Lothian MSP launches petition to restore funding for planned new Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion

Lothian MSP launches petition to restore funding for planned new Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, has launched a petition to save the Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion after SNP Ministers withdrew funding for a replacement hospital, for the second time in three years.

At FMQs last Thursday, Mr Briggs asked the First Minister about plans for the development of a new eye hospital for Edinburgh and the South East of Scotland. In response to Mr Briggs the First Minister stated that: “There is no doubting of course that the Eye Pavilion does need built”.

Following the original decision to withdraw funding for a replacement eye hospital, a significant campaigning effort led to the previous First Minister U-turning and reinstating funding for a replacement hospital.

The current eye pavilion is no longer fit for purpose with an extensive list of maintenance issues that the health board needs to keep on top of.

There has been no money spent on the existing Princess Alexandra Eye Hospital in the last year.

The current Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion is a centre for excellence, which Lothian MSP Miles Briggs has said is at risk of being lost due to the mismanagement of budgets by SNP Ministers.

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said :“It is completely unacceptable that SNP Ministers have removed funding for a replacement Princess Alexandra Eye Hospital for the second time in two years.

“The current hospital is no longer fit for purpose and we need a new hospital to treat over 50,000 patients who attend the hospital every year.  

“We are at risk of losing a centre of excellence in the South East of Scotland and future generations will have worse eye health due to this period of ineptitude by SNP Ministers.

“Please sign my petition for a replacement Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion to show the extent of public support for this funding to be reinstated.”

If you would like to support Mr Brigg’s petition to reinstate funding for a replacement Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion, you can find the petition here :


Yesterday (Thursday 1st February) at FMQs Miles Briggs MSP asked the First Minister:

Last year 59,240 patients attended the Princes Alexandra Eye Pavilion.

For a patient in Edinburgh or the Borders with a detached retina the need for urgent surgery is critical.    

The Health Secretary has suggested that if the Edinburgh Eye Pavilion is not replaced then more surgery will be centralised to the Golden Jubilee National Hospital in Glasgow.

It would be unacceptable for emergency eye surgery to be centralised to Glasgow.               

Can ask the First Minister if he and the Health Secretary will agree to urgently meet with Lothian MSPs to discuss the concerns that Ministers will now not commit to a new replacement Eye Hospital.

Scottish Budget faces difficult choices in challenging circumstances, says Finance Committee

The Scottish Government’s budget for 2024/25 has been set amidst a context of persistently high inflation, low growth and high interest rates amidst deep cuts to capital funding.

In its budget report published on Wednesday, Holyrood’s Finance and Public Administration Committee looks at the choices the Scottish Government has made, including on taxation.

Finance and Public Administration Committee Convener Kenneth Gibson said: “Significant pressure on Scotland’s public finances have presented difficult tax and spending decisions in the budget. Everybody recognises that.

“The Scottish Government priorities are based on delivering its three ‘missions’ of equality, opportunity and community.  However, there was a great divergence in views from witnesses on what those priorities should be, with the focus understandably in areas where budgets will be reduced rather than increased.

“The committee is unclear how spending has been prioritised towards a fair, green and growing economy.

“Regarding taxation, there is uncertainty about the behavioural impact on taxpayers earning more than £75,000 per year and when there will be a fundamental review of the council tax.

“The Scottish Government needs to deliver long-term financial planning. At present it gives the impression that it’s procrastinating on important decision-making that would help the sustainability of Scotland’s public finances, albeit in the medium and longer-term.

“The Committee is also disappointed at continuing cuts to the capital budget by the UK Government which restricts the Scottish Government’s ability to invest in capital projects, achieving net zero and growing the economy.”

On public service reform Mr Gibson added: “The Scottish Government’s public service reform programme is critical to the sustainability of the Budget and ensuring effective delivery of public services.

“While the government has set out principles and objectives for its reform programme there are few other signs of progress. This is disappointing given the urgent need for reform.

“We need to see the government develop and deliver its reform programme at a quicker pace in the months and years to come.”

The report also says that the Scottish Government must explain why it has delayed:

  • the public sector pay policy 2024-25
  • an updated infrastructure project pipeline and
  • a financial strategy for public service reform.

Party leaders discuss climate ambitions for Scotland

First Minister chairs cross-party meeting on net zero

First Minister Humza Yousaf chaired a cross-party discussion on Scotland’s climate change ambitions at Holyrood yesterday.

Inviting party leaders to discuss how we can all address the climate crisis, the First Minister highlighted the Parliament’s shared goal of securing a future that is fair and just for all.

