Jean Guild Grants for the history of Edinburgh

The latest awards by the Old Edinburgh Club

The Old Edinburgh Club has announced the latest Jean Guild Grants. These promote research into the history of Edinburgh, improve access to historical resources and bring the history of the city to life.

There are two groups of awards, those for projects and those for individual researchers. Applicants supported are: 

  • Morningside Heritage Association: research into the use of medieval stone fragments by 19th century masons
  • Northfield and Willowbrae Community Council: raising awareness of the history of Piershill Barracks
  • Scottish Brewing Association Archive: research and publication detailing the histories of the more than 40 breweries that are known to have operated in Edinburgh
  • Signet Library: enabling access to records about orphans applying to John Watson’s Institution in the 19th century
  • Veterans Housing Scotland: research and publication celebrating 100 and more years of innovative provision for members of the armed services at risk of homelessness 

Researchers being funded are:

  • Kit Baston: book borrowing by Edinburgh surgeons in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
  • Lisa Williams: international and interethnic influences on the slavery abolition movement in Edinburgh in the early 19th century

Dr Edward Duvall, President of the Old Edinburgh Club said, “Yet again, we received a remarkable range and quality of applications. We would have liked to have been able to fund them all as they were all very good. Our resources are, however, limited and we had to make difficult choices.

“The grants programme is named after Jean Guild, a senior librarian at the University of Edinburgh and a long-term member of the Club, who left a legacy to the Club.

“We are extremely grateful for her generosity which has helped the Club  fulfil its mission in encouraging research and interest in the history of Edinburgh.”

Old Edinburgh Club: Bringing the history of Edinburgh to life

Do you have some research you wish to do concerning the history of Edinburgh? Do you need funds to help you accomplish this goal? Why not apply for a grant from the Old Edinburgh Club?

We have an introductory meeting at The Quaker Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace, EH1 2JL commencing at 7:30 on the 19th of this month (November) which you can attend by applying to

Please come early so we can start on time.

Old Edinburgh Club launches new website

The Old Edinburgh Club has launched its newly redesigned website at With a fresh and friendly look, the site aims to make exploring Edinburgh’s rich history more accessible and engaging.

Publicity lead, Jo Chapman, said, “Our revamped site features a modern design that makes it easier to delve into our historical resources and find out about the Club’s activities. 

“Improving our online presence will help us reach new audiences and support us in promoting the study and enjoyment of Edinburgh’s history. We want it to appeal whether you’re a seasoned historian or a curious newcomer.”

Site visitors can explore historical narratives, discover hidden gems, and gain insights from the Club’s authoritative journal, the Book of the Old Edinburgh Club, and find further sources using the comprehensive Bibliography of Edinburgh History which now lists nearly 3,000 published items. 

Jo Chapman added, “There is a calendar of Club lectures, visits and guided walks, and we have thought-provoking book reviews and short articles which complement what goes into the Book of the Club.

“We are pleased to promote the latest news of our collaboration with the City Libraries in cataloguing their little-known manuscript collection and of the exciting projects we are supporting through Jean Guild Grants. We also want to do more to publicise developments in the world of Edinburgh history, building on our existing use of social media.”

Old Edinburgh Club’s Bibliography of Edinburgh History launched online

The Bibliography of Edinburgh History has been updated by the Old Edinburgh Club, forming an extensive collection of nearly 3,000 items. These books, chapters, journal articles and dissertations illuminate the rich heritage of the city, dating from William Maitland’s 1753 History of Edinburgh and Leith.

Easily searchable online, the Bibliography covers prehistory to modern times. It takes in in a range of themes,  social, cultural, economic and architectural and features the Old and New Towns and local communities across the city.

Old Edinburgh Club President, Edward Duvall said, “We are delighted to announce the latest version of Bibliography of Edinburgh History, which has grown by 25%.

“We have included new publications up to the end of 2023 and, with the help of our members, identified many older items not previously included.

“We make the Bibliography freely available and it provides a launchpad for anyone wishing to delve into the city’s history.”  

The Bibliography can be accessed on the following link: