Holyrood elections: planning is key for safe campaign and polls

The safety of campaigners, election workers and the public is central to plans for the Scottish Parliament election, Parliamentary Business Minister Graeme Dey has said.

In a statement to the Scottish Parliament yesterday, Mr Dey said Scottish Government guidance will be published shortly setting out what is permitted under public health restrictions. This approach has been discussed with all political parties.

The Electoral Commission is also publishing guidance for candidates for the election, which takes place on 6 May.

Under the plans, leafleting could start from 15 March if sufficient progress is made for the current rules on socialising to be eased to allow outdoor meetings of four people from two households.

Strict safety measures will also need to be observed including physical distancing and wearing of face coverings.

Because of the ongoing threat from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, face-to-face campaigning on the doorstep cannot commence at the same time as leafleting.

Instead, the provisional intention is to allow door-to-door canvassing from 5 April provided the current Stay at Home restrictions have been lifted and the infection rate across Scotland has fallen to 50 per 100,000.

This is the infection rate which the World Health Organisation considers as evidence the pandemic is sufficiently under control to allow safe community activity.

However, activities such as street stalls, physical hustings and giving voters a lift to polling stations will not be permitted for the duration of the campaign.

Mr Dey said: “An enormous amount of work has taken place across our electoral community to ensure that the election in May can be conducted safely. It is as a result of the hard work of electoral professionals over the course of the winter that I am confident the election can go ahead on 6 May.

“It is fundamental for a democracy to hold scheduled elections, provided it is safe to do so. This parliament has sat for a year longer than originally intended and many countries have already held elections successfully during the pandemic.

“It is also the case that eight local government by-elections were held in Scotland over October and November safely and fairly.

“I would like to offer my sincere thanks to all those involved in preparations for polling and the counting of votes and also members of political parties across the parliament who continue to engage constructively in the lead up to the election.”

Malcolm Burr, convener of the Electoral Management Board, said: “Returning Officers take the management of all elections very seriously. On 6 May, we will be just as committed to ensuring the safety of voters, candidates, staff, and others as we are to ensuring the integrity of the electoral process.

“There will be challenges caused by the pandemic, but with the right planning, support from Public Health officials, guidance from the Electoral Commission and the directions to Returning Officers and Electoral Registration Officers, a safe and well-run election can take place with results in which voters can have confidence.”

For more information on the safety of the election and campaigning read the full parliamentary statement.

One third reduction in deliberate fire-raising incidents

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service says there is no room for complacency

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service mobilised firefighters to a total of 2,491 incidents of deliberate fire-raising between March and April 2020 compared to 3,658 incidents in 2019 – a 32 per cent reduction.

The figures were released as the Service launches its annual Spring Safety campaign.

Deputy Assistant Chief Officer Alasdair Perry, SFRS Head of Prevention and Protection said: “While any reduction in the number of deliberate fires is welcomed, we simply cannot be complacent.

Deliberate fires have the potential to cause injury and even death or cause devastating damage to our environment and properties.

“One deliberate fire is one too many – they are a needless drain on emergency service resources at a difficult time.”

The data shows how deliberate fires in Spring last year included 379 in the city of Glasgow (a decrease of 42%) 329 in North Lanarkshire (a decrease of 41%) and East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde and Renfrewshire 188 (decrease of 43%).

Most reported fires took place outdoors and were set in either grassland or rubbish and refuse, however some incidents also included vehicles and even buildings.

The significant reduction also coincided with Scotland’s first Covid-19 lockdown which introduced restrictions on movement which continue into Spring 2021.

DACO Perry said: “Last year we saw restrictions put in place on social movement, and this year is no different as we continue to tackle this pandemic.

“As well as limits on how far people can travel, we also know that schools, clubs and community groups are affected or unable to open due to Covid-19 restrictions.

“Our firefighters and community action teams have been and will continue to work extremely hard to engage with the public and promote safety messages.

“But as we cannot conduct school visits or engage with young people directly through clubs and groups, I would ask parents, guardians and carers to help by making sure that children and young people are aware of the risks and consequences of deliberate fire setting.

“It is vital we continue to remind people that deliberate fire setting is a crime and a criminal record can affect future life and job opportunities – a price that can be easily avoided.”

Anyone with information about deliberate fire-raising should contact the free and confidential Crimestoppers helpline on 0800 555 111.

Follow the rules this weekend

Last weekend we saw large numbers of vehicles parking inconsiderately in and around certain areas in Edinburgh including Portobello, the Pentland Hills, Cramond Brig, Marine Drive and South Queensferry.

Chief Inspector Neil Wilson, from St Leonard’s Police Station, said: “We are fortunate to have so many wonderful parks and open spaces in the city, but please remember that several car parks which would usually accommodate these areas are currently closed to the public and some of our popular areas for exercising have limited parking available.

“I appreciate that people are keen to head out to exercise and enjoy what Edinburgh has to offer, but you should have a backup plan in the event that you can’t park your vehicle safely. Do not park irresponsibly, as you may restrict local residents and other road users or block access for emergency services.

“Parking your vehicle on a pavement or on a road in such a way as to cause an obstruction is not only an offence, but puts other road users and pedestrians at risk.

We will be paying particular attention to key areas this coming weekend in response to the recent parking issues and officers will carry out enforcement action if necessary.

“People should also be mindful of the current guidelines in respect of meeting others outdoors.

“The Chief Constable has already made it clear that our approach throughout the pandemic has not changed. Police Scotland officers will continue to support people to follow the regulations and encourage them to take personal responsibility.

“People should not leave their home unless for essential purposes. The best way to stay safe is to stay at home.”

For the latest guidelines from the Scottish Government, visit its website here:


Police: Do the right thing this weekend

A statement from Edinburgh Police:

Last weekend saw an increase in people gathering at parks and open spaces in the city, particularly at Portobello Beach and the Meadows.

We fully recognise the impact the restrictions are having on people’s lives, but it is clear that significant sacrifices are vital to help suppress the spread of coronavirus.

The Chief Constable has made it clear that our approach throughout the pandemic has not changed and officers will continue to support people to follow the regulations and encourage them to take personal responsibility.

We will have increased patrols in our communities to explain the regulations and to encourage people to do the right thing.

Where officers encounter wilful breaches they will act decisively to enforce the law.

For the latest guidelines from the Scottish Government, visit its website here: http://ow.ly/VCDa50D8jZb

Council Leader: ‘Stay away from Holyrood demo’

Demonstrators ‘not welcome’

City Council Leader Adam McVey is urging members of the public to stay at home and not attend a planned demonstration at the Scottish Parliament today.

The council leader said: “We’ve been liaising with Police Scotland and we fully support their advice that people should stay at home. While people are entitled to express their opinions, to do so in this way and at this time puts our residents at unnecessary additional risk.

“This simply isn’t safe. To attend a protest like this now would be incredibly selfish and those doing so would be putting our families and communities at greater risk when numbers of transmissions are already far too high in Edinburgh.

“This attempt to create a crowd is utterly disrespectful to our businesses and residents who are sacrificing so much to try and keep all of us safe.

Anyone thinking of breaking the rules by travelling to Edinburgh to attend this event should not do so – they are not welcome.”

Fire Service issues frozen water warning

THE Scottish Fire and Rescue Service is warning communities across Scotland to stay clear of frozen water as temperatures drop. 

The national service is urging the public to be aware of the risks of going onto or allowing children and pets to go onto the ice. 

According to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, more than 50 per cent of all drowning cases involving ice in the UK involved the attempted rescue of another person or a pet. 

And SFRS is warning that while ice can look and feel solid, it can suddenly crack and cause a person to fall through and potentially become trapped under the ice. 

DACO Alasdair Perry is SFRS’ Head of Prevention and Protection. He said: “We would ask everyone to be aware of the dangers of ice during this cold snap and strongly advise against walking or playing on any iced-up waterways and always ensure that children are kept away from any iced over ponds or rivers.

“If you are out with your pet, do not throw sticks or balls near frozen water, and if they do get into trouble on the ice, do not venture onto the ice yourself to attempt a rescue – dial 999. 