He urges all parties to lead and promote behaviour change from everyone in society.

Chris Stark, Chief Executive of the independent UK Climate Change Committee (CCC), presented information on where Scotland is in its journey to net zero.

Speaking ahead of yesterday’s meeting, the First Minister said: “Tackling the climate and nature crises is the collective fight of our lifetime, with implications for generations to come.

“The discussion will focus both on the challenges and opportunities we face in reaching net zero. We collectively made a commitment to deliver on net zero when Parliament backed the Act on a cross-party basis.

“There must be a recognition from across the political divide that we require bold action to tackle the scale of the climate crisis, and meet our ambitions on net zero.

“In addition to our Climate Change Plan, we are developing the first set of Just Transition Plans to set out how these changes impact different parts of society and how we can promote a fair path to a net zero and climate resilient Scotland.

“We will continue to implement net zero policies and deliver funding to where it is needed the most – with the highest impact.

“From today’s meeting, I am hopeful that we can continue to work together to implement net zero policies – thereby helping to create a better and more sustainable planet for us all.”

UK Government plan urgently needed to address “the silent killer” of heatwaves

2022 saw UK temperatures soar to above 40°C for the first time, while 2023 was the world’s hottest year on record. Westminster’s Environmental Audit Committee has raised concerns over the UK’s lack of preparedness in its report on ‘Heat resilience and sustainable cooling’.

The “silent killer” of heatwaves could claim up to 10,000 lives annually in the UK without concerted action, with the most vulnerable at greatest risk. Physical and mental health can be severely impacted: the Committee heard that suicide risk is twice as high in the UK when the temperature was 32°C rather than 22°C.

Work-related injuries also increase, and interrupted sleep patterns due to high temperatures can cost the UK economy £60bn a year, or 1.5% to 2% of GDP.

The social and economic case for accelerating heat adaptation measures in the UK is clear-cut, and EAC recommends measures around prioritising passive cooling – that do not involve expending energy – and clear Government messaging on the risks of heat events, underpinned by a national strategy on heat resilience.

Nature based solutions offer important passive cooling measures and additional co-benefits. Parks, trees, water bodies and green infrastructure – such as green roofs – can have significant cooling effects and also help biodiversity and air quality.

The Government must adopt a range of these measures, particularly in areas where the ‘urban heat island’ effect typically raises temperatures: for example, London can be up to 8°C warmer than surrounding rural areas.

Over 4.6 million English homes experience summertime overheating, and with 80% of homes that will exist in 2050 having already been built, retrofitting for net zero and thermal comfort will be needed on a vast scale.

Existing initiatives on insulation and energy efficiency should be developed into a national retrofit programme which should be delivered by local authorities, supported by long term funding, focusing on insulation and ventilation, as well as passive measures, above active cooling mechanisms.

Fans may also have a role, and the Government should consider amending Building Regulations to encourage the use of ceiling fans. The Government must urgently bring forward proposals to encourage access to low-cost finance for householders to retrofit passive cooling measures.

Some of the passive measures EAC heard about included installing external shutters, which could reduce incidences of heat mortality by around 40%, and coating the roofs of buildings with reflective white paint.

Passive cooling measures would reduce the need for energy intensive air conditioning units, which in 2022 and 2023 led to a surge in demand for electricity causing coal fired power stations to fire up once more. A repeat of this surge risks a vicious cycle of increased greenhouse gas emissions that in turn make the world even hotter. Action to increase the energy efficiency of air conditioners is therefore also required.

Any national retrofit programme must be well-funded but also address concerns of a “net zero tradespeople crisis” amid concerns that by 2030, there will be a shortfall of 250,000 people in suitable roles.

Information on coping with extreme heat does not always appear to be reaching those in need. Repeating calls the predecessor Committee made in its 2018 Heatwaves report, EAC urges the Government to launch a public information campaign on the developing threat of heatwaves and their significant impact on human health and activities.

The Met Office should trial naming heatwaves to boost public recognition of the threat to health and wellbeing in the same way as named storms. Humidity levels should also be incorporated into weather forecasts and heat-health alerts.

At COP28, the UK signed the Global Cooling Pledge, which saw nations commit to reduce cooling related emissions by 68% from 2023 by 2050. EAC hopes its report assists the Government’s production of a national cooling action plan as the pledge calls for, and in response to its report, the Government should set out its timetable for this plan.

Environmental Audit Committee Chair, Rt Hon Philip Dunne MP, said: “The world is heating up, and in the coming year we may exceed an increase of over 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels: breaking a key ambition of the Paris Agreement. The record temperatures we are seeing in UK summers, triggered by climate change, pose significant risks to health and wellbeing, and swift action must now be taken to adapt to the UK’s changing climate.

