Tag: protest
March on the People’s Museum!
Curators thank protesters for donations
Edinburgh’s People’s Story Museum has thanked Monday night’s activists for a ‘flurry’ of donations. Following curators’ calls for placards, banners and photos relating to the city’s recent marches, the Museum has received more than 30 offers for donations and loans including films, homemade placards and personal testimonies. Continue reading March on the People’s Museum!
Trade Union lobby for public services
People’s Assembly demands action on austerity
The People’s Assembly Scotland has written to all group leaders in Scottish councils urging them to protect local services by challenging austerity. In return it has pledged to build a major campaign to support councillors prepared to make a stand. Continue reading People’s Assembly demands action on austerity
I, Daniel Blake: Action Against Austerity event this Saturday
Around 500 activists are planning to take the message of ‘ I, DANIEL BLAKE‘ from the cinema into our communities and will be calling on the Scottish Government to do everything in their power to eradicate the draconian elements in the UK Welfare provision. Continue reading I, Daniel Blake: Action Against Austerity event this Saturday
Film & Discussion: I, Daniel Blake
I, Daniel Blake anger spills out of the cinema
Campaigners across Scotland are calling on the Scottish Government to do everything in their power to eradicate the draconian elements in the UK Welfare provision. The opportunity arises as elements of the Welfare Budget are transferred to the Scottish Parliament.‘I Daniel Blake’ shows the impact of the UK Government’s attack on welfare provision. It depicts the disrespect and de-humanisation and the creation of a blame culture on those who find themselves relyingon welfare provision.Following previews of the film across Edinburgh at Friday 21 st October’s opening night over 50 community campaigners pledged to take their distress and anger at the demonisation of those who need benefits to the Parliament.Campaigners, organisations and Unions will be outside the Scottish Parliament at 1pm tomorrow (Thursday 27 October) after First Minister’s Question Time.We will be asking all MSPs to sign a large ‘I Daniel Blake’ poster to show their support for a radical change to the welfare system in Scotland.A meeting is being arranged for Saturday 26th November to mobilise all parts of Scotland to pressure their MSPs to maximise the opportunity that any transfer of welfare provision to the Scottish Parliament allows.Community groups throughout the east of Scotland will be holding showings of the film when the DVD becomes available in January to continue the mobilisation.Willie Black – Action against Austerity
Continue reading I, Daniel Blake anger spills out of the cinema
Building unity after EU Referendum
People’s Assembly Scotland Conference this Saturday
The People’s Assembly Scotland is organising an industrial and political conference on Saturday 17 September in the Renfield St Stephens Centre, 260 Bath St, Glasgow G2 4JP starting at 10.30am where leading trade unionists from UNITE, UNISON, RMT, FBU and others will address activists to discuss and organise building unity in the fight against austerity in a post-EU Scotland. Continue reading Building unity after EU Referendum
Rotten to the core!
Disabled campaigners take action across Scotland
Disabled campaigners will be protesting at the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh, a disability benefits centre in Glasgow and in City Square, Dundee tomorrow as part of a UK-wide day of action against disability benefit changes.
Protests will be held at many assessment centres run by Atos and Capita, the private companies who hold contracts with the Department for Work and Pensions to test disabled people’s eligibility for the Personal Independence Payment benefit. Continue reading Rotten to the core!
Prentice Centre ‘overwhelmed’ by community support
Great response to threatened Centre’s call for support
I have attached a few photographs from the evening which, sorry, I could only take at one angle as the hall was so packed out: I had to take it from the back, standing in the kitchen! Continue reading Prentice Centre ‘overwhelmed’ by community support