Financial support to help cut your energy bills

The worst of winter may at last be over, but with sky-high utility bills dropping through the letterbox people across Scotland are being urged to seek assistance to improve the energy efficiency of their homes, helping to reduce household energy bills.

Housing and Welfare Minister Margaret Burgess has outlined that households can apply for financial assistance from the Scottish Government of up to £1,200 to pay for energy improvement measures such as cavity and loft insulation, double glazing, a new boiler or draft proofing.

Getting loft insulation can reduce energy bills by up to £175 per year, while replacing single-glazed windows with double glazed ones could save the average home around £165 per year. And taking simple steps to draught proof can cut £55 per year off the average property’s energy bill, while getting a new, energy efficient boiler could save a three bedroom home owner up to £300 annually.

Mrs Burgess said: “It is my belief that everyone in Scotland should live in a warm and safe home that doesn’t cost the earth to heat. In these current economic times, it is more important than ever that people take advantage of money saving opportunities like these when they can.

“Rising energy bills are a huge concern for this government, and fuel poverty is an absolute scandal in a country like Scotland. There is a wide range of financial support and offers available to Scottish households to support them when it comes to making the decision that is right for them.

“As well as perhaps being eligible for up to £400 towards the cost of a new boiler, householders could access up to £500 towards the cost of insulation measures, and up to £300 towards other measures such as double glazing or draft proofing if recommended as part of a Green Deal assessment. I would urge anyone who would like to reduce their energy bills to contact the Hotline as soon as possible to find out about how to get a Green Deal assessment and to find out about the offers available to them.”

You can find out more and apply for a Green Homes Cashback voucher by visiting

or by calling the Scottish Government’s Home Energy Scotland free hotline on 0800 512 012.


Scotland set for lower drink drive limits


Scotland is on course to adopt stricter drink driving limits than the rest of the UK following a government consultation. The vast majority of people who responded would like to see a lower drink drive limit in Scotland, with almost three quarters (74 per cent) of respondents to Reducing the Drink Driving Limit in Scotland believing that drink drive limits should be reduced.

The analysis also revealed that amongst those who want to see a lower limit, there was widespread agreement (87 per cent) with the Scottish Government’s proposal to lower the blood alcohol limit from 80mg of alcohol in every 100 ml of blood to 50 mg of alcohol in every 100 ml of blood.

The consultation responses suggested the likely benefits of a lower limit would be fewer road accidents and fewer casualties. A number of respondents also called for the Scottish Government to be given further powers to tackle drink driving.

Speaking at an event at Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh to highlight the harm caused by drink driving last week, Justice Secretary cKenny MacAskill confirmed that the Scottish Government will now be taking the necessary steps to bring in a lower drink driving limit in Scotland.

Mr  MacAskill said: “Drink driving can shatter families and communities and we must take action to reduce the risk on our roads. On average, 30 families every year have to cope with the loss of a loved one and around 900 people are treated for injuries caused by someone who thought it was acceptable to drink alcohol and get behind the wheel and drive. We cannot let this continue. Lowering the drink drive limit will help make Scotland’s roads safer and save lives. The evidence is clear and the vast majority of those who responded to our consultation support the Scottish Government’s plans for change.

“The consultation now allows us to progress formal discussions with the police and the UK Government on the recalibration and testing of drink drive enforcement devices to ensure prosecutions are as robust as possible. Before a lower limit is introduced we will also consider issues such as how motorists driving into Scotland from England will be made aware of the lower limit. We are exploring options with Transport Scotland, police and justice and road safety partners as we move forward with our plans. Once we have progressed these issues over the next few months, I will be asking the Scottish Parliament to approve regulations to lower the limit.”

Dr Dave Caesar, Clinical Director of Emergency Medicine, NHS Lothian, said: “NHS Lothian runs Scotland’s busiest Emergency Department and we are too often faced with alcohol related emergencies in our hospitals. We welcome the results of the consultation to lower the drink drive limit. Alcohol in your blood stream slows your reaction times and how long it takes to process visual information. A lower drink drive limit would prevent road traffic accidents and deaths on our roads and therefore reduce the number of people who needlessly die each year.”

