Politicians welcome school meals cash

Towerbank dining hall extension

Edinburgh’s education leader has welcomed the news that the Scottish Government has agreed to meet additional costs for providing free school meals for all P1 to P3s. The government will provide £4.5m capital funding for the City of Edinburgh Council to build new dining accommodation and upgrade catering facilities across the city.

Councillor Paul Godzik, Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee, said he was pleased that the Government had met their commitment to fully fund the policy.

He said: “There have been a number of discussions between the Council, Cosla and the Government over recent months regarding the additional capital funding needed to fully deliver the extended entitlement to free school meals in Edinburgh.

“There was a real danger that that we would not be able to fully deliver this policy due to the additional costs involved but I’m pleased the Government has put the funding in place.”

The £4.5m from the Scottish Government will result in:

  • New gym halls at Cramond and East Craigs Primary Schools
  • An extension to Towerbank Primary School’s dining hall (pictured above)
  • Additional dining accommodation at Sciennes Primary School
  • Minor works to other schools to provide additional dining capacity and upgrade catering facilities

Cllr Godzik continued: “The minor works required in some schools have already been completed or will be complete before January 2015. Obviously the new buildings and extensions will take some time to deliver but we will put in place interim measures in those four schools to ensure those pupils who want to receive free schools meals from next term can do so.

“It has been an uncertain few months for many parents and staff at the affected schools but I’m sure everyone is relieved that the funding has been agreed.  We will of course ensure parents are kept up to date as the plans progress.”

Learning Minister Dr Alasdair Allan said: “Free school meals will also play an important role in improving attainment in schools, through offering children healthy and nutritious lunches that will help them achieve their best in class.

“It’s never too early for children to start learning about the benefits of healthy eating and free school meals, in addition to learning through Curriculum for Excellence, will play a big role in helping to deliver that message.”

News of the investment has been welcomed by Edinburgh MSP Colin Keir. The funding will lead to new halls being built at East Craigs and Cramond Primary Schools in his Edinburgh Western constituency.

Colin Keir MSP said:  “This news is very welcome. I have been campaigning since I was the local councillor for a separate dining hall for East Craigs as the current hall doubles as a gym. This is good news too for Cramond Primary where I’m sure news of this investment will also be warmly welcomed. Investment in these new halls will not only improve the accommodation and facilities but also allow them to provide the Scottish Government’s promise of free school meals for P1-3 pupils.

“In the aftermath of the former Labour government’s financial crash and in the teeth of the Tory/Liberal Democrat austerity agenda slashing budgets, it is testament to the good stewardship of the Scottish Government that this extremely welcome investment has been achieved. ”

A report outlining the background to the Free School Meals will be discussed at the Education, Children and Families Committee tomorrow (Tuesday 8 December).

Call for clarity on free school meals

dinnerThe Scottish Government has welcomed progress being made across Scotland in preparation for the introduction of free school meals for all P1 – 3 pupils next month  – but Green MSP Alison Johnstone says the policy must be supported with modern facilities. 

The measure, which comes into effect on 5 January, is expected to benefit around 135,000 pupils across Scotland and will save families of every eligible child at least £330 a year.

Following agreement with COSLA, the Scottish Government is providing revenue funding of £70.5 million over two years to deliver the commitment, supported with additional capital funding for local government of £24.8 million to ensure demand is met.

The introduction of free school meals for all P1-3 pupils has been supported by campaigners against child poverty, including Child Poverty Action Group Scotland, Children in Scotland, One Parent Families Scotland, the Church of Scotland and trade unions.

Last week Learning Minister Dr Alasdair Allan welcomed the hard work that has been ongoing across Scotland to prepare for the increased demand in schools. He said: “School lunches are hugely important in supporting a pupil’s ability to learn and January 5, 2015 marks the beginning of a new era in Scottish education.

“This Government is proud to be implementing free school meals for all P1-3 pupils. Delivering a saving of at least £330 a year for eligible families is just one aspect of this Government’s work to tackle the scourge of child poverty in Scotland.

“Free school meals will also play an important role in improving attainment in schools, through offering children healthy and nutritious lunches that will help them achieve their best in class.

