City projects receive backing from Scottish Land Fund

£156,000 for North Edinburgh Arts 

North Edinburgh’s flagship arts centre in Muirhouse and land for a new community hub in Juniper Green are amongst 21 groups that are set to share in £1,667,987 from the Scottish Land Fund. 

North Edinburgh Arts (NEA) has received £156,000 in order to take ownership of its current building, which it intends to extend and upgrade to create more space for additional enterprise units and a larger cafe. 

And Pentlands Community Space has been given £33,000 to buy a disused public toilet in Lanark Road, Juniper Green in order to demolish it and build a community hub and flat for affordable rent. 

Lesley Hinds, Chair, North Edinburgh Arts, said: “NEA has won five national awards in the last six years for place making and creative projects. This new capital project will allow the organisation to flourish, alongside Council provision, and bring a first-class facility to Macmillan Square.  

“NEA is a special place for the community of North Edinburgh and has been a trusted community anchor providing emergency food, support, materials and online creative activities throughout the lockdown. 

“Alongside our COVID activity of the last five months we have been working closely with partners to share and establish our vision of a world class creative hub for the next generation of North Edinburgh residents.  This award from the Scottish Land Fund is an important and welcome next step on this exciting journey.” 

NEA’s Director Kate Wimpress added: “The bright blue NEA building has been a beacon of hope for many throughout the lockdown, and an important part of the North Edinburgh landscape over the last decade.

“Today’s endorsement from the Scottish Land Fund, following on from the Council’s agreement for this much loved and used asset to come fully into community ownership, takes NEA , and our community, another step closer to our vision becoming a reality. We are looking forward to building a first class facility fit for purpose for today, and for the years to come”

Professor Cliff Beevers OBE, Chairman, Pentlands Community Space, said: “The Pentlands Community Space project is planning to demolish an abandoned public toilet block and replace it with a two-storey building providing a much-needed Community Hub downstairs with an affordable flat above.  

“Rental from the flat will be used to sustain activities in the Hub.  This project, several years in the making, is a genuine collaborative effort which is using the talents and time of many residents in this part of South-West Edinburgh.” 

Minister, Cabinet Secretary for Land Reform, Roseanna Cunningham, said: “Communities across the country are playing a pivotal role in helping create a fairer and greener Scotland as we respond to the coronavirus pandemic. 

“The latest round of Scottish Land Fund grants – provided to 21 different community groups – will go towards projects that will provide locals with better access to green space, encourage wildlife and support community business. With this funding being awarded during Climate Week, I look forward to these projects seizing the opportunity to help our green recovery.” 

John Watt, Scottish Land Fund Committee Chair said: “Groups from all across Scotland are making a real impact to their communities with a wide range of ambitious projects that deliver tangible benefits to the people who live there, and the Scottish Land Fund is delighted to be able to support them.” 

Sandra Holmes, Head of Community Assets at HIE, said: “These successful projects announced today are all fantastic examples of people taking control of local resources for the long-term benefit of their communities.

“Applecross Community Company for example, will be able to purchase, restock and improve the local woods to provide access to the community as well as buy land to build affordable homes.  

“Ownership will give these communities greater control over important assets and will help ensure their long-term future. We wish all the successful groups the very best in their new ventures.” 

Regenerating communities

£30 million to support economic recovery

All of Scotland’s 32 local authorities and more than 25 individual community regeneration projects will receive a share of £30 million of new investment for regeneration and town centres.

The funding will be available immediately through the Regeneration Capital Grant Fund (RCGF) and the Town Centre Fund (TCF), both delivered in partnership between Scottish Government and COSLA.

Edinburgh’s share of the Town Centre Fund is £954,000.

The Govanhill Baths refurbishment in Glasgow, Midmills in Inverness, which will support creative industries and cultural social enterprises in the Highlands; and the Mossedge Centre, which will be a multi-purpose facility for use by the surrounding communities in Linwood Renfrewshire are among the community led regeneration projects that will benefit from this funding.

Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell said: “We want to go beyond rebuilding – to refresh and reform and help drive the social and economic renewal necessary to achieve the best future for Scotland.

“This further £30 million capital funding for regeneration and town centres will stimulate local construction across Scotland and support disadvantaged areas in the recovery.

