National Planning Framework 4: New houses in Edinburgh cut by 4,500

The Scottish Government’s decision to reduce by 4,500 homes the number of houses to be developed in Edinburgh has been questioned by Sarah Boyack, Scottish Labour MSP for Lothian following the Ministerial Statement on National Planning Framework 4.

Ms. Boyack asked the Planning Minister, Tom Arthur, to explain why the number of houses to be developed in Edinburgh has been reduced by 4,500 homes at a time when the city is facing a long-standing deepening crisis.

The MSP for Lothian raised also issues around the capacity of GPs to cope with rising demand and asked about whether new GP and local health services will be included in planning application for the new housing being proposed across the Lothian given the challenges the region is already facing in terms of GP capacity in areas where significant new development is being planned.

The National Planning Framework (NPF) is a long-term plan for Scotland that sets out where development and infrastructure is needed.

Scotland’s fourth National Planning Framework (NPF4) will guide national and regional spatial development and set out priorities and national planning policies up until 2045.

Commenting, Sarah Boyack MSP said:  “A housing crisis affecting those on low or modest incomes, students and families looking for long term housing is unfolding not only in Edinburgh but across Scotland. The available properties are unaffordable or inaccessible for many and affordable, high-quality properties are almost non-existent.

“Reducing the number of new housing developments in Edinburgh will be catastrophic for people, the city and our local economy. 

“The SNP claim they want to build a new Scotland – but they are going into reverse.

“In Musselburgh, people are struggling to access vital GP services – with rising local population and housing developments, this is rapidly becoming a pattern we see across Scotland.

“Planning applications should be considering issues around GPs’ capacity – we can’t gamble with people’s lives.

“The Minister dodged my question, offering nothing more than empty rhetoric.”

  • The revised draft NPF4 is available here

Holyrood Committee launches call for views on community planning

An inquiry has been launched into the impact of Part 2 of the Community Empowerment Act (2015) (“the Act”) on community planning and how Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs) can respond to significant events such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the current cost-of-living crisis.

The Committee is seeking views from organisations directly involved in Community Planning Partnerships as well as communities and individuals about the impact the Partnerships have had.

Community Planning aims to improve how organisations such as local government, health boards, and the police work together with other partners to improve local outcomes in an area.

Commenting, Committee Convener Ariane Burgess MSP said: “The Community Empowerment Act recognised in 2015 how important community planning is to improving people’s lives across Scotland and our inquiry will seek to understand how successful the Act has been in bringing partners together to deliver better services that make a real difference to people’s lives.

“We want to understand how effectively Scotland’s Community Planning Partnerships have been able to respond to challenges such as the current cost crisis and unprecedented events such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

“By hearing directly from organisations involved in Community Planning Partnerships as well as from communities and individuals about the impact the Partnerships have had we can understand what further improvements may be required to truly empower communities, tackle inequalities and bring about real change.”

Let the Committee know your views here. 

The inquiry’s call for views closes on 30 December 2022.

Talking about the Total Craigroyston initiative at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre

Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in the UK inquiry launched

Image representing news article

The Joint Committee on Human Rights inquiry examines the Government’s policies and procedures relating to asylum seekers and the impact these have on their human rights.

This will include the UK’s approach the availability of “safe and legal” routes for asylum seekers, the treatment of those arriving outside of these routes, and attempts to relocate asylum seekers outside the UK. It will also examine the treatment of asylum seekers once in the UK, including treatment in short-term holding facilities, conditions in detention, accommodation, restrictions on movement, and the right to work.

The inquiry also assesses whether the UK’s current legal framework is adequate to meet its human rights obligations to those who are victims of modern slavery or human trafficking.

Chair of the Joint Committee on Human Rights, Joanna Cherry KC MP said: “The UK has a long-standing obligation to provide a place of sanctuary to those fleeing war and persecution.

“We have launched this inquiry to examine whether the current approach to asylum meets the UK’s human rights obligations. Are the current routes for asylum seekers to come to the UK adequate, and is it right for those excluded from “safe and legal routes” to be punished for coming to the UK even if they have fled conflict or persecution?