Kathleen Braidwood, road safety officer for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) in Scotland, added: “Far too many people are being killed on our roads as a result of people who drink and drive, so RoSPA is delighted to see that a clear majority of people are in favour of the Scottish Government’s proposal to reduce the current drink-drive limit. One of RoSPA’s long-standing campaigns is for the drink-drive limit to be lowered from 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood to 50mg, not just in Scotland but across the whole of the UK.

“People need to realise that any amount of alcohol impairs a driver’s ability to judge speed and distance while behind the wheel. Alcohol also slows reaction times and can make drivers over-confident and more likely to take risks. Lowering the drink-drive limit will not only contribute to making our roads safer but also have a wider social impact.”


Welfare cuts ‘intolerable’ – Sturgeon

The true impact of the UK Government’s benefit reforms have been revealed by a new Scottish Government analysis that shows people in Scotland could be hit with a cut of £4.5 billion in the five years to 2014-15 – £2 billion more than the UK Government originally claimed.

The report also estimates that £1 billion of the welfare cuts will have a direct impact on children living in Scotland – a situation Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon today described as “intolerable”.

Ms Sturgeon (pictured below)  said: “The Scottish Government’s analysis we are publishing today suggests that the true scale of the cuts on Scottish households as part of the UK Government’s welfare reforms could be much greater than previously anticipated. In 2011, the Department for Work and Pensions claimed Scotland’s benefits bill would be reduced by £2.5 billion by 2014-15. We believe that today’s new analysis shows this to be a huge underestimation, with hard working families and children among those being hit with a reduction in benefits that may will actually reach over £4.5 billion. The UK Government must urgently clarify the true scale of the impact in Scotland.

“These unfair cuts to the welfare system have been imposed on Scotland and will hit a million working age households in Scotland, weakening consumer demand and damaging economic growth. The fact that around £1 billion of the welfare cuts will directly impact on children in Scotland is particularly worrying – it is an intolerable situation that represents a devastating blow to the hard working people of Scotland.

“Our vision of an independent Scotland, is one where the welfare system will reflect our nation’s values and provide fair and decent support for those who need it most. It will encourage those people who can – and should work – into work. But it will also support people who are unable to work, allowing them to play a full and active part in society, and it will tackle poverty where this exists. It is clear that the UK Government’s agenda is completely at odds with the aspirations we have for our country. With every day the case for independence becomes even more compelling.”


Hospitals to become smoke-free


NHS grounds to be completely smoke-free by 2015 under new Scottish Government plans

In a move to promote smoke-free environments and healthier lifestyles, patients, visitors and staff will no longer be able to smoke on NHS sites. Under the plans, people who smoke will be offered advice and support to help them not to smoke during hospital visits as well as access to specialist smoking cessation services for those wanting to quit. NHS Boards will be required to implement and enforce smoke-free policies across their grounds by March 2015.

Health Secretary Mr Alex Neil (pictured below) said: “This Government has ambitious plans to reduce the number of people choosing to smoke. To this end, we want to build on the ban on smoking in public places, which was introduced seven years ago this week, by ensuring that our hospital grounds become smoke-free.

“We know that smoking is extremely harmful to health and causes in excess of 13,000 deaths per year in Scotland. The toll of smoking on our nation’s health cannot be underestimated. Creating smoke-free hospital grounds sends out a powerful message that every visit to our health service is an opportunity to promote and improve people’s health.

“We all know how unpleasant it can be to walk through a cloud of smoke in order to enter or leave a building. These measures will help to ensure that we create a healthier environment for people who use, visit and work in our health service. That is why we believe staff, patients and visitors will support and respect this decision and refrain from smoking until off-site.”

In 2005 the Scottish Government issued guidance on smoking policies for the NHS, local authorities and care providers which gave NHS boards the power to ban smoking on their premises. The new measures will not apply to mental health facilities, which have an exemption to allow the provision of designated smoking rooms under the original smoke-free legislation.


