Council agrees £22 million Budget ‘savings’

‘It’s a broken council which is failing it’s people and this budget must be rejected’ – Linda Garcia, WIG group


 Councillors have set Edinburgh’s budget after a marathon meeting at the City Chambers yesterday. A raft of deputations from across the city urged the council to reject a budget package of cuts and service reorganisation aimed at saving £22 million this year, but councillors voted to approved the budget.

Leading the deputations was Royston Wardieburn Community Centre’s Women’s International Group (WIG). Royston Wardieburn was the city’s very first purpose-built community centre – it first opened in 1965. Two years ago – after years of hard work by the management committee – a brand new centre was opened, but members fear that all that good work could be undone by proposals to change the way community centres are operated.

WIG’s Anna Hutchison told councillors: “We are very concerned about these proposals. We have achieved a great deal in our Centre in recent years, but there is still a great deal of work to be done and we cannot build on our achievements when everything keep changing.

“Cutting CLD (community learning and development) staff and removing them from centres seems very short-sighted given that the Scottish Government is now requiring all councils to produce a CLD plan stating how they intend to build stronger, more influential and inclusive communities and improve life chances through learning and active citizenship.”

She warned that voluntary management committee members would ‘walk away’ if proposals to change the role of CLD staff in the running of community centres is implemented.

WIG’s Linda Garcia added: “We do not accept the proposed budget. We do not accept the way Edinburgh’s finances are being run. We do not accept that inequality, poverty and powerlessness are inevitable in our communities.

“We have been ‘trained’ to believe that no alternative (to cuts) is possible and that achieving a decent and fair society is just too damn complicated, so best not to try! We do not accept that this is the case. We want a council which puts citizens at it’s heart”.

“We believe that this budget is unacceptable to the citizens of Edinburgh. Unfortunately, despite a string of scandals, the Council seems unable to change. It is a broken Council which is failing it’s people and this budget must be rejected”.

“We demand that you join the campaign to secure additional funding from the Scottish and Westminster governments to safeguard our public services.

“We demand that you support Unite’s campaign to restructure the £1.2 billion debt owed by the Public Works Loan Board – paying £56 million in interest charges each year is completely unacceptable.

“We demand that the Scottish Parliament orders a Public Inquiry to examine the mismanagement of this Council, the numerous scandals and cover-ups by successive administrations.

She concluded: “We demand that you return power to the people.”

The group, joined by supporters in the public gallery, then serenaded councillors with a song! Based on the original Italian partisan song Bella Ciao, WIG’s words are:

The public sector is for the people

Oh bella ciao; bella ciao; bella ciao, ciao, ciao

The public sector is for the people

Not for sale to profiteers.

Oh we are singing for education

 Oh bella ciao; bella ciao; bella ciao, ciao, ciao

We are singing for education

And an equal right to learn.

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer

Oh bella ciao; bella ciao; bella ciao, ciao, ciao

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer,

Unnecessary and unfair.

They cut the funding, they cut the workers

Oh bella ciao; bella ciao; bella ciao, ciao, ciao

They cut the funding, they cut the workers

Ain’t no ‘Big Society’.

Following that musical interlude, WIG were followed by a succession of deputations from across the city, each one urging the city to think again. EVOC, Edinburgh East Save Our Services, Edinburgh Tenants Federation, Edinburgh Trade Union Council, UNITE Edinburgh Not for Profit Branch, Edinburgh Anti-Cuts Alliance, Friends of the Meadows and Bruntsfield Links, UNISON and the EIS: each one advanced powerful arguments – but ultimately each one was unsuccessful as councillors voted to press ahead with the cuts.

Protecting frontline services in Edinburgh for young, old and vulnerable residents was a priority at the budget meeting, according to senior councillors. Investment in roads and pavements, investing in school infrastructure and working towards the redevelopment of Meadowbank Sports Centre and Stadium were other key priority areas. 

Councillors say public opinion expressed during the recent budget consultation helped to influence key decisions as they attempted to balance the city’s books.

Cllr Alasdair Rankin, Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee, said: “Given the financial challenges all local authorities are facing over the next few years, we want to invest in the areas that are essential to Edinburgh and so it is important that the public continue to tell us what is important to them.

“This year we published the draft budget in October and 3,525 people gave us their views – five times the number of responses compared to last year. We also used a new online planner to give respondents the opportunity to express what they feel the Council’s priorities should be. The planner allowed us to show where we will incur costs in 2017/18, to demonstrate the impacts of increasing or decreasing spending in all of our services. This was extremely popular and 1,719 of those people took Edinburgh’s Budget Challenge.

