Angela Rayner to ‘kickstart new devolution revolution’

Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner will pledge to transfer more powers out of Westminster

Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner will today (Tuesday 16 July) pledge to kickstart a new devolution revolution to transfer more powers out of Westminster and into the hands of local people.

In her first letter to local leaders, Rayner will urge regions without devolved power to “partner with the government to deliver the most ambitious programme of devolution this country has ever seen”.

She will invite local leaders in devolution deserts – those with local knowledge and skin in the game – to work together to take on powers in areas like transport, adult education and skills, housing and planning, and employment support. These new agreements will mean local leaders can make decisions that benefit their communities better, while boosting economic growth and opportunity.

Devolution is central to the government’s mission to boost economic growth, but only around half of the people in England currently benefit from these arrangements. The letter from the Deputy Prime Minister makes clear that the government’s door is open to areas who want to take on devolution for the first time, with the government committed to encouraging more local authorities to come together and take on new powers.  

In the letter, Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner said: ‘For too long, Westminster government has tightly gripped control and held back opportunities and potential for towns, cities, and villages across the country.

‘Last week, with the Prime Minister, I had the pleasure of meeting the metro Mayors in England. We discussed how to have a proper, grown up conversations around economic growth, and how to deliver that through better housing, skills, and jobs for local people. 

I want to work with more places to help them use these enhanced powers and role – because I want to drive growth in every part of the country. For any area considering it, now is the time to take the plunge and speak to us about how we can work with you to transform your regions.’

Greater Manchester, one of the places where devolution has existed for the longest and powers are deepest, has been one of the UK’s fastest growing areas over the last 20 years and is forecast to grow by more than the national average in coming years. 

This has been driven by powers allowing the Greater Manchester Mayor to encourage investment into the city, boost skills, and work towards an integrated transport system.

In other parts of the country, Mayors have played a crucial role in attracting new investment – with major manufacturers such as Boeing and McLaren bringing new jobs to South Yorkshire, while West Yorkshire is now home to the UK’s fastest growing digital industry outside London.

OECD research suggests that if the autonomy of UK cities was to increase to the same level as Helsinki, then productivity would increase significantly.

Agreeing new devolution deals will mark a monumental shift of power away from Westminster into communities – giving those with skin in the game the power to make the best decisions for their people and make a difference to their lives.

The letter comes ahead of the King’s Speech on 17 July 2024, which will build on the momentum of the government’s first week, by setting out how it will make a difference to the lives of working people. 

King’s Speech will put growth at the heart of Labour’s legislative agenda

Starmer prepares for The King’s Speech at the State Opening of Parliament on Wednesday 17 July

  • New laws will prioritise growth, the Government’s overarching mission for the year ahead
  • Legislative programme will support delivery of the Government’s first steps and missions to rebuild Britain
  • Focus on improving the prosperity of the country and living standards of working people

The Government will use its mandate for change to put economic growth at the heart of its legislative agenda as it prepares for The King’s Speech at the State Opening of Parliament on Wednesday (17 July). 

Departments are working on more than 35 bills to deliver an ambitious parliamentary session that will be built on a bedrock of economic security, to enable growth that will improve the prosperity of our country and the living standards of working people.

Legislation will include a bill to enforce tough new spending rules, designed to ensure economic growth, while avoiding the chaos which left families with spiralling bills and wreaked misery on people’s lives.    

To ensure nobody can play fast and loose with the public finances ever again, this new bill will strengthen the role of the Office of Budget Responsibility, meaning significant fiscal announcements must be properly scrutinised and that taxpayers’ money is respected.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer said: “Our work is urgent. There is no time to waste. We are hitting the ground running by bringing forward the laws we will need to rebuild our country for the long-term – and our ambitious, fully costed agenda is the downpayment on that change. 

“From energy, to planning, to unbreakable fiscal rules, my government is serious about delivering the stability that is going to turbo charge growth that will create wealth in every corner of the UK.

“The task of national renewal will not be easy, and this is just the down payment on our plans for the next five years, but the legislation set out at the King’s Speech will build on the momentum of our first days in office and make a difference to the lives of working people.”