Millions pledged for social housing

Councils will receive a share of £40 million to help families into hundreds of new social homes, Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed. The total funding package is expected to deliver around 1,000 homes, mainly for social rent, and support up to 700 jobs in construction and related sectors, over the next two years.

Local authorities will allocate £40 million to meet the housing needs in their areas.

Ms Sturgeon said: “This funding will deliver up to 1,000 affordable homes that meet people’s needs, a central focus of our housing polices and a principle that underpins everything we do. It will help realise our ambition of 5,000 council homes as part of wider plans to deliver more than 30,000 affordable homes during this Parliamentary term.

“Quite simply, investing in new homes helps people into work by creating a jobs spin-off with the employment and training that takes place during construction. This funding illustrates that despite the 26% cut to our capital budget by Westminster, the Scottish Government is determined to continue investing in new social housing. If we want a strong economy, we must have access to all of Scotland’s resources, not just the portion of Scotland’s resources that the UK Government chooses to give us.”

Pauline Mills, Land & Planning Director for Taylor Wimpey East Scotland said: “As one of Scotland’s largest house builders delivering high-quality new homes is our area of expertise, and the provision of social housing is an integral part of our business across Scotland. The announcement today of funds for Councils to provide more new affordable homes, highlights the importance of the house building industry and the key role that it plays in creating a positive impact on the economic landscape of Scotland.”

This funding package brings the Scottish Government’s budget for housing supply to almost £860 million over three years.

Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP)


GPs to encourage patients to get active

Family doctors are set to help patients get healthier by highlighting the many benefits of physical activity. New ‘brief interventions’ will ask patients about their levels of physical activity and offer advice and follow-up support if appropriate, in the same way as already happens across the NHS for smoking and alcohol.

GPs and health professionals in six health board areas – including NHS Lothian – will encourage adults to get active in a bid to tackle a range of health problems, as physical inactivity contributes to nearly 2,500 premature deaths every year in Scotland and can cause heart disease, stroke, obesity or depression.

Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer Sir Harry Burns recommends five periods of 30 minutes of moderate activity a week, 60 minutes for children under 16.

The year long pilot will embed the importance of physical activity in the NHS and initially focus on those who can benefit the most from being more active, such as people with chronic ill health, long term conditions or older people.

Speaking on a visit to Strathesk Medical Practice in Bonnyrigg, Sport Minister Shona Robison said: “Getting active is easy, simple and the most effective way to better health, reducing the risk of a multitude of conditions like heart disease, obesity or depression. Any activity, like walking, gardening or cycling, is better than none and makes you feel happier, less stressed and more energised. This is not about telling people to take more exercise, but health professionals offering advice to people who can get the most benefit, most quickly, ultimately reducing the need for further treatment and improving their lives.”

Dr David White, the Scottish Government’s Physical Activity specialist, said: “Regular physical activity really is man’s best medicine, providing a far greater range of health benefits than any medication. It’s been shown internationally that GPs and their teams offering accurate assessment alongside appropriate advice or brief intervention is both cost- and clinically-effective in helping patients become more active. The National Physical Activity Pathway, developed by NHS Health Scotland along with GPs, is a simple and effective resource to make a real difference.”

John Gillies, Chair of Royal College of General Practitioners Scotland, added: “Increasing physical activity is a simple, cheap and highly effective way of both staying healthy if you are well, and reducing the health risks of many chronic conditions like diabetes and heart disease. It works at any age. RCGP Scotland is happy to support this initiative, which will give GPs vital information on how to help patients increase activity and improve their health.”

Margaret Burns, Chair, NHS Health Scotland, said: “NHS Health Scotland know that three in five adults are not physically active enough to benefit their health and that getting active will increase life expectancy by almost a year. The cost to the NHS in Scotland alone of certain diseases resulting from physical inactivity is around £94 million every year and across the cost to the Scottish economy as a whole, far, far greater. That is why NHS Health Scotland, in partnership with Scottish Government and Royal College of General Practitioners, are supporting to staff motivate people to get active in their own way. The learning from the pilots will then be used to inform NHS practice across the country.”

