Budget cuts could be avoided, say Edinburgh Greens

‘residents are well aware of the cuts that come from the council tax freeze and general reduction in council funding’ – Cllr Gavin Corbett


Budget cuts of £28.5 million could be avoided if Edinburgh had similar powers to councils elsewhere in the UK and Europe, according to the capital’s six-strong group of Green councillors. The city council sets it’s budget tomorrow and councillors look likely to approve swathing cuts to public services.

The Greens have published an alternative budget paper which shows how £25.7 million of extra income could be raised by giving the council modest extra powers such as a visitor levy and greater flexibility with council tax.

This, say the Greens, would mean extra priority for care for older people, funding for charities and community learning as well as new investment in school conditions and sports facilities.

Green Finance Spokesperson Cllr Gavin Corbett said: “Less than a year ago the Commission for Local Democracy showed that, across Europe, councils with comparable responsibilities to Edinburgh typically control 50-60% of their income, through local taxes and charges.

“In Edinburgh, those powers have been reduced to almost nothing, with dire consequences for local services. Indeed, the council’s biggest-ever budget consultation exercise showed that residents are well aware of the cuts that come from the council tax freeze and general reduction in council funding.

“So what I propose today is modest and affordable – less than 4% of overall spending – asking for the right to put to Edinburgh residents a choice to raising a bit more income in order to strengthen budgets for swimming pools, care services, community centres, homelessness charities and schools.

“I’m confident that, given that choice, investment in services would come ahead of an austerity-driven race to the bottom.”

The City of Edinburgh Council budget is set on 12 February 2015. A package of £28.5 million of cuts or savings has been proposed from a £962 million budget. Of the£28.5 million package, £5.2 million non-frontline cuts have already been approved last October.

Services under threat include:

– £4.3 million cut to charities and other third-party service providers

– Over £5 million cut to health and social care at a time of increasing demand

– £1.4 million cut to Edinburgh Leisure which runs swimming pools and sports facilities.

– £0.6 million cut to community learning and development

Other likely cuts include the closure of public toilets, reduction in library hours, nursery and childcare funding.


Keir concerns over Local Plan

‘I fear traffic gridlock, major health issues and the holding back of the economic potential of our capital city and nation’ – Colin Keir MSP.


Edinburgh Western MSP Colin Keir has written to to Cllr Lesley Hinds, Convener of Transport & Environment at the City of Edinburgh Council, to express his fears over the latest Local Plan.

Mr Keir raises concerns over the ability of the existing roads network to cope with all of the proposed housing sites being released for development and also expresses fears over pollution and air quality.

In his submission Mr Keir states: “The city of Edinburgh is an economic driver for Scotland. We know that every town and city must grow. The difficulty our city has is that there is no connected vision between development and methods of sustainable transport that anyone is aware of in relation to the west of the city.”

The city council is expected to make a decision on the Local Development Plan on 26 February.

Lesley Hinds LDP letter

Righting a wrong? Poll Tax debt to end today

Councils to stop collecting the debt from 1 February


From February 1, 2015 the liability to pay ‘Poll Tax’ arrears in Scotland will end, subject to final approval of the Scottish Parliament later this month. John Swinney says Holyrood has acted ‘to right a historic wrong’. 

The Scottish Government brought forward the bill to bring an end to collection of debts under the Community Charge, the discredited tax which was abolished in 1993 after four years in operation in Scotland.

The issue was brought to the fore following the independence referendum, amid reports that the expanded electoral registers could be used to identify and pursue Poll Tax debts at a time of record democratic engagement.

The amount of Poll Tax arrears collected by local authorities across Scotland has fallen in recent years to less than £350,000 in 2013-14, and some local authorities have ceased recovery of debts altogether. Nonetheless, the Scottish Government will cover the cost to local authorities of the Poll Tax debt that they would have expected to recover under existing arrangements.

This week parliament agreed to the general principles of the Bill and also approved a timescale that will see the Bill complete its parliamentary passage by 19 February.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney said: “The Scottish Government has acted act expeditiously to address the use of information gathered from voter registration to pursue historical debts from a tax that is discredited and which has not been operational in Scotland for more than 20 years.