‘His Majesty’s Most Gracious Speech’ will build on the momentum of the Government’s first week in office which saw the Prime Minister and his ministerial team roll up their sleeves and get to work.

Legislation to enact announcements made this week, including the launch of a National Wealth Fund to drive investment into the UK, to a new Mission Control tasked with turbocharging UK to clean power by 2030, to opening the recruitment of a new border security command, show that the Government is getting on with the job.   

The package of bills will focus on growing the economy through ‘turbocharging’ building of houses and infrastructure, better transport, more jobs and securing clean energy – helping to make every part of the country better off.  

As part of the Government’s plans to empower regions to deliver change for their communities, new legislation will also help to create wealth in every community and hand the power back to local leaders who know what is best for their areas.

Edinburgh patient forced to go private following year-long wait

Edinburgh resident John Rowan (68) has had to go private for hearing aids after waiting over a year for his regular hearing aid check, despite the Scottish Government setting a waiting time target of 18 weeks.

Mr Rowan’s hearing loss originated from contracting measles as a child and the legacy of contracting measles is now affecting his hearing in later life.

Despite being retired, Mr Rowan is heavily involved in the charity sector and until recently, sat on the board of a Scottish-wide charity and he volunteers with several others.

In May 2023, Mr Rowan self-referred himself for a new hearing test and was added to the waiting list. Despite assurances his appointment would be in May 2024, he was not invited to an appointment.

The further deterioration in his hearing has left him struggling to hear basic conversations.

Due to this, Mr Rowan took the decision to go private to receive hearing aids.

Labour MSP for Lothian, Sarah Boyack, has been pursuing this issue on Mr Rowan’s behalf.

However, the NHS confirmed to Ms Boyack in May 2024, that due to pressure there was no confirmation for when Mr Rowan would receive his appointment.

Only after Mr Rowan had paid out of pocket for his hearing aids did the NHS get back in touch to confirm an appointment for August 2024.

Mr Rowan said: “My hearing test was due in May, however, unfortunately it was pushed back with no date given to me for when I might be tested.

“Due to the ongoing delay, I had to resort to going private to ensure I got the hearing aids I desperately needed.

“My loss of hearing affects me in day-to-day life, as I struggle to listen to conversations which I need to hear in the roles that I do with the voluntary sector.

“I am incredibly concerned if more is not done to tackle these waiting times then my hearing will only deteriorate further.”

Sarah Boyack MSP added: “Mr Rowan’s case illustrates the dire state that the Scottish Government have left NHS Lothian in.

“These delays and missed targets dramatically affect patients’ lives.

“It is unacceptable that Mr Rowan is facing further deterioration of his hearing due to delays.

“The Scottish Government must address the crisis in NHS Lothian as an immediate priority.

“No one should be having to pay out of pocket simply to be able to hear conversations with friends and family.

“If they don’t I fear cases such as Mr Rowan’s will only become more common.”

Fixing the Foundations

Chancellor unveils a new era for economic growth

  • Chancellor pledges she will take action to fix the foundations of the economy to make everyone, not just a few, better off.
  • Government to get Britain building by taking immediate action on planning reform and unblocking stalled sites to unlock thousands of homes.
  • Immediate removal of the de facto ban on onshore wind in England as government starts delivering on clean energy mission to cut bills for families and boost energy independence. 

The Chancellor yesterday (8 July) promised to take immediate action to fix the foundations of the economy, rebuild Britain and make every part of the country​ better off.

In her first speech as Chancellor, Rachel Reeves pledged to leaders of some of the UK’s pioneering industries to build growth on strong and secure foundations built on stability, investment and reform, and forged through a new partnership with the private sector.

Addressing the difficult economic inheritance this government faces, she committed to taking immediate action to drive sustained economic growth, the only route to improving the prosperity of our country and the living standards of working people.

Setting out her first steps to deliver on the government’s commitments in its manifesto that every action it takes will be based on sound money and economy stability, the Chancellor promised a new economic model that will grow the economy and keep taxes, inflation and mortgages as low as possible.