The direct cost of physical inactivity to the NHS in Scotland is around £94 million per year.

The Chief Medical Officer’s latest Annual Report highlighted that the total annual costs to the Scottish economy of physical inactivity could be in the region of £660 million.

Research shows that brief advice/interventions for physical activity are a clinically proven and extremely cost effective method of improving physical activity within primary care.

The Active Scotland website provides information on local physical activity opportunities.


Health Secretary opens Royal Victoria

Health Secretary Alex Neil officially opened the new Royal Victoria building within the Western General Hospital this morning. The £43.6 state of the art facility replaces the Royal Victoria Hospital on Craigleith Road which closed last year.

The new building is all single-bed rooms – the government set out an aim in 2008 that single rooms would become the norm for new and refurbished hospitals.

Health Secretary Alex Neil said there are substantial financial and health benefits to single rooms. He said: “You have to look over the life cycle of the hospital, the building, what is going to be the savings made for example by reducing the incidence of hospital acquired infection. It’s not just the financial cost of that, what’s most important is the benefit to the patient. I think most people would want to be in an environment where the risk of hospital acquired infection was kept to the absolute minimum.”


Mixed views on latest employment figures

Unemployment in Scotland fell over the last three months, but opinion is divided on just how robust the economic recovery is looking in Scotland. The Scottish government has welcomed the latest figures, but trade union leaders believe that, with a continued rise in long-term unemployment, the lessons of past recessions have not been learnt.

According to official figures released today, unemployment in Scotland has fallen by 14,000 over the three month period from September to November 2012. The Office of National Statistics figures also show that the youth unemployment rate saw the largest annual drop since the time series began in 2006, and is now the lowest level since March to May 2011.

Youth unemployment has fallen by 23,000 over the year to September to November with the rate decreasing by 4.8 percentage points to 19.9 per cent. The UK rate decreased by 1.7 percentage points to 21.0 per cent. This is the largest annual decrease in the youth unemployment rate in Scotland since the data series began in 2006. The youth employment rate in Scotland is 55.1 per cent compared to the UK rate of 51.8 per cent.

Scotland’s headline employment rate (for those aged 16 to 64) fell by 0.6 percentage points over the three months from September to November to 70.6 per cent, but the headline employment level (for those aged 16 and over) increased by 1,000 over the year. Scotland continues to have the fifth highest employment rate of all 12 UK countries and regions.

The claimant count in Scotland decreased by 1,400 over the month of December 2012, the second consecutive monthly fall. Over the year, the number of people claiming Jobseekers allowance fell by 4,400 to 137,500.

Commenting on the latest figures, Finance Secretary John Swinney said: “These figures show that unemployment in Scotland has continued to fall for the second monthly release. The strong performance in youth unemployment over the year is particularly welcome. We have lower youth unemployment, higher youth employment and lower youth inactivity than the UK. What’s more, this month’s release sees the largest annual drop in the youth unemployment rate since the data series began in 2006.

“However, we must continue to work to boost employment and the Scottish Government is taking direct action by investing in our infrastructure and maintaining the most competitive business environment anywhere in the UK. Our budget includes a tax relief package for business worth over £540m this year and bring forward a further £385 million package of economic stimulus.

“We are also targeting growth markets and growth industries and our efforts are paying off with today’s Global Connections survey showing that Scottish exports increased by by £1.6 billion to £23.9 billion in 2011. With the full fiscal and economic powers of independence the Scottish Government could do even more to strengthen our economy and create jobs.”

Youth Employment Minister Angela Constance said: “Today’s figures show that youth unemployment in Scotland is at its lowest level since March to May 2011 after falling for the second monthly release in a row. Our actions to improve youth employment rates have included a guarantee of a place in education or training for every 16-19 year old through Opportunities for All, funding 25,000 Modern Apprenticeships in each year of the current parliament and £8.5 million to create 1,400 jobs in the third sector through Community Jobs Scotland.