“It’s never too early for children to start learning about the benefits of healthy eating and free school meals, in addition to learning through Curriculum for Excellence, will play a big role in helping to deliver that message.

“The implementation of free school meals for P1-3 comes in addition to a range of legislation and policies that have been developed by the Scottish Government over the past decade to ensure that our children and young people are offered balanced and nutritious meals at all stages of their school life. Most recently, the Better Eating, Better Learning guidance sets the agenda for the coming decade to drive further improvements to both school food and food education.

“I have been impressed with the work that local authorities are doing to prepare. I encourage everyone with an interest to make sure they are up to date with the new arrangements.

“The Scottish Government has worked very closely with COSLA and local authorities throughout this process and I look forward to January 5, when we will see this very positive measure coming into effect.”

Positive progress indeed, but Green MSP Alison Johnstone is calling for more details of how the policy will work in practice.

Earlier this year Freedom of Information requests by Ms Johnstone, the Scottish Greens’ education spokesperson and MSP for Lothian, revealed that many local authorities had no school kitchens and dining facilities already at capacity.

She said: “Free school meals is a sound policy but it must be matched with modern facilities. We know that many local authorities are struggling to cope as it is, so I want to hear in detail how well they have been supported in preparing for this welcome initiative.

“We have a great opportunity to improve our supply chains and invest in the skills of the catering workforce. The Scottish Government should be ready to find the funds necessary to make the most of this opportunity.”

Free books for P1s to mark Book Week Scotland

FREE PIC- Book Week Scotland Book Bug Packs 02Today marks the start of Book Week Scotland 2014, the national celebration of reading,  and to mark the occasion Scottish Book Trust is to gift three free picture books to every Primary 1 child in Scotland.

The books, all by Scottish authors or illustrators, will be gifted in the Bookbug Primary 1 Family Pack and comprise the Bookbug shortlist for the Scottish Children’s Book Awards 2015.

The titles include: Robot Rumpus by Sean Taylor and Ross Collins, Princess Penelope and the Runaway Kitten by Alison Murray and Lost for Words by Natalie Russell.

Also included in the Bookbug bag will be a Scottish Children’s Book Awards pack full of games and activities, along with a voting slip to enable children to declare which of the three picture books is their favourite. The pack will also contain Ziggy and Maggie Start School, a children’s book about road safety created in partnership with Road Safety Scotland.

Marc Lambert, Director of Scottish Book Trust, said: The beginning of school is the point at which books start to become associated with learning in a child’s mind. This pack has been designed to help teachers, librarians and parents show children how pleasurable books can be, at a crucial point in their learning journey.

“This association of books with enjoyment will in turn lead to a more positive educational experience for the child, helping them to get more out of school and hopefully inspiring them to seek out and devour more and more books.”


For more information about Book Week Scotland 2014 visit


where you can find information about all the events taking place in your local area, vote for your favourite character from a Scottish book, make a Reading Pledge and discover a whole host of resources and ideas to help you celebrate and share whatever it is you love to read.

Follow @Bookweekscot on Twitter, check out#bookweekscot or like the Book Week Scotland Facebook page.

logoInitiated by the Scottish Government and supported, along with a Readers in Residence programme in libraries, by £250,000 from Creative Scotland, Book Week Scotland will be delivered by Scottish Book Trust, the lead agency for the promotion of literature, reading and writing in Scotland. For more information on Scottish Book Trust go to www.scottishbooktrust.com.


Creative Scotland is the public body that supports the arts, screen and creative industries across all parts of Scotland on behalf of everyone who lives, works or visits here. For further information about Creative Scotland visit


Follow @creativescots and www.facebook.com/CreativeScotland

Book Week Scotland in libraries is funded by The Scottish Library and Information Council.

Top chef inspires city’s school cooks

greenawayTop Edinburgh chef and restaurateur Mark Greenaway took time away from cooking award-winning food to encourage the city’s school cooks to use and experiment more with fresh, seasonal and Scottish produce last week.
He was speaking at a Food for Life seminar in the City Chambers, organised by the City of Edinburgh Council and Food for Life Scotland, to launch the latest school menu – developed to meet the Soil Association’s Bronze Food for Life Catering Mark standards.

