North Edinburgh Arts AGM


North Edinburgh Arts
Invites you to an
Annual General Meeting

To be held at
North Edinburgh Arts
15a Pennywell Court
Edinburgh, EH4 4TZOn Wednesday 8th November at 12 noon
Soup and sandwiches will be served at 12.45pm
Creche available on request

Come and hear about the work of NEA, our current and future projects, and have an opportunity to share your ideas for the organisation with us.To RSVP and reserve a creche space call Sandra on 0131 315 2151 or email by the 1st November.



Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership meets on Monday

Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership meeting takes place next Monday (21st August)at 6.30pm in Stockbridge Library. All welcome. Continue reading Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership meets on Monday

Empowering Our Communities: a firm step forward on a rocky road

More than one hundred and fifty people from across Scotland attended an ‘Empowering Our Communities’ event organised by the Scottish Government’s Ingage team in Edinburgh yesterday. Continue reading Empowering Our Communities: a firm step forward on a rocky road

Could you represent your community?

Become a member of Muirhouse Salvesen Community Council, but hurry – nominations close on Friday!

Community councils have been part of our democratic structures for over forty years, speaking out as a local voices on issues of concern – and you can play your part if you live in Muirhouse or Salvesen by becoming a community councillor.  Continue reading Could you represent your community?