6am Election Update


State of the Parties at 6am

SNP 57 (+ 6)

CON 6 (+4)

LD 4 (+ 2)

LAB 3 (-12)

Three constituencies still to declare. SNP needs 65 seats for an absolute majority.

First of the List Votes counts to be declared shortly


  • SNP on course for historic third victory
  • Absolute majority still in the balance
  • Lib Dems take Edinburgh West
  • Party leaders Willie Rennie, Nicola Sturgeon and Ruth Davidson win their constituency seats but Kezia Dugdale loses out in Edinburgh Eastern.
  • Jackie Baillie and Iain Gray hold on to their seats and Daniel Johnstone wins Edinburgh Southern the only highlights on a bad night for Labour, who are wiped out in Glasgow

And now … the only poll that counts

SNP landslide predicted

poll place1

The polls have closed. The exhausted candidates and their campaign teams have done all they can. They’ll fret and wonder if they’ve done enough. Could we have chapped more doors? Delivered more leaflets? Attended more events? It’s too late now – the polls have closed, and the voters have made their minds up. Continue reading And now … the only poll that counts

City counts down to Holyrood election

Edinburgh count

With less than a week to go until the Scottish Parliament Election 2016, Edinburgh is gearing up to run its own part in the vote. Preparations are already well underway across the city’s polling places and count venue, while training is in progress for staff working on the day and the first postal votes are being processed.

Continue reading City counts down to Holyrood election

Do Scots feel at home in a country dominated by one party?

SNP conference

A new report by Electoral Reform Society Scotland says that both Labour and the SNP have benefited from a “predominant-party problem” in Scotland, and calls for a range of radical political reforms to ‘transform our political culture‘. Continue reading Do Scots feel at home in a country dominated by one party?

Craigleith Blackhall to hold Holyrood Hustings



Holyrood Parliament

Thursday 28th April, 7.30 – 9.00pm

Blackhall St Columba’s Parish Church, Columba Road 

Representatives are confirmed from:

Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
Scottish Labour Party
Liberal Democratic Party
Scottish National Party
Scottish Green Party
RISE Alliance
UK Independence Party
Women’s Equality Party

An opportunity to meet your local candidates
All welcome, bring your tricky questions!

Letter: we want PPP answers


Dear Editor,

Given the recent incidents with Schools in Edinburgh that have been closed down due to the substandard quality offered by the Edinburgh Schools Partnership, I would like to see local Labour candidate for the Scottish Parliamentary Elections, and current Edinburgh Councillor Lesley Hinds explain why this situation arrived.

Considering PPP ( public-private partnership) was part of the Labour party’s policy for a long period time, and while this was introduced when labour run Edinburgh council, the Scottish Executive and Westminster Goverment, I would be interested to hear what the Councillor would have to say on this matter.

Alba Reilly (by email)

Closed schools update: Scottish government offers ‘full support’

“Public confidence needs rebuilt as well as school walls: and fast” – Green Candidate Andy Wightman


The Scottish Government’s resiliency committee has met to discuss the emergency closure of seventeen PPP schools across Edinburgh – but The Scottish Greens say the ‘fiasco’ highlights the need to expose private finance failures. Continue reading Closed schools update: Scottish government offers ‘full support’

Scotland: we have a problem?


On Wednesday 20 April, Electoral Reform Society Scotland is hosting a free public discussion to coincide with the release of our new report One Party To Rule Them All: Does Scotland Have A Predominant-Party Problem?

The report addresses the dangers of one party dominance in a parliament designed for coalitions. This event will be a fantastic opportunity to explore what Scots want from our democracy and what we can do to help keep the Scottish parliament diverse and cooperative.


Speakers include:

  • Lesley Riddoch (journalist and commentator)
  • Angela Haggerty (editor of CommonSpace)
  • Rory Scothorne (ERS Scotland)
  • Compered by Gerry Hassan (writer and academic)

7pm – 8.30pm, Wednesday 20 April.

Blythswood Hall,
Renfield St Stephen’s Centre,
260 Bath St,
Glasgow, G2 4JP

Join the Facebook event and invite your friends here.
