Quarter of Scotland’s sight loss population rely on Edinburgh’s ‘not fit for purpose’ Eye Hospital

Labour Lothians MSP, Sarah Boyack, highlighted new research from Sight Scotland, which reveals that a quarter of all Scotland’s sight loss population, live within council areas served by Edinburgh’s Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion.

Edinburgh’s Eye Pavilion was deemed not fit for purpose, by the NHS, in 2014 and has been the subject of a long running campaign to have it replaced.

In this time, waiting times have skyrocketed, with research from Sight Scotland highlighting that the number of ongoing waits has increased by over 10,000 since 2014.

With reports of appointments cancelled or delayed due to maintenance issues, it is likely this will only increase as the facility deteriorates further.

These numbers illustrate the extent of the crisis hitting eye care on the East coast of Scotland.

All this comes as the Scottish Government has backtracked on their election commitment to replace the current Eye Pavilion.

The Scottish Government’s recent budget froze capital spending for a minimum of two years, ensuring the new Eye Hospital could not go ahead and throwing its long-term future into doubt.

Sight Scotland have identified safety risks for both patients and staff due to the dilapidated state of the current facilities.

There is also a lack of clarity regarding what actions will be taken in the interim to ensure that the 45,000 people with sight loss, in the Pavilion’s remit, are able to receive the adequate care they require.

Commenting on the figures, Ms Boyack said: “We knew there was a crisis in eyecare, but now we know the full extent of it.

“The fact that a quarter of all those with sight loss are having to rely on not fit for purpose facilities is a national disgrace.

“And now the Scottish Government is subjecting them to unknown delays due to SNP budget cuts.

“Patients don’t just deserve a new hospital, they need one.

“If the Scottish Government does not act soon, there will be dire long-term consequences for Edinburgh’s sight loss population.”

Peter Scobbie, a long-time patient of the Eye Pavilion, added: “I’ve been going to the Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion for 18 years now and the building is in shocking condition.

“The layout is completely inaccessible with the patient support services on the top floor and the pharmacy on the bottom next to the waiting area.

“Half the time the lifts are out of order, so I’m forced to use the stairs which I don’t feel safe doing as the handrail is very low and a straight drop down to the ground.

“I’d go as far to say it’s dangerous, especially for people with no to low sight.

“The decision not to fund a new hospital is therefore incredibly disappointing and I’m worried for other patients and the growing number of people who will need specialist eye care soon – what will they do?”

Boyack slams Scottish Government over ‘disgraceful’ treatment of Lothians heart patients

Labour Lothians MSP, Sarah Boyack today slammed the Scottish Government for failing patients suffering with heart and circulatory disease.

Stats given to Ms Boyack by British Heart Foundation Scotland revealed there has been a 71% increase in people in the Lothians, waiting for an echocardiogram since 2021.

This is compared to an increase in 16% for Scotland as a whole.

Seven individuals have been revealed to be waiting over a year for the scan.

The concerning figures also stretch to outpatient cardiology appointments, where it was revealed in September 2023, that 55% of people were wating longer than the 12-week Scottish Government target.

These statistics come as it was revealed by NHS Lothian Board papers that NHS Lothian must make savings of 7%.

The papers also highlighted that the Scottish Budget also provided “no additional resource to cover inflationary costs and other new and emerging cost pressures”

Commenting on these statistics, SARAH BOYACK said: “These figures highlight the Scottish Government’s disgraceful failures in regard to heart and circulatory disease patients.

“It is even more troubling that while the situation is getting worse, the Scottish Government will not provide any additional resource to NHS Lothian.

“This is particularly worrying given Lothian’s population growth.

“If the Scottish Government does not act urgently, then this situation will continue to spiral into an emergency.

“People suffering heart and circulatory diseases deserve the top notch care our NHS is supposed to deliver.

“Instead, they are forced to endure unacceptable delays due to the Scottish Government’s lack of investment.

“If the Scottish Government doesn’t deliver additional funding soon, they will be letting down heart condition patients across the Lothians.”

Boyack demands Yousaf is honest with public over fate of Eye Hospital

Labour MSP for the Lothians, Sarah Boyack, has written an open letter to First Minister Humza Yousaf urging him to be honest about the fate of Edinburgh’s replacement eye hospital.

This comes after the First Minister confirmed that the Scottish Government was still committed to the eye hospital, despite the capital spending freeze imposed on health boards.

However, excerpts from the NHS Lothian board papers confirmed that work on the eye hospital would “cease” and stated that the board “should recognise the loss of this future infrastructure” will lead to major, negative challenges in delivering scheduled care over the coming years.

