Ageing Well The Nordic Way

Ageing Well is looking for participants interested in joining a new 6-week Beginner Introductory Nordic Walking course, which they will be introducing in August. 

The Ageing Well Project is run by Edinburgh Leisure in partnership with NHS Lothian and delivers a range of city-wide activities which support people to become, and remain, active in later life. The emphasis is on meeting new people whilst making physical activity accessible and enjoyable.

The six-week course will start in August on a date to be decided, depending on interest and is delivered by a Nordic Walking UK trained instructor.  It is likely the sessions will take place every Wednesday, starting at 10.00 am.

Participants will meet at Saughton Park and would be expected to attend the first four sessions which introduces the use of Nordic poles and covering the skills and techniques of Nordic walking. Each session will last 1-hour, and poles will be provided if people do not already have their own.

The final two weeks of the 6-week course, participants will put into practice their newfound skills by going out on a walk in the local area turning a walk into a workout. Nordic Walking can help aid recovery if the participant has had an injury or prevent injury by improving strength and fitness and it’s a great way to meet new people and make friends.

Ageing Well activities have been developed to cater for a wide range of tastes and abilities and all activities are either led by or supported by fully trained volunteers, who are all older adults themselves.

Cat Wilson, Active Communities Project Officer at Edinburgh Leisure said: “This new course will complement our already popular regular walks which take place in different locations around the city each week. It’s for anyone who would like to try a new activity, meet some like-minded people, and get physically active.”

“Nordic walking origins are Finnish with more than 10 million people globally enjoying this outdoor activity. The evidence shows that you can burn around 20% more calories compared to conventional walking. The use of poles means the effort is divided across the upper and lower body, so it feels easier, particularly when walking uphill.”

Ageing Well relies on external funding and donations to deliver its programmes across Edinburgh. A donation of £3 per week is therefore appreciated for this activity. This can be paid online in one go or each week. People’s generous support means Edinburgh Leisure can provide a range of activities to reach more older adults in need of their support, protecting their health and wellbeing and improving their quality of life. 

In 2018 the Ageing Well programme was awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS), which is the highest award given to UK volunteer groups and is the equivalent of an MBE. The award reflects the tremendous contribution of Edinburgh Leisure’s Ageing Well volunteers and the positive difference they make to the lives of participants. 

To find out more and/or to register your interest in joining the initial 4-week introductory course, contact or call 0131 458 2260

For more information:

Party Manifestos “all but ignore” challenges facing older people in Election 2024

Ahead of releasing its own manifesto scrutiny document, Hourglass would like to see stronger safer ageing commitments from parties ahead of the 2024 General Election

A leading charity has voiced its disappointment at the level of commitment to support older victim-survivors of abuse, neglect and exploitation in party manifestos.  

Hourglass, the only UK-wide charity focused on older victims of abuse, has condemned the lack of innovation and understanding in the vast majority of UK party manifestos – with only the DUP mentioning the issue, and Sinn Fein and the Green Party (England and Wales) endorsing the OATH campaign (Older Age Tomorrow’s Hope).  

The charity, which deals with around 50k contacts relating to older victim-survivors, has produced its manifesto ahead of the election which calls for policies that would support safer ageing including a strategy to tackle abuse of older people, funding for specialist older people support and  measures that would raise public awareness of these issues.

The OATH campaign specifically calls for a Safer Ageing Society by 2050. 

Veronica Gray, Deputy CEO of Hourglass and Policy Director, explained: “Hourglass runs a 24/7 helpline and casework service and despite seeing a dramatic increase in case work since the pandemic, policy makers continue to ignore this policy imperative. It’s a scandal. 

“We are disappointed that parties have all but ignored policies which support safer ageing at this election. Though there are some broader commitments to fund services and to improve funding to the criminal justice system which are welcome, older people specific policies are required.

“We welcome the much-needed profile for the Violence Against Women and Girls strategy (VAWG) and we are, of course, entirely supportive of these commitments. However, with over 2.5 million people affected by the abuse of older people, a suite of policies focusing on this area are long overdue.

“Especially as there appears to be no end to the growth in casework. We strongly urge the new government to speak to us when elected and look at investing in this still hidden form of abuse.”

The Northern Ireland Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) has committed in their manifesto to “support tough measures to address all forms of elder abuse, including financial crime.”

The charity acknowledges that this is an important commitment, but Hourglass feels the public need more detail on how they plan to achieve this. And hope the other major political parties will join both Sinn Féin and the Green Party in formally endorsing Hourglass’s Older Age Tomorrow’s Hope (OATH) campaign.