“This year we will continue our efforts by launching an Employer Recruitment Incentive which will give financial support to small companies willing to give young people a job. This is backed by £15 million of Scottish Government funding and by £10 million European Structural funding. Our young people’s fresh and modern thinking in the workplace will help drive our economy forward and we will continue to work hard to ensure they have the opportunity to do that.”

However Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) General Secretary Grahame Smith said: “For the second month in a row, the reported fall in unemployment has been exceeded by the fall in employment and economic activity. Quite simply it is no cause for celebration if people are leaving the labour force altogether rather than looking actively for work.

“These statistics show a very weak labour market which continues to be characterised by significant falls in full-time permanent positions, rising underemployment and worrying increases in inactivity. The fall in youth unemployment over the year is encouraging although the rate has hardly shifted. The rise in very long-term unemployment across all ages confirms the STUC’s consistently expressed fears that the errors of past recessions are being repeated.”

The Scottish Greens are also warning the Scottish government against complacency. Green MSP Alison Johnstone, a member of Holyrood’s Economy committee, said: “The government’s efforts to date on training and apprenticeships are welcome but much more needs to be done to ensure young people and women in particular are not shut out of the jobs market. It is also a concern that we’re continuing to see part-time work replace full-time jobs, and that many people feel the need to take a second job to make ends meet.

“The evidence I’ve been hearing as the economy committee examines underemployment clearly shows this is a serious problem. I urge the Scottish Government to do more to help small and medium sized businesses expand so they can offer their staff more hours. I also want to see more done to provide good quality, affordable childcare, the lack of which forces many women to stay out of work. It’s also appalling that Scotland has the second most expensive childcare in Europe yet those providing it are often on very low wages.”



NHS Lothian launches organ donation pilot programme

A new organ donation pilot programme is to be launched in NHS Lothian, it was announced yesterday.

The pilot will ensure that people who cannot be resuscitated after suffering a cardiac arrest in the community and who have previously expressed a wish to donate their organs in the event of their death, will have that wish respected.

The pilot will run in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, where emergency medicine clinicians and the Scottish Ambulance Service practice the most advanced resuscitation techniques. As a result many more people who have suffered a cardiac arrest in the community are now making a good recovery.

Should the resuscitative measures prove unsuccessful, a decision will be made by two doctors that further treatment would no longer be in the best interests of the patient. End of life options (including organ donation) will then be discussed with the family.

Previously organ donation was not possible in these circumstances, even if the patient had made it clear that they wished to be an organ donor. The resuscitation process will continue to be run entirely by the emergency department based on their current policies and is totally separate from any consideration of organ donation.

Minister for Public Health, Michael Matheson said: “We welcome the fact that more people who experience a cardiac arrest at home or in the community are now surviving due to the introduction of modern resuscitation techniques by the emergency department clinicians and the Scottish Ambulance Service.

“However when all attempts at resuscitation in hospital have been unsuccessful it can be a source of comfort to the family to be able to respect the wishes of their loved ones who have made their organ donation wishes known by joining the NHS Organ Donor Register. This pilot programme is about doing this.”

Dr Matt Reed, Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh said: “We have an ongoing programme of improving the management of patients who have had a cardiac arrest in the community. The modern resuscitation techniques practiced by the Emergency Department in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and the Scottish Ambulance Service in the South East of Scotland have seen survival rates for these patients improve dramatically and many more patients are now going on to make a good recovery.

“Unfortunately however, there are some patients who do not survive despite every attempt to save them. Many of those people will have expressed a wish to be an organ donor by joining the NHS Organ Donor Register in the expectation that their wishes be respected in the event of their death. This pilot will allow their wishes to be acted upon.”

Dr Jean Turner, Executive Director, Scotland Patients Association said: “Scotland Patients Association(SPA) welcomes this pilot which offers patients and their relatives the utmost assurance for the best outcomes from resuscitation with consideration and respect when organ donation may become an option for them.”