“Communities are best placed to identify specific needs and aspirations and this regeneration funding enables the delivery of a wide range of locally-developed projects to be made into reality.

“Our places must work for our communities, and the Town Centre Funding will build on the success of last year’s fund. With it, local authorities will be able to drive forward projects that help people live better locally and reduce their carbon footprint while driving footfall to local businesses.”

COSLA Environment and Economy Spokesperson Cllr Steven Heddle said: “The additional challenges facing Scotland’s most vulnerable communities due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic means there has never been a more important time to strengthen the economic, social, and physical wellbeing of our places.

“This additional funding for the Regeneration Capital Grant Fund and Town Centre Fund will support the regeneration aspirations of our communities, and also accelerate the delivery of projects to support the recovery, tackle disadvantage and deprivation and support jobs.”

Linwood Community Development Trust will receive £400,000 from the RCGF this year to bring forward completion of the Mossedge Centre.

Trust Manager Kirsty Flannigan said: “Complemented by the existing 3G pitch, the Mossedge Centre will provide a resource for all within the local community, including a purpose-built home for our community run Roots Shop.

“Now we see the finishing line in sight, and can look forward to the post-pandemic future with confidence, knowing that this project will provide a legacy for present and future generations of the Linwood community.”

This funding will support accelerated delivery of projects this year, and forms part of the £230 million Economic Recovery Stimulus package announced by the Cabinet Secretary for Finance in June.

It includes:

  • an additional £18 million through the Town Centre Fund (TCF)
  • an additional £12 million through the existing Regeneration Capital Grant Fund (RCGF)

North Edinburgh Arts to become community-owned hub

North Edinburgh Arts (NEA) has been granted full community ownership in a community asset transfer from the City of Edinburgh Council. With the additional transfer of a plot of land to the north of the organisation’s venue, NEA is now in a position to lead on the development of an extended creative and community hub for the area, working in partnership with the Council. 

Bringing the organisation, established in 1998, into community ownership and working to extend the facilities will make sure this dynamic community venue is fit for purpose for the next two decades.

New enterprise, workshop, learning space and creative studios are planned, alongside a dedicated youth area, expanded café, and shared atrium all working to complement the Council’s adjoining library and early year’s provision.

NEA carried out extensive consultation to gauge support for the project with 96% of respondents in favour. The organisation offers local residents a place to relax, explore, learn, meet, share, volunteer and have fun in. Last year over 40,000 visits were made to the venue once described by STV as ‘a bright bubble behind Muirhouse shopping centre.’

NEA is based in the heart of Muirhouse and their current venue incorporates two studios, a 96 seat theatre, recording studio, gallery, offices and the pop in community café with children’s play area leading onto a large garden. NEA offers a safe, comfortable and creative space for people of all ages to develop within. 

Prior to the Covid-19 pandemic over 30 hours of creative workshops were on offer each week, most with a family focus, alongside a wide range of other events from singing groups to circus skills workshops, exhibitions, community theatre, film clubs, and festival events.

The venue is also home to Muirhouse Link Up, Firstport Social Enterprise, North Edinburgh Drug and Alcohol Centre, and the Tinderbox Orchestra, all working to serve the most disadvantaged children, families and individuals in the North Edinburgh area.

Chair of NEA, Lesley Hinds, said: “NEA has won five national awards in the last six years for place making and creative projects. This new capital project will allow the organisation to flourish, alongside Council provision, and bring a first class facility to Macmillan Square.

“NEA is a special place for the community of North Edinburgh and has been a trusted community anchor providing emergency food and support throughout the COVID lockdown. The granting of the Community Asset Transfer from the Council is the first step on our next exciting journey.” 

Director Kate Wimpress added: “The bright blue NEA building has been a beacon of hope for many throughout the lockdown. Alongside our COVID activity of the last four months we have been working closely with Council colleagues to share and establish our vision of a world class creative hub for the next generation of North Edinburgh residents.

“Today’s endorsement from the Council takes us one step closer to this vision becoming a reality.”

Contact: Kate Wimpress 

Twitter @northedinarts


Pictures: Robin Mair

Success for Heart of Newhaven initiative

Well done! We are pleased to announce that our plans for the acquisition of Victoria Primary School are on target, thanks to your help.