Cllr Bill Cook, Vice-Convener of the Finance and Resources Committee, said: “We used the feedback received during the consultation process to help us make many key decisions such as maintaining funding for homelessness services, not increasing allotment charges and putting an extra £5m towards improving roads and pavements.”

The eight successive year’s Council Tax freeze maintains Edinburgh’s band D rate as the lowest of Scotland’s four major cities. 

The council tax band levels for Edinburgh in 2015/16 will be:

A: £779.33
B: £909.22
C: £1,039.11
D: £1,169.00
E: £1,428.78
F: £1,688.56
G: £1,948.33
H: £2,338.00

The total revenue budget is £949m for 2015/16. Council Tax funds 25% of this with 75% coming from Government grants and business rates. The total capital budget (including the HRA) is £245m.

Key budget provisions:

Ensuring every child in Edinburgh has the best start in life

– Allocated an additional £5m of capital to support rising school rolls

– More than £4m invested in Early Years Change Fund for services for the very youngest children

Ensuring Edinburgh, and its residents, are well cared-for

– Maintaining funding for commissioned homelessness services

Providing for Edinburgh’s economic growth and prosperity

– Maintaining £1m to continue supporting the Edinburgh Guarantee, helping improve job opportunities for young people

– Support the Strategic Investment Fund with an additional £4.5m

Strengthening and supporting our communities and keeping them safe

– Continuing to invest in community policing

– Allocating an additional £100,000 to each neighbourhood to allow local people to have an even greater say in how their area can be improved

Investing in roads, pavements and cycling infrastructure

– An additional £5m investment in roads and pavements taking the total to £20m

– Commit 8% of the transport revenue and capital budgets for creation and maintenance of cycle infrastructure

Becoming more efficient

– Delivery of procurement transformational efficiencies

– Implementing the Better Outcomes Leaner Delivery (BOLD) programme

– Reducing the head count of the organisation by developing existing staff, revising roles and responsibilities and implementing structural change in the organisation through the ’Organise to deliver’ programme

– Maximising income

– Maximising savings through the rationalisation of the Council’s property estate  

– Reducing carbon footprint and generating income through strategic energy projects

While the council argues that front line services are being protected, campaigners believe city councillors have let the capital down.

One Unite member who attended the lobby said: “This is a sad day for Edinburgh. You might have thought that a Labour-led council, supported by the SNP, would stand up for workers and communities – well, today’s vote shows you can think again. You can’t cut 1200 jobs without it having a huge effect on services and the people who will suffer most are the people in the poorest communities, the people who depend most on council services. People are angry – and rightly so, because these cuts will do real damage. Edinburgh is a rich city, yet our politicians vote through cuts on this scale? It’s shocking – they should be ashamed.”

A member of the Anti-Cuts Coalition added: “Deputation after deputation urged the council to reject this budget but it’s clear the councillors had already made their minds up. They blame Westminster, they blame Holyrood but at the end of the day our councillors have got to take a long, hard look at themselves.

“They have got to make a stand – if local councillors won’t support and fight for their communities, who will?

“Communities are being treated with contempt and remember – these cuts are just the start. We are facing another two years of austerity budgets, with more services slashed and hundreds of jobs lost – and when members of the public wake up to that it will be too late.”

Visit our Facebook page to see a webcast of the Budget meeting

You’ll find pictures of the lobby there too

Local groups unite to say: NO CUTS!



Edinburgh Council is planning to cut millions from its budget over the next three years. These cuts will affect all our public services.

We say


to our schools, nurseries, community centres, youth services, libraries, museums, social and day care services.

Join local groups and communities from across Edinburgh to save our services on budget day.

               Thursday 12 February 2015

8.30 am – 9.45 am

City Chambers, High Street.

For transport to and from the Chambers call Royston/Wardieburn Community Centre on 552 5700.                                

Stop the cuts.  Save our Services. Defend public sector jobs.

North Edinburgh is standing together and fighting back.


Womens International Group

Power to the People Group

Royston Wardieburn Community Centre

Fighting the cuts

Edinburgh Anti-Cuts Alliance meets this morning


10am Saturday 17 January  

Augustine Church,  41 George IV Bridge

Following on from the large public meeting on 27 November this organising meeting aims to bring together activists to plan a campaign against the cuts to vital services being made by Edinburgh Council.

The Council is proposing cuts of £22m for 2015/16, as part of a three-year strategy that will inflict further cuts of £55m and £77m in the next two financial years. This will significantly damage services for those most in need and will be resisted. All welcome.