“Can the UK outsource its asylum obligations to third countries and still ensure the human rights of those seeking asylum are protected?

“We want to look beyond fearful headlines about the cost of hotel accommodation or the numbers of asylum seekers arriving, to consider the experience of those going through the asylum system and the way they are treated.

“Fundamentally, is the way asylum seekers are treated appropriate and lawful, or is the UK Government falling short of the human rights standards designed to protect them, and all of us?

“Given the terrible conditions we have witnessed at Manston and the new Home Secretary’s seeming delight at the prospect of further flights to Rwanda, this inquiry could not be more timely.”


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states in Article 14 that “everyone has the right to seek and enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution”.

The Refugee Convention built on this with the establishment of a regime of international refugee protection, which was ratified by the UK in 1954. The Convention defines a refugee as a person outside their country of nationality or habitual residence, due to well-founded fear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion, and unable or unwilling to return to that country for fear of persecution.

In addition, the Human Rights Act 1998 incorporated the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law. Amongst other things, it prohibits torture and inhuman or degrading treatment (Article 3 ECHR), as well as slavery and forced labour (Article 4 ECHR). It also provides for a right to liberty and security (Article 5 ECHR) and a right to private and family life (Art 8 ECHR).

Asylum seekers often come from countries affected by violence, conflict, and human rights abuses, and a portion of those who leave come to the UK.

In 2022, the number of new asylum applications rose to 63,089, from 48,540 in the previous year. As of June 2022, there were 122,213 asylum claims pending an initial decision, out of which 89,231 cases had been pending an initial decision for more than 6 months. Most asylum claims in the UK are successful – in 2021, the estimated overall grant rate where a final outcome has been reached was 77%.

The Nationality and Borders Act 2022 made significant amendments to the legislative framework for the asylum system. Changes include the introduction of new powers to remove asylum seekers, the creation of a two-tier system for asylum claims, and the inadmissibility of claims by persons with a connection to safe third States.

The Government has also sought through the UK Rwanda Migration and Economic Development Partnership to send certain asylum seekers to Rwanda to make claims for asylum in Rwanda.

Terms of reference

The Joint Committee on Human Rights is looking into the rights of asylum seekers in the UK, with a view to identifying human rights concerns. To inform its work, the Committee invites submissions of no more than 1,500 words from interested groups and individuals. The deadline for submissions is 15 December 2022. We would welcome evidence covering the following questions:

Submit evidence here.

“Safe and legal routes”

1. Is it compatible with the UK’s human rights obligations to deny asylum to those who do not use what the Government calls “safe and legal routes”?
2. What “safe and legal routes” currently exist for asylum seekers in the UK? Should new routes be introduced?

Relocation of asylum seekers

3. Is the policy of relocating asylum seekers to third countries consistent with the UK’s human rights obligations?


4. Are the rules on detention and processing, and the treatment of detained asylum seekers, consistent with the UK’s human rights obligations?

Electronic tagging

5. Is the electronic tagging of asylum seekers a necessary and proportionate interference with their human rights?

Legal aid, accommodation, and subsistence

6. Is the support available to asylum seekers under the legal aid, accommodation, and subsistence rules compliant with the UK’s human rights obligations?

Right to work

7. How do the rules on right to work impact on the human rights of asylum seekers?

Modern slavery

8. Is the UK’s legal framework for tackling modern slavery and human trafficking effective, and is it compatible with our human rights obligations? Are there changes that should be made?

9. Is there any evidence that modern slavery laws are being abused by people “gaming” the system?

Nationality and Borders Act 2022

10. To what extent has the enactment of the Nationality and Borders Act 2022 had an impact on the human rights of asylum seekers?

