More lost pets to return home as microchipping system reformed

Reforms will help reunite thousands of lost or stolen animals every year and deter pet theft

Lost or stolen pets will be reunited with their owners more quickly under reforms to the pet microchipping system announced today (29 March).

With over nine million pet dogs and nine million pet cats in England, it is devasting for owners when they are lost or stolen. Microchipping is the most effective and quickest way of identifying pets, with microchipped dogs more than twice as likely to be reunited with their owner.

Reforms set out today will help reunite stray pets by making microchip records easier to access, improving the accuracy of microchip information, and standardising database operator processes.

The new measures will help deter pet theft by creating more opportunities for suspicious activity to be flagged. This will include requiring database operators to provide a field indicating whether the pet has been reported as ‘missing’, strengthening the process for transferring keepership of a pet by ensuring the current keeper has 28 days to object, and preventing the creation of duplicate records.

The changes also include the creation of a central portal that approved users – including vets, local authorities, and police – can use to search microchip records rather than having to contact separate databases individually, which can delay the time taken for pets to be returned home.

Animal Welfare Minister Lord Douglas Miller said: ““Pets are treasured members of the family so it can be devasting for owners when they are lost or stolen.

“These vital reforms will simplify the microchipping system to make it quicker for vets, local authorities and police to access important information when they need it, helping to safeguard pets from theft and increase the likelihood of lost pets being returned home.” 

Michael Webb, Battersea’s Head of Policy & Public Affairs, said: “Battersea is incredibly pleased with these reforms to the microchipping system, which will improve services for owners, enforcers and rescues alike.

“We see dogs and cats arrive at our centres every day with out-of-date microchips, or sadly no microchip at all, making it near impossible for our staff to reunite people with their pets.

“These reforms, which we have been calling for for some time, will not only help rescues like Battersea reunite more pets in less time, but also hopefully better protect dogs and cats from theft.

“With only several weeks to go until the law requires millions of cats to be microchipped, it is vital that the country’s microchipping system is as effective and robust possible and we will continue to work with Defra and other organisations to ensure that this is the case.”

RSPCA Chief Executive Chris Sherwood said: “Microchipping our pets is so important and provides reassurance and security, should they go missing, that they’ll be able to be identified and returned home quickly.

“A centralised portal with more accurate records will ensure that animals who end up with vets, local authorities and charities, like the RSPCA, can be traced back to their owners as quickly as possible, minimising the stress and anxiety they may feel being away from everything they know.”

British Veterinary Association President Anna Judson said: “Microchipping is a vital tool for vets working to identify lost pets and to successfully reunite them with their owners. The British Veterinary Association has been pressing for action to address issues with the current database system, which have been a source of ongoing frustration.

“These new measures are a positive step forwards and the new portal should help vet teams to check multiple databases quickly, identify and reunite cats and dogs with their owners and provide prompt treatment where needed.”

Today’s announcement follows a government consultation on the issue in which over 96% of respondents expressed support for the measures, and progresses an Action Plan for Animal Welfare pledge and key recommendations from the Pet Theft Taskforce. 

It also builds upon wider work to make it easier for lost, stray, or stolen pets to be returned home safely, including making it compulsory to microchip all pet cats in England by 10 June 2024. 

Westminster is also clamping down on pet theft by taking forward key recommendations from the Pet Theft Task Force, and have recently confirmed Government support for the Pet Abduction Bill.

These commitments are part of a wider Government effort to build on our existing world-leading animal welfare standards. 

Since publishing the Action Plan for Animal Welfare in 2021, Westminster has brought in new laws to recognise animal sentience, introduced tougher penalties for animal cruelty offences; announced an extension of the ivory ban to cover other ivory bearing species; supported legislation to ban glue traps, the import of detached shark fins and measures to ban the advertising and offering for sale of low welfare activities abroad.

Scottish government consults on education and skills reform

Views sought on new qualifications body and inspectorate

People are being asked to share their views to create a new national qualifications body and new approaches to inspection, as part of reforms to Scotland’s education and skills system.

Legislation will be introduced to Parliament in 2024 to implement the Scottish Government’s commitment to replace the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) with a new organisation. Views are now being sought on how this new body will involve pupils and students and the teaching professions in its decision making, as well as being accountable and transparent.

The public consultation on reform of the education and skills sector is also seeking views on changes in relation to inspection, which currently sits with Education Scotland – to maximise the positive impacts of inspection and ensure high levels of confidence in the system among teachers, other professionals, parents and carers and the public.

It was announced during a wide ranging statement on Education and Skills reform where Education Secretary Jenny Gilruth also announced the publication of the third report from the First Minister’s International Council of Education Advisers, which sets out the need for investment in education professionals to address the changing needs of young people. The Education Secretary also gave an update on planning for the proposed Centre for Teaching Excellence.  

