Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden public meeting

The Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden became a charity in December 2018 (SCIO no SC048884).

We will therefore give a report on the finances and activities of the organisation up to the end of its time as an unincorporated community group.

This will be a public meeting and you are welcome to come along to Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on Monday 2 September at 5pm.



Talk Climate Change in Granton tonight


TONIGHT at Granton:Hub 6 – 7.30pm

Find out about the crisis we are all facing at a talk and join the discussion.

“We can no longer stand by and act as if the future doesn’t matter. We face floods, wildfires, extreme weather, crop failure, mass migration and the breakdown of society. World leaders have failed to adequately confront this crisis.

“Extinction Rebellion is an international network using non-violent direct action to persuade governments to act on the Climate and Ecological Emergency. People of all ages and backgrounds, from school age children to 80 year olds, are joining in action.”


Jeane Freeman to chair NHS Lothian’s Annual Review public meeting

NHS Lothian’s Annual Review will take place on Monday 4th February. The public meeting will be chaired by Ms Jeane Freeman MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, and is the formal process through which the Scottish Government assesses NHS Lothian’s performance in 2017-2018. Continue reading Jeane Freeman to chair NHS Lothian’s Annual Review public meeting

Early release traffic signals for cyclists proposed

“Road safety is absolutely paramount” – Transport Convener Councillor Lesley Macinnes

New traffic signals which give cyclists a head-start ahead of other traffic are being proposed under the latest plans for safety improvements along Edinburgh’s tram route. The proposals, which are now out for consultation, follow the death of student Zhi Min Soh in an accident at the West End last May.

Continue reading Early release traffic signals for cyclists proposed

Trinity CC’s best ever attended meeting discusses Wardie Playing Fields proposals

A little bit late this month but hopefully worth the wait following our biggest ever meeting (writes BILL RODGER).  Continue reading Trinity CC’s best ever attended meeting discusses Wardie Playing Fields proposals

Social Bite’s Josh Littlejohn to address local community council

Josh Littlejohn MBE, founder of Social Bite and the man behind the homeless village on the Granton waterfront, will be guest speaker at West Pilton & West Granton Community Council next week.

The meeting takes place on Tuesday 6 February at 7pm in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre. All welcome.

Tonight’s West Pilton youth discussion goes ahead as planned

Tonight’s West Pilton West Granton Community Council meeting is going ahead, West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre have confirmed.

It was feared that the discussion on youth issues would have to be cancelled due to staff sickness but janitorial cover has been found and the meeting will go ahead as planned.

The meeting starts at 7pm – all welcome.

Prentice Centre ‘overwhelmed’ by community support

Great response to threatened Centre’s call for support


I have attached a few photographs from the evening which, sorry, I could only take at one angle as the hall was so packed out: I had to take it from the back, standing in the kitchen! Continue reading Prentice Centre ‘overwhelmed’ by community support