“Projections suggest that without action, there could be 10,000 UK heat-related deaths annually. High temperatures are costing the UK economy £60 billion a year: so measures to address the risks from overheating are simply a no-brainer.

“There are a number of relatively simple ways to mitigate overheating risk, such as installing shutters, increasing the size of green spaces and using reflective paint on roofs. Yet none of these measures are being rolled out at scale. There is now a real opportunity to focus on these measures in tandem with improving the energy efficiency of the country’s homes in a new national retrofit programme.

“Tackling overheating at scale will not be a quick or easy undertaking. Clear collaboration between Government departments and local authorities is necessary, supported by a clear messaging campaign and a pipeline of funding and skilled retrofitters to undertake the work needed.

“Existing Government policy fails to grasp the urgency of the task at hand. A Minister with oversight on heat resilience must be appointed to oversee this important work.”

Dr Radhika Khosla, Associate Professor at the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment, University of Oxford, who acted as Specialist Adviser for the EAC’s inquiry, said: “We were delighted to partner with the EAC for this timely and important inquiry.

“Sustainable cooling has rightly been pushed up the global agenda in recent years as temperatures rise around the world. But now that we recognise the problems from extreme heat, it is imperative we commit to the solutions.

“Our hope is that this report helps the UK take action to meet its Global Cooling Pledge commitments and, most importantly, helps to save lives and protect people’s wellbeing while reducing emissions from cooling.”

New campaign supports Edinburgh schools to talk to pupils about vaping

There has been a rise in young people in Scotland vaping in recent years, with more than 40 per cent of children and teenagers saying they’ve tried vapes by the time they reach S4.1

Vaping is a new and emerging pattern of disruptive behaviour in schools, with staff reporting reduced attendance as young people gather to vape in toilets through the school day.2

Nicotine, often found in vapes, can also be linked to stress, anxiety and struggles with sleeping. Research shows that you can become addicted to nicotine within days of starting to use it and a quarter of teens who tried vaping say they are addicted.3

To help tackle this issue the Scottish Government has launched a campaign which encourages and supports teachers to have conversations with pupils about the serious health risks of vaping.

Public Health Minister Jenni Minto said: “Smoking damages lives and kills more than 8,000 people a year in Scotland and is burden on our NHS and social care services. Research also suggests that almost one in five adolescents have tried vapes.

“While E-cigarettes are one of a range of tools for adult smokers to quit smoking, they should never be used by young people or adult non-smokers. We must take action to prevent young people using vapes and becoming addicted which will damage their health, and that’s why we launched a marketing campaign. It is much easier to never start than it is to give up.”

Allie Cherry-Byrnes, CEO of Fast Forward, a voluntary education organisation, said: “We know from speaking to schools and parents during our vaping workshops that schools have seen a notable increase of vaping among pupils recently.

“The nicotine addiction associated with vaping can affect pupils’ ability to concentrate in school and schools are also seeing a negative impact on attendance.

“The campaign resources are a useful tool for teachers as they continue to speak to pupils about vaping and help young people understand the health risks involved.”

Resources linking to Curriculum for Excellence have been shared with all Scottish schools, including information and facts about vaping, posters, newsletter copy, social media assets and an expert film featuring Professor Linda Bauld talking about the impacts of vaping on young people.

Professor Linda Bauld from the University of Edinburgh said “There is a rise in young people in Scotland who vape and this is a concern. These are products that should be used by adult smokers trying to quit and not other groups.

“Although we don’t have long term evidence on health harms, we do know that many vaping products contain nicotine that can be addictive. Cravings for nicotine can lead to irritability, restlessness, feeling anxious or depressed, trouble concentrating and sleeping.

“It’s important that we communicate to young people and parents about risks and support them to have informed discussions about these products.”

Nicotine withdrawal can have an impact on a young person’s mental health making them tired, stressed and anxious. It can also affect young people’s concentration and impact their ability to learn and study. The first symptoms of nicotine dependence can appear within days or weeks of starting to occasionally vape.

The ‘Take Hold’ campaign also offers advice for parents about talking to their about vaping and features a striking image of a young person being ‘taken hold of’ by vape smoke, to highlight how vaping can quickly take hold of and impact your life.

Deidre Brock MP calls for discussion on future of Leith’s Old Town Hall if Police decide to leave

The Old Town Hall in Leith should be considered for community use if Police Scotland vacate the building, according to Deidre Brock MP. 