The Chancellor said had the UK economy grown at the average rate of OECD economies over the fourteen years from 2010, it would be £143.3 billion larger – worth £5,053 for every household in the country. This could have brought in an additional £58 billion in tax revenues in the last year alone to sustain our public services.

Taking decisive action, the government is today announcing a series of measures to lay the foundations for a dynamic, modern and growing economy, including taking urgent steps to build 1.5 million homes over the next five years and the immediate removal of the de facto ban on onshore wind in England, as part of its clean energy mission.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves said: “Today I am taking immediate action to fix Britain’s economic foundations.

By growing our economy we can rebuild Britain and make every part of the country better off.”

Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner said:“Our country is under new management and a new era for economic growth will be built on secure foundations.

“The Chancellor and I will work in lockstep to kickstart the economy, unleashing housebuilding and powering local growth.

“Change starts now. We will unblock the bottlenecks and drive forward a transformational package to build the homes people need.”

Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary Ed Miliband said: “Every family has paid the price of the ban on onshore wind farms in higher energy bills.  This ban has undermined our energy security, put costs on people’s bills – especially those on lower incomes – and held us back in our fight against climate change.

“This Government is wasting no time in delivering the bold plan we need to take back control of our energy; boosting our energy independence and cutting bills for families as we tackle the climate crisis.

“Getting rid of this ban and giving priority for planning permission for much needed infrastructure sends an immediate signal to investors here and around the world that the UK is back in business, an immediate step in our mission to make Britain a clean energy superpower.”

The UK government is taking swift action on its central growth mission by announcing the following:


The government is taking swift action to identify and unblock key ‘stalled sites’ to get large housing schemes moving forward, starting with four sites across England to unlock over 14,000 homes: Liverpool Central Docks, Northstowe, Worcester Parkway and Langley Sutton Coldfield.

The Chancellor has also welcomed the Deputy Prime Minister’s commitment to make the economic benefit of development a central consideration when intervening in the planning system. This starts today by recovering two appealed planning applications for data centres in Buckinghamshire and Hertfordshire.

To facilitate this new approach, the Deputy Prime Minister will also write to local mayors and the Office for Investment to ensure that any investment opportunity with important planning considerations that comes across their desks is brought to her attention and to the Chancellor’s.

This will help to ensure the planning system can unlock major schemes from clean energy projects and transport infrastructure to film studios and art-entertainment venues.

The Chancellor has also confirmed that the government will support local authorities with 300 additional planning officers across the country. 

Further announcements will be made in the coming weeks to accelerate the development of housing and infrastructure, including launching a landmark consultation on an updated, growth-focused National Planning Policy Framework to include mandatory housing targets and a requirement to review greenbelt boundaries where necessary to meet them.

These will prioritise Brownfield and “grey belt” land for development to meet housing targets where needed, partnered with new ‘golden rules’ that will make sure the development this frees up will also deliver thousands of affordable homes, including more for social rent.

Critical major infrastructure

The current planning regime acts as a major brake on economic growth which is why the government will make the changes the country needs to forge ahead with new roads, railways, reservoirs, and other nationally significant infrastructure.

The government will set out new policy intentions for critical infrastructure in the coming months, ahead of updating relevant National Policy Statements within the next 12 months to provide certainty to industry. We will legislate to ensure they are updated at least every 5 years.

The government will also build on the Strategic Spatial Energy Plan which is being developed by the National Energy System Operator to speed up the roll out of clean power, and will seek to expand the use of spatial planning to other infrastructure sectors.

The Chancellor has asked the Secretaries of State for Transport and Energy Security and Net Zero to prioritise taking decisions on critical infrastructure projects which are with them now.

To go further, to help speed up delivery on infrastructure such as transport and energy, the government will review how it can unlock critical infrastructure, without weakening environment protections.

Alongside this, the government will make sure energy projects are prioritised in the planning system and consult on including onshore wind power developments in the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIP) planning regime.