Critical Meeting

Last week, we appeared before local Councillors on what is called a Community Asset Transfer Stage Two Panel. It was confirmed there that ours is the only application they are considering.

We mounted a sophisticated presentation using a wide range of colourful photographs and graphs, with critical links to an impressive number of local groups from professional firms to key charities, all involved in our three interconnected intergenerational themes that some of you now know off by heart:

Culture & Heritage
Learning & Enterprise
Well-being in the Community

We passed the test!

We demonstrated both the viability of our long term Business Plan and that what we propose is in the interests of the whole community, by honestly answering questions put to us by the various councillors.

Crucially important was to demonstrate how Well-being has, during “lock-down”, embraced the other two themes.

Learning & Enterprise is attracting novel ideas of helping each other face an uncertain future that with imagination has great opportunities for innovation, including awareness of environmental challenges.

Culture & Heritage has a key part too. The iconic Victorian Building will not be mothballed or converted into flats after 176 years of history but will tell the story of Newhaven over the past 500 years while looking confidently forward, using imaginative interactive techniques.

The modern Anchor Building will primarily meet the urgent need for nursery care. We expect that other compatible enterprises might well be accommodated in a flexible use of the space. The surrounding attractive garden and playground areas will help showcase this as the beating Heart of Newhaven Community.

The Panel was impressed and we have been encouraged to move forward with our plans.

And you have helped: either because you were already part of the Heart of Newhaven Community ❤️ or because through our recent postcard delivery you have just joined us, boosting support.

Keep the numbers growing. Representation of the whole community across what is technically called “the area of benefit” is essential to meet the City of Edinburgh Council targets for the ways in which they are required to provide for important needs from the youngest to the oldest in an area of growing population.

If you live in this area – as nearly all of you do – you should have received an attractive postcard designed to encourage more people to join us.   

We have delivered nearly 7,000, which gives some idea of the population. We’ve still not quite finished (in case you haven’t got yours yet) but the results, together with our modern media contacts, are very encouraging.

It is now even more important to make sure your friends have signed up too.   

Ask them. 
Nudge them.
Tell them how good it will be for them too.
Why not display the postcard in a window for the world to see?

Imagine Newhaven’s beating heart on display together with the rainbows of hope! What a combination! 🌈 🌎 ❤️ 

Rodney Matthews

Chair, Heart of Newhaven Community

New group to promote healthier and greener town centres

Diverse views from urban, town, rural and island communities must be heard if town centres are to be revitalised and renewed in the wake of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, according to Communities Secretary Aileen Campbell.

Experts in town planning, public health, transport, and business will take on board views of local communities to build on the progress of the Scottish Government’s 2013 Town Centre Action Plan.

Professor Leigh Sparks of the University of Stirling will chair the expert group alongside members from COSLA, the Royal Town Planning Institute, South of Scotland Enterprise, the Carnegie Trust, the Federation of Small Businesses, Public Health Scotland, Sustrans, Inclusion Scotland and the Scottish Government.

Ms Campbell said: “Town centres are crucial to our economic recovery and renewal as we emerge from lockdown and it’s important we do all we can to support them. COVID-19 has changed the way we all live, work and shop, and we must develop safe spaces that meet the diverse economic, social and environmental needs of city, country, village and island populations.

“By nurturing connections between local producers and retailers and their communities we enhance the wellbeing of our communities.

“Our town centre-first approach has been held up as an example throughout the UK and globally. Now we have the opportunity to develop healthier, vibrant, and greener town centres that support communities to thrive.”

Professor Sparks said: “Our town centres need to be successful places which are socially and economically inclusive.

“The National Review of Town Centres in 2013 and the Town Centre Action Plan which followed have provided a pathway for towns in recent years.

“COVID-19 provides a challenge to our towns and town centres, but also an opportunity to rethink and re-energise our efforts to make towns fit for all in Scotland.

“I am delighted therefore to have been asked to lead this new group at this critical and important time.”

Setback for North Edinburgh Arts

North Edinburgh Arts’ plans for McMillan Square in Pennywell received a setback yesterday when city ouncillors rejected their proposals for a community-led hub at the heart of the regeneration area.

North Edinburgh Arts plans had strong community support and Muirhouse Salvesen Community Council submitted a letter of support to the council’s Policy and Sustainability Committee.