“The amount of Poll Tax arrears which have been collected by councils across Scotland has fallen to near negligible levels in recent years, from around £1.3 million in 2009-10 to less than £350,000 in the most recent financial year.

“We will ensure that local authorities are properly compensated in line with current collection rates in respect of outstanding amounts and ensure that they are not out of pocket.

“The poll tax is a defunct tax, but it has left a bitter legacy in Scotland – the Scottish Parliament has acted to right a historic wrong.”

Fracking on hold in Scotland – for now

Moratorium called: Scottish Government consultation to seek public’s views on fracking


Scottish Energy Minister Fergus Ewing has announced that there is to be a moratorium on granting consents for ‘fracking’ whilst further research and a public consultation is carried out – but Green MSPs say the ‘door has been left ajar’.

The decision comes days after the UK Government voted against a moratorium.

Last Friday, following the publication of the Smith Command Paper, Mr Ewing wrote to UK Energy Secretary Ed Davey requesting that the UK Government do not issue further licences in Scotland as the powers over licencing are due to be devolved.

In his statement to Parliament this afternoon Mr Ewing set out that the Scottish Government will undertake additional work to increase the evidence base for decision-making on this issue.

In particular Mr Ewing set out that the Scottish Government will:

• Undertake a full public consultation on unconventional oil and gas extraction

• Commission a full public health impact assessment

• Conduct further work into strengthen planning guidance

• Look at further tightening of environmental regulation.

Mr Ewing said: “I am announcing a moratorium on the granting of planning consents for all unconventional oil and gas developments, including fracking. This moratorium will continue until such time as the work I have set out to Parliament today, including a full public consultation, is completed.

“The Scottish Government has taken a cautious, considered and evidence-based approach to unconventional oil and gas and fracking.

“I have listened carefully to concerns raised by local communities and environmental campaigners. We have put in place robust environmental regulation, tougher planning rules and successfully opposed the UK Government’s plans to end Scottish householders’ rights to object to drilling under their homes.

“We recognise that local communities are likely to bear the brunt of any unconventional oil and gas developments, particularly in terms of increased traffic and related emissions and noise impacts. These are issues that must be researched further.

“We have listened to legitimate concerns about potential negative impacts. However, we must also acknowledge that some take a different view and see opportunities in unconventional oil and gas extraction.

“We should never close our minds to the potential opportunities of new technologies – but we must also ensure that community, environmental and health concerns are never simply brushed aside. This government will not allow that to happen and I hope the actions I have announced today will be widely welcomed as proportionate and responsible.”

Scottish Green MSPs have welcomed the Energy Minister’s announcement at Holyrood today – but warn that that the Scottish Government’s position still falls short of a full ban.

Scottish Green MSPs Patrick Harvie and Alison Johnstone have campaigned against unconventional gas extraction since the 2011 election. As well as proposing a ban, which all other parties voted against, they have urged ministers to provide funding for local authorities to develop robust policies to handle any fracking applications.

A Scottish Green petition calling on the UK Government to halt the imminent awarding of licenses to frack for gas across Scotland has achieved over 5,700 signatures since being launched last week.

Alison Johnstone MSP said: “A year ago the First Minister said shale gas was an undoubted opportunity; today the Energy Minister announced a pause but asks us not to rule it out. It is clear that the sustained pressure we’ve been putting on the Scottish Government has paid off, but we do not intend to rest here.

“The SNP and Labour voted against a ban last year when I led the Scottish Parliament’s first debate on fracking. While a delay to allow for further research is a welcome step, it remains a worry that neither SNP ministers nor Labour are talking about ruling it out.

“Leaving the door ajar to a new wave of fossil fuels is incompatible with our climate change ambitions and risks diverting attention and investment from the undoubted opportunity we have to pursue clean technology and energy efficiency.”

Letter: Unity is strength


Dear Editor

The most important thing for the labour movement is to protect unity: without this, individuals and sections of the population become isolated and open to manipulation, followed by a lowering of their standard of living.

The powers that be continually use the press, radio and television to destroy that unity, attacking all sections of the labour movement whether individuals, the unions or the Labour Party, hoping to achieve and retain political control. In May we have a choice: do we vote Conservative, Lib Dem, Labour?