This admission throws into doubt the First Minister’s commitment, given the Scottish Government’s instruction to NHS Lothian to “immediately cease all capital projects”. The instruction includes “the New Eye Hospital at the BioQuarter”.

It also highlights a lack of certainty within the health board about the project’s status.

The current Eye Pavilion was deemed not fit for purpose in 2014, and a new replacement has been deemed a top priority by NHS Lothian.

Since 2014, the average wait time in days for inpatient and outpatient appointments more than doubled.

Ms Boyack has urged the First Minister to end the uncertainty around the project, as it is having detrimental impacts on patients and their treatment.

Commenting on her letter, Ms Boyack said: “The First Minister needs to level with the public about the replacement eye hospital.

“It was promised at the last election, then in the budget we found out that no new capital project can go ahead.

“While the First Minister says he is committed to the project, his government have kicked it into long grass.

“NHS Lothian has been put in an impossible position.

“If the First Minister is serious about delivering Edinburgh’s eye hospital, then he must come forth with a concrete timeline to deliver it.

“Anything less is just being dishonest with the public and damaging to patients.”

The letter reqads:

Dear First Minister,

I am writing regarding the recent announcements in relation to the construction of a replacement Eye Pavilion in Edinburgh.

As you are aware, you and your predecessor have both committed to a new Edinburgh Eye Hospital since the 2021 Scottish Parliament election following the current Eye Pavilion being deemed not fit for purpose in 2014. However, in a letter I received from the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care on the 18th January confirmed that the building of a new Eye Hospital will not go ahead.

Moreover, NHS Lothian Board papers, published in advance of the board’s meeting on the 7th of February, have stated “NHS Lothian was directed to immediately cease all capital projects”. The board paper observed that  “the loss of this future infrastructure will substantively and negatively impact on our ability to deliver compliant access to scheduled care for our population in coming years.” Worryingly the paper also highlighted the “the significant and detrimental impact this decision has had on our teams many of whom have dedicated time, expertise, and leadership in supporting progress of these vital projects.”

In light of your comments during First Minister’s Questions, on January the 25th, which appear to contradict NHS Lothian, I would appreciate if you could give an overview of the timeframe for the Eye Hospital being delivered if it is still the Scottish Government’s intention to proceed with the project, after the two year capital spending project freeze. Given the lengthy and increased waiting times for operations, the Scottish Government must also provide immediate support to ensure that NHS Lothian is able to provide adequate care for those with vision impairments.

My concern is that confused information and delays will only cause more disruption for patients, on top of increasing numbers of cancelled and delayed appointments.

Best wishes,

Boyack: Soaring waiting times show Eye Pavilion’s not fit for purpose

A Freedom of Information request, lodged by Labour Lothians MSP, Sarah Boyack, has revealed that the average wait times for patients at Edinburgh’s Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion, has more than DOUBLED since 2014.

The average wait for inpatient appointments in 2014 was 56.6 days, compared to a staggering 132 days in 2023.

This is an increase of over 130% from when the Eye Pavilion was deemed not fit for purpose in 2014.

A replacement Eye Pavilion was deemed as a top priority of NHS Lothian, but the Scottish Government have not yet committed to the project.

This is despite promises by then First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon that the Scottish Government would proceed with a replacement building.

The outpatient average waiting times has also skyrocketed by similar margins. In 2014, the average wait times for outpatients stood at 49.8 days – by 2023, it had increased dramatically to 136.6 days.

Commening on the figures, Sarah Boyack said: “These soaring waiting times illustrates that the current Eye Pavilion, is not fit for purpose.

“Patients deserve top notch services, but instead they face ever increasing waiting times and a government that is looking the other way.

“The Scottish Government must look at these waiting times and realise that their decision not to go ahead with the hospital will only make things worse.

“I urge the Scottish Government to do the right thing and finally fulfil their pledge to build a new eye hospital in Edinburgh.”

Craig Spalding, Chief Executive, Sight Scotland and Sight Scotland Veterans, commented: “The soaring waiting times at Edinburgh’s Princess Alexandra Hospital unfortunately come as no surprise, as the building and its facilities are severely outdated.

“The Scottish Government’s decision to not go ahead with a new hospital is letting so many vulnerable people down.

“Growing waiting times are causing lives to be put on hold, and unless positive action is taken, there will likely be more cancellations, prolonged delays, and heightened risks for both patients and staff.”

Patient reveals critical issues with current Edinburgh Eye Pavilion

A patient at the Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion, has come forward to offer their insight into the shocking failings in the hospital.