We understand that the issues raised in this work may be sensitive or upsetting and the following organisations may be able to offer support or further information:

Asylum Aid – free legal aid advice and representation to asylum seekers and refugees in the UK.  
Call 020 7354 9631

British Red Cross – support to refugees and asylum seekers in the UK including emergency assistance to those who are destitute, and family reunion and resettlement services.
Call 0808 196 3651

London Destitution Service – Refugee Council – support for asylum seekers or rejected asylum seekers who are destitute, and support to vulnerable and homeless asylum seekers who have lost contact with their asylum application and have no legal representation.
Call 02073466700

Migrant Help – free 24/7 helpline providing independent advice and support to asylum
seekers in the UK in your own language.
Call 0808 8010 503
Webchat; Online Enquiry Form

Samaritans – for everyone, 24 hours a day, every day.
Call 116 123

Difficult budget decisions needed to balance the books, warns Holyrood’s Finance Committee

A Holyrood committee has warned of difficult tax and spending decisions in the budget if the Scottish Government is to balance the books and address both the cost of living crisis and the lasting impact of Covid.

In a report published today, the Finance and Public Administration Committee’s says an ‘open and honest debate’ with the public needs to be fostered on how to balance spending priorities and taxation.

In its report, the Committee notes that public sector pay rises will be funded, at least in part, through a headcount reduction in the public sector, but calls on the Scottish Government to ensure this is done in a co-ordinated way that minimises the impact on public services.

The report adds it is also now time for the UK Government to concentrate on putting in place measures to bring more stability to the UK economy and recognise the impact of inflation on the Scottish block grant.

Finance and Public Administration Committee Convener Kenneth Gibson said:Our Committee accepts that the Scottish Government faces difficult choices in balancing its approaches to spending and taxation – especially if it’s to maintain financial sustainability and support households and businesses through the cost of living crisis.

“An open and honest debate with the public about how services and priorities are funded is now needed, including on the role of taxation in funding wider policy benefits for society.”

On the challenges facing the public sector, Mr Gibson said: “We acknowledge the challenge the Scottish Government faces in identifying additional money to fund public sector pay rises which respond to inflation.

“The UK Government should also recognise the impact of inflation on the Scottish block grant.

“We ask for assurances from the Scottish Government that it will approach reducing the public sector headcount in a systematic, transparent, and co-ordinated way.  This should be done in tandem with the public service reform agenda, with a view to minimising any impact on the delivery of public services.

“As we say in our report, it is now time for the UK Government to concentrate on putting in place measures to bring more stability to the UK economy.”

MSPs praise Cancer Cards at Holyrood

This week, Thursday 3rd November, at the Scottish Parliament Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, sponsored a Members Debate to highlight the work of Cancer Card, a charity set up to give a single source of information to people who have been diagnosed with Cancer.

Cancer Card was founded by Jen Hardy, an Edinburgh resident who has stage 4 incurable breast cancer.

Jen was diagnosed on 18th October 2017 after having a CT scan to find out the cause of her paralysed vocal cord.

Whilst searching for more cancer support, Jen noticed there was no single place to go that listed the hundreds of different services, support providers, information channels and free gifts.

The aim of cancer card is to assist the NHS by supporting everyone affected by cancer, enabling them to directly access relevant information, services, support and products.

Cancer Card founder Jen Hardy and CEO Ian Pirrie were in the Scottish Parliament to watch the members debate on Cancer Card, describing the debate as a “proud moment” for Cancer Card.

Following the debate, Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “The significance of a cancer diagnosis on an individual’s life is immense, with the potential to render them feeling lost, frustrated, fatigued, isolated or financially disadvantaged when trying to obtain information of a non-medical, but nonetheless essential, nature.

“At a time when cancer patients and their families need the most support, it can often be difficult to find the right information at the right time, for the right person.

“That is where Cancer Card is so wonderful – it recognises the questions and support needs to reach more than just the person living with cancer – but indeed their partners, families, friends, employers and professionals.”

Cancer Card founder Jen Hardy said: “I can’t thank Miles Briggs MSP enough for securing this debate and bringing Cancer Card to the attention of the Parliament.

“It was wonderful to hear such positive support from Miles, the Cabinet Secretary Humza Yousaf, Kenneth Gibson MSP, Jackie Baillie MSP and Graham Simpson MSP, each recognising the impact of Cancer Card.”

Cancer Card Chief Executive Ian Pirrie said: “Our online support hub gives easy access to reliable, relevant information, all in one place.

“With access to local and national cancer support charities and services, our advanced search and filtering options allow users to create a bespoke search based on their individual needs.

