Holyrood approves Scottish Budget

Spending plans for 2024-25 approved

The Scottish Budget has been approved by Parliament, ensuring funding can be targeted towards the missions of supporting public services, growing the economy and tackling poverty.

MSPs have passed the 2024-25 Scottish Budget Bill, with spending commitments including:

  • £13.2 billion for frontline NHS boards, over £1.5 billion for policing and nearly £400 million to support the fire service
  • Over £5 billion to help create jobs, support businesses, aid the transition to net zero and fund public transport to provide viable alternatives to car use
  • £6.3 billion for social security benefits, £200 million to help tackle the poverty-related attainment gap and £1.5 million to cancel school meal debt 
  • Over £14 billion for local authorities – the highest settlement yet delivered for local government

Deputy First Minister and Finance Secretary Shona Robison said: “I am pleased that Parliament has approved our Budget, allowing us to enact our spending plans in the face of a deeply challenging financial situation.

“This is a Budget which stays true to our progressive values: investing in services, growing our economy, protecting vulnerable people and tackling the climate emergency.

“We have taken decisions which prioritise funding in the areas that have the greatest impact on the quality of life for the people of Scotland – despite the challenges caused in large part by the UK Government’s failure to invest in public services and infrastructure.

“Our block grant funding from the UK Government has fallen in real terms since 2022-23. Our capital spending power is due to contract by almost 10 per cent in real terms over five years – that’s around £1.6 billion in total, equivalent to the cost of building a large hospital.

“I have written to the Chancellor urging him to change course, using next week’s Spring Budget to increase funding for public services and infrastructure instead of cutting taxes.”

Scotland’s local government umbrella body Cosla fears the Budget will mean more misery for cash-strapped councils.

Budget (Scotland) (No.3) Bill – stage 3 debate: Deputy First Minister speech

MSP welcomes year-round support for Edinburgh students

Edinburgh Pentlands SNP MSP Gordon Macdonald has welcomed the news higher education students can now apply to spread their student financial support package over a 12-month period for the first time this coming academic year.

The year-long package of support will be available for eligible undergraduate students from August 2024. The change will ensure that payments of relevant student loans and bursaries can continue throughout the summer months. This follows a successful two-year programme, which saw care experienced students being given the option of 12-month support.

Care-Experienced students will continue to receive additional support for their living costs under the Summer Accommodation Grant from Summer 2024. Students eligible for the grant – which will replace the Care-Experienced Accommodation Grant – will be entitled to a payment of up to £1,330 to help ensure they do not fall into rent arrears over the summer.

These changes will coincide with the £2,400 increase to the annual support package, which sees the main undergraduate funding package rise up to £11,400.

Commenting on the announcement Mr Macdonald said: “Coping financially as a student in Edinburgh can be extremely difficult but the changes announced to the way students can receive their funding will make a huge difference across the summer months.

“This is another example of the actions being taken by the Scottish Government to support students through the cost of living crisis. Scotland already has the lowest student debt levels in the UK, thanks to the commitment to free tuition and enhanced student support.

“We have a record number of students from Scotland’s most deprived areas applying to study at university and these changes to the student support package will contribute further in breaking down barriers and ensuring that access to our world-class institutions is not denied to anyone, whatever their background.”

20,000 can get Best Start Foods for the first time

Rule changes extend eligibility for help with food shopping

Changes to a key Scottish Government benefit will see an estimated 20,000 people able to access money to help with the cost of food shopping for the first time.

Rule changes around eligibility for Best Start Foods come into force today, (Monday Feb 26) extending eligibility by making it easier to qualify.

Best Start Foods, which was paid to more than 46,000 people in 2022/23, is money every four weeks to help pay for healthy food from pregnancy until a child turns three.

It’s delivered on a pre-paid chip and pin card which can be used in most stores and online.

Before the changes which come into force today, it was paid to people who receive qualifying benefits as long as their incomes did not pass certain limits. Those income thresholds have now been removed in a move which means thousands more will be able to successfully apply for a card.

Other rule changes have made it simpler for eligible young parents to receive the benefit.

Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “This is an important day for the Scottish Government in terms of our mission to tackle poverty and protect people from harm.

“In 2024-25 we are committing a record £6.3 billion for benefits expenditure, providing support to over 1.2 million people.

“This is £1.1 billion more than the UK Government gives to the Scottish Government for social security, demonstrating our commitment to tackling poverty.