The pilot relates to adults aged 16-60 who have a witnessed cardiac arrest and who have expressed a wish to donate organs and/or tissues after their death. In its initial stages it will operate between the hours of 9-5 on weekdays.

Families will continue to be consulted on the proposed donation of their loved one’s organs.

Lothian is leading the way in Scotland in terms of population signed up to the NHS Organ Donor Register (just under 50% of the population). There are currently more than two million Scots on the NHS Organ Donor Register – over 41 per cent of the population which is the highest in the UK. The UK average is 31 per cent (October 2012).

In 2011/12 there were 346 transplants in Scotland. The majority of people on the transplant list are waiting on kidney transplants – 514 people.

NHS Blood and Transplant research found that 96 percent of people would take an organ if they needed one, but only 41 per cent of Scots have joined the NHS Organ Donor Register.

You can join the NHS Organ Donor Register by visiting the Organ Donation Scotland website or by texting LIFE TO 61611.

Royal Infirmary Edinburgh
Royal Infirmary Edinburgh


Benefits advice groups to share Holyrood cash

The Scottish Government is directing new money to agencies helping people facing the brunt of UK benefit cuts, Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced yesterday. In response to a substantial increase in requests for help as a result of Westminster welfare reforms, a new package of funding will support those providing front-line advice and support to people across Scotland.

This will include an immediate cash injection of £300,000 for services such as those provided by Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS), the setting up a new £1.7 million fund providing direct support to advice services and a further £3.4 million to be spent over the next two years on helping organisations mitigate the impacts welfare reforms.

Changes in Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit will reduce the budgets of more than 100,000 households in Scotland – 88 per cent of them couples with children. On average these families will be £700 a year worse off.

Over 100,000 households across Scotland will also lose on average of around £600 a year as a result of the bedroom tax.

And it is estimated that around 1 million working age households in Scotland will be affected by the uprating of benefits by 1 per cent, announced in the Autumn Statement, reducing the total income of Scottish households by around £210 million by 2014-15.

Announcing the funding boost Ms Sturgeon said: “Many people across Scotland are suffering as a direct result of UK Government benefit cuts, and many more are concerned about how they may be affected by changes yet to come into force. Citizen’s Advice Bureaux across the country are currently dealing with nearly 800 new issues for every working day. And the latest extremely worrying analysis about the families affected by benefits illustrates exactly that point.

“This reflects our serious concerns about the pace, scale and impact of Westminster’s benefits changes. It is clear that the impact of the cuts will extend across Scottish society, with vulnerable groups, women and working families all likely to suffer. This is putting more and more pressure on the organisations that provide crucial front line advice to those affected. These are the people, who, on a daily basis see how lives are being damaged by the fall out from the UK government’s welfare reform changes. That is why we have listened and are providing £5.4 million to help meet the demand for advice and support as it dramatically increases.

“This is just further evidence of the need for independence. We want a welfare system in Scotland that provides fair and decent support for all and protects the vulnerable in our society. The only way to guarantee that is to have possession of the powers to deliver it.”

Pilton CAB
Pilton CAB

Background Information:

The Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit analysis is taken from published DWP statistics. Bedroom tax analysis estimates that:

105,000 households will be affected by the bedroom tax.

Of these, 83,000 will be under-occupying by one bedroom and 22,000 will be under-occupying by two or more rooms.

With around 586,000 households in the social rented sector, it is estimated that 18 per cent of all households in the sector will be affected.

Depending on the measure of inflation used, the average weekly loss in 2012/13 prices is between £11 and £12.

This gives an estimate total loss of Housing Benefit to the sector of between £60 -£65 million per annum.

The Bedroom Tax will reduce the amount of housing benefit support that can be given to tenants in the social rented sector by introducing new size criteria for working-age Housing Benefit claimants, who have extra bedrooms.

People who are judged to be ‘under occupying’ their home by one bedroom will have their housing benefit slashed by 14 per Cent. Where they are under occupying by two or more bedrooms the deduction is 25 per Cent.

The new criteria for under occupation could mean that ill or disabled people, who use a spare bedroom for medical equipment, may all be affected.