth are on hold, and today Alison replied, challenging the company’s views.

Scottish Green MSPs have been campaigning against unconventional gas extraction – also known as ‘fracking’ – since the 2011 election. Alison Johnstone led Holyrood’s first debate on the issue in May 2014, proposing a ban – all other parties voted against it.

Alison Johnstone MSP said: “Before Cluff got cold feet and announced a delay in their plans, they wrote to all MSPs as part of a charm offensive. Scottish Greens support the many community groups around the Forth who have made their opposition to coal gasification clear, and I have written back to Cluff challenging their claims.

“Cluff have attempted to downplay coal gas disasters elsewhere but I believe we must look at where things have gone wrong to help us understand the risks. We know of serious problems in Australia, resulting in widespread contamination of land. We know investigators were hospitalised with suspected gas poisoning during soil testing.

“It is therefore essential that Cluff lays out in detail the safety record of its projects rather than dismissing concerns out of hand. Cluff also choose to ignore the fact that we already have far more fossil fuels than we can burn if we want to limit climate change.

“Scotland is in a privileged position to end its reliance on fossil fuels earlier than other countries and create many more jobs by investing in sectors such as renewables, green chemistry, home insulation and forestry.

“In the meantime the Scottish Government must come off the fence, extend their temporary fracking moratorium to include coal gasification given it requires onshore infrastructure and turn it into a permanent ban, to protect our communities, our economy and our climate.”

Greens on Greece: ‘a crisis caused by the rich’

Greens stand with people of Greece as economic crisis deepens


The Scottish Greens have pledged to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Greek people in their fight against austerity. They have also urged both the UK and Scottish governments to put pressure on financial institutions to negotiate a fair debt restructure for Greece. 

City councillor Maggie Chapman, Co-Convenor of the Scottish Green Party, said:
“We are in the midst of a crisis caused by the rich. The great economic challenge of our time is ending their power to punish the rest of us for a crisis we did not cause. Austerity is the mechanism they use and the place that has borne the brunt of austerity more than anywhere is Greece.

“We know austerity is doomed to fail, but in that failure it will only extend the economic pain felt by the most vulnerable people in society. All around Europe we must stand with the people of Greece in their stand against austerity, for a decent future and for democracy.

“The election of an anti-austerity SYRIZA led government in January was a clear signal that the people of Greece have rejected austerity. Greece’s creditors, represented by the so-called Institutions – the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund – are trying to subvert that democracy. Their actions have been counterproductive and destructive.

“After five and a half years of brutal austerity Greek debt is higher, while the Greek people have suffered untold harm.

“As a democratic party and a party opposed to austerity the Scottish Greens stand with the people of Greece. As Co-Convener of the Scottish Greens I stand in solidarity with my SYRIZA & Ecologist Greens comrades in the the Greek Government as they lead Europe’s opposition to austerity. We call on the Scottish and UK Governments to intervene with the Institutions to secure the substantial restructuring of Greece’s debts and an end to austerity.”

Johnstone: Government must get tough on TTIP

TTIP: ‘an assault on public protections’ – Alison Johnstone MSP

ttip-protesteQuestioning the Minister for Europe at Holyrood today, Green MSP Alison Johnstone called on the Scottish Government to broaden their stance on TTIP, the free trade treaty currently being negotiated between the US and the EU.

She highlighted figures contained in a new report from Westminster’s Environmental Audit Committee (1) on the difference between chemicals regulation in the US and EU. 1300 chemicals are restricted for use in cosmetics in EU countries, whereas only 11 are in the US.

The Minister, Humza Yousaf, replied that while the Scottish Government has raised a number of concerns with the UK Government, TTIP as a whole is “difficult to oppose without seeing the final agreement”.

Alison Johnstone, Green MSP said: “This deal risks much more than our precious public services. There is a real risk that important environmental and public health protections will be weakened by this treaty, which would undermine decades of political progress towards a more sustainable world.

“Overall the components of TTIP add up to an assault on public protections with little evidence of any reward, and it should not be so difficult for the Scottish Government to oppose this.”

Green warning over TTIP ‘distraction’

‘We need to shut the door on this deal’ – Alison Johnstone MSP


Alison Johnstone, Scottish Green MSP for Lothian, is warning against the “distraction” of the language used in the controversial TTIP trade deal, following the leak of a draft document.

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, being negotiated behind closed doors by the EU and US, aims to remove barriers to multinational corporations and could enable them to sue governments over profits. SNP ministers support the principle of the deal, as does Labour.

A leaked draft of what the EU wants excluded from the deal was reported by the BBC yesterday.

Alison Johnstone MSP said: “While some want to quibble over the wording, that is a distraction compared to the broader purpose of the deal. Greens have consistently opposed this blatant corporate power grab. It’s undemocratic and threatens not just our NHS but puts at risk jobs and wages throughout our economy.

“Promoters of TTIP claim it will produce jobs and growth, but when questioned about who will benefit they resort to a belief in workers eventually sharing the profits from increased trade. We need to shut the door to this deal, and focus instead on strong public services and meaningful support for Scotland’s small and medium sized businesses.”

Fracking calls from Greens ahead of budget debate

Holyrood Parliament (2)Scottish Green MSPs are calling on ministers to amend the proposed 2015-16 Scottish budget to create a new fund for local authorities facing a wave of controversial fracking developments.

MSPs vote tomorrow (21 January) on the principles of the draft budget and Green MSPs Patrick Harvie and Alison Johnstone have outlined their priorities.

The UK Government is considering awarding licenses to gas drilling firms for a huge swathe of Scotland, from Argyll and Ayrshire in the west to Aberdeenshire and East Lothian in the east. Planning authorities will face complex assessments yet many have no clear policy on the issue and could be open to challenge by developers.