“Making this investment allows us to take measures like the one which comes into force today – giving critical help with buying healthy foods to those who need it most.

“It will further benefit the whole economy when cards are used and the cash is spent.”

The changes were welcomed by charity Edinburgh Community Food Aid Network. Chief Executive Officer, Brenda Black said: “The importance of nourishing food for both mother-to-be and infant cannot be overstated: the first 1000 days of a child’s life are crucial for growth, development, and long-term health.

“We welcome the positive changes in ‘Best Start Foods’ to help thousands of extra families in Scotland access a healthier diet.

“Edinburgh Community Food’s team of skilled nutritionists promotes Best Start Foods’ within our communities, to improve and sustain the health and wellbeing of future generations of Scots.”

Action on single-use vapes

Sale and supply legislation published

A ban on the sale and supply of single-use vapes in Scotland is due to come into effect on 1 April 2025, under proposed legislation published today.

The move takes forward the recommendation to ban single use vapes from a consultation on ‘Creating a Smokefree Generation and Tackling Youth Vaping’, which ran across Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland last year.

The draft legislation, which is open for consultation until 8 March, is being taken forward in Scotland using powers under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. And, while separate legislation on banning the sale and supply of single use vapes will need to be introduced by each nation, the governments have worked together to agree on a date for when the ban will come into force, to provide certainty for businesses and consumers.

Circular Economy Minister, Lorna Slater said: “Legislating to ban the sale and supply of single-use vapes fulfils a Programme for Government commitment to reduce vaping among non-smokers and young people and take action to tackle their environmental impact.

“The public consultation demonstrated that there is strong support for tougher action on vaping. From causing fires in waste facilities to more than 26 million disposable vapes being consumed and thrown away in Scotland in the past year, single-use vapes are a threat to our environment as well as to our public health.

“These proposed changes to the law demonstrate our absolute commitment to further improve the wellbeing of communities and protecting our beautiful natural environment.”

The draft regulations are open for consultation until 8 March 2024.

Growing Scotland’s green economy

Seizing the business opportunities of net zero

Scotland can lead the net zero revolution, using its natural resources, world-class universities and entrepreneurial spirit to build the industries of the future, according to Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Net Zero and Energy Màiri McAllan.

Ms McAllan said the announcement of a £24.5 million grant to secure Japanese company Sumitomo Electric Industries’ investment in a new cable factory for the offshore wind sector at Nigg highlighted how net zero went hand-in-hand with economic growth. The plant will create around 330 jobs and bring £350 million inward investment to Scotland.

In her first speech since taking over the new portfolio, the Cabinet Secretary outlined her vision for delivering on the economic opportunities of Scotland’s transition to net zero. And she expressed a commitment to ensuring the key sectors on which Scotland’s economy is currently built continue to grow and thrive.

Addressing business leaders in Edinburgh, Ms McAllan said: “The future of the global economy is green – and I think it’s my job and our job collectively to make sure that Scotland can derive the greatest possible benefit from that future. Our Green Industrial Strategy will be a key tool in helping business and investors realise the enormous opportunities ahead.

“While the economic opportunities of net zero are huge, they are far from the only game in town. Today I am announcing a pilot Techscaler hub in Silicon Valley to help promising start ups from Scotland in areas from health technology to space, build contacts with international investors and customers.

“My commitment is to take an approach across the whole of government to actively listen, engage and communicate –  to help achieve business success and in turn Scotland’s economic success.”

The Wellbeing Economy Secretary’s speech.

One million payments for Scotland’s carers

£280 million paid since launch of Carer’s Allowance Supplement

A benefit only available in Scotland has delivered over one million payments to unpaid carers, new figures show.

Almost £280 million has been paid to over 150,000 carers since Carer’s Allowance Supplement was introduced in September 2018.

The benefit, one of seven available only in Scotland, was created to recognise the vital role of unpaid carers.

Eligible carers get payments twice a year, normally in June and December. In the 2023-2024 financial year each payment was £270.50.

Carer’s Allowance Supplement is paid automatically to people who are getting Carer’s Allowance or Carer Support Payment on a on a particular date.

Carer Support Payment, paid by Social Security Scotland, was introduced in three local authority areas in November last year.

It is replacing Carer’s Allowance from the Department for Work and Pensions in Scotland and will be rolled out across the country in Autumn 2024.

Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “Unpaid carers make a significant contribution to society, often at the expense of their own health and wellbeing. The Scottish Government introduced Carer’s Allowance Supplement to recognise this contribution.

“I am pleased we have now made our one millionth payment and have given carers in Scotland almost £280 million of additional support.

“Carer’s Allowance Supplement is part of our wider package of support including Carer Support Payment and Young Carer Grant – another Scotland-only benefit.

“The Scottish Government recognise the pressure the cost of living crisis has placed on household budgets which is why we are continuing to allocate around £3bn a year to policies that tackle poverty and protect people as far as possible.

“This puts more money into the pockets of families who need it, which in turn is good for the economy.”

To find out about eligibility for Carer’s Allowance Supplement visit mygov.scot/carers-allowance-supplement or call Social Security Scotland free on 0800 182 2222.

Information on other support for carers is available at mygov.scot/help-if-youre-a-carer

Ukraine: Prime Minister statement

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has made a statement to mark the second anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine:

When Putin launched his illegal invasion two years ago, the free world was united in its response. We stood together behind Ukraine. And on this grim anniversary, we must renew our determination.

I was in Kyiv just a few weeks ago and I met wounded Ukrainian soldiers. Each harrowing story was a reminder of Ukraine’s courage in the face of terrible suffering.

It was a reminder of the price they are paying not only to defend their country against a completely unjustified invasion, but also to defend the very principles of freedom, sovereignty and the rule of law, on which we all depend. 

The UK is going further in our support. I announced last month the biggest single package of defence aid to Ukraine, taking our total support to £12 billion and signed a ten-year agreement on security cooperation – the first of its kind. 

This is the moment to show that tyranny will never triumph and to say once again that we will stand with Ukraine today and tomorrow. 

We are prepared to do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, until they prevail.

First Minister Humza Yousaf to attend Ukrainian memorial service

Solidarity with Ukraine

On the second anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the First Minister will attend a service held at Edinburgh Castle in memory of those who have died during the conflict.

The event is a collaboration between the Consulate of Ukraine in Edinburgh, the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain (AUGB) Edinburgh Branch and the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Great Britain.

During the service, the First Minister will deliver a reading as well as lay a wreath alongside Mr Andrii Kuslii, Consulate of Ukraine in Edinburgh and members of the Ukrainian communities living in Scotland.

First Minister Humza Yousaf said: “On the second anniversary of Vladimir Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine, I want to make it clear that the people of Scotland remain steadfast in support of the country and its brave citizens.

“Ukrainians are fighting for freedom, the rule of law, and the right of countries across Europe to coexist in peace and security.

“As we mourn the sacrifices of the Ukrainian people, we also look ahead positively, hoping for a day soon when Ukraine can live in peace as a free, sovereign, European nation.”

Audit Scotland: Clear vision needed for health and social care

The Scottish Government needs to develop a clear national strategy for health and social care to address the pressures on services.

Significant changes are needed to ensure the financial sustainability of Scotland’s health service. Growing demand, operational challenges and increasing costs have added to the financial pressures the NHS was already facing. Its longer-term affordability is at risk without reform.

Activity in hospitals and other secondary care settings has increased in the last year, but it remains below pre-pandemic levels and is being outpaced by demand. This pressure is creating operational challenges throughout the whole system and impacting staff, patient experience and patient safety.

There are a range of strategies, plans and policies in place for the future delivery of healthcare, but no overall vision. The absence of a shared national vision, and a clear strategy to deliver it, makes it more difficult for NHS boards to plan for change.

Stephen Boyle, Auditor General for Scotland, said:Without change, there is a risk Scotland’s NHS will take up an ever-growing chunk of the Scottish budget. And that means less money for other vital public services.

“To deliver effective reform the Scottish Government needs to lead on the development of a clear national strategy for health and social care.

“It should include investment in measures that address the causes of ill-health, reducing long-term demand on the NHS. And it should put patients at the centre of future services.”

Responding to the Auditor General’s report on the state of Health and Social Care in Scotland Dr JP Loughrey, Royal College of Emergency Medicine Vice President for Scotland, said: “We welcome this report which addresses many of our recent and ongoing concerns – particularly around a lack of long-term planning and poor Emergency Department performance.

“The Scottish government must do more to address capacity and demand pressures. Hospitals are dangerously overcrowded and do not have the space, staff, or resources to provide safe and timely care for the number of patients who need it.  