Further details on ending the de facto ban on onshore wind will be set out later by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, and the Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities.

Martha Lane Fox, President of the British Chambers of Commerce, said: “Fixing the foundations of the economy can provide businesses with the stability and certainty they need to unleash a wave of investment to create growth and new jobs.

“Labour’s pledges to create an industrial strategy, improve trade relations with the EU, and boost skills training all have capacity to make a huge difference. 

“Today’s commitment to deliver large scale infrastructure at greater pace, especially green energy projects and more housing where people want to live, is very welcome.

“But policy must be backed up with better skilled and resourced planning departments to deliver this step change. That’s why the pledge to fund an extra 300 planning officers is so important.

“It’s also why the BCC’s Planning Skills Fund has been set up in partnership with Government. It will develop an additional pipeline of new and upskilled planning talent to boost growth in our local economies.”

David Thomas, Chief Executive Officer, Barratt Developments’ said: “We welcome the Government’s commitment to reform of the planning system and their drive for growth.

“Building more new homes will bring huge economic and social benefits to the UK, and it is vital that local and central government are united with industry to plan positively to deliver high quality new homes and developments across the country.”

Keith Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, Scottish Power said: “I welcome the clear sense of urgency and direction set out by the Chancellor today.

“Prioritising clean energy infrastructure and building at speed and at scale will unleash strong economic growth across the country.

“If the UK can halve the time it takes to get renewables, electricity grid and storage projects through the planning system, we’ll look to double our investment over the coming years.”

Henrik L. Pedersen, Chief Executive Officer, Associated British Ports said: “Associated British Ports has an ambitious project pipeline of major investments in port infrastructure including supporting the development of floating offshore wind in Wales as well as green hydrogen and carbon capture and storage in the Humber.

“The right enabling measures from Government will unlock these developments at pace. In this regard the Chancellor’s speech is very welcome and encouraging.”

Mark Reynolds, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Mace Grop, Co-Chair of the Construction Leadership Council said: “Today’s announcements show a welcome proactive approach to tackling the delays to the planning system that are costing the UK up to £11bn a year in growth and hampering the delivery of the homes and infrastructure we sorely need.

“The focus on cutting the red tape to progress nationally important projects, such as data centres, combined with increased resourcing of the planning departments, will bring a renewed energy and focus to the construction sector.

“It’s particularly welcome to see the Chancellor has put this at the top of her agenda – we stand fully behind the delivery of the Government’s ambitions.”

Kate Kenny, Senior Vice President, Jacobs said: ““We greatly welcome the changes outlined by the Chancellor today to simplify the planning regime and unlock greater investment in critical national infrastructure projects.

“The updating of National Policy Statements will also play a major role in providing clarity and certainty of pipeline for industry and its supply chains to invest in the long-term skills required to deliver the clean energy, transport, water and other significant infrastructure projects that the UK requires for a prosperous future.”

Tom Glover, UK Country Chair, RWE said: “We fully support the new government’s focus on unblocking the planning system, and welcome commitments to prioritise taking decisions on critical national infrastructure projects as soon as possible.

“Ensuring that local authorities are properly resourced to deliver a real acceleration in planning approvals is also crucial – we therefore welcome the announcement to fund an additional 300 planning officers. 

“As a leading renewables developer we are also pleased that the government are moving swiftly to end the ban of onshore wind, in the long-term this means committing to bring projects over 50MW back into the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) regime. We look forward to further information on this in due course”.

Andrea Rossi, Chief Executive Officer, M&G said: “As a major investor in the real economy we welcome efforts to provide long-term policy certainty and the ambition to get Britain building. Speed and ambition are crucial.

“By providing clarity on infrastructure priorities, combined with a swifter planning system, we can deliver investment, kick-start the economy and secure good returns for UK pension policy holders.”   

Chris Cummings, Chief Executive Officer, The Investment Association said: “The Investment Management industry strongly supports the Chancellor’s ambition to drive economic growth. There is more our industry can do to support the UK economy and its people, and we are ready to work with the new government to achieve this.  