“The ice may look solid, but it is not worth the risk to step out on to it.”

The low temperature of the water can also bring on cold-water shock, which can be potentially deadly. 

Cold-water shock can cause breathing difficulties, blood vessels to close, the heart-rate to increase and lead to a heart attack. 

Michael Avril, the Royal National Lifeboat Institution’s Regional Water Safety Lead for Scotland, said: “Walking on ice is extremely risky and unpredictable and the RNLI advise that you avoid doing this.

“If you do fall through, the freezing water temperatures can bring on cold water shock.  

“If you find yourself or someone else in trouble, dial 999 and ask for the fire service immediately. Do not attempt to rescue anyone yourself.” 

For more information on Cold Water Shock please visit the RNLI website at https://rnli.org/safety/know-the-risks/cold-water-shock 

For more information on how to stay safe around frozen water, visit https://www.rlss.org.uk/winter-water-safety or https://www.rospa.com/leisure-safety/water/advice/ice.aspx 

An update from Sainsbury’s Chief Executive Simon Roberts

With tighter restrictions and national lockdowns back in place, I want to reassure you that we are doing everything we can to keep you and our colleagues safe when you shop with us (writes Sainsbury’s Chief Executive SIMON ROBERTS).

Everyone must wear a mask in our stores

Keeping you and our colleagues safe is our absolute priority and we are looking again at all of our safety measures in stores.

We continue to limit the number of people in our shops at any one time and we have greeters outside every supermarket to help with this.

We are also asking all customers to please wear a mask and to shop alone. This will help us limit the number of people shopping at any one time and help everyone shop and work safely.

We’ll also have posters and tannoy messages making it really clear that everyone must wear a mask, unless you have an exemption.

Convenience stores will also have colleagues at the store entrances to help customers and manage numbers. All our stores have hand sanitising stations available for you to use at the entrance and please be assured our colleagues continue to regularly clean trolleys and baskets.

Ramping up online capacity

As people are being asked to stay at home, more people want to shop online and we’re doing everything we can to support you with this. We have increased slots from 340,000 last March to over 800,000 per week now and we’re doing everything we can to increase that number, across both home delivery and click and collect. We continue to give elderly, disabled and vulnerable customers priority access to these slots.

Please shop for others and only buy what you need

We have good availability of products in our stores and online and we have new stock arriving from our suppliers every day. You can still feel confident that you can find what you need at Sainsbury’s and if we all continue to buy just what we need, there will be enough food for everyone.

It’s been really heartening to see so many of you and our colleagues doing what you can to help elderly and vulnerable people in your communities. With clinically extremely vulnerable people required to shield once again in many areas, I would like to encourage everyone to please shop for others if you can. Our Volunteer Shopping Card can help you do this without needing to use cash.

Supporting our communities

With your help, our ‘Help Brighten a Million Christmases’ campaign raised nearly £6 million for over 800 local charitable partners as well as Comic Relief and FareShare. Thank you for all of your support and donations.

To continue to support our communities as we head into this third lockdown, I’m pleased to let you know that we’re creating another £1 million local community fund for all our stores to donate to charities and other good causes in their local area over the coming months.

We are also continuing to support the government’s free school meal vouchers scheme, helping children who qualify for free school meals have access to these meals while schools are closed.

I want to thank all of our colleagues who continue to deal with these challenges that affect their everyday lives while also carrying out a vital role in helping to feed the nation. Thank you too for helping us to keep you and our colleagues safe.

As always, if there is anything you think we could be doing better please let me know.

Best wishes


Hogmanay appeal: celebrate safely at home

Police and council leaders have urged residents to adhere to national guidance as we welcome 2021.

Ahead of tonight’s midnight moment, Council Leader Adam McVey, Depute Leader Cammy Day and Police Scotland’s Deputy Chief Constable Malcolm Graham, are reminding residents to adhere to the ongoing level 4 restrictions in the Capital.

Deputy Chief Constable Malcolm Graham, said: We’re asking everyone to continue to do the right thing to stop the spread of this virus and protect public health as it’s clear that there is an ongoing risk.