The station is one of those up for possible closure as part of Police Scotland’s estate review. 

Built in 1828, the Category A listed building still contains the original Leith Burgh Council debating chamber. 

The Edinburgh North & Leith MP said: “If Police Scotland decide that the old Leith Town Hall is no longer appropriate for modern policing, there should be a discussion about how it can be utilised for the community. 

“It is a wonderful building that holds a unique place in Leith’s history, and I hope the Council will consider how it can best be used for the benefit of current and future generations of Leithers.”

Ben Macpherson calls for new police station for Leith


EDINBURGH Northern and Leith MSP Ben Macpherson is urging the Scottish Government to consider siting a new police station in Victoria Quay.

Writing to Justice Secretary Angela Constance yesterday, the local MSP said: “As you are aware, Leith Police Station in my constituency is one of those being  considered for closure, as part of Police Scotland’s estate review.

“In terms of the  current building in Leith, this is understandable as the current location is within the  old Leith Chambers which, while being a remarkable historic building, is not optimal  for twentieth century policing or meeting shared aspirations like net zero.  

“However, there is a very strong case for retaining a police station in Leith –  especially given recent and projected significant population growth in the locality and surrounding areas! This could be realised in the form of a new Leith Police Station  within a colocation premises, which would enhance public service provision and  make financial sense.  

Therefore, I am writing to state that I think Victoria Quay could potentially provide an  ideal location for a new Leith Police Station, collocated with other public services.  

“The under-utilisation of Victoria Quay is well known and I have previously liaised with  the Permanent Secretary about how it could be used going forward, to potentially  provide more for Leith and the wider needs of the public and local economy.  

“I would be grateful if the Scottish Government and Police Scotland could consider  the creation of a new Leith Police Station to be established in Victoria Quay?

“I have  copied the this correspondence to the Edinburgh Commander (Police Scotland) and  the Permanent Secretary. “

Remote Scottish communities worse off due to ‘rural premium’ despite cost of living support, MPs find

The Scottish Affairs Committee warns blanket UK-wide schemes intended to support households with the rising cost of living were not sufficiently ‘rural-proofed’ and did not meet the needs of remote communities in Scotland who face a ‘rural premium’.

The ‘rural premium’ refers to the higher prices that communities in remote rural areas pay, relative to urban areas, to access the same goods and services. The report highlighted three key areas – energy, food security and transport – and finds that rising costs in each sector disproportionately affects rural communities in Scotland. 

Examples cited by the Committee include exposure to fuel price inflation due to being more reliant on transport, a reliance on expensive alternative fuels for off-grid households and higher charges for food deliveries to remote locations. 

In a new report published yesterday, MPs on the Westminster-based Scottish Affairs Committee acknowledge the unprecedented package of support provided by the UK Government which has helped to mitigate the impact of price spikes.  

The Committee concludes that some schemes, however, had prioritised administrative ease to accelerate funds getting to people rather than specifically targeting financial support for those who need it most. MPs on the Committee found that financial support tailored towards remote communities experiencing the ‘rural premium’ would have more effectively alleviated the acute and unique pressures those households face. 

Evidence submitted to the Committee as part of the inquiry showed that prior to the sharp increase in fuel prices, the highest rates of fuel poverty in Scotland could be found in the most rural regions – Na h-Eileanan Siar (40%), Highland (33%), Argyll and Bute (32%), Moray (32%), Shetland Islands (31%) and Orkney Islands (31%). The Scottish Government has estimated that 57% of households in rural areas would be in fuel poverty by April 2023. 

The Committee heard that food insecurity had led to a ‘cost of surviving crisis’ for some in particularly remote areas, while delayed plans to improve ferry and road infrastructure has further exacerbated difficulties for rural communities. 

MPs are calling for the Scottish and UK Governments to work together in order to better understand the scale and complexities of the challenges facing rural communities in Scotland. Agreeing consistent definitions of food poverty and more effective collaboration to overcome transport infrastructure challenges would be welcome steps forward in tackling this issue, the Committee says.

Chair of the Scottish Affairs Committee, Pete Wishart MP, said: “During the cost-of-living crisis, people living in remote parts of Scotland have found themselves in a perfect storm of poorly-insulated, high energy usage homes with an extended journey to local amenities and food shopping bills off the charts.  

“Schemes implemented by both the UK and Scottish Governments have been welcome in large parts of Scotland, but the reality is these households have been lumbered with a ‘rural premium’ that hasn’t been adequately addressed by state support. 

“We must learn the lessons from the economic challenges households have faced over the last few years. I hope both the UK and Scottish Governments will use this time to properly understand the support these communities will need to prevent them falling further into poverty should we face similar problems in the future.” 

