Local primary school children have created their own colourful posters to support the ongoing rollout of slower speeds on roads across Edinburgh. Phase three of the road safety scheme will be rolled out next month. Continue reading Flora’s kids warn: 20’s plenty
Tag: Roads
Still time to have your say on D Mains Park
Although the exhibition at Blackhall Library has finished, the consultation has not and you can still make comments about proposed initial designs for cycling and walking improvements in Davidson’s Mains Park
See below
Look out for local traffic restrictions
Be Aware: 20mph speed limits now live in North
Drivers charged following police operation
Four drivers have been charged following a police operation at the Jewel on Tuesday. Police Scotland road policing officers stopped 48 vehicles in an ongoing operation to reduce road casualties and crime on the A1. Continue reading Drivers charged following police operation
Counting down: 20mph speed limit in North Edinburgh one week today
The rollout of 20mph speed limits on Edinburgh’s streets continues, with phase two coming into force one week today on 28 February – and this time it’s us!
Continue reading Counting down: 20mph speed limit in North Edinburgh one week today
Dean Park Crescent consultation
How can the city council make cycling and walking easier at Dean Park Crescent? Have your say!
https://consultationhub.edinburgh.gov.uk/sfc/design-cycle-walk-dean-park-crescent/ …
Dean Park Crescent consultation summary sheet
‘Responsible roadworks’ in Edinburgh?
20mph roll-out continues: next time it’s North
The city council’s rollout of 20mph speed limits for residential and shopping streets continues, with new signs and lines starting to be installed for Phase 2 from December. Continue reading 20mph roll-out continues: next time it’s North
Letter: Cycle Friendly? No appetite to tackle transport issues
Dear Editor
As both a driver and cyclist within the city I share many of the concerns regarding the poor state of road surfaces. I want to focus this letter on Ferry Road which is a major transport artery. It is full or ruts and is generally poorly maintained and where there have been attempts at ad hoc repairs they are of a very poor quality. There is indeed an irony that on the one hand the council tries to encourage people to walk and cycle – yet the road network is not friendly towards cycle users – or cars, for that matter!
Now I hear some voices saying: use the cycle way – of course that is a good option, however there are occasions when that is not viable due to the destination.
Let me focus on a particular issue that highlights an apparent contradiction in policy towards cycling. There is a lined cycle way that runs from Crewe Toll to Granton Road – both sides. However that does not stop cars parking on the pavement and across the ‘dedicated’ cycle route beside Stewarts Melville rugby when there are matches on. It appears that there is no appetite to do anything about this. That gets at the heart of my cynicism. This double standard where there is a policy of promotion of cycling on the one hand whilst not dealing with an issue that is in direct conflict with the same policy.
I attended the recent Forth Neighbourhood Partnership meeting. The issue of transport was raised at the meeting in light of the growth of the Granton Harbour developments going forward. The issue of increased traffic growth and in particular concerns that residents on Lower Granton Road have had for years is still outstanding and won’t go away. Local Community Councils and community groups have been calling for a review of the transport plan for this area for at least two years – again there appears no appetite for this to happen.
Yours faithfully
Dave Macnab
West Ferryfield, Edinburgh