£52 million spent to mitigate effects of Westminster’s Bedroom Tax

Over the past year almost 113,000 awards  have been made under the Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) scheme, with a total value of £51.9 million, according to the latest figures released by the Scottish Government. Local authorities paid out the money during the period 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017, with an average payment of £460. Continue reading £52 million spent to mitigate effects of Westminster’s Bedroom Tax

Hustings to focus on Euro Brexit

Monday 5th June, 6pm

Royal Overseas League, Princes Street

Brexit is the most monumental change that British society has experienced in decades. The outcome of the June 8 general election will be key in determining who will represent Britain in the exit negotiations, and with what positions. Continue reading Hustings to focus on Euro Brexit

Letters: Enough is enough

Dear Editor

Do not be taken in by the Tories who say, hand on heart, ‘we will put wokers interests first’ if elected.

We know to our cost over the last seven years just how much they care by freezing our wages, imposing drastic cuts in funding for essential services and making scapegoats of unemployed and disabled people.

On June the 8th everyone has the opportunity to vote them out for all they have done and intend to do to us. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Tony Delahoy (by email)

Letter: Time to ditch the Tories

Dear Editor

When voting on June 8th everyone should remember that many things we take for granted had to be struggled for by ordinary people. The formation of our NHS. The reduction of the working week to 5 days. The entitlement to paid annual leave. The entitlement to sick pay. Health and Safety at Work Act.

These and many others were put into place by a Labour Government campaigned for by the Labour Movement, Trade Unions and Cooperatives.

All these improvements were made in spite of fierce opposition by the Conservatives.

We now have had 7 years of Tory control making drastic cuts not only in the value of our wages but also on the many services that are essential to most people. The Tories have said they intend to continue making cuts over the next 5 years if elected. Even our NHS on which at times we all rely is being ground down in many ways.

We must ensure on June 8th the Tories get the message: You are not wanted, we have had enough of cuts.

A.Delahoy (by email)