“Remember that parties and indoor gatherings of different households are not permitted and we will continue to use our enforcement powers to disperse large groups of people where necessary.

“Our approach throughout the pandemic has been to engage with the public, explain the legislation and guidance, and encourage compliance, but we will not hesitate to continue to use our enforcement powers as a last resort.

“Please follow the Scottish Government’s advice, which is to celebrate Hogmanay and the New Year with your own household only, in your own home.”

Council Leader Adam McVey said: “The best and safest place to celebrate Hogmanay this year is at home.

“Cases have increased significantly so please don’t go round to friends’ houses and keep adhering to the guidance – more gatherings at Hogmanay will cause increased risk to people across the Capital and in particular our NHS staff and services.

“Following the rules now is the quickest way to get restrictions lifted and hopefully we can look back at this Hogmanay as one of our final sacrifices in the battle against the virus.

“As 2020 comes to a close and with the roll out of vaccines underway, we can look more positively towards 2021. But for now, and this Hogmanay, please keep following the guidance, please stay at home and keep yourself and others safe.”

Deputy Leader Cammy Day said: Public safety must be our top priority as we continue the fight against Covid-19 and, by following the guidance as you have done so admirably since it began, you can play your part once more.

“We’ve worked closely with Underbelly and other partners to produce a fitting online celebration of Hogmanay and, having already paid tribute to our NHS and frontline workers with a fantastic pyrotechnic show on the Castle Esplanade, I would encourage everyone to tune in to the finale of the UK’s largest swarm drone display as we bid Fare Well to 2020. It’s a truly spectacular and moving show, befitting of Edinburgh’s status as the Home of Hogmanay.

“Let’s see out the year safely and look forward to a better and more positive 2021.”

Following the cancellation of the world famous street party, Edinburgh’s Hogmanay has moved to an entirely online celebration with a series of spectacular ‘moments’ that can be watched from home.

Featuring the UK’s largest swarm drone show, Edinburgh’s Hogmanay will bring to life an exciting new piece of writing by award-winning poet and Scots Makar, Jackie Kay. Fare Well is split into three, 5-minute parts, that can be viewed online at 7pm tonight.

Full details of Edinburgh’s Hogmanay celebrations can be found at www.edinburghshogmanay.com

Signature Group becomes first chain of Fever Free hospitality outlets in Scotland


  • Adoption of FEVER FREE™ ZONE will instil confidence in staff and customers  
  • Hospitality sector across Scotland has been crippled as a result of lockdown restrictions  
  • Validated Temperature checks on entry, activating a six-hour pass will inspire confidence and afford both customers and staff, a safer environment for activity

Leading Scottish hospitality chain, Signature Group has confirmed that it is set to become the first group of hospitality outlets, officially endorsed by FEVER FREE™ ZONE. The new technology will be piloted in McLarens on the Corner – in Bruntsfield, Edinburgh – before being rolled out across other venues including Kyloe, Huxley and Cold Town House.   

Their decision to adopt the pioneering technology developed by Medical doctor, clinical epidemiologist and public health consultant, Dr Paul Nelson has been influenced by their mission to afford both customers and staff the safest possible environment following the outbreak of C-19 earlier in the year.  

Louise Maclean, Business Development Director for Signature Group comments, “This has been a really tough year for the hospitality sector in general, with so many outlets being forced to close their doors indefinitely as a result of government restrictions.

“As a business we have invested over £250,000 in covid mitigation since the outbreak of the pandemic and we are committed to doing everything in our power, to ensure that our customers and staff feel as safe as possible.”

Dr Paul Nelson said: “Our technology supports responsible businesses to become gatekeepers protecting the economy as well as reassuring customers of a fever free space in which they can spend their time.

“The six-hour temperature checks should serve as a strong reminder that the right to enter economically vulnerable spaces and ultimately the shape of our future is tied to our individual responsibility to do what we can, not to infect others.”

FEVER FREE™ ZONE could be the missing piece for keeping us in the lower tiers in the short term and may be required even when the vaccine is fully rolled out  . The simple integrated symptom screening membership service designed to enable businesses and customers to reduce the risk of exposure to people with Covid-19 is completely non-invasive and simple to operate.  