Peter Scobie has been attending the Eye Pavilion for 18 years, after being diagnosed with Lebers hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON).

He lost his sight just before the pandemic and has been blind for 4 years now.

Peter has revealed the absence of specialists in the hospital, as his specialist is a paediatric doctor from the sick kids, who only comes to the Pavilion on Tuesdays.

A further issue with the hospital comes down to geographic issues, as he has previously been sent to Newcastle for an appointment while the closest specialist is even further south in Cambridge. 

He has also highlighted the absurd situation of those needing to receive sight loss assessments must go to the most inaccessible part of the building to receive the check.

Campaigners for a new Eye Pavilion, based at the Royal Infirmary were disappointed when the Scottish Government made no mention of the project in the budget late last year.

This is despite Michael Matheson telling campaigners that a decision would be made around the budget.

Health boards then discovered that there would be a two-year freeze on all capital spending and projects. They are also required to make 6.8% savings.

If this stays in place, there is no way that the Eye Pavilion will be built in the near future. This will force Peter, and other patients like him, to rely on services that the NHS themselves deemed not fit for purpose 10 years ago.

Commenting on Peter’s case, Labour Lothians MSP Sarah Boyack said: “Peter has helped to highlight the unacceptable condition of the current Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion.

“Patients should have facilities that support them through their difficulties, not hinder them further.

“Eye Pavilion staff do their best but without a new building and facilities they have one hand tied behind their back.

“The Scottish Government needs to listen to patients like Peter and realise that maintaining the current building is bad for patients, bad for NHS Lothian, and bad for Edinburgh.”

Sight Scotland added: “In Peter’s case, an absence of specialist doctors that are trained in his condition means it is difficult for him to get the correct treatment he needs.

“With the closest specialist for his condition based in Cambridge, a new eye hospital could be an opportunity to provide a training ground for ophthalmologists.

“The hospital’s inaccessible layout means that Peter and many others seeking essential services, such as collecting prescriptions and visiting patient support on the top floor, struggle to do so.

“More needs to be done to ensure accessible access to quality eye healthcare.”

Boyack highlights ‘deeply distressing’ drop in Edinburgh GP surgeries as patient lists boom

Labour Lothians MSP, Sarah Boyack highlighted deeply distressing figures about the fall in GP surgeries in Edinburgh.

The latest figures by Public Health Scotland show that from 2010-2022, the number of Edinburgh’s GP surgeries dropped from 75 to 72. However, over the same period Edinburgh’s population skyrocketed from an estimated 480,000 to 548,000.

Edinburgh recorded the third highest population growth in Scotland, according to the most recent statistics.

This all comes as it was revealed the city of Edinburgh’s average practice list size has jumped from 7,074 in 2012, to 8413 – the 5th highest in Scotland.

In May 2023, the BMA warned that there was a sustainability crisis in Scottish general practice, in part due to the closing of surgeries.

A fall in GP surgeries will leave more and more communities without the adequate facilities to cope with their population increase.

This follows on from the Scottish Government’s decision to freeze capital projects for health boards, as well as freezing the ability to hire new staff.

The Scottish Government also requires health boards to require savings of 6.8%.

These moves will only increase pressures on NHS Lothian to provide adequate healthcare services with diminishing resources.

Commenting on the findings, Sarah Boyack said: “These figures are deeply distressing but will come as no surprise to patients in Edinburgh.

“The Scottish Government’s underfunding has left Edinburgh’s GPs unable to keep up with the city’s population growth.

“If the Scottish Government goes ahead with its budget plans, this will only exacerbate the problem.

“GP surgery staff do amazing work, but they need the funding to fulfil their potential.

“Allowing GP surgeries to close merely aggravates the sustainability crisis we are facing in general practice.

“If we are to tackle this issue, we need investment and strategy from the Scottish Government, not freezes and delays.” 

Sarah Boyack ‘disappointed’ in Edinburgh City FC’s decision to scrap women’s team

Lothian Labour MSP Sarah Boyack has expressed her deep disappointment in Edinburgh City FC’s decision to scrap their women’s team and their development teams.

This decision follows weeks of financial turbulence for the team.

Ms Boyack has expressed her dismay that the burden of stabilising the club’s finances has fallen on the Women’s Team.

It will be a huge blow on the drive to get women more represented in sport.

The team have indicated that they hoped this decision would be temporary but have provided no timeline for when the teams may be reinstated.

Commenting on the decision, Sarah Boyack said: “I am extremely disappointed by Edinburgh City FC’s decision to scrap their women and development team.

“I acknowledge the financial difficulties of the team but at a time when women’s football is finally getting the audience it deserves, to scrap the Women’s Team sends entirely the wrong message.