Ms Gilruth said: “The case for reform is clear and we need to deliver tangible action, setting out the steps which are right for our education system now. 

“This consultation is an important opportunity for young people, parents and carers and, crucially, teachers to make their voices heard and is an important step in designing our national education and skills landscape in its totality.

“The new qualifications body and approaches to inspection are the foundations of delivering meaningful reform, meaning better outcomes for young people and adult learners, ensuring that the views and needs of pupils, teachers and others who rely on this service are at the heart of what they do, and how they deliver support.

“I am determined to continue to build the consensus for change. We need the system to work better for children and young people as well as the profession, ensuring it continues to support everyone to positively contribute to our country.”

UK Government cuts ‘red tape’ for thousands of growing businesses

  • More businesses to be categorised as small businesses, meaning less red tape
  • Move will potentially exempt tens of thousands of the UK’s growing businesses from relevant future regulations, saving them thousands of pounds
  • Start of a sweeping package of reforms to cut red tape for business and stimulate growth

Thousands of the UK’s fastest-growing businesses will be released from reporting requirements and other regulations in the future, as part of plans aimed at boosting productivity and supercharging growth, Prime Minister Liz Truss announced yesterday.

Currently, small businesses are presumed to be exempt from certain regulations. However, many medium sized businesses – those with between 50 and 249 employees – still report that they are spending over 22 staff days per month on average dealing with regulation, and over half of all businesses consider regulation to be a burden to their operation [source].

The Prime Minister has announced plans to widen these exemptions to businesses with fewer than 500 employees for future and reviewed regulations, meaning an additional 40,000 businesses will be freed from future bureaucracy and the accompanying paperwork that is expensive and burdensome for all but the largest firms.

The exemption will be applied in a proportionate way to ensure workers’ rights and other standards will be protected, while at the same time reducing the burden for growing businesses.

Regulatory exemptions are often granted for SMEs, which the EU defines at below 250 employees. However, we are free to take our own approach and exempt more businesses to those with under 500 employees. We will also be able to apply this to retained EU law currently under review, which we would not have been able to do without our exit from the EU.

The changed threshold will apply from today (Monday 3 October) to all new regulations under development as well as those under current and future review, including retained EU laws. The Government will also look at plans to consult in the future on potentially extending the threshold to businesses with 1000 employees, once the impact on the current extension is known.

This is the first step in a package of reforms to ensure UK business regulation works for the UK economy. The reforms will harness the freedoms the UK has since leaving the EU to remove bureaucratic and burdensome regulations on businesses, while streamlining and making it easier for them to comply with existing rules, ultimately saving them valuable time and money.

NHS Dentistry ‘at tipping point’

Over 8/10 NHS dental practices unable to offer appointments to new adult patients, in the most extensive survey of patient access ever undertaken 

The British Dental Association has pressed government to step up and deliver urgent reform, as new research from the BBC underlines the scale of the access crisis facing NHS patients across the country.  

Between May and July, BBC researchers reached out to every UK dental practice with an NHS contract to ask if they were taking on new patients. Working with the British Dental Association, the BBC identified 8,533 dental practices across the UK that were believed to hold NHS contracts and attempted to call them all.

The survey found:

  • In Scotland, 82% of NHS practices were not accepting new adult patients, 687 of 839.
  • Of those practices not taking on adults in Scotland, 39% (267) said they had an open waiting list, and 18% (124) said the wait time was a year or longer, or were unable to say how long it would be.
  • Out of 32 local authorities in Scotland, BBC researchers did not successfully reach any practices accepting new adult NHS patients in 9 (28%) local authorities.
  • In Scotland, 79% of NHS practices were not accepting new child patients, 663 of 839. Out of 32 local authorities in Scotland, BBC researchers did not successfully reach any practices accepting new child NHS patients in 7 (22%) local authorities.

Last month BDA Scotland warned the Scottish Government risked undermining the future sustainability of NHS dentistry, as they scaled down vital financial support for the service.  

From April to June practices received a 1.7 multiplier to the fees paid to provide NHS care, a reflection of the unprecedented backlog practices have faced as they try to ‘live with Covid’ and the continued suppressed activity compared with pre-pandemic levels.  This was cut down to 1.3 from July, following no discussion with the profession, leaving many dentists at risk of delivering some NHS treatments at a loss.

Official data suggests the total number of high street NHS dentists in Scotland has fallen by over 5% since the onset of Covid. The BDA has again urged the Scottish Government to, in the short term, develop a suitable interim funding package to support dentists and their teams as they work through the backlog, and begin work on a new, sustainable long-term model for NHS dentistry. 

