Government must act to tackle obesity, says cancer charity

Obese people outnumber smokers two to one

New figures from Cancer Research UK show that people who are obese now outnumber people who smoke two to one in the UK, and excess weight causes more cases of certain cancers than smoking, as the charity urges Government action to tackle obesity. Continue reading Government must act to tackle obesity, says cancer charity

Oh, sugar! How to curb your family’s enthusiasm

There are many foods which are high in sugar which you may not be aware of. Whilst many of these (e.g. fruit smoothies) contain key nutrients, eating a large amount of these foods can also contribute to you becoming overweight.

Take a look at the graphics from AXA PPP healthcare to see how your breakfast –you’re your kids’ – contributes to your daily sugar intake. Continue reading Oh, sugar! How to curb your family’s enthusiasm

Children treating their way to a health timebomb

CHILDREN in Scotland are eating more their recommended daily sugar intake – in sweet treats alone. Research to mark Sugar Awareness Week shows kids in Scotland are eating the equivalent of two-and-a-half 1kg bags of sugar a year just by going to friends’ birthday parties. Continue reading Children treating their way to a health timebomb

Edinburgh obesity levels on the rise as city has 5th highest number of fast-food outlets in the world

Three UK cities rank in the bottom ten globally for concentration of fast food outlets – 

– UK ranks as 11th worst country globally for adult obesity and the WORST in Europe –

Recent analysis by online home rental company Spotahome has revealed that Edinburgh ranks as the 3rd worst city in Europe for number of fast food outlets, and 5th worst in the world. Continue reading Edinburgh obesity levels on the rise as city has 5th highest number of fast-food outlets in the world

Take to the streets to tackle obesity

Parents don’t realise their children are obese

NHS statistics have revealed that parents of obese and overweight children think their child is the right weight, and that just over a fifth of children are as active as they need to be to maintain a healthy weight. Continue reading Take to the streets to tackle obesity

Aileen Campbell: Time for bold action on obesity

Consultation on new strategy for a healthier future

The promotion of unhealthy food and drink is to be restricted as part of Scotland’s new diet and obesity strategy, Public Health Minister Aileen Campbell has announced. The news has been enthusiastically welcomed by celebrity chef and food campaigner Jamie Oliver, who said the action is ‘trailblazing’.

Public Health Minister Aileen Campbell was at Tynecastle Stadium yesterday to launch a consultation on ambitious plans to help people lose weight, including:

  • Measures to restrict the promotion and advertising of food and drink high in fat, sugar and salt
  • Over £40 million new investment to deliver almost 100,000 supported weight management interventions for people with, or at risk of, Type 2 diabetes
  • Supporting calls to ban broadcast advertising of foods high in fat, salt and sugar before the 9pm watershed

Ms Campbell said: “Obesity significantly increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cancer cardiovascular disease and depression. Simply put, it’s harming the people of Scotland. It also puts pressure on the NHS, other public services and our economy.

“That is why we need commitment and action from everyone across all sectors and at all levels including government, citizens, the public sector and businesses right across the country.

“We are putting forward a package of bold measures designed to help people make healthier choices, empower personal change and show real leadership. Now we need people who live, work and consume food and drink in Scotland to tell us what they think.

“As with our ground-breaking strategies on alcohol and tobacco, this is the start of a progressive plan of action, learning from our experience in Scotland and further afield, that will make a real, lasting difference to the country’s health.”

The Minister launched the consultation at Tynecastle stadium, where she met participants in the SPFL Trust’s Football Fans in Training (FFIT) weight management programme.

Wattie Buchan, who lost four stone after suffering five heart attacks, said: “I was miserable before. I’ve had five heart attacks, I’ve had a quadruple bypass. My life was terrible. This is the best I’ve felt in four years, I feel better within myself being fitter.

“Twelve weeks ago I could hardly walk. I’ve been doing this for five weeks and now I walk a lot – even my dog has lost weight. It’s totally changed my life around. It’s made a massive difference to how I feel; I feel better mentally as well. It’s like night and day; I am loving it.”

Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver said: “This is an amazing step towards making sure the healthiest choice is the easiest choice – for everyone. Today, Scotland has set an example to the rest of the world. It has picked up the baton that Westminster dropped last year. So, now the ball is back in the UK government’s court.