Community council chairman Roy Douglas said: “Muirhouse Salvesen Community Council has not been consulted on this and the council have not consulted the community on their plans for at least a year, if not longer.

“The NEA proposal for the last phase of McMillan Square has had extensive consultation and their proposal has wide community support. We therefore support NEA’s community asset transfer bid and their exciting plans for the regeneration of McMillan Square.

“This will ensure visibility for North Edinburgh Arts and the Library, a good building which will attract people to visit McMillan Square.”

Despite community support – and the support of local politicians – councillors failed to back North Edinburgh Arts development bid for consideration under the Scottish Government Regeneration Capital Grant scheme.

While it’s undoubtedly a setback, North Edinburgh Arts will come back and resubmit amended proposals. Board chairperson Lesley Hinds issued the following statement last night:

“Today we learned The City of Edinburgh Council Policy and Sustainablity Committee decided, at this time, not to submit the North Edinburgh Arts development bid for  consideration under the Scottish Government Regeneration Capital Grant scheme.

“North Edinburgh Arts is, of course, disappointed with this outcome. However with the positive support from Councillors and officers at the committee, NEA will continue to work in partnership with the Council and community to deliver a Community Hub, as the final phase for the regeneration of McMiillan Square in Muirhouse.

“North Edinburgh Arts is at stage 2 of both a Community Asset Transfer bid, and related Scottish Land Fund bid to transfer North Edinburgh Arts fully into community ownership, and to enable the organisation to lead on the development of a creative and community hub; much needed by the local community pre-Covid, arguably more in the period to follow, post pandemic.

“NEA has wide support with 96% of local residents consulted fully supporting the plans, alongside cross-party support from local, Scottish and UK elected representatives following briefings early this year, tabling our vision and full business case.

“The Busines Case, architect sketch, and development timetable will be presented again to officers and Councillors over the coming weeks, with NEA working to ensure the next report considered by the Council achieves a positive outcome, for NEA, for McMillan Square, and for our local community.”

Latest images revealed for capital’s new New Town

Homes, Ofices and Hotel Planned for Former RBS Site Creating 700+ Jobs for Local Economy

New images have been published of New Town North – one of the largest regeneration projects to take place in Edinburgh for a generation.

The images have been revealed as part of an online public consultation event, launched in April, illustrating the latest design phase of the development to the local community.

The ambitious New Town North development is one of Scotland’s largest brownfield regeneration projects. It is set to transform the 5.9-acre former Royal Bank of Scotland site in Edinburgh’s New Town and is being delivered by property company Ediston on behalf of Orion Capital Managers, whose fund bought the site in May 2019.

Ediston is currently leading a major public consultation programme for the site, which sits between Dundas Street and King George V Park, prior to submitting a planning application to the City of Edinburgh Council later this year.

The developer launched the online interactive consultation following the cancellation of the previously planned public event following the coronavirus outbreak. The consultation can be viewed by logging on to the New Town North website:

Proposals include a mixed-use development replacing existing buildings with new homes, build-to-rent apartments, premium ofice space and a high-class hotel. Also planned are retail outlets, gym and health facilities together with extensive landscaping and new public realm.

Ross McNulty, Development Director at Ediston, reaffirmed the developer’s commitment to delivering a high-quality scheme. “Now, more than ever, we are 100% committed to progressing with our planning application this year,” he said.

“New Town North will provide a significant boost for the local area which will have a positive impact on local businesses -who are in desperate need of some good news right now.

“This is our third consultation event and provides an opportunity for the local community to have a clearer idea on how the development will look – even if they can’t attend an exhibition in person. Our team is working hard to be ready for significant engagement with residents to make sure they all have their say in our proposals.

“We are aware that this is a complex and large brownfield site with important links to some of Edinburgh’s finest streets and green spaces, and we are making sure we consult properly with local people to deliver a high-quality development.”

Research shows the New Town North development is poised to bring significant economic benefit to the local area and wider Edinburgh economy, following the closure of the RBS building in 2017 which employed more than 2,500 employees on the site.

The report, by UK planning and engineering consultancy The Waterman Group and commissioned by Ediston, reveals that the operational phase of the development would create more than 700 full-time jobs whilst generating an annual GVA (Gross Added Value) economic uplift of £34.4 million to the regional economy.

