PYCP marks AGM with dance studio opening

Pilton Youth and Children’s Project (PYCP) are holding their Annual General Meeting on Friday 28 September at 3pm in The Greenhouse on West Pilton Place. This will be no ordinary, humdrum business meeting, however – Scottish rugby legend Chris Paterson will officially open PYCP’s brand new purpose-built creative dance studio at the event!

PYCP’s senior development worker LAURA McLAREN explains all:

Pilton Youth and Children’s Project

“The Wooden Spoon Studio”

Pilton Youth and Children’s Project are delighted to announce the opening of their new studio, made possible by a generous award from “Wooden Spoon”, the children’s charity of rugby. Wooden Spoon was founded in 1983 and is dedicated to helping disadvantaged children and young people across the British Isles live happier, richer lives. The charity comprises of over 40 regional volunteer committees, a central national team and over 10,000 members. All regional committees undertake many local fundraising activities and only spend the money raised on projects in their local community. During their first 25 years, over half a million young people benefitted from more than £18 million of charitable support thanks to the efforts of staff and volunteers.

PYCP have worked with Wooden Spoon since late last year, liaising with Charlie Bryden, Regional Committee Chair for Scotland. This resulted in a grant of up to £10,000 with which to renovate an unused room at PYCP into a multi-purpose creative studio. PYCP work with children from the age of 5 to young people age 18. Although staff have been able to offer short-term creative projects, it was felt by both workers and young people of all ages that a protected space with which to develop activities such as dance and drama would be really beneficial.

The grant from Wooden Spoon has enabled PYCP to lay special dance suitable sprung flooring and a large mirror so that young people can watch themselves practice dance routines. They have also been able to buy dance barres and a new sound system. The funding has also helped PYCP update their stage lighting, as well as giving the room a new look with fresh decorating. Children, young people and indeed the wider community are really excited about using the new studio; the first creative project might be a Christmas show!!

Wooden Spoon works closely with the UK rugby community, also involving some of rugby’s top sporting role models in making a difference in the lives of young people in need. PYCP were lucky enough to have Chris Paterson, MBE AND Scottish rugby’s record cap and points holder, to officially open the studio on Friday 28 September as part of PYCP’s Annual General Meeting.

For more information or a tour of the studio, please contact Pilton Youth and Children’s Project on 0131 332 9815.

Laura McLaren, PYCP

PYCP summer programme unveiled

Pilton Youth and Children’s Project’s Summer Programme is hot off the press and it’s packed with fun activities for the holidays.

From barbecues and fun clubs to movie clubs and summer snowboarding (!) – and trips to the Fringe, Blair Drummond and Laser Quest, too – there should be something to keep children and young people happy over the summer.

Spaces for trips are limited and priority will be given to existing service users; sign up day is Friday 6 July from 10am – 3pm.

For further information telephone 332 9815, visit PYCP’s website at or email



Crimbo at PY

PYCP’s Christmas party was a spectacular end to a busy year!

Over 80 children attended our Christmas party and were entertained by Alexander the great with his magic tricks and balloon skills. The children enjoyed a fabulous buffet and participated in party games enjoying all the old favourites such as musical statues, bumps and pass the parcel. We had some amazing disco dancers who boogied the day away and were awarded a fantastic prize for their hard work and energy levels!

To end the party all of the children who attended met Santa and received a wonderful gift! The project applied to Radio Forth’s cash for kids who provided us with toys and a grant to buy all the children a gift for Christmas!

We would like to thank all the children who attended, our volunteers who helped out and radio forth. The day would not have been as successful without the support of all of these agencies and people.

Lesley Ross

Pilton Youth & Chidren Project

Its all happening at PYCP

Life at PYCP has been as busy as ever and Senior Project Worker Laura McLaren told us “We had a packed 5 week summer programme for children and young people aged 5-18. We chose a different theme each week; “discovery week”, “residential week”, “art attack”, “move it week” and “fun week”. This included building based activities such as mask making, drumming, zumba, circus skills and an “It’s a Knockout” competition.”

Young people enjoy taking a rest whilst on a trip. (pic: PYCP)

The local project also organised a range of trips, to places such as Almond Valley, the cinema at Ocean Terminal and “World of Soccer”, as well as residentials to the Innerwick Centre at Dunbar and Loch Tay. PYCP also worked with a range of other agencies such as Pilton Equalities Project, where they helped with gardening and provided a series of events as part of the Play Practitioners Forum, where children from other agencies came to participate in arts and crafts and basketball. Theyalso had several teams in the over 12’s area wide treasure hunt, “The Quest”.

Children enjoy taking part in Circus Skills. (Pic: PYCP)

Laura continued “Our open access programme continues to engage high numbers of young people, with 22 different clubs and groups a week. We have had some exciting new developments in our term time programme, with a new project called “Positive Pathways” that aims to support young people into volunteering opportunities, particularly within PYCP. We also have a new group work programme funded by the Cattanach Trust, where pupils from Forthview Primary School are referred for additional support. We have also built upon our sexual health and relationship programme of support and are now offering tailored sessions to local agencies. This initiative began with a very successful project with young mums at Stepping Stones.”

Face painting is also very popular at PYCP (pic: PYCP)

“As well as raising funds for specific projects, we continue to organise one off sponsored and community events. In July, Mark Hunter who is one of our Youth and Children’s Workers, along with his Friends Dave Girvan and Mark Roper, completed a gruelling 142 mile sponsored cycle from Aberdeen to Edinburgh. A total of £1200.00 was raised, with all proceeds going to activities for service users of PYCP. We also raised £200.00 collecting before and after the match at a Hibs game in September.”

The next fundraising event is a Christmas Fair, on Friday 9th December from 12-2.00pm, where there will be a craft stall, a home baking stall, a raffle and a café. We are also holding a competition for children and young people at PYCP to design a Christmas card and the winning entries will be printed and on sale at the Fair. We hope to see you there”

For more information on the vast services available at PYCP give them a call on 332 9815.