David McColl, Chair of the British Dental Association’s Scottish Dental Practice Committee, said: “The Scottish Government promised free NHS dentistry for all, but the public are now living with the harsh reality. 

“You can’t run a health service on soundbites and slogans. Ministers need to take a long hard look at the evidence, and bring forward the reforms and resources we need to deliver for patients across Scotland.”

UK-wide 90% of NHS practices were not accepting new adult patients, 6,193 of 6,880.

Of those practices not taking on adults in the UK, 25% (1,572) said they had an open waiting list, and 17% (1,039) said the wait time was a year or longer, or were unable to say how long it would be.

Out of 217 local authorities in the UK, BBC researchers did not successfully reach any practices accepting new adult NHS patients in 77 (35%) local authorities.

80% of NHS practices were not accepting new child patients, 5,506 of 6,880. Of those practices not taking on children in the UK, 1,480 (27%) said they had an open waiting list, and 16% (902) said wait time was a year or longer, or were unable to say how long it would be. 

Out of 217 local authorities in the UK, BBC researchers did not successfully reach any practices accepting new child NHS patients in 25 (12%) local authorities.

Breakdowns by nation:

NationProportion not accepting adult patientsProportion not accepting child patients
Northern Ireland90%88%

Kate Forbes: Setting spending priorities for a stronger Scotland

We face a very difficult financial position over the new few years’

Prioritising public spending is essential to grow a stronger economy as Scotland recovers from the pandemic and faces up to the cost of living crisis, Finance Secretary Kate Forbes has said.

Speaking ahead of the publication of the Resource Spending Review, Ms Forbes said more focused government and public sector funds would achieve ambitions to tackle child poverty, reach net zero and deliver sustainable services for the future.

The Spending Review will give broad parameters for spending for the next four years and set out a series of government reforms.

Finance Secretary Kate Forbes said: “These are challenging times, and we need to be canny with our spending, but I’m confident that if we work together we can get through this cost of living crisis and still achieve our ambitions.

“That means tackling child poverty, driving our economic recovery from COVID and achieving net zero, while building a stronger public sector that is sustainable for the future.

“We face a very difficult financial position over the next few years with funding increases below inflation levels and the challenge of recovering from the pandemic without the financial tools available to every other government in the world.  That means while the spending review is not a budget, it will include difficult decisions, to ensure we can really focus on supporting households and services at this time.

“The Resource Spending Review will detail the funding available over the coming years to achieve these goals, and it will be published alongside the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) which gives economic context to the challenges and opportunities which lie ahead.”

Ms Forbes will outline the Resource Spending Review to Parliament when it is published tomorrow (May 31).

The Scottish Government says it is doing ‘everything within its powers and fixed budgets to ensure people, communities and businesses are supported as far as possible’, including investing almost £770 million this year in cost of living support and doubling the Scottish Child Payment to £20 per week.

Earlier this year it increased eight Scottish benefits by 6%, the rate of inflation at the time, and introduced a range of benefits not available elsewhere in the UK.

Expanding free school meals and providing £150 council tax payments to low income families are included in further actions to put money back into people’s pockets at a time when they need it most.

Panic as funeral pre-payment firms collapse under new reforms

Scotland’s largest independent funeral directors, William Purves, is fielding calls from several worried customers concerned about the implications of forthcoming funeral plan reforms. 

From July 29th, organisations selling funeral plans will fall under the regulation of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) which will ensure that all plans are properly underwritten. 

And while good news for customers in the long term, it is feared that many buyers will be out of pocket in the short term as some smaller funeral plan providers fold as they are unable to satisfy the FCA requirements. 

Andrew Purves, Director of William Purves explains: “Customers who have purchased pre-payment plans designed to cover the cost of their funerals are naturally concerned about the implications of the reform. 

“Thankfully we can put our customers’ minds at rest as in recent years our plans have been one of the big three providers. However, the stark reality is that some customers’ pre-bought funerals, particularly those bought from smaller providers, may not be honoured.“ 

A number of funeral plan providers have already decided to stop operating and have approached larger providers to take over their plans – sadly some are expected to fold as the July deadline looms. 

Andrew continued: “My advice is if you have concerns or worries speak to the Funeral Director who you purchased the plan from, or the plan provider themselves, and ask what guarantees they can provide.

“We are in the process of contacting all William Purves pre-payment customers to update them on the situation.

“We welcome the regulation of pre-paid plans which are designed to protect customers and raise standards for plans sold in the future; however, this is of little comfort to those people who have taken steps to put their affairs in order and who may well be penalised.

“We will continue to keep our customers informed.” 

Education agencies to be reformed

Key national agencies Education Scotland (ES) and the SQA will be reformed as part of ambitious plans for Scotland’s education recovery, Education Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville has announced.