“Investment is the engine of economic growth, and our industry supports the government in finding innovative ways for more capital to be channelled into thriving British businesses and infrastructure projects. Removing blockers in the planning system will be key to this.

“It is vital we open straightforward ways for pension funds to invest in the housing, transport and energy projects we all rely on by removing regulatory obstacles and overturning the culture of “safetyism” that has curtailed economic growth.” 

Rob Perrins, Chief Executive Officer, Berkeley Group said:  “We’re hugely encouraged to see the clear priority and focus on housing delivery as part of the Government’s mission for growth.

“Today’s announcements are a very positive start and we will continue to work closely with Government to help unlock the potential of brownfield regeneration sites to deliver good green homes, both affordable and private. Reviving urban land has a vital role to play in driving the sustainable growth and productivity our country needs.”

Nick Jansa, Executive Managing Director EMEA, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan said: “We welcome the government’s announcement today on improvements to the planning system and removing barriers to investment in growing the UK’s critical infrastructure.”

UNLOCK DEMOCRACY: Cleaning Up Politics

Restoring trust in politics doesn’t depend on funding or passing laws.

This joint letter signed by, amongst others, Civil Exchange, Transparency International UK, Compassion In Politics, Compass, Make Votes Matter, and the Electoral Reform Society sets out four things Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer can announce to demonstrate that he will clean up politics:

First Minister welcomes Prime Minister to Bute House

Talks focus on collaborative working and areas of shared interest

First Minister John Swinney welcomed Sir Keir Starmer to Bute House yesterday for one of his first engagements after being appointed as the new UK Prime Minister.  

Following an introductory telephone call on Friday, the two leaders met in Edinburgh to emphasise their joint commitment to working collaboratively on areas of shared interest.

They discussed a range of issues and areas where both the governments can work together, including advancing the Scottish Government’s core priorities of eradicating child poverty, growing the economy, prioritising net zero, and ensuring the delivery of effective public services. 

Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes and the new Secretary of State for Scotland Ian Murray joined the First Minister and Prime Minister for talks.

First Minister John Swinney said: “I was pleased to welcome Sir Keir to Bute House so soon after his appointment as UK Prime Minister.

“We continued our conversation about areas of shared interest. I believe there is an opportunity for collaborative working that can make a difference to people’s lives and I hope to work with Sir Keir’s new Government to deliver progress for the benefit of people in Scotland.

“Following our talks, I am confident we have established the foundation for a productive relationship between our two governments based on renewed respect for the devolution settlement.

“On a personal note, having been First Minister for two months and a minister for many years, I am very aware of the demands of office. I again offered Sir Keir and his family my congratulations on his appointment and my best wishes for what will be a demanding start to his term in office.” 

The UK’s position on the Middle East will be one of the ongoing issues Keir Starmer will have to address and a vocal protest by pro-Palestinian campaigners gathered outside Bute House calling for an end to arms supplies to Israel and an end to the slaughter of innocent children and families in Gaza.

Count Binface: Bindependence Day!

National Tour from 12th September

The universe’s favourite novelty politician, Count Binface, is back on our planet, and just in the nick of time as he’s set to embark on a national tour this autumn to save us all from imminent disaster with his MEGA plans. (Make Earth Great Again!) 

2024 is the biggest year ever for democracy, with elections all over the globe, and Binface has more than played his part. He recently ran in the London Mayoral Election and took on (former) Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in the General Election. 

Hot off the back of the UK’s General Election, Binface will be invading a theatre near you with his brand new live comedy show, featuring his unique take on Britain, his special brand of sci-fi satire, and of course his unbeatable manifesto.

Cheaper croissants? Check. The nationalisation of Adele? Check. The return of Ceefax? Check. Water bosses to take a dip in UK rivers to see how they like it? CHECK! 

Count Binface is the intergalactic space warrior and novelty politician who has delighted millions with his unlikely tilts at power in the United Kingdom.

First, he took on Theresa May in the 2017 General Election, cunningly disguised as ‘Lord Buckethead’, and went viral around the world (in a non-Covid way), appearing on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and at The Glastonbury Festival.