“There needs to be long term strategies to maintain an adequate baseline in capacity and staffing, and deal with predictable surges in pressure.

“As we have seen time and time again across Scotland, there are simply not enough beds to meet demand and our hospitals are routinely almost fit to burst, with patients enduring long, undignified waits and demoralised staff forced to deliver treatment in inappropriate areas, such as corridors and car parks.  

“We urge the government to move away from short-term firefighting towards long term fundamental change to #ResuscitateEmergencyCare in Scotland.”

NHS dentistry in Scotland: SNP can’t pretend it’s “Mission Accomplished”

The British Dental Association has said there can be no complacency from the Scottish Government on the crisis in NHS dentistry, following yesterday’s debate in the Scottish Parliament, in which MSPs raised the heart-breaking case of a single mother going without food to pay for care, with others travelling hundreds of miles for access or embarking on ‘DIY’ dentistry. 

The BDA’s own recent surveys found 83% of dentist respondents in Scotland had treated patients that had performed some form of DIY dentistry since lockdown.

Some reforms to the discredited small margin/high volume system NHS dentists work to were rolled out in November 2023. This system has been in crisis for a generation but proved undeliverable during the pandemic. Facing soaring costs, some practices were left delivering some NHS treatments at a financial loss.

The BDA had been seeking a decisive break from this system, and a move to a patient-centred, prevention-focused model of care. The Scottish Government refused to break with the overall framework.

The BDA stress that this must be the beginning, not the end of the road for reform, and that access, outcomes and inequalities need to be closely monitored.

David McColl, Chair of the British Dental Association’s Scottish Dental Practice Committee said: “MSPs and patients across Scotland have sent a clear message: the Scottish Government cannot pretend it’s ‘Mission Accomplished’ on NHS dentistry.

“Recent reforms may ease problems, but Ministers can’t afford to take their eyes off the crisis in this service.”

Help with funeral costs

Eligible people urged to apply for Funeral Support Payment

The cost of paying for a funeral can cause extra strain for many people at what is a difficult time.

Funeral Support Payment provides eligible people with financial support to help pay for a partner, child, parent or sibling’s funeral.

The payment is available to people who receive Universal Credit, tax credits and certain benefits and are responsible for paying for a funeral.

It can be paid either to parents and families, or the funeral director who is helping to plan the funeral.

People can apply any time after the person has died until six months after the date of the funeral, and are being urged to check if they are eligible and get the help they are entitled to.

The average payment in the 2023/24 financial year to date was £1,949, and the money can be used towards burial or cremation costs and other expenses such as funeral director’s fees, a coffin or flowers.

Since launching Funeral Support Payment in September 2019, Social Security Scotland has received over 34,000 applications, providing £41.7 million of support for people and families.

Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice Shirley-Anne Somerville said: “When families are struggling to deal with a bereavement, the last thing they need, particularly during this cost of living crisis, is to face the added worry of paying for the costs of a funeral. We also want to do all we can to prevent those who are dealing with grief getting into debt.

“Making sure that everyone gets the financial support they are entitled to is a basic step in putting dignity and respect at the heart of social security in Scotland.

“I would encourage anyone who thinks they might qualify for Funeral Support Payment to find out more and apply, and to remember that people can apply up to six months after the funeral of their family member, friend, or loved one.”

James Blackburn, Head of Funerals at Scotmid Funerals, said: “We encourage the bereaved families that we care for to apply if they think they are eligible for Funeral Support Payment.

“We are delighted to work with Social Security Scotland to make sure that more people are aware of this support and that they apply for it. Through our funeral teams, website and our literature we signpost people to find out more and support them to apply.”

  • Funeral Support Payment helps pay towards funeral costs if you live in Scotland. The payment can be used towards funeral costs for a baby, child or adult. This includes babies who were stillborn
  • People can apply for support up to six months after the date of their loved one’s funeral
  • Those eligible for the Funeral Support Payment must be living in Scotland, be financially responsible for the funeral and be on a qualifying benefit or tax credit
  • In Scotland, local authorities cover the burial or cremation costs for a baby, child or young person aged 17 or under
  • People can choose to apply online, via a paper application form or by calling Social Security Scotland’s specially trained bereavement team free on 0800 182 2222
  • More information can be found online at https://www.mygov.scot/funeral-support-payment/