Edinburgh Anti-Cuts Alliance (EACA) seeks to bring Edinburgh’s local anti-cuts groups together with trade unions, service-users’ groups and individuals to organise on a City-wide basis against public sector cuts, privatisation and welfare reform.

We are not affiliated to any political party and our meetings are open to all.

Anti-cuts meeting goes ahead tonight

RWCC (2)

The anti-cuts meeting will take place tonight at 6.30 in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre. We hope to finish by 8pm.

Edinburgh Anti-Cuts Alliance will be there to give us an update on what’s happening in other parts of the city and local councillor Cammy Day will join us after his surgery to answer any questions you might have about the proposed budget cuts and how they will affect our area.

We will then discuss plans for the mass lobby of the Council on 12 February when the budget will be set.

We hope you can join us.

Anna Hutchison
On behalf of WIG (Womens International Group) 

Council budget cuts: meeting at Royston Wardieburn next week

Womens International Group (WIG) are holding a follow up meeting from our 9 December one – the council budget Cuts will be announced  soon. 
The meeting will take place on:
Wednesday 14  January
at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre at 6-30pm.
We are hoping the local councillors will be in attendance to be able to answer questions regarding the cuts .
All welcome
Anna Hutchison (on behalf of WIG) 
 It was announced this week that more than 1,200 council jobs could go over the next three years under proposals to plug the city’s £67m funding gap.
The council insists there will be no compulsory redundancies and said the planned ‘transformation of services’ was designed to make them more efficient and customer focused.
City council Finance Convener Cllr Alistair Rankin said: “Of course change on this scale brings challenges but we need to take decisive action now to meet our targets and create a stronger, leaner, more agile council to better serve the people of Edinburgh.”Among the proposals under consideration are offering more services online, having a neighbourhood approach for face-to-face services and cutting grants to the voluntary sector by as much as 10%.The latest restructuring proposals will be considered by the Finance and Resources committee on Thursday and consultation with staff and trade unions is also being planned.

See below for relevant Council reports:



Protesters blockade Salvation Army store




Anti-poverty protestors blockaded Edinburgh’s main Salvation Army shop for three hours last Saturday (5th April) over the charity’s support of the Westminster government’s ‘work for benefits’ scheme. The demonstrators – the group included members of local campaigning group North Edinburgh Fights Back – displayed a giant banner proclaiming IF YOU EXPLOIT US, WE WILL SHUT YOU DOWN at the Earl Grey Street shop.

Dubbed The Starvation Army by its opponents, Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty (ECAP) says the Salvation Army is heavily involved nationally in the government’s controversial work-for-your-benefits schemes, and in Edinburgh is believed to be the main work placement for claimants ordered to participate in the Mandatory Work Activity scheme, administered by the provider learndirect.

ECAP claim The Salvation Army is also very involved in the Work Programme, under which even disabled claimants can be forced onto workfare. Claimants unable to take part in this unpaid work, or who decline to work for no pay, face having their benefits stopped under the government’s “enhanced sanctions” regime.

ECAP say the blockade was a success – the shop closed for a time and at least two women turned away and took their bag of donations to the nearby Shelter shop when they were informed of the ‘Sally Army’s’ involvement in workfare.

“We felt our action was very successful. We shut down a key workfare user for three hours at the busiest time of the week. And we gave out hundreds of leaflets to passers-by, stressing that workfare is an attack on the wages and conditions of all workers, and many people reacted positively,” said Esther McDonald of Edinburgh Coalition Ágainst Poverty.

The protest was aimed at galvanising opposition to the government’s plan for a new workfare scheme, Community Work Placements, which extends the period of compulsory work-for-benefits to six months. A Britain-wide week of action, co-ordinated through Boycott Workfare has seen actions in many towns and cities. On 31st March in London protestors invaded the YMCA and sang “Forced to work at the Y-M-C-A”.

“The Community Work Placements scheme is already in trouble, ” say ECAP. “Many charities have already said they will not participate – even the Salvation Army won’t touch it – and its start date has been postponed. We urge all charities and voluntary organisations to boycott the scheme. Research shows that workfare does not help the unemployed find jobs and being unemployed is not a crime.

The main contract for the Community Work Placements scheme in Scotland does not yet seem to have been awarded – we are researching which organisation is to be involved as we plan to take direct action against them and make this workfare scheme unworkable.”

For more information see:

Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty and Boycott Workfare are both on Facebook and on Twitter

ECAP logo

Full house for North Edinburgh’s Big Night Out

There wasn’t a spare seat in the theatre for North Edinburgh’s Big Night Out, organised by local group Power to the People, at North Edinburgh Arts last week. Over a hundred people from North Edinburgh and beyond enjoyed an evening of song, poetry, dance and drama.