Anyone can sign the OATH here: 

Hourglass has also completed analysis of all major UK political parties’ manifestos assessing their commitments to supporting older people and abuse services. While most parties included strategies to tackle domestic abuse, this was usually through a Violence Against Women and Girls strategy rather than a specific strategy directed towards older victims. 

Hourglass will be releasing a full analysis of party manifestos, which looks at the key strengths and weaknesses of this from a safer ageing perspective. 

 The charity is urging those keen to support the charity to donate by visiting or Text SAFER to 70460 to donate £10.

Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS.

If you’d like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SAFERNOINFO to 70460. 

The Green Party is the latest to endorse landmark Safer Ageing OATH

Hourglass, the safer ageing charity, is delighted that the Green Party support the OATH campaign to end abuse and neglect of older people.

The Green Party in England and Wales has become the latest political party to endorse OATH. The ‘Older Age Tomorrow’s Hope’ campaign, pledges to create a Safer Ageing Society and to end abuse and neglect of older people by 2050. It has seen upwards of 500 candidates and influencers sign in recent weeks.

The Greens join Sinn Féin who declared their support for the campaign, while the Democratic Union Party have made commitments to tackle abuse of older people in their manifesto.

OATH has been created by Hourglass, the only UK-wide charity supporting older abuse victim-survivors and runs a 24/7 helpline and casework service. The OATH campaign calls on everyone in all walks of life to fight against the abuse, harm, exploitation and neglect of older people

Along with two parties formally supporting this campaign, candidates from all major political parties have now signed up to this campaign. There is a growing consensus that we should all live in a society which is safe place to grow old independently and free from harm and abuse.

With two days left of the 2024 General Election Campaign, Hourglass urges all other political parties to endorse this campaign.

Hourglass has written to all Party Leaders contesting the General Election asking that their party sign up to OATH. Hourglass believes there should be a consensus on the need to end abuse of older people and that policy makers from across the political spectrum must work together to achieve this.

The charity, which supported almost 50,000 people in the last year, is also calling on the general public, influencers, third sector leaders, care professionals and businesses to also sign up. They can do so here:

Carla Denyer Green Party co-leader, said: ”Ensuring the safety and dignity of our older population is paramount; they deserve to age in an environment free from abuse, exploitation and neglect.

“We must all commit to creating a society where everyone can grow old safely. This is why the Green Party is supporting OATH”

Veronica Gray, Deputy CEO of Hourglass, said: “We are delighted with the initial support we have received for our OATH campaign. We are especially pleased that the Green Party has joined Sinn Féin in signing up to this movement for a safer ageing society.

“OATH is about building a Safer Ageing Society by 2050 where older people can grow old free from abuse and neglect. We hope that in the next parliament we will see a consensus on safer ageing where critical steps are made by policy makers to support older victim survivors.”

Donna Mullin, Head of Sinn Féin VP Office, said: ”Sinn Féin want older people in our society to be supported and protected from violence, exploitation and other forms of abuse so we are supporting the Safe Ageing pledge.”

Hourglass is urging those keen to support the charity to donate by visiting or text SAFER to 70460 to donate £10.

Texts cost £10 plus one standard rate message and you’ll be opting in to hear more about our work and fundraising via telephone and SMS.

If you’d like to give £10 but do not wish to receive marketing communications, text SAFERNOINFO to 70460.

Wellbeing Week: Vintage Vibes charity tackles loneliness one song at a time!

Local charity shortlisted for a Creative Lives Award

Edinburgh-based charity project, Vintage Vibes celebrates Wellbeing Week (24 – 30th June) as the multi-award-winning project’s over 60s singing group, Vocal Vibes is shortlisted for the Creative Lives People’s Choice Award. 

The singing group was created as part of the charity project’s social groups to improve wellbeing and tackle loneliness among older people (known as VIPs) across the city. Vintage Vibes builds confidence and friendships, empowering older people feeling lonely and isolated to live life to the full. 

Now over 20 strong, the singing group meet every fortnight to rehearse, catch up with friends and do what they all enjoy most – sing. From old tunes such as ‘Travel These Ways’ and classics like ‘We Will Rock You’, through to ABBA and The Beatles, the group love to sing and perform.

The Creative Lives Award celebrates the achievements of community-led creative projects and groups (singing, performing, dancing) and Vocal Vibes have been shortlisted for using creativity to bring people together.

VIP, George said: “I have been a member of Vocal Vibes since its formation in 2018 and have found it very therapeutic. It’s a most enjoyable part of my life and is an important part of my social life.”


Georgia Artus, Development Manager at Vintage Vibes said: “This is so exciting for the Vocal Vibes group! They love to sing, and it brings so much joy.