Temperature checks on entry, activating a six-hour pass will afford shop workers and patrons a safer environment inspiring confidence and boosting economic activity. If high temperature is detected, the shopkeeper will encourage the person to go home and the app will prompt them to seek medical advice and engage with the NHS. Anonymity is protected as data on temperature is never stored for an identifiable individual on the FEVER FREE™ ZONE system.  

Louise Maclean, Director of Sales and Marketing for Signature Group concludes: “Our vision is to nurture a portfolio of preferred, destination venues for socialising and experiencing the best of Scottish, independent hospitality for locals and tourists alike.

“We take pride in building a reputation for great people, great products and, most importantly, consistently brilliant customer service and this is why we have taken the decision to work with Paul and his team at FEVER FREE™ ZONE.”

Government guidelines should be followed at all times, such as wearing a face covering and maintaining social distancing guidelines.

For more information visit: www.feverfree.zone 

Teachers say Scottish Government is failing to support school safety

85% of teachers working in level 3 and 4 areas believe schools should move to a blended or remote learning model to protect the safety and welfare of pupils and staff, and over three-quarters (77%) believe their school remaining fully open is a political decision, rather than one based on safety.

76% of teachers across the whole of Scotland said they do not feel the Government is providing the necessary support for them and their school during the pandemic.

A survey of over 700 teachers across Scotland by NASUWT-The Teachers’ Union, found serious concerns over the adequacy of the health and safety measures in place in schools and the level of protection currently being afforded to pupils and staff.

67% reported that pupils in their school have displayed symptoms of Covid-19, with just over half (51%) saying that classes or year groups had been sent home because of suspected or confirmed cases of the virus.

57% said staff in their school have displayed Covid symptoms.

Only a quarter (25%) of teachers feel the control measures introduced in their school are adequate with only just over a third (34%) saying they feel confident in the way their school is dealing with suspected or confirmed cases of Covid.

Just under half (49%) of teachers say they feel unsafe or very unsafe in their school, versus 16% who say they feel safe or very safe.

The survey also highlights the impact of the pandemic on teachers’ workloads, with nearly four in five (79%) saying their workload has increased or substantially increased compared to the same point last year. Remote learning preparation was cited as the biggest driver of increased workloads, with 74% saying they have been expected to develop and deliver remote learning provision in addition to their existing workload.

74% cited their current levels of stress and anxiety around work as high or very high.

Patrick Roach,NASUWT General Secretary,said:

“The NASUWT wants schools to remain open, but to remain open safely, with additional measures which prioritise the safety and welfare of pupils and staff.

“We believe that a move to blended learning with smaller class sizes in areas with the highest rates of Covid should be part of the strategy to managing and suppressing the virus, along with greater protections for clinically vulnerable staff and enhanced safety mitigations.

“We need better data on case numbers in schools, a system of inspection and enforcement of safety measures, rigorous protocols on self-isolation when cases do occur and more funding and resources for schools to ensure safety is not compromised on the grounds of cost.

“The challenges of developing and adopting blended and remote learning are clearly having an unsustainable impact on teachers’ workloads, which is why funding for additional supply teachers is needed so that schools can maintain consistent and high-quality learning provision for pupils learning in the classroom and at home.”

Jane Peckham, NASUWT National Official Scotland, said:

“Teachers do not feel the Government is doing enough to support their safety and that of the pupils they teach and feel ministers are failing to fully recognise the tremendous pressures they are facing in continuing to provide education to children and young people in these unprecedented circumstances.

“The failure to address these realities is risking the health and safety of pupils and school staff.

“Without action we will see more pupils being absent from school and more teachers being absent from work because of illness or because they need to self-isolate. We will also see more teachers succumbing to mental and physical burnout.

“We have already set out to minister the additional actions we believe need to be taken to protect the education of children and young people whilst ensuring that our schools can continue to operate safely.

“It is now incumbent on Government to fulfil its responsibilities to protect children, young people and all those who work in our schools.”