With the help of Food for Life Scotland, all Edinburgh schools are working towards the bronze standard, ensuring that more meals are freshly prepared using seasonal produce.

Achieving the prestigious award will make Edinburgh the first Scottish Local Authority to serve Catering Mark awarded meals in all school levels.

Mark was joined by Environment Convener Councillor Lesley Hinds to commend all those involved in the Council’s bid, and to celebrate the important work that school cooks do in helping to nurture and nourish the capital’s school pupils.

Cllr Lesley Hinds said: “I’m sure Mark’s input, together with implementation of the Food for Life Catering Mark will help our school caterers build on the great work they already do in our schools using fresh, seasonal and Scottish produce. As a Council we have a strong commitment to sustainability and to providing fresh nourishing and locally sourced food across our facilities.

“Currie Community High School and Buckstone Primary School already have the bronze award and we need to keep up the momentum to achieve our goal of Edinburgh being the first local authority in Scotland to achieve this across the whole school sector.”

Mark said: “It was fantastic to see so many of the city’s school cooks in one place, sharing their experience of cooking and hearing about the changes being made to the menus which will allow them to serve more fresh and seasonal produce in Edinburgh’s schools. I think Food for Life Scotland has the potential to make a significant difference to food culture in schools and beyond, which will benefit all of us over time.”

Food for Life Scotland is working closely with City of Edinburgh Council as part of the Edinburgh Food for Life Partnership, a partnership between the City of Edinburgh Council, the University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian which aims to embed a culture of real food change across the capital.

Three City of Edinburgh Council care homes already have the Bronze award – Clovenstone House, Marionville Court and Ferrylee.

Picture: Chef Mark Greenaway is joined by school cooks (left to right): Michelle Johnston (Ferryhill Primary), Julie Young (Currie Community High School), Jackie Montgomery (Dean Park Primary) and Lorna McKenna (Liberton High School).

Curriculum for Excellence report card: Russell must try harder

Less assessment would benefit pupils and teachers, say Greens

teacherGreen MSP Alison Johnstone says lower levels of assessment in schools would benefit pupils and reduce the massive workload of teachers.

A report published today looking at the first year of the Curriculum for Excellence qualifications (see below)  says that the new qualifications have been a success overall, but highlights ‘significant and unsustainable level of over‑assessment in many parts of the system’ and a ‘higher level of assessment than was necessary or desirable’.

Alison Johnstone, Green MSP for Lothian and education spokesperson for the Scottish Greens said: “I congratulate every teacher who has worked hard to make a success of this last year with the new qualifications. We need to get the balance right between learning and assessment and this report reflects my concern that the system is still too heavily weighted towards exams, which doesn’t always lead to better educational outcomes.

“Workloads in the teaching profession remain far too high and the Scottish Education Secretary must address this as one of his top priorities. I believe the Curriculum for Excellence has set us on the right path in Scotland but there is more work to do to achieve a school system that is sustainable and rewarding for both pupils and teachers.”



City meets the challenge of rising school rolls

Edinburgh is a desirable place to live, but that popularity creates some challenges. As more and more families choose to make Edinburgh their home, the city council faces an ongoing struggle to ensure there are enough school places to meet demand.

Victoria_Primary_SchoolTwenty-three new classrooms opened their doors to pupils in Edinburgh this week as the city council tackles the pressing issue of rising school rolls.

Four new buildings – providing 18 classrooms – have been built at Victoria, St David’s RC, Craigour Park and Broughton Primary Schools, and five extra class spaces have been created to meet increased pressure at Stockbridge, Bruntsfield, Fox Covert and Gylemuir. This programme has ensured that hundreds of new pupil places were ready across the city for the start of the school term.

The £3.8m Council investment has been carried out in conjunction with partners Hub South East Scotland Ltd and Morrison Construction.

Victoria Primary School had a special opening ceremony on Wednesday, with 93-year-old local resident George Hackland, who attended the school in 1927, as their guest of honour (pictured above).