“As we mark Wellbeing Week, we know how much loneliness can negatively impact a person’s wellbeing, as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and are thrilled that 91% of our members feel that Vintage Vibes groups and activities help improve their mental health and wellbeing.

“Many older people across Edinburgh face issues ranging from bereavement, lack of confidence, mobility, sudden/ongoing poverty, dementia, mental health challenges, and/or living with a disability, and supporting and celebrating groups such as Vocal Vibes is essential to enriching local lives.

“Vintage Vibes was created to help lonely and isolated over 60s in Edinburgh to take part in inclusive activities that they enjoy, offering friendship and fun to tackle loneliness, improve wellbeing and celebrate individuality.

“The singing group is part of our wider events, groups and activities across the city to empower older people feeling alone to join together with like-minded volunteers and enjoy life. We’re so happy to be shortlisted – but to win would be amazing! Please vote if you can!”

Recent feedback from the older people the charity supports has shown that 97% feel that being involved with Vintage Vibes made them feel less isolated, happier and have a better quality of life. 

The group didn’t even let lockdown stop their love of getting together and singing, with Vintage Vibes uniting them on Zoom to continue the group during what was a lonely and difficult time for so many.

They even wrote and performed their own song called ‘Tomorrow’ which you can find on our YouTube channel at ‘Tomorrow’ by Vocal Vibes (Vintage Vibes) #TagforTomorrow (

Judging panels from each nation will choose a winner for Scotland, England, Ireland & Northern Ireland, and Wales, while members of the public can vote for their favourite in the People’s Choice Awards!

Voting in the People’s Choice Award is open until 29 July 2024. To learn more about the shortlisted projects and to cast your vote, visit

34 creative groups shortlisted from across Scotland, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. Winners will be announced at the Creative Lives Awards ceremony in Cecil Sharp House, London on 26 September 2024, partnering with the Everyday Creativity Research Network conference. Winners will receive a bespoke award, framed certificate, cash prize and access to support and training.

In what has been an amazing month for Vintage Vibes, the project is also celebrating winning the Evaluating Impact Award at Generations Working Together’s Excellence Awards on 11th June 2024 for their work tackling isolation in older people across Edinburgh through intergenerational friendships, groups, events, and constant listening and learning.

A video demonstrating Vintage Vibes vital work in the community can be found at

Hourglass pushes for Safer Ageing election agenda with OATH Campaign

With an extra NINE MILLION older people, a population the size of London, set to populate the UK by 2050, Hourglass is calling on all Westminster hopefuls to underline their Safer Ageing plans – and take the OATH, a new campaign to increase awareness of the social care timebomb.

Hourglass, the only UK-wide charity dedicated to ending the abuse and neglect of older people, has launched its own manifesto entitled ‘A Safer Ageing Society by 2050’ and is urging the political elite and general public alike to sign up to support it HERE:  

The campaign, OATH (Older Age Tomorrow’s Hope) is a pledge to support their 2050 target and to work alongside older people, the age sector and Hourglass itself in raising the profile of this often-unspoken issue. 

The charity points to the creation of a London-sized city, full of over sixties by 2050. That’s 9.6 million more older people in the UK. And, they say, for the first time they’ll be more over 60s than under 16s. The charity underlines that this is a social care timebomb waiting to explode. 

As the charity’s Policy Director and Deputy CEO, Veronica Gray, illustrates, Hourglass’s big ask isn’t quite as unreachable as it first appears: “Let’s think about it from the opposite perspective.

“If we knew there was to be nine million extra bouncing babies in the next twenty-five years, governments across the UK would be planning now.  There would be a strategy to accommodate and ensure their safe arrival into the world. 

“There would be new schools, nurseries, perhaps maternity hospitals and safeguarding teams. Early years planning, investment into midwives and ante-natal units would be on the horizon. Our parliamentary representatives would be falling over themselves to promise a safe future for the impending influx of babies. Not just kissing them for the cameras.

“This is unquestionably a population boom – just at the other end of the spectrum. This ageing population needs to be celebrated, safe, independent and free from abuse. This seems like a fairly obvious step and worthy of support and understanding. Hence the Hourglass target of creating a Safer Ageing Society by 2050.”

Therefore, Hourglass is also scrutinising what plans the political parties in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have outlined in their manifesto. And so far, in terms of protecting older people from abuse, harm, exploitation and neglect, the charity believes there has been precious little forward planning at all. 

Richard Robinson, CEO of Hourglass, explains: “Hourglass believes, with the impending older population surge and 2.5 million people affected by the abuse of older people annually, we need as many active voices as possible to make the case. The political dial now needs to move to address this significant upsurge and the social care needs of this population shift. 