“Cancer Card helps you find the support you need when cancer affects your life.”

Full copy of Miles Briggs’ speech :

Presiding Officer.

Can I start by thanking Members for supporting my Motion for debate today.

I’d also like to invite and highlight to Members the photocall at the bottom of the garden lobby steps at 1:35 following the debate. I hope Members will be able to join us.

Presiding Officer, One of the greatest honours of being an MSP is the opportunity it presents you to meet remarkable people.

One such person is Jen Hardy. And I’m delighted Jen has joined us today in the Public Gallery alongside Ian Pirrie the new CEO of Cancer Card.

I first met Jen back in March 2018 when she successfully campaigned alongside women with incurable breast cancer and the charity Breast Cancer Now to help deliver access to the secondary breast cancer drug – Perjeta.

Jen was diagnosed with stage 4 incurable breast cancer on the 18th October 2017 after having a CT scan to find out the cause of her paralysed vocal cord.

Whilst searching for cancer support, Jen noticed there was no single place or online resource that listed the hundreds of different services, support providers, information channels and free experiences available to people and their families living with cancer.

It was this realisation that prompted Jen (who has an IT background) to work to establish Cancer Card, to help create that single place, single online point of access for anyone affected by cancer to find the help and support they need.

Cancer Card launched in May of this year and provides a detailed index of support services available, helping individuals navigate what can often be a complicated and complex world of cancer.

It’s actually hard to believe that Cancer Card hasn’t existed until now…

I know that it is incredibly hard to have the difficult conversations with someone living with cancer about their treatment journey – and indeed the many and often personal questions a wife, husband, mother, father, sister, brother, daughter, son or friend wants to ask.

That is where Cancer Card is so wonderful – it recognises the questions and support needs to reach more than just the person living with cancer – but indeed their partners, families, friends, employers and professionals.

And is available any time of day or night when questions will be asked or answers and support sought.

It also acts as a directory with key contacts for all UK cancer charities and support services.

Presiding Officer. One in two of us will develop cancer in our lifetimes – that’s    of us sitting in this Chamber right now.  

In my time over the last 6 years as Co-Chair of the Parliament’s Cross-Party Group on Cancer alongside Anas Sarwar and Jackie Bailie it has been a regular ask of many charities and groups to improve access to help make support services more readily available. 

The significance of a cancer diagnosis on an individual’s life is immense, with the potential to render them feeling lost, frustrated, fatigued, isolated or financially disadvantaged when trying to obtain information of a non-medical, but nonetheless essential, nature.

At a time when cancer patients and their families need the most support, it can often be difficult to find the right information at the right time, for the right person.

Cancer Card seeks to address this through an online support hub where those affected by cancer can find valuable insights from the Cancer Card community and access to local and national cancer support charities and services (including access to financial help, exercise classes, counselling, and local support networks).

The advanced search and filtering options allow users to create a bespoke search based on their individual needs.

For those who have not yet had an opportunity to see for yourself or find out more then please visit:

Presiding Officer, I want to take this opportunity to also pay tribute and thanks to all those charities and organisations which provide information, help, and advice to people and families living with cancer. We owe these organisations a huge debt and they are making such a vital difference to people living with cancer and their families right now.

I believe Cancer Card can and will indeed elevate cancer support charities and services and help promote their invaluable offering.

There is no cost to users or charities for the services listed and indeed for local groups this presents a great opportunity to highlight what is available locally in difference parts of the country.

Presiding Officer. To close.

The Scottish Government is currently undertaking work on the new Scottish Cancer Strategy – I believe this presents an opportunity to reset and reconsider how support and advice is provided and how especially during and following the pandemic – how access has shifted online – and I hope the new strategy will embrace Cancer Card and this fresh and new approach to providing information and advice services.

Thank You.

Brexit costs Edinburgh equivalent of £211.4 MILLION as exports plummet


Brexit has cost Edinburgh the equivalent of £211.4 million as Scottish exports have plummeted since the UK left the EU to the value of £2.2bn.

Figures from HMRC show that exports have dropped 13% in the past two years from £16.7bn to £14.5bn.

The £2.2bn loss is equivalent to Edinburgh losing £211.4 million.