Power to the People evolved from North Edinburgh Social History Group, local people who trawled through a huge volume of archive material to produce ‘Never Give Up’, a history of community activism in North Edinburgh.

Power to the People took this a stage further, and last Friday’s event was not only a celebration of the succesful conclusion of the course but also an opportunity to encourage wider activism.

Guests and visitors had an opportunity to visit art and photography exhibitions and view a video slideshow in North Edinburgh Arts’ galleries and cafe area before taking their seats in the theatre

There was a raft of strong performances on a special evening. North Edinburgh’s very own Timebank Choir got the show off to a rousing start and this was followed by poetry from Ian Moore and Anna Hutchison, two founding  members of both the Social History and Power to the People groups.

If the early part of the programme was dominated by North Edinburgh’s more mature activists, the stage belonged to the next generation when students from Craigroyston Community High School performed a medley of music, prose and drama which almost brought the house down. The future’s bright …

The Craigroyston kids were a near impossible act to follow, but North Edinburgh’s Womens International Group did just that with a moving interpretation of a work by Pastor Niemoller.

The evening was not limited to performers from North Edinburgh, of course, and Scots machair Liz Lochhead was a very welcome guest. Scotland’s national poet remains as popular as ever and national treasure Liz delighted an appreciative audience with some of her earliest poems as well as her latest epistle – written especially for a cinema opening the following evening and hot off the press. North Edinburgh heard it first!

The talented Penny Stone brought a memorable evening to a fitting finale by leading the audience – young and not quite so young – in a medley of popular protest songs.

CLD worker Lynn McCabe, who supports the Power to the People group, said: “The group wanted the Big Night Out to achieve a number of things: celebrate the end of the Power to the People course and share what we’ve learned with a wider audience. We also wanted people to have a good night out and to  enjoy the entertainment.

“The Big Night Out also gave us an opportunity to promote the arts and to raise awareness about the Referendum – we hope the event will promote further discussion and debate.

“It was great that the young people from Craigroyston played such an active part on the night and we would like to attract more young people as well as others of all ages who are not already involved.

Our hope was that the audience would leave feeling inspired, motivated to get involved and more committed to equality and defending what’s important. The Power to the People group wanted to get the message across that change is possible, that there is an alternative and that we can change the world!”

The group would like to thank:

  • Jade and Subie for giving up their free time to produce their art work for the big night out   (this was done on a voluntary basis outwith their course)
  • Helen Foster at Scran  and Claire the IT  tutor at Royston Wardieburn for supporting the Power to the People group learn how to use this important resource to prepare the exhibition
  • The Scotsman Publications, Gerry McCann and Duncan Brown for allowing us to use their photos for free
  •  Craigroyston Community High School for encouraging and supporting their pupils to participate in this community event
  • The timebank choir
  •  All the staff at North Edinburgh Arts
  • Royston Wardieburn Community Centre for paying for the transport to get people here and back tonight
  • CLD for  providing worker support  and finance towards the cost of the event
  • Plton Central Association
  • Liz Lochhead for giving up her time to join us here tonight
  • Joel Venet for filming the event
  • Dave Pickering, MC for the night
  • And finally, the Power to the People group for organising the event

The group will evaluate the Big Night Out when they next meet – changing the world may take a little longer!

Some Big Night Out pictures:












































STOP PRESS: Joel Venet has prouced a short Big Night Out highlights video. You’ll find it on YouTube at North Edinburgh Fights Back – it’s called Celebrate2

Liz Lochhead to be part of North Edinburgh’s Big Night Out

lochheadScotland’s national poet Liz Lochhead will be among the participants at a major community event to be held in North Edinburgh later this month. ‘The Big Night Out’, an evening of songs, fun, poetry and protest, is being organised by the local Power to the People group.

The programme is yet to be finalised, but the event will also feature a photography and artwork exhibition.

CLD worker Lynn McCabe, who supports the group, explained: “There’s going to be a couple of exhibitions on the history of protest (one is a photographic exhibition, the other is being put together by arts students from Edinburgh (Telford) College.  The main part of the night will be in the theatre and will include  protest poems and protest poetry.   We have just had word  that Liz Lochhead will be doing a turn which is great, and it’s likely that some  pupils from Craigroyston High School will also be participating in the event – I’m meeting with their teacher to discuss this further. There’s still a lot to organise and confirm but the Power to the People group are very excited about The Big Night Out.”

Power to the People’s Big Night Out will be held in

North Edinburgh Arts on Friday 29 November from 6.30 – 9.30pm.

Tickets £3. All welcome.