The construction phase alone would create a further £27.7 million GVA at a regional level, creating a further 60 full time jobs.

The site today

Mr McNulty added: “From our discussions with the local business community, we are aware of the impact that a large redundant site can have on the local area – and the huge potential of creating a new attractive destination and focal point for the area.

“Our research highlights the significant investment benefits that this high-quality development would bring to the Edinburgh economy, as well as helping to meet the pressing need for high quality new homes and ofice space.”

The New Town North development site was formerly the headquarters of the Royal Bank of Scotland. RBS first developed the site in 1978 to house ofices and a data centre. Before then, the site was home to St Bernard’s Football Club which disbanded in 1947.

Tide of change set to sweep over Waterfront?

We recently published ambitious £1.3bn plans to transform Granton Waterfront into a new coastal town to bring back to life a huge piece of former industrial land (writes Councillor CAMMY DAY).
This follows extensive public consultation in the last couple of years, and is a big deal for the city and me personally because as well as chairing the group overseeing the work on this, I grew up in the area.
Two years ago we purchased the former gas works from the National Grid, which was the final piece in the jigsaw we needed to consolidate our land, and start working on an exciting new vision with the local community.
Granton has a rich history and heritage and will be at the heart of our plans. We’ve already agreed to restore the old railway station and light up the former gas tower.
The regeneration of Granton has given us the perfect opportunity to help us to meet our commitment to become a net zero carbon city by 2030 and we’re going to make this one of Scotland’s leading sustainable developments.
We plan to build around 3,500 homes of which at least 35% will be affordable, encourage new businesses, develop a cultural hub and provide new leisure, learning and employment opportunities.
We’ll make sure everything is built to an extremely high standard and along with our housing association partners we’re already delivering around 700 new homes for sale and rent in area.
We’ll also build a school, medical centre, new cycling and walking routes and there is a commitment to improve bus services and other forms of sustainable public transport. This will include looking at the business case for an extension of the tram.
A new coastal city park stretching from Granton Castle Walled Garden to Cramond and Lauriston Castle will re-connect the city with its waterfront and those using the route will get spectacular views across the Forth.


We’ve been working on a Development Framework with the local community and this is being considered by the Planning Committee. When agreed it will be used as a guide for developers when making future planning applications to make sure the needs of the local community and sustainability stay at the heart of any future proposals.

Along with sustainable transport links it also supports our draft City Mobility Plan with proposals for a vast network of new routes which promote walking and cycling over car use and car parking has been reduced to a maximum of 25% or less.

With an overall value of around £1.3bn, we’re committed to investing around £196m to accelerate the regeneration, this will help to attract significant public and private sector funding to deliver the vision.

We’re working with public sector partners National Museums Scotland, National Galleries of Scotland and Edinburgh College to make this one of the best places in Edinburgh to live, work, learn and visit.

While work is underway we want to make the best use of land available and so we have a programme of temporary uses for the site and early projects in vacant buildings or land awaiting development.

These will be great for locals and include projects such as an adventure playground, urban wind turbine and shipping containers on the shoreline to provide affordable space for cafes and leisure.

I’m hugely grateful for the wider community’s involvement so far. They have told us many times that they want to see the North Edinburgh’s waterfront transformed with new homes, jobs, providing a sustainable new future for Granton Waterfront.

Our plans will deliver this and I’d encourage you to go along and find out more about this exciting project. It will be on display at Edinburgh College Granton campus until Friday (6 March). The exhibition on the Development Framework has excellent imagery of how the site could look.


This article first appeared in the Evening News on 26th February.

Council announces latest plans for Waterfront regeneration

The latest proposals to transform Edinburgh’s largest brownfield site at Granton Waterfront – this time into a new ‘coastal town’ – have been published.

With a rich history and heritage, this former industrial land is set to become one of Scotland’s leading sustainable developments, bringing new homes, business, culture, leisure, learning and employment opportunities.

The plans will be presented to the Council’s Policy and Sustainabiltiy Committee, which meets on Tuesday next week.

A new coastal city park linking Granton Harbour to Gypsy Brae will re-connect the city with its waterfront providing the opportunity for residents and visitors to enjoy spectacular views across the Forth while experiencing enhanced leisure and outdoor activity. The plan is also set to deliver on exemplar urban design centred around climate resilience, leading the way in future sustainable development and growing the economy in an inclusive way.