We know exactly what the Tories have done over the past five years, and what they intend to do. We know more or less exactly how the Lib Dems will perform.

That leaves Labour as the only hope to do what we would like to be done. This is the reason for the powerful campaign against the Labour movement.

Of course at present in Scotland the SNP seems to have attracted many labour movement supporters on the assumption the SNP will better represent the working population, therefore remaining part of the labour movement working for change.

If that is so, then co-operation between the SNP and the Labour Party is essential to throw out the Tories and the Lib Dems everywhere. May 2015 is crunch time; we must not lose this opportunity of getting rid of them.

We need unity now more than ever to save our social and public services on which we all rely. Ukip does not and cannot speak for the working population; it’s policies are conservative, divisive and backward-looking.

A.Delahoy, Silverknowes Gardens

Putting the ‘power’ into Empowerment

HolyroodChanges are needed to ensure legislation designed to empower communities delivers on its promise, according to an influential parliamentary committee.

The Scottish Parliament’s Local Government and Regeneration Committee reports today on the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Bill.

Whilst fully supporting the general principles of the Bill, the Committee noted for communities to be truly empowered there needs to be a change in the mind set of public authorities. They have to be more open to communities setting the agenda and this must be coupled with support to communities to help them access these new powers.

The Bill aims to provide local communities with the power to participate in local decision making via participation requests. It also sets out powers for communities to take ownership or management of lands from public authorities into community control. Other measures include reform of allotment provision as well as changes to the rules governing Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs).

Committee Convener, Kevin Stewart MSP said: “During our consideration of the Bill we met with folks in communities across the country who said time and again that they wanted to be more involved in the decisions being made about them.

“There can no doubt this Bill is generally a welcome boost towards putting power in the hands of communities. However, for a Bill which is designed to empower, we were struck by the requirement that only groups with a written constitution could submit a participation request. This seems out of step with the whole ethos of the Bill. In the words of Jeanie Mackenzie – who responded to our video on participation requests: ‘Sometimes an individual has a very good idea for improving public services, but lacks the time or opportunity to find others and form a constituted group.”

Whilst noting the vital role of CPPs, the Committee expressed concern that local communities are not sufficiently involved in the decisions being made and CPPs were too focussed on a ‘top-down’ approach. The report recommends that the Bill should require CPPs to actively seek input directly from the community and not just its representatives.

The Committee also raised concerns about the language used around the proposals which in itself could be seen as a barrier to community involvement. 

Kevin Stewart MSP added: “During our consideration of the Bill we heard expressions used like ‘third sector interface’ and ‘partnership-framework’ when taking about community involvement. Language like this can act as a barrier for people getting involved. For the Bill to truly empower, public authorities must avoid ‘gobbledygook’ phrases which cannot be easily understood.”

Other recommendations in the report include:

  • Provision should be enshrined in the Bill for consultation and engagement with affected communities in relation to the National Outcomes.
  • There should be an explicit requirement on all CPPs to include community capacity building in local plans.
  • The Bill should stipulate a 6 month maximum time limit for public authorities to conclude contracts for community transfers.
  • Whilst agreeing that there should be no defined allotment size, guidance should be produced for local authorities outlining the different needs and good practice.


Lazarowicz: Fast-track benefits for terminally ill

‘long delays risk leaving terminally ill people destitute in the last months of their life’ – Mark Lazarowicz MP


Mark Lazarowicz MP is backing Gordon Aikman’s MND campaign and has called on the Government to fast track benefits for people like Gordon with terminal conditions.

Speaking in a debate in Parliament yesterday, the Labour MP for Edinburgh North and Leith called on the Government to fast track benefit claims from people with terminal conditions like Motor Neurone Disease and intervened to tell the Minister that the prolonged delays, in some cases of up to 18 months, could mean the outcome comes too late for some people with limited life expectancy.

He said later: “I strongly support Gordon Aikman’s campaign to fast track benefit claims from people with terminal conditions like MND: people are waiting 6 months and in some cases 3 times that just to have an assessment.

“Claims can be fast tracked where someone is not expected to live longer than 6 months but where does that leave someone with MND where the average life expectancy after diagnosis is 14 months?