Foreign Secretary in Middle East and Turkey to progress sustainable Gaza ceasefire

Lord Cameron will visit Israel, the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Qatar and Turkey to urge regional leaders to work with the UK to achieve a sustainable ceasefire in Gaza

  • Foreign Secretary to visit Israel, the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Qatar and Turkey to hold high-level talks with regional leaders to get more aid into Gaza, hostages out and reach a sustainable, permanent ceasefire.    
  • David Cameron will focus on advancing discussions with the Israelis and Qataris for an urgent humanitarian pause in Gaza  
  • He will build on efforts to secure the safe release of hostages, pushing forward the cases of British and dual nationals through all diplomatic routes. 

The Foreign Secretary travels to the Middle East and Turkey this week where he will urge regional leaders to work with the UK to achieve a sustainable ceasefire in Gaza, so that Israelis and Palestinians can build a peaceful future together.   

The Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary have set out the necessary elements for progress – Hamas must agree to the release of all hostages, they can no longer be in charge of Gaza and the threat from their terror and rocket attacks must end. An agreement must also be put in place for the Palestinian Authority to return to Gaza in order to provide governance and services and, increasingly, security.   

In Israel, the Foreign Secretary will speak to Prime Minister Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Katz, calling for more to be done, more quickly to significantly increase the flow of life-saving aid into Gaza. He is also expected to raise UK concerns over the high number of civilian causalities.   

The Foreign Secretary will reiterate that more crossing points need to be open for longer for aid deliveries to Gaza, including the port at Ashdod and the Kerem Shalom crossing, and that water, fuel and electricity must be restored during his meetings.

Foreign Secretary David Cameron said: “No-one wants to see this conflict go on a moment longer than necessary. An immediate pause is now necessary to get aid in and hostages out. The situation is desperate.  

“This week I am in the Middle East working with partners to help build a plan to move from that pause to a sustainable, permanent ceasefire without a return to hostilities.   

“Such a plan would require Hamas to agree to the release of all hostages, Hamas to no longer be in charge of Gaza launching rocket attacks at Israel, and an agreement in place for the Palestinian Authority to return to Gaza in order to provide governance and services and, increasingly, security.”

The Foreign Secretary will also meet with President Abbas and will highlight the UK’s long-term support for a two-state solution so that Israelis and Palestinians can live side-by-side in peace.   

In Qatar, David Cameron will see first-hand UK-Qatar co-operation to get more humanitarian aid into Gaza for those who need it most, and meet counterparts to discuss how the two countries can work more closely together to do even more.   

He will also hold detailed talks on efforts to secure the safe release of hostages, pressing the cases of British and dual nationals through as many diplomatic channels possible.   

Qatar has been a key mediator throughout the conflict to allow for the release of hostages. It is important the UK continues to work with Qatar, and others in the region, to secure a sustainable ceasefire and the release of all further hostages held by Hamas.    

The UK is working with both Qatar and Turkey to address regional instability, seeking the safe return of hostages, working together to tackle terrorism and support those affected by conflict.   

In Turkey, the Foreign Secretary will meet Turkish Government leaders to discuss regional security in the Middle East alongside a range of other shared challenges. The UK and Turkey have a close partnership and will continue our essential work on tackling terrorism and illegal migration and shoring up support for NATO and Ukraine.

Treasury Committee queries public sector organisations over use of Fujitsu

WESTMINSTER’s Treasury Committee has asked His Majesty’s Treasury, and all associated agencies and public bodies, to send them details of any contracts awarded by their organisation to Fujitsu Services Ltd, or any other Fujitsu Global-owned entities, since 2019.

The international technology corporation has faced renewed questions over its role in the Post Office Horizon Scandal in recent weeks.

The Committee aims to understand the extent to which the company has continued to be awarded government contracts with HM Treasury-affiliated organisations since the High Court ruling in 2019. 

Questions include whether the contracts went through a tendering process, the extent to which the company’s role in the scandal was considered as part of the due diligence process and whether they have considered terminating contracts with the company at any stage. 

Treasury Committee Chair, Harriett Baldwin, said: “The public outcry regarding the Post Office sub-postmaster scandal is entirely justified, and I know I speak for the whole Committee when I express my horror at the injustices the victims faced. 

“It’s clear that Fujitsu has questions to answer over its conduct. I think it’s important we can see the extent to which taxpayer money has been spent with Fujitsu since the High Court ruling as they are simultaneously assessed on their fitness to remain a government supplier.”