Then he challenged Boris Johnson in 2019, when he scored 69 votes (he’d love to say he’s the first life form to experience a surprising 69 with the Prime Minister in a sports hall during the small hours, but with Boris you just never know).

In 2021 he first ran to be Mayor of London in a bid to gain control of the Earth Capital itself. He received a glorious 92,896 votes from the great British public that sent him soaring into ninth place.

This year he won 24,260 votes and he got endorsed by a national newspaper and beat the fascists of Britain First.

Tour Listings:

for tickets and more information visit

12 Sept             Cardiff              Glee Club          

13 Sept             Bath                 Komedia           

17 Sept             Hull                  Social   

18 Sept             Leeds               Wardrobe         

19 Sept             Glasgow           Òran Mór         

24 Sept             Sheffield           Leadmill           

26 Sept             Liverpool          Hot Water Comedy Club

29 Sept             Manchester      Cultplex            

2 Oct                Birmingham      Glee Club

3 Oct                Leicester           Y Theatre 

6 Oct                Cambridge        Junction           

9 Oct                Edinburgh         Monkey Barrel

11 Oct              London             Pleasance         

16 Oct              Brighton           Komedia           

19 Oct              Croydon           Fairfield Halls

27 Oct              Bristol              Wardrobe Theatre

Hilary Benn meets First and deputy First ministers in Northern Ireland

The newly appointed Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Rt Hon Hilary Benn MP has reaffirmed the UK Government’s commitment to a prosperous, stable and peaceful Northern Ireland during his first visit since taking up the role.

The Secretary of State attended a Cabinet meeting in London yesterday before travelling to Hillsborough Castle, where he met the First Minister Michelle O’Neill, deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly, and representatives from other Executive and Opposition parties.

On Friday evening following his appointment, Mr Benn also spoke to the Tánaiste Micheál Martin by telephone. 

Mr Benn said: “I am deeply honoured to have been appointed to the role of Secretary of State. 

“I wanted to get to work as quickly as possible and was therefore pleased to be able to hold these initial discussions with the First and deputy First Ministers and representatives from the other parties. 

“My immediate priorities are to establish a new relationship between the UK Government and the Northern Ireland Executive as we work together to foster economic growth and prosperity, and to improve public services. 

“I want to ensure that we have a system in place for addressing the legacy of the past in a way that wins support from victims’ families and that all communities can have confidence in, and which is compliant with human rights.”

Mr Benn said that the new UK Government was firmly committed to the Belfast Good Friday Agreement and to the principle of consent that is at its heart. 

“We will work hard to deliver its vision for reconciliation, equality, respect for rights and parity of esteem.” 

The Secretary of State said that his meeting with the First Minister and deputy First Minister was “very constructive”.

“I look forward to building on our relationship in the months ahead,” he said.

Addressing the relationship with Dublin, Mr Benn said: “As our nearest neighbour and co-guarantor of the Belfast Good Friday Agreement, our relationship with Ireland is of great importance. 

“The new UK Government will work closely with the Irish Government to reset and strengthen the relationship between our two countries.”

First Minister Michelle O’Neill said: “Today I led our Sinn Féin delegation to meet with the new British Secretary of State, Hilary Benn.

“We strongly made the case for fair funding to invest in health, education and public services, the building of Casement Park to host Euro 2028, and the repealing of the Legacy Act.

“We also urged the British Government to respect our right to self-determination as support for constitutional change grows.

“People here are increasingly looking towards the future and to a new Ireland that ensures the best opportunities in life for everyone who calls our island home.”

New Prime Minister Keir Starmer is expected to visit Belfast tomorrow.

First Minister to meet new Prime Minister in Scotland today

First Minister John Swinney will welcome new Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer to Scotland today.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, the First Minister said: “I was really pleased to have the opportunity to speak to the Prime Minister on his first day in office and to congratulate him and wish him, and his family well.

“I look forward to welcoming the Prime Minister to Scotland where I hope to have constructive discussions with him on our shared priorities for the people of Scotland. This includes eradicating child poverty, growing the economy, prioritising net zero, and ensuring effective public services. 