“We should be doing more to encourage women into football and sports more generally.

“Women’s’ teams represent the best opportunity to showcase the talented female footballers we have here in Scotland.

“If Edinburgh City FC are serious about this being a temporary decision, they need to lay out a clear timetable for when the Women’s and Development teams will be restored.”

Boyack accuses Health Secretary of misleading patients over New Eye Pavilion decision

Lothian Labour MSP, Sarah Boyack has written to Cabinet Secretary for Health, to ask him for clarity over when the decision will be made over the New Edinburgh Eye Pavilion.

In a November meeting organised by Ms Boyack between patients and Michael Matheson, the Cabinet Secretary assured patients that any decision over the Eye Pavilion would be made in December, in line with the budget.

However, a Scottish Government spokesperson has now claimed that the decision will not be made until the Spring.

Delaying this decision will force patients to rely on outdated services and face further cancelled appointments.

Campaigners were hoping that the current budget would provide long awaited clarity for whether the new facility would get the go-ahead.

Sarah Boyack MSP said: “Michael Matheson has fundamentally misled patients.

“To tell patients that the decision would be made in December, only for it to be pushed back to the Spring is a slap in the face for all those who need a new facility.

“Michael Matheson needs to confirm on the record when the capital spending will be announced and apologise for misleading patients.

“Every day the Scottish Government delays, the project becomes more expensive, and the current Eye Pavilion deteriorates further.

“If Michael Matheson does not provide clarity now, we are heading towards a crisis for eyecare services in Edinburgh.”

Craig Spalding, Chief Executive of Sight Scotland, added: “We’re concerned the Scottish Government’s plans to review this project again in the spring is too little too late.

“It’s now 10 years on since the current hospital was declared unfit for purpose and by delaying the decision again is ignoring the critical need of patients and staff attending the current hospital.

“As time goes on, the building deteriorates further and the risk to people’s safety increases. People with visual impairment and eye conditions deserve better.”

Gordon Brown highlights ‘urgent’ need for new Edinburgh Eye Pavilion

Former Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, has thrown his weight behind Sarah Boyack’s campaign for a full replacement of the Edinburgh Eye Pavilion.

In a recently published video, Gordon Brown highlighted the urgent need for a new Edinburgh Eye Pavilion, citing his own experience with the service.

In his endorsement, Brown labelled the idea that the Eye Pavilion may be lost from Edinburgh ‘a tragedy’.

Having lost sight in one eye while a teenager, Gordon Brown draws on 50 years of experience being a patient at the current Princess Alexandria Eye Hospital, to highlight the critical need for new facilities.

Gordon Brown is the latest political figure to back this campaign, after a cross-party group of MSPs wrote to Michael Matheson to demand the funding for a new Eye Pavilion.

Commenting on Gordon Brown’s intervention, Scottish Labour MSP Sarah Boyack said: “There is no one I would rather have than Gordon Brown, to join the campaign for a new Eye Pavilion.

“Gordon knows first-hand how critical this project is to patients across the Lothians, and beyond.

“Cabinet Secretary Michael Matheson must listen to the breadth of support that a new Eye Pavilion has.

“This is not about party politics; this is about coming together to ensure the Scottish Government delivers a project that is vital for patients in Edinburgh.

“It’s vital that the Scottish Government provides the funding urgently needed for a new eye hospital in Edinburgh. Patients deserve nothing less than a modern hospital that is fit for purpose.”

Patients are being left waiting by SNP failure at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, says Boyack

Lothian Labour MSP, Sarah Boyack, has criticised the Scottish Government’s failure to address woeful waiting times at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.

The latest figures published by Public Health Scotland, show that only 46% of A&E Patients at the Royal Infirmary, are seen within 4 hours. This is compared to 62% across the whole of NHS Lothian Health Board, and 68% across the whole of Scotland.

The number of patients seen within 4 hours, has plummeted almost 10% since July – falling from 55%.

The Royal Infirmary figures are well short of the Scottish Government’s target of 95% of people seen and discharged within 4 hours of arrival in A&E.

Commenting on the statistics, Sarah Boyack said: “The latest A&E wait time figures illustrate that patients at Edinburgh’s largest hospital are left waiting by the SNP/Green Government.

“Royal Infirmary staff work incredibly hard to deliver services for patients, but the Scottish Government has not provided the resources to ensure local hospitals can deliver the care and treatment local residents deserve.

“Edinburgh residents need the Scottish Government to step up its game and provide the Royal Infirmary with the support it needs reduce waiting times rapidly.”