George, said: “The new building is very different from when I was a pupil at the school 80 years ago! It’s nice and big and open for the children to learn in. It’s a great school who do a lot with the local community.”

Laura Thomson, head teacher at Victoria Primary School, said: “There’s a real buzz of excitement around the school with the new classrooms opening. Staff and pupils have watched them being built over the past few months so to start teaching in them will be great as they will provide a bright and stimulating learning environment. The children are so excited about starting the school year in their brand new classrooms.”

Councillor Paul Godzik, Education Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “I’m delighted that for the second year in a row we have successfully delivered much-needed class spaces for our primary schools pupils. While many local authorities across the United Kingdom struggle to find sustainable solutions to the increase in pupil numbers the Capital Coalition has delivered 46 new rooms in two years.

“Dealing with rising rolls is a challenge, but it is a challenge we are meeting. However we know that with primary school rolls currently projected to rise to a peak of nearly 31,000 pupils by 2019 there is still a lot more work to be done. That’s why the Capital Coalition is committed to tackling the rise and despite the difficult economic climate we’ve already pledged £15m to build the required accommodation.

“We will continue to listen to parents’ views and work with school communities as we move forward together on our plans for even more new class spaces. Whether it is traditional extensions, new buildings or the refurbishment of existing space, we are committed to providing the very best educational environment for our pupils.”

Jo Elliot, Chair of Hub South East Scotland Ltd, said: “This is the second year running that we have successfully delivered additional classrooms on schedule and on budget for the City of Edinburgh Council, and we are proud to have played our part in finding innovative solutions to assist with the issue of rising school rolls.

“Last year’s projects were very well received, and this year we’ve kept the same high quality design and construction, whilst reducing the cost for the Council. We look forward to continuing this successful working relationship in future phases, ensuring staff and pupils benefits from modern, fit for purpose facilities.”

David Wilson, Project Director for Morrison Construction,  said: “We are delighted to be able to continue our relationship with the City of Edinburgh Council and Hub South East Scotland Ltd and have successfully together, for the second year running, completed the construction of additional classroom space to meet the changing needs of the schools involved with regarding to rising school rolls. We hope the pupils and staff will enjoy their first academic year in the brand new facilities.”

The breakdown of classrooms in the new buildings is Victoria (4), St David’s RC (4), Craigour Park (6) and Broughton (4). Both St David’s RC and Craigour Park have a second phase of more classrooms designed if they are needed in future years.

The Council has identified nine more primary schools where additional classrooms may be required for the 2015/16 session to meet the increased demand from catchment pupils and are already starting to plan for the delivery of these for August 2015 should they be needed.

Record pass rate as Scottish students receive results

Higher and new National Qualification results out today

examStudents across Scotland have achieved a record number of Higher passes in the last school year, it’s been revealed today. Over 140,000 candidates across Scotland received their results this morning, and Schools Minister Dr Alasdair Allan has congratulated pupils and teachers on their hard work and effort.

In addition to Access, Intermediates, Highers and Advanced Highers, this year saw the first students study for the new National Qualifications – part of the ongoing implementation of Curriculum for Excellence.

This year saw a record number of Higher passes, with the overall pass rate remaining virtually unchanged – 77.1 per cent this year compared with 77.4 per cent last year. The number of Highers sat was 191,850 across all subjects – an increase of more than 9,000.

Students also received the first ever results for National 3 and 4 – assessed during the year– and National 5, assessed during the year and through a traditional end-of-year exam. The pass rate was 93.0 per cent for National 4 and 81.1 per cent for National 5.

While direct comparisons between the new National qualifications and Standard Grade pass rates cannot be made, as a broad comparison, National 5 is the same level of challenge as Intermediate 2 and Standard Grade Credit.

text resultOf the tens of thousands of students who received their results today, 37,237 chose to be informed by text message or email. All candidates were also notified by post.

Dr Allan said: “Congratulations to the thousands of young people who have worked so hard, their families who have supported them and the teachers who have worked tirelessly to prepare them. Today sees them well equipped to progress to new challenges, whatever those may be.