“I welcome the Prime Minister’s commitment to forge a positive relationship between our governments and for our part, the Scottish Government is committed to working constructively with the UK Government to build a better Scotland.”

WHATEVER your political allegiances. the relationship between the two governments is crucial to the people of Scotland. I’d like to think it will be more constructive than it has been in the recent past – Ed.

Starmer: A mandate to do politics differently

Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s remarks at a Downing Street press conference following the first meeting of the new cabinet today

Thank you all for coming. Yesterday the work of change began…

And as the dust settles on Thursday’s result, what is becoming clear for, I think, all to see is the mood of the nation, of the country…

What is expected of us and the mandate that we have to deliver change…

It’s a mandate not just to govern, although it is certainly that, but it’s a mandate that has put trust in us to change the country and to deliver…

And it’s a mandate to do politics differently…

And that change started yesterday as well…

I have, as you’ll have seen, appointed a Cabinet…

That was done yesterday afternoon and completed…

Some went to the Privy Council this morning to receive their seals, which was a moment in history…

We followed that with the first Cabinet meeting of the Labour government of 2024…

At that Cabinet meeting, I had the opportunity to set out precisely what I expect of them in terms of standards, delivery and the trust that the country has put in them…

And yesterday I met Laurie Magnus, the Independent Adviser on standards, to discuss how we deliver in government…

At the Cabinet meeting, I also discussed mission delivery…

How we would put into action the plans that we have set out in our manifesto…

And that we will have mission delivery boards to drive through the change that we need, and that I will be chairing those boards to make sure that it’s clear to everyone that they are my priority in government…

We also talked about preparations for the King’s speech…

And I reminded the entire Cabinet, that we will be judged on actions, not on words…

And this afternoon, I will continue to make a number of frontbench appointments…

We clearly on Thursday got a mandate, from all four nations for the first time in 20 plus years…

We have a majority in England, in Scotland and in Wales…

And that is a clear mandate to govern for all four corners of the United Kingdom…

And therefore, I shall set off tomorrow to be in all four nations…

I shall go first to Scotland…

I shall then go to Northern Ireland…

Then to Wales, and then back to England…

Where I will meet the First Ministers, not just to discuss the issues and challenges of the day. Of course, we will do that…

But also to establish a way of working across the United Kingdom that will be different and better to the way of working that we’ve had in recent years, and to recognise the contributions of all four nations…

On Thursday, we also got a mandate on economic growth – the number one mission of the Labour government…

And so we discussed at Cabinet and have started the work on driving growth…

And to make sure that growth is everywhere across the whole country so that people are better off everywhere, wherever they live…

The principle I operate to is those with skin in the game know what’s best for their communities, and that does require us to be bold about pushing power and resource out of Whitehall…

And therefore, when I return from the four nations, I shall hold a meeting of the Metro mayors to discuss with them their part in delivering the growth that we need across the United Kingdom…

That will be on Tuesday…

That will include non-Labour Metro mayors…

There’s no monopoly on good ideas…

And I’m not a tribal politician…

And the principle I operate to, whether it’s mayors or other elected representatives, is that where regional leaders want to deliver for their area…

Then, regardless of the colour of their rosette, my door is open and my government will work with them…

Later on Tuesday, I shall set off to Washington for the NATO summit…

I’ve already had a number of international calls, as you will know, and as you would have expected, to establish the relations across with other countries to have really important discussions about Ukraine and other pressing issues…

And Washington will be an opportunity for me to have further discussions with some of the leaders I’ve already spoken to and some that I’m due to speak to…

It is, of course, an important summit on NATO…

It is for me to be absolutely clear that the first duty of my government is security and defense, to make clear our unshakable support of NATO…

And of course, to reiterate, as I did to President Zelenskyy yesterday, the support that we will have in this country and with our allies towards Ukraine…

So this will be a politics and a government that is about delivery, is about service…

Self-interest is yesterday’s politics…

I want a politics and a country that works for you…

Thank you very much.