The proposals will bring around 3,500 new homes of which at least 35% will be affordable, a school, medical centre, new cycling and walking routes and enhanced sustainable transport connections with the city, making a significant contribution to Edinburgh’s target to become a net zero carbon city by 2030. With an overall gross development value of around £1.3bn, the Council is committed to investing around £196m to accelerate the regeneration, attracting significant public and private sector funding to deliver the vision.

The Council’s housing association partners are currently delivering around 700 new homes for sale and rent within the Granton Waterfront area with commitment by key public sector partners National Museums Scotland, National Galleries of Scotland and Edinburgh College to work in collaboration to make this one of Edinburgh’s best places to live, work, learn and visit.

Following extensive consultation with the local community and other key stakeholders, a Development Framework for Granton Waterfront will be published by the Council today.can b

This sets out the vision, key principles and design guidance and will be considered by the Council’s Planning Committee on Wednesday, 26 February. When agreed it will be used as a guide for developers when making future planning applications to ensure placemaking stays at the heart of any future proposals.

The Framework supports the Council’s  draft City Mobility Plan as it proposes a vast network of new routes which promote walking and cycling over car use. Car parking has been reduced to a maximum of 25% or less for the area and there is a commitment to improve bus services and other forms of sustainable public transport which will include looking at the business case for a future phase of the tram. Cultural hubs and business start-up space are also part of the framework to create a diverse place for people to live, visit and work in.

An exhibition of the Framework opens today at Edinburgh College Granton Campus and runs until Friday 6 March. Staff will be on hand to answer any questions at the exhibition today from 4 -7pm.

Cllr Adam McVey, Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “We’ve made a commitment to become a net zero carbon city by 2030 and the regeneration of Granton offers the perfect opportunity to showcase how this can be delivered.

“We are committed to working with the local community and partners to create vibrant new neighbourhoods where people live and travel and grow the economy in an eco- friendly way.”

Cllr Cammy Day, Depute Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council and a Forth ward councillor, said: “The regeneration of Granton will create hundreds of new jobs linked to growth of new services, business, leisure and creative industries and will strengthen the retail and small businesses that already exist.

“Our public sector partners Edinburgh College, National Museums Scotland and National Galleries Scotland, who all have land or buildings within Granton Waterfront, are committed to working collaboratively to maximise the impact of combining our resources.

“I’d encourage everyone interested in this exciting new plan for the area to go along to Edinburgh College and have a look at the plans which will be on display for two weeks from the 20 February.”

Following committee approval, the Council will work with the Scottish Government and other key partners to develop the funding strategy. A programme of temporary uses for the site and early action projects in vacant buildings or land awaiting development will also be taken forward to encourage community empowerment and activity aimed at enhanced social and economic growth and health and wellbeing.

The Council will shortly be bringing forward plans for an initial phase of development at Western Villages ahead of the wider transformation. Proposals for the development of around 400 new homes for sale and rent in the area will be out for consultation in Spring 2020.

Progress on site so far

• Over 700 affordable homes recently completed or under development within Granton  Waterfront by our RSL partners, Polha, Link and Places for People
• Council support for Friends of Granton Castle and Walled Garden and Granton Hub in Madelvic House – projects aimed at supporting community enterprise and health and wellbeing
• Lease granted to Edinburg Wake Ltd on the quarry pond for leisure use as a wake boarding park – site due to be operational spring/summer 2020
• Council appointed contractor to restore Granton Station – work due to commence in Summer 2020 to create a new enterprise hub, with completion due in early 2021
• Council contributed £100,000 towards the lighting of the Granton gas holder and a launch event. Work is continuing to seek additional funding to complete the project
• Promotion of temporary uses for empty buildings as a valuable resource for the local community while the site is being permanently developed – possible uses include
Urban Wind Turbine Pilot
Beach Box Granton – shipping containers on the shoreline to provide affordable space for cafes and leisure
The Platform – market and events at the station building and surrounding open space
Lighting of the gas holder
Adventure playground – outdoor learning space for children in collaboration with Edinburgh College
Hoarding exhibitions – animate the hoardings while showcasing work of partners and local people or organisations
Forthside festival – use the open space at Gypsy Brae for a range of outdoor activities set against the backdrop of coastal views