“We are working to analyse, with a variety of indicators, how seriously each political party is taking the notion of a Safer Ageing future. We will be announcing the results next Friday (21st June) and this, Election Safer Ageing Index, will also be used to scrutinise performance as the new parliamentary term takes shape.”

Hourglass, which has been working to support older-victims of abuse and neglect since 1994, has a unique 24/7 helpline, instant messenger and Knowledge Bank service. These services are already under threat due to delayed decision-making on future funding mechanisms.

Richard Robinson continues: “Whoever comes to power after 4th July, has to urgently secure service provision and agree funding for charities like Hourglass. This will go some distance in paving the way for a Safer Ageing future – but this is the bare minimum.

“The Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) commitments, whilst inspirational and much-needed, need to be replicated for older victim-survivors. This is another key consideration for the next Downing Street resident.”

The charity was recently in the headlines for working to develop and script the story of Yolande Trueman, in BBCs EastEnders. This, along with many other factors has seen the charity’s calls hit over 700 a week and with a likely 50,000 contacts per year.  

Hospital at Home for Older People

£3.6 million investment as capacity increases by 57% to exceed targets

The Scottish Government is continuing to invest in Hospital at Home for Older People with £3.6 million allocated for 2024/25, bringing total funding allocation for the initiative to over £15 million since 2020.

Recent statistics released by Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) show that last year the Hospital at Home service for Older People, which provides a safe, alternative to being admitted to an acute hospital, exceeded targets in several key areas between April 2023 and March 2024, including:

  • total bed numbers have increased by over 57%, ahead of the Scottish Government’s 50% target
  • 14,467 patients used Hospital at Home, up from 11,686 in the previous 12-month period
  • the Hospital at Home service is now the eighth biggest “hospital” for older people emergency inpatients, alongside Forth Valley Royal Hospital in Stirling.

Health Secretary Neil Gray said: “These figures from HIS show that Hospital at Home is becoming an increasingly popular care alternative for elderly patients to receive acute treatment in a place they feel comfortable and familiar with.

“There are more Hospital at Home beds available and an increasing number of patients choosing to use the service.

“Hospital at Home gives people greater independence during their recovery process. Evidence shows that those benefitting from the service are more likely to avoid hospital or care home stays for up to six months after an acute illness.

“It is also one of a range of measures that we have put in place to tackle delayed discharge numbers and free up beds within our hospitals.”

Belinda Robertson, Associate Director of Improvement, Healthcare Improvement Scotland said: “This announcement of additional funding will continue to improve access to Hospital at Home services and make them more sustainable to the benefit of patients across Scotland.

“It’s heartening to see that Hospital at Home services prevented over 14,400 people spending time in hospital over the past year.

“Moreover, with our support we’ve witnessed more NHS boards and Health and Social Care Partnerships embracing Hospital at Home by establishing and developing services.

“We look forward to continuing to help services develop and share learning in the year ahead.”

Strachan House Care Home says goodbye and good luck to Liz


After 25 years of continuous service at Strachan House in Edinburgh, much-loved Nurse Liz Agrebi has made the decision to retire. 

Staff and residents at the home sent Liz off in style with prosecco, food and lots of singing and dancing, the home had amazing musician Nicky Murray serenading staff and residents alike. Everyone at the home has very fond memories of Liz and she will be sadly missed. 

Liz said: “Strachan House is like a family to me and though I’m looking forward to retirement, I’m really going to miss everyone here so much!”

During her time at Strachan House Liz has worked across lots of different roles, even spending a period of time as the deputy, by far the most impactful role Liz had here was a mentor for student nurses who all describe Liz as the most wonderful teacher.  

Frances Fisher, General Manager at Strachan House said: “Liz is one of those people who was born to care for others – she has such a huge heart and was greatly loved by the individuals living at Strachan House Care Home.

“She was an inspiration to her colleagues and we will all miss her. We wish her all the best!”

Strachan House care home is run by Barchester Healthcare, one of the UK’s largest care providers, which is committed to delivering personalised care across its care homes and hospitals. Strachan House  provides nursing care and dementia care for 83 residents from respite care to long term stays.

