Police appeal following local bogus workman incidents

Police in Edinburgh are appealing for witnesses following bogus workman incidents in Drylaw, Craigleith and Pilton.

The most recent incident happened around 10.30am last Thursday (7 November).  The 78-year-old victim was in her Queens Road home when the male suspect called there offering to carry out gardening work.  The offer was repeatedly declined, however the suspect managed to gain entry to the house where he was later disturbed and fled the scene empty handed.

The other incidents happened the previous day (Wednesday 6 November) in the Drylaw area.  The first two incidents happened around 1pm in Easter Drylaw Avenue and Easter Drylaw Gardens respectively, when again gardening work was offered.  The residents who were approached declined the offer, but during one attempt the suspect falsely told the victim that their gardening work, which is carried out by the council, had been withdrawn.

The later incident happened around 3.15pm at West Pilton Drive.

The suspect is described as white, late-thirties or early-forties, around 5ft 10inches, tall, slim build, short dark hair, of tidy appearance with an Irish accent.  He was wearing a white sweatshirt with navy horizontal stripes, navy coloured jeans, carrying a dark brown shoulder bag.

Detective Constable Ben Leathes from Operation Aristotle, which tackles bogus callers in the Capital said: “The elderly victim has been left very upset that the man had entered her home. Bogus workmen target vulnerable members of our community and utilise various methods of deception to do so.

“Members of the public are reminded never to allow a caller into their home unless entirely certain of their identity.  If you have any doubts, do not let them in and contact police immediately.

“Similarly, anyone requiring maintenance or repair work for their home should only use a company or individual whom they trust and never hand over money to anyone who cold-calls at your door.

“Neighbours and family of vulnerable people are also asked to be vigilant for suspicious people in their area and report any concerns for a member of the community to police immediately.

“Anyone wishing advice on crime prevention can dial 101 or contact their local policing team.”

Anyone with information can contact Police Scotland on 101, or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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Halloween Safety Tips

Police Scotland have issued some advice to help everyone to enjoy Halloween safely …

It’s Halloween tomorrow, so we are asking residents of all ages to make Halloween a safe and enjoyable celebration.

We are issuing some simple guidance for young people to ensure that Halloween passes safely and that anti-social or irresponsible behaviour is avoided.

The past few years have seen Halloween pass quietly in the area but there are still residents who are affected by the minority who behave anti-socially and ruin what should be a fun and family orientated time of the year.

Parents and young people are asked to consider the following advice:

  • Stay in well-lit areas and consider carrying a torch.
  • Don’t frighten elderly people or younger children.
  • Don’t enter a house unless you know the person. Young children should always be with an adult. Older children should ensure they are with friends.
  • If a sign says ‘No trick or treat’, respect that person’s wishes and move on.
  • Be visible, it will be dark and it’s important that passing traffic can see you.
  • If you have a mobile phone make sure you look after it so that parents/guardian can keep in touch.
  • Tell your parents or guardian where you are going and what time you will be back.
  • If you are given money keep it hidden away in a wallet or clothing.
  • Remember that it might be raining so wear appropriate clothing that keeps you dry but still lets you show off your costume.



Police issue fireworks warning ahead of derby clash

Police Scotland will be carrying out an operation at tomorrow’s League Cup Quarter Final between Hibs and Hearts, searching for anyone in possession of fireworks or flares.

Officers will be carrying out searches outside Easter Road stadium, and a specialist search dog, capable of detecting flares, will also be used to identify anyone trying to smuggle illegal items into the stadium.

Police are warning that robust action will be taken against anyone trying to take flares or fireworks into the ground.  The warning follows incidents at recent derbies where flares or fireworks were used.

Superintendent Kenny MacDonald, who is in charge of the policing operation on Wednesday, said: “The match kicks off at 7pm, and I would encourage supporters to get there early, as they will be travelling to the game during rush hour and there is limited parking near to the ground.

“There will be search cordons in place around the stadium, and searches will be undertaken as a condition of entry to the ground.  A specialist search dog will be used to detect anyone in possession of fireworks or flares.