The Education Secretary said the role, remit and purpose of both organisations will be considered, as well as their functions and governance arrangements. 

Ms Somerville announced the reforms as she outlined wide-ranging plans for education recovery in the first 100 days of government and beyond.

These include:

  • investing over £1 billion to close the poverty related attainment gap
  • recruiting 3,500 additional teachers and classroom assistants
  • ensuring every schoolchild has access to the technology they need to support their education
  • making free school lunches available to all P4 children before extending to all primary school children, all year round
  • expanding free early learning and childcare and developing the provision of wraparound care and after-school clubs
  • increasing the school clothing grant and the Best Start Food grant
  • providing interim support – including a £100 payment near the start of the summer holidays – for eligible children before the formal expansion of the Scottish Child Payment next year
  • offering a £20 million Summer Programme to help restore the wellbeing of children and young people, particularly those worst hit by COVID-19
  • removing charges for core curriculum activities and music and arts education
  • working with colleges and universities to ensure they remain sustainable and at the forefront of global education and research.

Laying out the Scottish Government’s visions and ambitions for education, the Education Secretary said the priority was to continue to deliver excellence and equity, despite the pandemic, with the health and wellbeing of pupils at the forefront of the plans.

This next phase of recovery activity builds on almost £400 million of investment committed in this area to date.

Ms Somerville said: “I hope this programme outlines our determination to deliver improvements with pace and urgency. I am open to considering what further reform is necessary, with the clear purpose of doing all we can to improve outcomes for children.  This includes reducing variability in the outcomes children and young people achieve across the country.

“I want to look at options for reform which ensure that schools get the best possible support and challenge to enable them to improve further and to do the very best for the children in their care; to enable them to focus relentlessly on providing the highest quality of learning and teaching for our children, and to ensure that those working in education outwith schools are fully focused on doing everything they can to provide the highest quality of support.

“I want to signal my intention to start this process by considering how to reform the SQA and Education Scotland. This will be a key priority for me.”

Ms Somerville said the reform plans would be informed by the findings of the OECD review into Curriculum for Excellence, which is due to be published on 21 June.

The EIS has welcomed the review. EIS General Secretary Larry Flanagan said, “We have for some time been arguing for reform of the SQA and, in particular, the need for a stronger governance model which would see the qualifications authority more accountable to the Education system and the profession, rather than to the Scottish Government or an opaque, Government appointed, Board.

“Our members have often found the SQA to be too remote from classroom practice and a significant generator of additional workload for teachers. Reform of the qualifications body should be matched by changes to the senior phase, which focus on creating time for deeper learning, breadth of study and parity between ‘academic’ and vocational’ qualifications.”

Mr Flanagan added, “With regard to Education Scotland the key issue is to create more independence for this body and move it closer to its role of supporting schools and teachers rather than being under the direction of the Scottish Government.

“Education Scotland should be free to challenge Government rather than being an extension of the civil service. There also needs to be a significant review of the usefulness of the current inspection process in what is meant to be an empowered education system.”

Communities to benefit from social housing reforms


Social tenants and landlords are set to benefit from a number of reforms announced yesterday  by Housing Minister Margaret Burgess. The reforms will  change the way social landlords allocate and manage their housing. They will allow social landlords to address the specific needs of the local community, ensuring best use of available social housing, tackling antisocial behaviour  and providing further protection for tenants.

Speaking at the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations’ Annual Conference, the Housing Minister outlined the measures, which are likely to form part of a forthcoming Housing Bill.

This includes:

  • Replacing prescriptive and outdated priority groups with a broader framework that gives landlords and their communities more local flexibility
  • Allowing landlords to consider any property that a social housing applicant already owns when allocating housing
  • Introducing a qualifying period before succession to a tenancy following the death of a tenant
  • Allowing a minimum period to be put in place before antisocial tenants are eligible for the allocation of social housing
  • Introducing a new right for tenants to appeal a landlord’s decision to suspend them from being allocated a property
  • Allowing landlords to give Short Scottish Secure Tenancies to applicants and tenants with a history of antisocial behaviour
  • Simplifying eviction procedures for tenants convicted of a serious offence

During the SFHA Conference Mrs Burgess also announced that initial or probationary tenancies will not be included in the Housing Bill.

She said:

“The changes I am announcing today will ensure that we deliver first-rate homes and services to tenants, residents and homeless people – the most vulnerable in our society. By giving landlords greater flexibility at a local level they will be able to respond to the needs of their local community.

“In order to provide affordable warm homes for people in Scotland it is vital that we continue to find ways to increase supply and quality across all tenures. Despite Westminster’s cuts to our capital budget, we have taken every opportunity to increase our investment in housing. By the end of April we had allocated £200m additional funding for housing supply, bringing total investment to almost £860m in the three years to March 2015.”