“Our education system has taken another significant step forward today. The new National qualifications represent a shift towards deeper learning and a greater emphasis on analysis, engagement and understanding. These are the qualities on which we will continue to strengthen our education system.

“Scotland’s teachers have been key to delivering our new curriculum and new qualifications. They have worked outstandingly hard and I thank them for all they have done. I know it has been a challenging year for them and, once again, I’ve been hugely impressed by their commitment to supporting Scotland’s young people.

“So many pupils have achieved strong grades in their Highers, Advanced Highers, Intermediates, Access and new Nationals – against very rigorous standards – and are now in a position to make exciting decisions about what they do next. My congratulations also go to the thousands of young people across Scotland who have achieved a wide variety of qualifications which meet a wider range of learners’ needs, such as SQA awards, National Progression Awards and Skills for Work and Personal Development.

“The fact that there has been such a marked increase in the number of Highers attained is a real success story. Students are now sitting a greater number of Highers, demonstrating real ambition and aspiration among young learners to achieve the best qualifications they can.

“I am also encouraged to see so many young people attaining National Qualifications, which are an important component within Curriculum for Excellence.

“This is a significant achievement for our learners and our schools, and clear evidence of continued improvement in Scottish education.

“As we celebrate these achievements I also offer my thanks to all of the parents and carers who have risen to the challenge of supporting them through their new qualifications.

“Clearly not everyone will have received the results they had hoped for, while others may simply be unsure of what to do next. Rest assured, help is available through the exam results helpline on 0808 100 8000 for those who may not have got what they needed.”

Larry Flanagan, general secretary of teachers trade union EIS, said: “Scotland’s pupils and teachers deserve high praise for a strong set of exam results which have been achieved during a very significant period of change for Scottish education.

“It is of great credit to the work of our schools, pupils and teachers that the diet has been so successful, at a time when budgets have been declining and workload pressures increasing.

“Pupils, parents and teachers should be extremely proud of this strong set of results and the EIS sends its congratulations to all pupils who have been successful in their exams this year.”

exam2Early indications are that candidates in Edinburgh have once again exceeded expectations and that the city’s overall good performance has been maintained.

A total of 42,780 resulted awards were certificated for 8,402 candidates.

Highlights include:

  • By the end of S6 61% of all pupils achieved one or more Highers – a four percentage point improvement on last year and a 13 percentage point improvement since 2009.
  • By the end of S5 54% of all pupils achieved one or more Highers – a two percentage point improvement on last year and a 12 percentage point improvement since 2009.
  • Overall for S4 pupils who sat the new qualifications for the first time, 13,585 awards were certificated at the new National 5 level, 8,342 awards were certificated at the new National 4 level and 1,846 awards were certificated at the new National 3 level.

Councillor Paul Godzik, Education Convener for the City of Edinburgh Council, welcomed today’s results. He said: ““Recently published figures from Audit Scotland showed Edinburgh is outperforming similar city and neighbouring local authorities and early indications from the SQA exam results show that 2014 has been another really positive year for our pupils, with performance rising yet again.

“This year’s provisional results are very encouraging with 100% of pupils achieving an English qualification by the end of S5. By the end of S6, an impressive 61% achieved one or more Highers which is a 13 percentage point improvement since 2009.

“I want to congratulate all those who sat exams this year, and thanks must also go to all our teaching staff who have been working extremely hard for the introduction of the new National exams.

“Another key aim is to make sure all school leavers enter a positive destination of employment, training or further education. Initiatives such as the Edinburgh Guarantee are going a long way to making this a reality for many of our ex-pupils.

“This year a record 91% of young people achieved and sustained a positive destination. This is something we will continue to build on in the coming years and look forward to seeing many more placements and positive results.”

How did you do? Let us know!

Schools PE on target – but do sums add up?

A record number of schools are meeting PE targets but Scottish Greens say the government must try harder …


New National Statistics released today (Tuesday 17 June) show that 96 per cent of Scottish schools are now meeting the target of delivering two hours, or two periods, of physical education each week to pupils, with 98 per cent expecting to be on target by August.