Commenting, Gordon Macdonald MSP said: “Brexit has been an unmitigated disaster for every area of Scotland, including in Edinburgh. These latest figures show why it is essential for Scotland to become independent and re-join the European Union.

“Only with independence can we get back on the road towards prosperity as both Labour and the Tories offer no way back to the European Union, just continuing decline under Westminster control.

“Industries in Edinburgh and across Scotland are suffering as a result of the disastrous Brexit, the only way Scotland can flourish and realise our full potential is by becoming an independent country in the European Union.”

Area                                   Population                       Lost Export Value

Scotland                            5,479,900                         £2.2 billion

Aberdeen City                  227,430                             £91.3 million

Aberdeenshire               262,690                             £105.5 million

Angus                                116,120                             £46.6 million

Argyll and Bute                86,220                               £34.6 million

City of Edinburgh            526,470                             £211.4 million

Clackmannanshire          51,540                               £20.7 million

Dumfries and Galloway 148,790                             £59.7 million

Dundee City                     147,720                             £59.3 million

East Ayrshire                    122,020                           £49 million

East Dunbartonshire      108,900                             £43.7 million

East Lothian                     109,580                             £44 million

East Renfrewshire           96,580                               £38.8 million

Falkirk                                160,700                             £64.5 million

Fife                                     374,730                             £150.4 million

Glasgow City                    635,130                             £255 million

Highland                           238,060                             £95.6 million

Inverclyde                         76,700                               £30.8 million

Midlothian                        94,680                               £38 million

Moray                               96,410                               £38.7 million

Na h-Eileanan Siar           26,640                               £10.7 million

North Ayrshire                 134,220                             £53.9 million

North Lanarkshire           341,400                             £137.1 million

Orkney Islands                 22,540                               £9 million

Perth and Kinross            153,810                             £61.7 million

Renfrewshire                   179,940                             £72.2 million

Scottish Borders              116,020                             £46.6 million

Shetland Islands              22,940                               £9.2 million

South Ayrshire                 112,450                             £45.1 million

South Lanarkshire           322,630                             £129.5 million

Stirling                               93,470                               £37.5 million

West Dunbartonshire    87,790                               £35.2 million

West Lothian                   185,580                             £74.5 million

MSP reflects on Black History Month

Responding after the end of Black History Month, which ran from 1st October 2022 to 31st October 2022, Foysol Choudhury MSP said: “October may have now come to a close but important action to raise awareness of the devastating effects of colonialism and slavery must continue. 

“This Black History Month, I joined my constituents in attending events and participating in sessions which raised awareness of black history and the unfortunate legacy of slavery and colonialism within Scotland.  

“When attending the session on Data-Led Recommendations to Progress Racial Equality in Scotland, I learnt that there are shocking statistics on the relationship between immigration status and minoritised communities in Scotland.  

“Now is the time to have these difficult conversations and generate meaningful action which hopefully leads to equality and prosperity for all.  

“I also got involved with promoting an important fundraiser by the Mandela Scottish Memorial, who are raising funds for a statue of Nelson Mandela in Scotland.  

“The statute will be a focus for education and information and also as a reminder of Mandela’s lessons on anti-racism and social justice. 

“It is important that after Black History month we continue to engage in self-education and recognition of Scotland’s ties to racism, colonialism and slavery.  

“I welcome Robert Aldridge (above), the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, apologising on behalf of the city of Edinburgh for its past role in sustaining colonialism and slavery.  

“This is an important step forward and similar work needs to continue to tackle the legacy of colonialism and slavery across Scotland.  

“I welcome the creation of an independent Legacy Commission and will be monitoring this with great interest.” 

Sarah Boyack calls on UK Government to deliver cost of living support

Scottish Labour MSP, Sarah Boyack, has called on the Tory UK Government to get on with delivering their cost of living support package as who do not have a domestic electricity contract are still waiting for details of the support they will receive, despite payments already being made to residents with a domestic energy contract.

People without domestic electricity contracts are still waiting for confirmation that they will receive the £400 Energy Bill Support and how this will be paid to them

In a policy paper, the UK Government confirmed that the support will be provided to those who do not have a direct relationship with an electricity supplier – however, there is still no clarity about the process.