“The Government should offer financial support to people suffering as a result of the delays caused by its own incompetence but first and foremost it should make sure that their claims are fast tracked.

“The Minister’s response in the debate was not acceptable: it’s shameful that people who are so ill should spend the last months or year of their life in financial hardship having to fight so hard for the benefits they are entitled to.”

He was speaking in a debate on the introduction of the new Personal Independence Payment (PIP), the disability benefit that is replacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA) which is designed to help seriously ill or disabled people with the extra costs their condition entails.

It was announced on Thursday that responsibility for PIP is to be devolved in future and Mark has called for the roll-out of the new benefit to existing DLA claimants to be stopped until it is because of the huge backlog of assessments.

That was also the conclusion of the House of Commons Work and Pensions Select Committee: it reported last March that even where someone did have their claim fast tracked because they were not expected to live more than 6 months, the time taken to process their claim had increased from typically 8 days with DLA to 8 weeks with PIP.

Mark Lazarowicz says the Government has moved the goalposts: its original target was for the whole process from claim to decision to be completed within 16 weeks, now it is that all assessments should be completed within that time and it is even failing that target.

gordon aikman
Gordon Aikman’s story

I’m dying. And fast.

That – in short – was what my doctor told me just a few weeks ago when I was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease.

It’s not the news you expect when you are 29 years old.

MND is a rare, progressive and debilitating disease that attacks the brain and spinal cord. It leads to weakness and muscle wasting and will affect how I walk, talk, eat, drink and breathe.

There is no cure. 

That’s why I am doing all I can to raise money for MND Scotland – a great charity that funds and promotes research into the disease and provides support to people affected by Motor Neurone Disease.

It’ll be too late for me, but we must find a cure for the next generation.

With your help I can turn a negative into a positive. Please dig deep and donate what you can today. 

100% of the money you donate will be spent on trying to find a cure.

Thank you


P.S. Please visit www.gordonsfightback.com to tell your your MP and MSPs to back my campaign to double MND research funding.

To date Gordon has raised £216,683.88 of his £250,000.00 target. 3,690 individual donations have been made.


Hot Air!

Keir hits out at UK Government’s inaction on aviation

planeEdinburgh Western MSP Colin Keir accused Westminster of treating Scotland’s air passengers ‘with contempt’ when PM David Cameron visited Edinburgh Airport yesterday. 

The Prime Minister David Cameron welcomed yesterday’s announcement of the £50 million redevelopment of the airport’s immigration and baggage reclaim facilities – a move that will triple capacity for bigger long-haul aircraft – but SNP MSP Colin Keir, whose Edinburgh Western constituency includes Edinburgh Airport, has hit out at the Prime Minister and his UK government coalition’s lack of action on aviation issues.

Mr Keir said: “Every long haul passenger arriving at Edinburgh Airport will appreciate this investment. I do find however the Prime Ministers audacity in welcoming investment into an industry which has been improving despite mismanagement from Westminster. The London Treasury has been fleecing travellers who fly through Scottish airports for years to the tune of millions of pounds thanks to Air Passenger Duty (APD). His government because of electoral reasons hasn’t made a decision regarding which airport in London will be upgraded to act as a modern UK hub. The effect of this is that when there is poor weather or emergencies its Scottish flights that are cancelled first because of space issues at Heathrow and Gatwick”.

“Travellers to and from Scotland deserve a better deal that’s why I commend the management at Edinburgh Airport in bringing more direct flights to the city. It is obvious the UK have done very little to improve the plight of those who have to use London such as local business people. Mr Cameron’s government cannot keep treating Scottish passengers with the contempt they have shown over the past years”.


The 50 million expansion to Scotland’s busiest airport will see Edinburgh triple its space for long-haul aircraft.

Edinburgh Airport, which currently handles 10 million passengers a year, will build a second baggage reclaim area and immigration hall to cater for hoped-for further growth in long-distance flights.

The work, which starts next week, will also include new stands for aircraft to park with ‘air bridges’ to link them to the terminal. The expansion will take four years and is expected to create up to fifty new jobs.

Airport chief executive Gordon Dewar said: “The work we’ll be carrying out over the next four years will transform our airside facilities, tripling our capacity to handle bigger aircraft and paving the way for the next ten years of increased international connectivity.