The figure has risen from 89 per cent last year, and just 10 per cent in 2004/05, as more schools across the country meet the national target.

This year’s survey of local authorities also asked whether schools not currently hitting the target will meet it from the start of the new school year. Survey results show 98 per cent of schools expect to meet the target from this August.

The figures come as COSLA and Cabinet Secretary for Sport, Shona Robison, jointly published the new Sport Strategy for Children and Young People – Giving Children and Young People a Sporting Chance – that is backed by almost £6 million of investment over 2014-16. The Strategy sets out a plan to ensure that Scotland is a great environment for children and young people to embark on lifelong participation in sport.

Speaking at the launch of the East Lothian Primary Games, Ms Robison, said: “Today’s figures highlight the excellent progress that is being made across Scottish schools. In 2004/05 only 10 per cent of schools were meeting the recommended target of two hours, or two periods, of PE each week. Now we are at an outstanding 96 per cent, and we expect that to rise to 98 per cent by August, with just 41 schools still to meet the target out of 2419 schools across Scotland.

“Scotland is striving to become a healthier, more active nation and we will continue to work with COSLA, Education Scotland, and sportscotland to build on this performance.”

Investment of almost £6 million through Education Scotland and sportscotland between 2014-16 to support delivery of the target was a key feature of the draft Youth Sport Strategy published in December.

Ms Robison added: “I am delighted to launch this strategy. It has been shaped by the Young People’s Sport Panel, and informed by the views of almost 3,000 children and young people.

“The strategy highlights the importance of putting the views of children and young people at the heart of delivery and provides a framework for collaborative working to deliver their sporting aspirations.”

Councillor Harry McGuigan, COSLA Spokesperson for Community Wellbeing said: “COSLA is delighted to be launching Scotland’s sport strategy for children and young people in partnership with the Scottish Government.

“We want our children and young people to participate in and enjoy sport, but we need to create the right opportunities and we must celebrate their talents and successes. It is our collective responsibility to realise the aim of lifelong participation in sport.

“Councils provide nearly 90 per cent of public sector investment in sport, including the delivery of the community sports hubs. Local authorities and leisure trusts make a huge contribution to the delivery of Scotland’s sport, providing opportunities through a wide range of activities and provision, to achieve better outcomes for our children and young people.”


However far from congratulating the government on it’s achievements, Green Party Education spokesperson Alison Johnstone is renewing her call for action she says the latest figures show a further drop in secondary schools meeting targets for physical education!

The Greens say the percentage has dropped to 90 per cent, compared to 91 last year and 92 in 2012. The lowest figure, of just 33 per cent of secondary schools achieving 100 minutes of PE per week, was recorded by East Lothian. In many local authority areas there is a significant drop between S2 and S3.

Alison Johnstone MSP said: “To see a further drop is a real worry and suggests the Scottish Government has taken its eye off the ball. We need proper facilities and proper coaching so that exercise remains attractive and enjoyable as our young people progress through the school system.

“Given the increasing warnings around diabetes and obesity, and all the talk of creating a national sporting legacy, I strongly urge ministers to look carefully at what can be done to improve performance in S3 and S4. And I would ask East Lothian Council to outline what support they need to enable their schools to do better.”

Statistics, eh? Decide for yourself – see below:

Scottish Government Bulletin

Exclusive Edinburgh prep school named and shamed


Cargilfield fails to pay minimum wage

Employers who owe their workers thousands of pounds for failing to pay them the correct National Minimum Wage have been named and shamed. Among them is exclusive Edinburgh prep school Cargilfield, who underpaid a worker by over £3,700.

Today (8 June 2014), a further 25 employers who failed to pay their employees the minimum wage have been named under the new regime introduced last October, which makes it easier to name and shame wrongdoers. Between them they owe workers more than £43,000 in arrears and in addition have to pay financial penalties totalling over £21,000.

Business Minister Jenny Willott said: “Paying less than the minimum wage is not only wrong, it’s illegal. If employers break the law they need to know that they will face tough consequences.

“Any worker who is entitled to the minimum wage should receive it. If anyone suspects they are not being paid the wage they are legally entitled to they should call the Pay and Work Rights helpline on 0800 917 2368”.