Sarah Boyack, Scottish Labour MSP for Lothian, said: “While there is revolving door for Prime Ministers and Ministers, the Tories are failing to deliver for local residents here in Edinburgh.

“Local residents who do not have a direct relationship with their energy supplier are still waiting for the clarification on how and when they will receive the £400 Energy Bill Support, as the winter weather starts to come in. 

“The cost of living emergency is already starting to bite as more and more families are having to make the choice between heating and eating.

“I have written to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to announce details as soon as possible which will provide certainty to families.”

Election looms as Northern Ireland deadline passes

The Secretary of State for Northern Ireland has issued the following statement after the deadline for the re-formation of the Northern Ireland Executive passed:

As of earlier today, an Executive can no longer form and I am duty-bound by law to call new elections to the Northern Ireland Assembly as set out in the New Decade, New Approach agreement as soon as practicably possible and within 12 weeks.

I believe strongly that people in Northern Ireland deserve locally-elected decision-makers who are working for them, to address the issues that matter most to people here.

Having spoken with the various Party leaders this week, I know no one in Northern Ireland is calling for an election – but nearly all Parties signed up to the Agreement that put us in this position only a couple of years ago.

Today I also met the Chief Electoral Officer to discuss operational considerations to inform my decision about the election date.

It was particularly disappointing to see yesterday that the Assembly was still unable to elect a Speaker, despite all the time that has passed.

At a time when so many are struggling with the cost of living and fearful of what is to come, I understand people’s frustration that MLAs continue to draw a full salary when they are not performing all the duties they were elected to do. So, I will be considering my options to act on MLA pay.

Right now, the Executive no longer has Ministers in post to act for the people of Northern Ireland.

That means no Ministers to deliver the public services you rely on.  That means no Ministers to manage the budget pressures affecting the funding of your hospitals, your schools, your doctors and nurses.

So in the absence of an Executive I will take limited but necessary steps to protect public finances and the delivery of public services.

I have already met the Head of the Northern Ireland Civil Service, Jayne Brady, to discuss this and gather evidence on the state of Stormont’s financial position. I shall hopefully receive more detailed information about this next week.

Then I’ll soon outline our plan of action to make sure that the interests of the people of Northern Ireland are protected.

And to those who have called for “joint authority” of Northern Ireland in recent days, let me say this: this won’t be considered.

The UK Government is absolutely clear that the consent principle governs the constitutional position of Northern Ireland. We will not support any arrangements that are inconsistent with that principle.

Citizens’ Panel on Public Participation to meet in the Scottish Parliament

A newly established Citizens’ Panel will meet for the first time this weekend (28th – 30th October) in the Scottish Parliament to help shape how Parliament engages with the people of Scotland.

The Citizens’ Panel, comprised of 22 people broadly reflecting the demographic make-up of Scotland, will come together to deliberate how the Scottish Parliament can best work with communities to ensure their needs are reflected in its work.

The Citizens’ Panel will meet for two full weekends at the Scottish Parliament and three shorter evening sessions online.

Earlier this year, the Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee launched an inquiry into Public Participation, looking at how people’s voices are heard in the work of the Parliament.

The Citizens’ Panel will assist the inquiry by making recommendations on improving how Holyrood’s work involves, reflects, and meets the needs of the full range of communities it represents, focusing on improving engagement for those currently under-represented.

Throughout the sittings, the Citizen’s Panel will have the opportunity to hear from MSPs and leading academics about democracy and public participation to help facilitate discussion and inform their findings.

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Convener Jackson Carlaw, MSP, said: “Our inquiry into Public Participation is important because we know that the Parliament doesn’t hear enough from some groups and communities.

“We want to make sure that the views and opinions of everyone in Scotland are included in the work of the Parliament, and the Citizens’ Panel will be crucial to helping us understand how we can improve this.

“Ensuring the Scottish Parliament is accessible to a diverse range of people, particularly when developing new laws or policies that affect them, is essential and the Committee will eagerly anticipate the Citizens’ Panel recommendations.”