New funding for app to support people at risk of falls

An innovative digital project to help people who fall or are at high risk of falling has secured funding for its second phase.
No Need To Fall is being co-designed with people who have lived experience of falls and those who provide support and care and the wider workforce.
The project is being led in NHS Lanarkshire by Dr Ana Talbot In collaboration with North and South Lanarkshire Councils HSCPs, the University of Strathclyde, Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre and six local and national voluntary sector charities, with project management provided by Sophie Bagnall at the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde-hosted West of Scotland Innovation Hub.
Phase 2 of the project will see daily care and support needs being addressed and prepare appropriate responses in the event of a fall.
The team will use the roll out of a new digital alarm receiving platform to early adopters in Scotland in early 2024 to explore the opportunities around digital tools to helps responders in the event of a person having a fall.
Research from Phase 1 of this project found people who draw on support and care feel falls are an inevitable part of ageing, but also blame themselves when they occur.
They often avoid using technology that could help due to negative associations with ageing and may have lower levels of digital literacy.
The project seeks to address a number of these findings and provide digital solutions that are empowering, support relational aspects and prevent falls. 

Project lead Dr Ana Talbot, Consultant in Older Adult Medicine, NHS Lanarkshire, and West of Scotland Innovation Hub Clinical Fellow, said: “Moving into Phase 2 of this project allows us to more fully explore how we can address the needs of people who draw on support and care and those that provide it utilising the opportunities around digital tools.  
“Addressing digital literacy and giving people the confidence to use this technology, which is now commonplace, is a very important part of how we approach support and care.
“I am delighted that we as a team are working with our partners to improve outcomes for people who have some of the highest risk of falls.”
The project is being supported by The Health Foundation.
Visit the West of Scotland innovation Hub website for more information on healthcare innovation.

Luxury care home offering top-notch healthcare for residents

Frequent GP appointments and in-house healthcare on offer for residents at leading home

A LEADING Scottish care home has revealed its residents currently benefit from some of the best healthcare in the country within a care setting, thanks to world-class in-house facilities and frequent GP checkups.

With research from the British Medical Journal showing that frequent, primary healthcare decreases mortality and hospital visits; dementia care experts Cramond Residence has prioritised its resident’s care by ensuring all of them have access to GP visits twice a week.

The home boasts some of the most extensive care in Scotland, providing its residents with top-tier facilities through its wellness and physiotherapy suite, an in-house GP, a room dedicated to Allied Health Professionals, and a gym.

Ross Bijak, General Manager of Cramond Residence said: “Usually, those who stay with us are dealing with complex health issues and we want to ensure that we provide them with the very best healthcare possible.

“We’re incredibly fortunate to be able to provide this to our residents, by offering frequent GP checkups we can ensure we are on top of any medical concerns and that our resident’s families can have peace of mind knowing that any issues are frequently monitored and managed.

“We believe we have one of the best care programmes in Scotland. We have a fantastic in-house nursing team and state-of-the-art facilities and this is further solidified by the frequent GP visits which our residents benefit from every Tuesday and Friday.”

Specialising in a comprehensive range of dementia care services, the home accommodates residents in both its communal living spaces and a dedicated section for those with advanced dementia needs.

The residence ensures optimal care through continuous assessment and a collaborative team of healthcare professionals, all within a setting designed to promote independence and well-being.

Ross added: “Our team keep the GPs updated about on any medical challenges that our residents face, and then after a thorough check-up, the GP’s insights help us update our records and fine-tune care plans to meet each resident’s unique needs.

“Everything we do happens right here in the comfort of the residence, so there’s hardly any disruption to the everyday lives of our residents. Plus, having the same friendly faces of doctors for check-ups brings a comforting sense of consistency and trust for both our residents and their loved ones.”

Since its opening in October 2018, after an investment of £8m, the Cramond Residence has championed the concept of small group living, emphasising social connections.

The residence offers a selection of activities designed for individuals with dementia, aiming to enhance their quality of life. Equipped with modern facilities and supported by a dedicated team, the home is committed to providing care, support, and respite for its residents.

For further information about Cramond Residence, call 0131 336 1064 or visit the care home’s website at

To get in touch directly, please email

‘Pimm’s O’ Clock’ delights at Strachan House

Residents of Strachan House Care Home were treated to an afternoon of cocktail themed fun as we invited the local community to join us for ‘Pimm’s O Clock’ 

The afternoon featured a live musical performance by the talented singer Kirsty Duncan. 

The Homes lounge buzzed with excitement as Kirsty took centre stage, delivering a brilliant and energetic repertoire of hit favourites spanning decades.

Residents and guests sipped on classic Pimm’s cups as their toes tapped along to the music. 

General Manager at Strachan House, Fran Fisher said: “Our residents deserve moments of joy and connection,” said Fran Fisher, Home Manager at Strachan House. “Kirsty’s performance was a testament to the power of music in brightening lives.”

Strachan House care home is run by Barchester Healthcare, one of the UK’s largest care providers, which is committed to delivering personalised care across its care homes and hospitals. Stamford Bridge Beaumont provides residential care, nursing care and dementia care from respite care to long term stays.