The government has introduced a series of tougher measures to crack down on employers that break National Minimum Wage law. As well as being publicly named and shamed, employers that fail to pay their workers the National Minimum Wage also face new penalties of up to £20,000 – 4 times higher than before.

The government also plans to legislate in the new parliamentary session so that employers can also be given penalties of up to £20,000 for each individual worker they have underpaid, rather than the maximum penalty applying to each employer. This will mean if an employer underpays 10 workers, they could face penalties of up to £200,000.

The 25 employers are:

  • Christine Cadden and Nicola Banks of Renaissance, Wirral, neglected to pay £7,310.65 to 3 workers
  • Alan King and John King of Arthur Simpson & Co, Bradford, neglected to pay £6,426.12 to a worker
  • Central Heating Services Ltd, Hampshire, neglected to pay £6,200.28 to 4 workers
  • Cargilfield School Ltd, Edinburgh, neglected to pay £3,739.58 to a worker
  • A2ZEE Construction Ltd, Cramlington, neglected to pay £3,375.51 to 14 workers
  • Mr and Mrs Balasco of Eugenio, Bristol, neglected to pay £3,037.53 to 2 workers
  • Mr and Mrs Hampton of The Wheatsheaf Inn, Cheshire, neglected to pay £2,057.88 to 4 workers
  • Steven Stainton of Steven Stainton Joinery, Cumbria, neglected to pay £1,415.82 to a worker
  • Runbaro Ltd, Swindon, neglected to pay £1,413.88 to a worker
  • Satwinder Singh Khatter and Tejinder Singh Khatter of The Bath Hotel, Reading, neglected to pay £1,237.79 to 2 workers
  • Richard Last of Classic Carpentry, Godalming, neglected to pay £1,236.72 to a worker
  • We are Mop! Ltd, London, neglected to pay £1,018.05 to 2 workers
  • Mrs Sue English of Legends Hairdressers, Colchester, neglected to pay £823.40 to a worker
  • Saftdwin Ltd, Hampshire, neglected to pay £806.37 to 2 workers
  • Master Distribution Ltd, Essex, neglected to pay £718.62 to a worker
  • Perth Hotels Ltd, Perth, neglected to pay £556.80 to a worker
  • Bryants Nurseries Ltd, Hertfordshire, neglected to pay £494.07 to a worker
  • Dove Mill Retail Outlet Ltd, Bolton, neglected to pay £461.84 to a worker
  • Luigi’s Little Italy Ltd, Yorkshire, neglected to pay £281.04 to 5 workers
  • CPS SW Ltd, Exmouth, neglected to pay £261.29 to a worker
  • Mr Gary Calder, Mr Richard Calder and Mr Neil Calder of Avenue Agricultural, Northamptonshire, neglected to pay £256.55 to a worker
  • Dakal Ltd, Northampton, neglected to pay £252.00 to 2 workers
  • Zoom Ltd, Havant, neglected to pay £242.28 to 3 workers
  • HSS Hire Service Group Ltd, Manchester, neglected to pay £149.00 to 15 workers
  • Sun Shack Ltd, Hamilton, neglected to pay £134.35 to 8 workers

The 25 cases named today were thoroughly investigated by HM Revenue & Customs after workers made complaints to the free and confidential Pay and Work Rights helpline.

Employers who are unsure of National Minimum Wage rules can also get free advice and information from the Pay and Work Rights Helpline on 0800 917 2368 or by visiting www.gov.uk.

Cargilfield, founded in 1873, was the first prep school to be established in Scotland. It moved from Trinity in Edinburgh to its current location in Barnton in 1898. A Pre-prep and Nursery Department were added to the prep school campus during the early 1980’s in response to the changing nature of the parental body and the introduction of girls.

School fees range from £1665 per term for nursery children up to almost £6000 per term for Upper School boarding pupils.

The school’s website says: ‘The school was founded by the Reverend Charles Darnell, who’s aim was “to provide a liberal education and teach the merits of hard work and honesty under conditions of happiness and well-being”. This remains at the core of our ethos today’.