“We’ll effectively be creating a new international facility for our airlines, and underpinning our future aspirations to increase passenger numbers, enhance their experience and be one of the leading European airports for our size.”

A family divided: Sturgeon urges Cameron to think again

Bedroom tax could only be abolished with consent of the Westminster Government


Draft legislation which will see ‘an unprecedented rise in the powers of the Scottish Parliament’ was published by the UK Government today – but the Scottish Government says an ‘urgent rethink’ is needed if the paper is to deliver all the Smith Commission proposals.

A Command Paper including the 44 draft clauses sets out the new powers which will come to Holyrood following the agreement reached by the Smith Commission last year – the first time all of Scotland’s main political parties have agreed what the next chapter of devolution should look like.

Prime Minister David Cameron said: “In September the people of Scotland came out in record numbers to decide the future of the United Kingdom.

“They voted clearly and decisively to keep our family of nations together. But a ‘no’ vote did not mean ‘no change’.

“The leaders of the other main political parties and I promised extensive new powers for the Scottish Parliament – a vow – with a clear process and timetable. And now, here we have it: new powers for Scotland, built to last, securing our united future.

“I pay tribute to the leadership of Robert Smith for this historic agreement and with all five of Scotland’s main political parties at the table, it was a devolution first.”


The clauses form the final part of the promise made to the people of Scotland on additional devolution and were published ahead of the Burns Night deadline.

As a result, Holyrood will become one of the most powerful devolved parliaments in the world. It will be responsible for more than 60% of Scottish spending while retaining the safety and security of being part of the wider UK.

Examples of Holyrood’s new powers will include new income tax bands, areas of welfare, some employment programmes, further borrowing powers and air passenger duty, as well as receiving a proportion of VAT. Other elements of the agreement include stating in law that the Scottish Parliament and Scottish Government are permanent institutions.

The UK and Scottish Governments have also taken steps to produce a Section 30 order which will allow 16 and 17 years olds to vote in the Scottish Parliament elections in 2016.

The draft clauses will be the subject of debate at both the UK and Scottish Parliaments. The cross-party nature of the agreement means whoever forms the next UK Government after the General Election will turn this draft legislation into law – a new Scotland Act.


Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael said: “The UK Government has kept its end of this historic bargain and delivered the next chapter in devolution for Scotland. For the first time, it has backing across the political spectrum with all of Scotland’s main parties committed to the package of new powers for Scotland. That means this is an agreement which is truly built to last.

“It also strikes the right balance of powers for Scotland as part of the UK. That is what the majority of people want to see and these new powers will create a stronger Scotland and a stronger UK. The Scottish Parliament will have a range of new powers in addition to the significant ones for which it already has responsibility.

“That means choices which can reflect distinctive Scottish needs while keeping the safety and security of a wider UK in key areas such as pensions and defence.”


Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander said: “”The people of Scotland voted to stay in the UK because we wanted to ensure that we remained part of one of strongest unions the world has ever known. As promised, the UK has today delivered unprecedented new powers for Scotland, which make it one of the most powerful devolved administrations in the OECD, but underpinned by a robust framework that ensures we, the people of Scotland, can continue to contribute to and benefit from the UK’s economic strength.

“The next steps are clear: the Scottish Government and Parliament will soon have these powers, and it needs to ensure that it implements them in a way that works for Scotland, including by looking at further devolution within the country, as recommended by Lord Smith.

“Devolution doesn’t just mean the flow of powers from one Parliament to another. Devolution is about empowering our regions and our communities across Scotland and the UK.”

While the Westminster unionist parties have welcomed the draft legislation the mood at Holyrood is markedly different – the SNP government sees the paper as a ‘significant watering down’ of the Smith Commission proposals.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says the UK Government will hold a veto over key devolved powers proposed by the Smith Commission, including the ability to abolish the bedroom tax, under the proposals published today. She said an urgent rethink was required across several of the legislative clauses outlined by the Prime Minister if the new legislation is to deliver on both the letter and the spirit of the Smith Commission proposals.

Ms Sturgeon said aspects of the legislation represented progress but proposals in areas such as welfare, employment support and capital borrowing appeared to be a “significant watering down” of what was promised by the Smith Commission.