“We need to ensure everyone in Britain has a chance to raise their children in a healthy environment.”

The consultation is now live and will run to 31 January.




Least Active: Johnstone Calls For Summit To Tackle Obesity Crisis

Scottish kids bottom of physical activity league tables


Alison Johnstone MSP, Health spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, has called for a physical activity summit after research showed that Scotland’s children are some of the least active in the world. Continue reading Least Active: Johnstone Calls For Summit To Tackle Obesity Crisis

Not in front of the children: Minister urges ad ban

Ads for alcohol and fatty foods should be adult viewing only

test card

Alcohol and junk food advertising should be prohibited before the 9pm watershed in order to protect children, Public Health Minister Maureen Watt said yesterday.

Ms Watt has written to UK Government ministers arguing that the move would protect children from exposure to powerful marketing messages and branding. Control over broadcast advertising is currently reserved to Westminster.

Adverts for alcohol and high fat, salt and sugar foods are not permitted during children’s programming. But they are allowed during early evening shows that are watched by large numbers of young people.

Stronger restrictions are supported by the British Heart Foundation (BHF), the British Medical Association (BMA) and Alcohol Focus Scotland.

The latest piece of research commissioned by the British Heart Foundation shows that many parents believe that broadcast advertising for high fat, salt and sugar foods remains a significant barrier which makes it more difficult for their children to adopt a healthy diet. According to their research that figure is highest in Scotland at 43 per cent. Extra restrictions on advertising for these types of food are also supported by Which?.

Maureen Watt, Minister for Public Health, said: “In recent years the rate of obesity has been relatively stable, but still unaccepbtably high, and there have been some reductions in alcohol-related harm. But we still, in general, have diets that are far too high in fat, sugar and salt, and levels of alcohol-related harm which are significantly higher than they were just a few decades ago.

“If we are to tackle the significant public health problems we face, we need bold solutions. We need a culture change in the way we think about alcohol and food high in fat, salt and sugar. There is a wealth of research which shows that children seeing these adverts while they are watching their favourite family programmes respond positively towards them and they affect their behaviour. That’s something that needs to be addressed.”

Dr Peter Bennie, Chairman of the BMA Scotland, said: “The regulation of alcohol and junk food advertising in this country is far too weak, largely because these industries have been allowed to regulate themselves. Despite the serious health harms associated with excessive alcohol consumption and obesity in the UK, these industries use marketing to promote consumption of their products.

“The cost of alcohol to our society is significant and inevitably, the NHS picks up the pieces. Obesity rates too are worryingly high, driven by the promotion and availability of unhealthy foods. Obesity brings with it increased risk of a wide range of serious life threatening and chronic diseases. While doctors have a role to play in supporting overweight patients, there is a limit to what they can do.

“The UK Government could take decisive action to change the culture of excess that the junk food and alcohol industry promotes, and tougher regulation of advertising would be a positive first step.”

Barbara O’Donnell, Deputy Chief Executive at Alcohol Focus Scotland, said: “Existing advertising codes fail to prevent under 18s from being exposed to alcohol advertising. Although current rules prohibit alcohol advertising around children’s programmes, alcohol adverts are allowed during early evening family viewing when the largest number of children watch television. As a result, 10 to 15 year olds in the UK see more alcohol adverts on television, per hour of television watched, than adults. Indeed, a survey just published by Alcohol Focus Scotland found that 10 and 11 year olds were more familiar with alcohol brands than leading brands of biscuits, crisps and ice cream.

“The bottom line is that we are failing to protect children and young people from alcohol harm. More effective controls are urgently needed to ensure alcohol marketing messages only reach adult audiences.”

Simon Gillespie, Chief Executive at the BHF, said: “Regulations for TV and online advertising in the UK are too weak, allowing companies to exploit loopholes in the system at the expense of our children’s health. Every day millions of children are being bombarded with sophisticated marketing techniques encouraging unhealthy eating habits.

“Evidence shows that junk food adverts can influence children’s food preferences and consumption hampering parents’ efforts to get their children to eat healthily. In the UK over 30 per cent of children are overweight or obese and dietary surveys show that children are eating too much salt, sugar and saturated fat.

“The Government must act now to ban junk food marketing before the 9pm watershed to help give children a stronger chance of preventing future heart disease.”