“We recognise that the majority of supporters are well behaved, however there are a small minority who in the past have put themselves and others in danger by throwing fireworks or flares.

“If this behaviour continues then it will only be a matter of time before someone suffers a serious injury, and we are working with clubs and stewards to do all we can to prevent such dangerous behaviour.

“Anyone who is caught with a flare or firework can expect to be arrested, either at the time, or as a result of a post-match investigation.  As well as receiving a criminal conviction, they may very well find themselves being banned from attending future matches throughout the country.”

Let’s hope all the the fireworks are ON the pitch tomorrow!


Police seek witnesses to Craigleith assault and robbery

PoliceTapePolice are appealing for witnesses following an assault and robbery on the Inverleith cycle path this morning (Tuesday). The incident happened at around 6.40am near Craigleith Retail Park.

A 30-year-old man was walking along the cycle path behind the Sainsbury’s petrol station when two people approached him. At this time, the victim was pushed from behind before a male struck him to the face and demanded he hand over his possessions. The suspects then made off towards Ravelston with the man’s wallet and police were contacted.

Officers are now urging anyone who can assist with their enquiries to come forward.

The first suspect is described as male, white, around 30-years-old, between 5ft 9ins and 6ft tall and wearing a dark hooded top with light-coloured diagonal stripes and a badge, dark grey cotton bottoms and a black beanie hat. He spoke with an Eastern European accent.

There is no description of the second suspect.

Detective Constable Graham McIlwraith said: “The male didn’t suffer any serious injury but is obviously upset at the theft of his wallet. Despite the early time of this robbery, the area was likely to have been fairly busy with commuters and we are keen to speak with anyone who witnessed this incident. Similarly, anyone who can help us trace those responsible is also asked to get in touch.”

Those with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 or alternatively, the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


Have your say on policing plan

Police Scotland has launched an online survey that aims to give people in Edinburgh the opportunity to shape policing in the Capital. The survey, which is now available on the Police Scotland website, seeks the views of residents and stakeholders on how policing should be delivered across the city over the next three years.

The Edinburgh Policing Plan 2014-2017 will outline the approach that will be taken in communities across the Capital, based on local priorities. Police want people who live and work in the city to have their say on the plan, and are making contact with community groups, businesses and other organisations in order to canvass views.

The consultation process gets underway today with the launch of the online survey, which can be accessed through the following link http://svy.mk/159rXJe to surveymonkey.com.

There will also be a series of community sessions held across all city neighbourhoods later this year, as well as a stakeholder summit.

Superintendent Matt Richards, from Police Scotland, said: “The policing plan will be fundamental to our approach to policing Edinburgh over the period 2014-2017, and it is vital that people play their part in helping to inform the content of the plan.

“The online survey is a great opportunity for people to have their say in how policing is delivered in the Capital, and we want as many as possible to get involved, so that we can shape our plans around what is important to local communities.

“Policing our communities and keeping people safe are enduring priorities for Police Scotland, and we are committed to ongoing engagement with those who live and work in Edinburgh as we follow a common path to make our communities safer and stronger.”

Cllr Mike Bridgman, Convener of the Interim Police and Fire Committee, said: “We welcome the opportunity residents are being given to comment on the new plan. It is important now that we further develop partnership working with Police Scotland, particularly in the area of community policing.”police (2)

Police appeal following Wardie Park assault

Police in Edinburgh are appealing for witnesses following an assault that happened in Wardie Park on Tuesday night (20 August).

The 70-year-old victim is believed to have flagged a taxi on Broughton Street or London Street and then traveled in a silver London Hackney Cab to Wardie Park.

Police are looking to trace the driver of the taxi who may be able to assist with enquiries.

Detective Constable Richard Johnston of Police Scotland said: “This assault was on a vulnerable, elderly man with a medical condition and if anyone has any information they should contact police.

“We are keen to trace the driver of a taxi who may have picked up the victim around the Broughton Street area.”

Police are appealing to anyone with information that can assist their inquiries to contact Police Scotland on 101, or Crimestoppers in confidence on 0800 555 111.