The First Minister highlighted three key areas that must be addressed immediately by the UK Government if the legislation is to meet the spirit and the content of the agreement set out by Lord Smith:

  • The welfare provisions do not enable the Scottish Parliament to create new benefit entitlements across devolved areas and require the approval of UK ministers for any changes to Universal Credit – including the action needed to end the bedroom tax.
  • Proposals for the full devolution of unemployment support fall well short of what was promised, hampering efforts to address joblessness by devolving only a section of the current support network and leaving important levers in the hands of UK ministers.
  • Scotland would be tied to the UK’s current austerity fiscal framework, and under the plans set out could see capital borrowing powers replace – and not augment – the existing capital grant.


The First Minister said: “Throughout this process, I have been clear that, despite it falling short of the real home rule powers we need to create jobs and tackle inequality, the Scottish Government would be a constructive participant, working with the UK Government to bring forward what Lord Smith recommended.

“The legislation published today does not represent the views of the Scottish Government, but it does represent some progress. However, too much of what the Prime Minister has set out imposes restrictions on the recommended devolved powers and would hand a veto to UK ministers in key areas.

“For example, the proposals on welfare do not allow us to vary Universal Credit without the permission of the UK Government. That means – under the current proposals – we will not have the independence to take action to abolish the bedroom tax.

“At the same time, the power argued for by stakeholders to create new benefit entitlements in any devolved area has simply not been delivered, while the command paper makes clear that, pending devolution of disability support, the roll-out of personal independence payments and the cut to spending on disability benefits will continue.

“This cannot, under any interpretation, represent the meaningful progress on the devolution of the powers we need to design a social security system that meets Scotland’s needs.

“The support for unemployed people also falls short of what Lord Smith recommended, with the provisions set out today narrowly focused on existing schemes.

“And the paper confirms that the Scottish Government will still have to work within the framework of austerity being imposed by the UK Government. It also suggests that Scotland’s capital grant could be replaced by borrowing powers and not augmented by them as was clearly the intention of the Smith proposals.

“In these crucial areas the clauses set out today appear to be a significant watering down of what was promised by the Smith Commission and need an urgent rethink by the UK Government.”

Ms Sturgeon continued: “We remain committed to this process, despite the difficulties we have experienced in getting information in a timely fashion and we will continue to work with the UK Government and other stakeholders to ensure that the changes are made ahead of the Bill being taken through Westminster.

“Ultimately, however, the decision on whether the Smith proposals go far enough in delivering the powers we need to create prosperity, tackle inequality and protect our public services will be for the people of Scotland to take.”

Clearly, there’s still some serious talking to be done.

PIPPed off!

Disability benefit delays: Mark Lazarowicz MP attacks Government for letting down the most vulnerable


Mark Lazarowicz MP has attacked the Government for long delays in assessing benefits claims. The North and Leith MP was speaking during n a debate at Westminster on the introduction of the new disability benefit, the Personal Independence Payment (PIP).

The Personal Independence Payment is being rolled out across the UK in stages to replace Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and reassessments of certain categories of DLA claimants in Edinburgh began in January 2014.

The Government’s own target for completion of assessments is 16 weeks, but Mr Lazarowicz says there are long delays in even assessing claimants – a six month wait is typical and in some cases constituents the wait has been even longer.

Mark Lazarowicz said: “Claimants even with extremely serious conditions such as cancer are typically waiting at least 6 months just to be assessed and I have had constituents contact me who have waited as long as EIGHTEEN MONTHS.

“That means that people may struggle to afford the travel costs of hospital visits or be forced to sell their home as they face extreme hardship: I want to see the Government offer financial help to people in difficulty due to delays.

“And when PIP is awarded at a higher rate than previously paid under DLA, the increased payments are only backdated for a maximum of 28 days, even if the application had been submitted many months before. It is an outrage that people lose out on payments due to them simply because of delay caused by the government”.

“At the very least claims from anyone with a terminal condition must be fast tracked (even if their life expectancy is longer than six months where applications are currently fast tracked).

“Nobody trying to cope with a serious illness or disability should have to face additional worry of how to cope financially because of Government incompetence.”

Mark Lazarowicz’ speech in the debate can be found here.