Last week West Lothian Council agreed to write to the Scottish Government calling for a moratorium on unconventional gas, following a similar move by North Lanarkshire prompted by independent councillor Frances McGlinchey, who recently joined the Scottish Greens. Both are Labour-controlled councils.

Last year following a Green debate at Holyrood Labour MSPs voted against a ban on fracking, as did SNP, Conservative and Libdem members.

Scottish Green campaigners are urging communities concerned about fracking to lobby their MSPs to sign Alison Johnstone’s parliamentary motion, which calls for a ban.

Alison Johnstone, Scottish Green MSP for Lothian, said: “Local authorities are on the frontline of this potential new wave of destructive development. If the Scottish Government is serious about its position on fracking – that is to put faith in the planning framework – it needs to step up and support our completely unprepared planning authorities.

“Ministers have in the past provided local authorities with funding to deal with high levels of windfarm determinations. Why not support councils facing fracking applications?

“The Scottish Government has options including underspends and consequential funds, so let’s see if they take this opportunity to help shut the door to fracking. The sooner we shut down this dangerous distraction the better, and we can instead focus on investment in renewables, retrofit jobs and apprenticeships.”

Other budget priorities outlined by the Green MSPs ahead of Wednesday’s debate include:

-Making the repair and retrofit of poorly insulated and glazed homes a national infrastructure investment priority, creating thousands of jobs.

-Expansion of the Modern Apprenticeship scheme to include energy efficiency.

-Using the underspent Renewable Energy Investment Fund to support the huge potential in the wave industry.

-Improve air quality by investing in walking and cycling infrastructure and doubling the Scottish Green Bus Fund which provides low emissions vehicles.

-Exploring the creation of a Fans First Fund to provide loans to supporter groups seeking to purchase their local football club.

Scottish Greens welcome Greek green-left alliance

‘We stand in solidarity with the people of Greece in their fight for decent lives and against austerity’ – Cllr Maggie Chapman


Scottish Greens Co-Convener Maggie Chapman has welcomed the decision by the Greek Ecologist Greens to join SYRIZA, the Coalition of the Radical Left, ahead of the Greek general election on 25 January.

SYRIZA stand a good chance of winning the election, which is widely seen as a referendum on the austerity imposed by the ‘Troika’ of the European Central Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the European Commission.

Leith Walk ward city councillor Maggie Chapman, who is also Co-Convenor of the Scottish Greens, said: “The Scottish Greens welcome the decision of our Greek comrades to join SYRIZA, the Coalition of the Radical Left, ahead of this month’s election. SYRIZA are the party best placed to end the worst cuts, and put Greece back on the road to democracy.

“At our conference last year, the Scottish Greens made clear that we are totally opposed to the austerity being imposed on Greece and other European countries. We stand in solidarity with the people of Greece in their fight for decent lives and against austerity. “

Greens urge fresh approach to tackle obesity

DSCF3121Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and health spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, has urged new Health Secretary Shona Robison to take a fresh approach to tackle obesity and make active lifestyles the norm.

New figures show that 65 per cent of adults in Scotland are overweight, with 27 per cent obese, a rate that has remained unchanged since 2008. The proportion of adults who are physically active to the recommended level has only increased by 2 per cent in a year.

One in eight children spends more than four hours a day watching TV or another screen, and there has been no change in the proportion of adults and children walking or cycling to work and school.

Alison Johnstone MSP said: “People are suffering from poor health and the cost to our NHS is climbing. You only have to look at the situation in Edinburgh where the public funding squeeze threatens cuts to leisure facilities and programmes that help young and old stay active.

“With the appointment of a new Health Secretary we have a chance to turn things around. I will be pushing for the forthcoming Scottish budget to prioritise preventative spending so we invest in walking and cycling infrastructure, leisure facilities and a healthy food culture, all of which will benefit our communities and the public finances.”

Fans First! Greens set out plans for fan-owned football

Hearts were on the brink, there’s deep disquiet about investment at Hibs and the mighty Rangers are in trouble once again. All is far from well in the world of football finance, so can the Scottish Greens score with Fans First?

IbroxThe Green MSPs have confirmed long-standing plans to bring changes to land reform legislation to give football fans the right to buy their clubs. 

The proposals were set out in a consultation response to Holyrood’s Local Government and Regeneration Committee, which is about to start consideration of the Scottish Government’s Community Empowerment Bill.

The submission also sets out plans by Green MSP Alison Johnstone, who is leading the Greens’ “Fans First” campaign, to broaden the 2003 Land Reform Act to include intangible community assets, not just land, in line with the general principles of the Scottish Government’s proposals. This would help communities to take on and run vital services like pubs, local cinemas, and even public transport.

UnityAlison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian, said: “The time has come for the Scottish Parliament to give fans the power to take on their clubs when they come on the market or when they go into administration, or possibly even at any time for a fair price.

“We’ve always argued that fans will tend to be the best custodians of the clubs they love, and that the long-term security and strength of Scottish football requires a move towards the kind of community ownership common elsewhere.

“Scottish Ministers have set up a working group under Stephen Morrow to look at this issue, which we support. However, the group will report after this legislation has been considered, so it’s vital that this legislative opportunity shouldn’t be missed. The changes we’re proposing will still mean fans’ trusts will require Ministerial signoff, just as is already the case with land reform, so the only risk would be if Parliament rejects our proposals, leaving fans with no prospect of progress any time soon.

“So we’re encouraging all the trusts in Scotland to make their views known. Do they want to cross their fingers and rely on the current slow move to fan ownership, or do they want Parliament’s support to put them in the driving seat?”