Witnesses sought to Drylaw assault

DSCF6422A man is being treated in hospital after being found in a Drylaw street with serious head injuries.

Emergency services were called to Easter Drylaw Drive at 3.30 this morning, where a 25-year-old man was found lying in the street with serious head and facial injuries. He was taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary where he is now being treated.

Police Scotland are appealing for witnesses to the attack. A spokesman said: “Police in Edinburgh are investigating after a man was seriously assaulted. The 25-year-old victim was found with injuries to his face and head outside an address in Easter Drylaw Drive at around 3.30am on Friday 16 August.

“He was taken to the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh where he continues to be treated. Enquiries into this incident are ongoing and anyone with information that can assist with this investigation is asked to contact Police Scotland.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact police on 101 or through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


Police appeal following Granton Harbour theft

Police in Edinburgh are appealing for any witnesses to the theft of a number of items from a dredging ship berthed in Granton Harbour between Friday evening and Saturday evening, ncluding a flare gun and the ship’s navigation system.

The  ‘Shearwater’, which was berthed at East Granton Harbour off Lochinvar Drive,  had various electrical items including the ship’s navigation system and two shipping radios stolen along with a black single barrelled flare gun, 2 inch flare cartridges and hand operated flares.  The hand flares are approximately 40cm long and are either metallic and silver in colour or plastic and yellow or red in colour.

A ‘cone’ shaped nose, which forms part of the propeller and is made from bronze, was also taken.  This may have taken a considerable time to remove from the ship.

The officer in charge of the investigation, Detective Constable Kenneth Farquhar said: “I do not believe there to be any threat to members of the public, however if they see anyone in possession of the flare gun or flares, I would ask them not to approach that person, but to contact us on 101.

“I am also appealing for all scrap dealers to be aware of the stolen bronze cone from the propeller and contact Police if any attempt is made to sell them this particular item.”

If you saw any suspicious behaviour in the area, please contact Police Scotland on 101 as soon as possible.


Police issue Derby Day flare warning

Police are warning that robust action will be taken against anyone using flares during the first Edinburgh derby of the season, which takes place at Tynecastle stadium tomorrow (Sunday 11 August).

During the last derby, which was held at Tynecastle in May, flares were thrown in the stadium, leading to a number of arrests. One person was also injured as a result of a flare being thrown.

Superintendent Gavin Philip, who is in charge of the policing operation on Sunday, said: “While the vast majority of supporters attending the match will do so in a manner which will allow both them and their fellow supporters to enjoy the event, there are a small minority who are determined to put themselves and others in danger by throwing flares.

“It is only a matter of time before someone suffers a serious injury due to their actions, and as such we will work with both clubs and stewards to do all we can to prevent such dangerous behaviour.

“An enhanced policing presence will be in place and searches will be carried out on those who are suspected of carrying flares, both inside and outside the ground.

“Anyone found to have been responsible for throwing a flare will either be arrested at the time, or as a result of a post-match investigation. This may result in them being banned from attending future matches throughout the country.”

David Southern, managing director of Heart of Midlothian said:

“We are fully supportive of the measures being put in place for Sunday’s game to deter people from creating a potentially dangerous environment. Tynecastle has been voted the most atmospheric ground in Scotland and we expect Sunday to demonstrate why – for all the right reasons. It’s the only remaining city derby in Scotland’s top flight and it’s great that this early in the season we’ve already got such a big game.

“No right-minded football fan of either club should want to expose their club and its supporters to safety threats and football sanctions. It’s really not worth it and we would urge supporters not to take flares to the ground.

“We are confident that we’ll be able to put on a great advert for Scottish football on Sunday.”

A Hibernian spokesperson said: “Hibernian Football Club fully supports Police Scotland’s stance and cannot ever condone any form of anti-social behaviour at matches.

“The only talking point to emerge from Sunday’s Edinburgh Derby at Tynecastle should be the 90 minutes of football and we urge all of our supporters to conduct themselves in the appropriate manner.”

So let’s hope all the fireworks take place ON the pitch … 
