Turning politics on it’s head

Pilton Community Health Project holds Upside Down hustings

On 23rd November 2016 over 30 residents of north Edinburgh attended an event at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre to start a discussion with candidates for the election to the City of Edinburgh Council (writes PCHP’s Anita Aggarwal). Continue reading Turning politics on it’s head

Ben plays his part at Easter Road’s GameChanger Christmas lunch

Local MSP Ben Macpherson has praised the work of Hibernian FC and it’s GameChanger initiative that hosted a festive lunch for the less fortunate on Christmas Day. The MSP also encouraged people across the country to reach out to those who may be spending the festive period alone. Continue reading Ben plays his part at Easter Road’s GameChanger Christmas lunch

City support for Scotland’s Place in Europe

Edinburgh’s SNP politicians have backed First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s proposals to keep Scotland in the European Single Market. And if support from her own party isn’t particularly surprising there’s support too from Labour’s former health minister Malcolm Chisholm. Continue reading City support for Scotland’s Place in Europe

MSPs unite to support MND Christmas Marathon

Rob Shorthouse will be runnning a marathon on Christmas Day for MND Scotland to help Gordon Aikman’s Fightback campaign – and he was joined yesterday by MSPs Ben Macpherson (Edinburgh Northern and Leith), Labour leader Kezia Dugdale (Lothians), Alex Cole-Hamliton (Edinburgh Western) and Scottish Conservatives leader Ruth Davidson (Edinburgh Central) who have added their support for this cause. Continue reading MSPs unite to support MND Christmas Marathon

A budget for ‘growth and public services’ – or a ‘massive con’?

Finance Secretary Derek Mackay has unveiled a ‘budget for growth and public services’ as he announced new investment in healthcare, education and local services, combined with support for jobs through lower business rates. However opposition parties are less than impressed with the SNP plans and it’s likely that the government will have to rely on the support of the Greens to get their budget passed.

Continue reading A budget for ‘growth and public services’ – or a ‘massive con’?

COSLA: give us a break

It’s the blame game. Local government blames Holyrood for cuts to services. Holyrood blames Westminster. Westminster says it’s Holyrood’s fault – and so the cycle goes on. And on. And on. And while the various democratic structures pass the buck, communities continue to suffer – and, as ever, the poorest communities suffer most …

COSLA President Councillor David O’Neill said that Council Leaders had given COSLA a very clear message over the course of the last week that the Scottish Government have to treat local government fairly in tomorrow’s settlement announcement. Continue reading COSLA: give us a break

Refreshing democracy: Wightman proposes fiscal framework for local government

Green MSP Andy Wightman delivered the annual Stephen Maxwell Memorial Lecture at SCVO’s annual general meeting at the Royal Society of Edinburgh in George Street last night.   The MSP’s theme was ‘how to renew, refresh and revitalise’ democracy and the redistribution of ‘economic and political power’. Continue reading Refreshing democracy: Wightman proposes fiscal framework for local government