Countdown to Yummy Food Festival


Just six days now until the big event …

Please find attached the flyer for this year’s food festival. Organised by a group of local women from West Pilton and Muirhouse this food festival aims to inspire and encourage healthy eating. The afternoon will be full of food demonstration and workshops by local people and organisation as well as food-related arts workshops, face painting, singing from North Edinburgh Sings Together, balloons, baking competition, and our local celebrity chef Neil Forbes (pictred below) , Mrs Mash the foodie story teller, The Edible Garden, Kitchen Canny, the Seed Truck, goody bags, tastes of the food, recipe cards and a whole lot more!

So if you can, share this with your local networks, groups and organisations. Hope to see you on the day!

Best Wishes From

The Yummy Food Festival Steering Group 2013


Gemma’s the little star of 121212!


Seven year old Gemma Pearson’s photograph of her family Christmas tree is the winner of Muirhouse Centipede Project’s 121212 photography competition.

Muirhouse folk were encouraged to take lots of pictures on 12.12.12 on the themes of love, peace, joy and hope and submit them for exhibition. There was a good response and the wide variety of excellent entries is now on display in North Edinburgh Arts.

Judges loved Gemma’s picture, submitted under the theme of ‘Joy’; the photo captured their hearts. Gemma’s caption reads: ‘I took a photo of my mummy’s Christmas tree it is very beautiful. My mum took hours to put everything on the tree it has 360 white lights. Everyone loves my mummy’s tree but I love it the most. My Auntie Nicola says it looks like a tree out of the Christmas movies. This makes me very happy and excited for Santa coming’.

Winner of the adult competition was some bloke who may have overindulged in mulled wine before submitting his entry, a fantastic ramble about Santa and a helper donkey visiting Muirhouse. Too much Christmas spirit!?

See for yourselves – the 121212 exhibition moves to Muirhouse Millennium Centre today before moving on to Muirhouse Library from 11 – 17 March.


When art met activism – LOCAL workshop

Local activists joined HND Contemporary Arts students from Edinburgh College Granton Campus and North Edinburgh Social Hostory Group members for an arts and activism workshop at North Edinburgh Arts earlier this week. Full report to follow, but see below for some images of the event:






Dates set for Centipede photo exhibition

12.12.12 was a particularly special date, and it’s a day in history that has been captured for ever thanks to the Muirhouse Centipede Project. Muirhouse folk were encouraged to get out and about with their cameras on that memorable date, capturing images on four seasonal themes. Reverend Linda Dunbar of Muirhouse St. Andrews’s explains what happens next:

“We received a good number of entries of photographs taken during the 24 hours of 12/12/12 that captured something of the Advent themes of Love, Joy, Hope and Peace. The submissions are going on display in the North Edinburgh Arts Centre from 26 February – 3 March, Muirhouse Millennium Centre 4-10 March, Muirhouse Library 11-17 March (to be confirmed) before ending up at Muirhouse St Andrew’s Parish Church on the 18 March where they will find a permanent home.

The official launch of the touring display will be on

Tuesday 26 February at 11am in North Edinburgh Arts Centre

with free coffee and scones on offer too! The winners of the children’s and adults’ entries will be on display – it would be great to see folk there.”


Let’s do the Time Swap!

In another first for North Edinburgh, North Edinburgh Time Bank will be holding a Time Swap event at North Edinburgh Arts on Tuesday 26 February from 1 – 3pm. Time Bank Broker Julie Smith explains what it’s all about:

‘If you can spend a bit of time now and then helping someone in the community, you can earn a time credit. You can exchange that for help you need, or you can donate it to someone else who needs it.

If you’re quite handy, if you can help with housework, get shopping when someone’s not well, have a cup of tea and a chat with someone, give them a lift, teach a new skill like knitting or photography – or you want to learn how to work that new camera, or you need a hand painting, or fixing something – drop in.

Would you like to join a knitting group? Photography group? Singing? Timebank is a way of getting together and sharing interests and skills. Do you have something else you’d like to do? Tell other people and they can join in!

Times are tough and we all need somebody to lean on. Timebank is a way of meeting other people in your neighbourhood and helping each other when we need it. Phone me on 07807 002 591 if you need more info. Otherwise, see you on the 26th!’




North Edinburgh set to raise the standard high


NEVER GIVE UP! – Looking to the future

North Edinburgh Arts is the venue for a practical workshop on arts and activism this Wednesday (20 February). Community Learning and Development worker Lynne McCabe tells more:

“I am writing to tell you about a practical workshop on arts and activism  which will be taking place in North Edinburgh Arts Centre  on Wednesday 20 February from 10 – 3.00 pm.  The session has been organised by North Edinburgh Social History Group, CLD  and art students from Telford (Edinburgh) College.

The social history group will kick off the morning session  with a presentation of archive material  which  illustrates how the arts have been used to support local campaigns in the past.   The students  will then do a short presentation about  the art work they created following a meeting with the group last year.      We will then have a discussion about local issues  and hopefully come up with some ideas  of how to use the arts to get your group’s message across to a wider audience.  This approach has been used very effectively  over many years by  countless  local groups  including   the western general action group, the feet first chiropody campaign, the anti-water privatisation campaign, Pilton Environment Group and different generations of   anti-dampness groups.

A free lunch will be provided for all participants at 12.00 and then we will get down to creating  banners, posters, petitions, campaign logos – anything  that you think would  help to publicise local issues and campaigns.  Some ideas already put forward by local activists include  a huge banner or piece of art work  about the bed room tax or  something which could be used to highlight the issue of  fuel poverty.   We will be assisted  in  this  process by the students and staff from the Contemporary Art Course at the College.  The College will also provide us with a range of materials and equipment to use.

This is a great opportunity for people from different parts of North Edinburgh to come together to create  a range of campaign materials which will help to generate a bit of publicity about local issues and campaigns.

Places are limited so please book your place in advance.  Telephone  North Edinburgh Arts on   315 2151 or email them  on  I hope that you are able to join us.”


Make a new start in March with Tomorrow’s People

A free personal development programme in Muirhouse is looking for new participants to start on 1st March.
If you are aged 16 – 24, unemployed, not in education or training and keen to learn new skills, meet new people and gain new experiences then please get in touch.

The Working It Out programme runs for 16 weeks and offers a range of activities and challenges that allow you to develop personal skills, volunteer in your own community and improve your job prospects. Participants are supported throughout the programme and for up to 12 months after. You can earn up to £40 in expenses every week and receive a free Ridacard.

Working it Out is run by Tomorrow’s People, based in North Edinburgh Arts Centre. If you are interested in making a positive change in your life, increasing your skills, or getting a job, then please contact Heather on 0798 966 Opportunities to make a new s9019 or e-mail



Edinburgh College lecturers Alan Holligan and Jennie Temple preview an exhibition that opens in North Edinburgh Arts this evening:

LOCAL: An exhibition by HND Contemporary Art Practice students

Local is an exhibition by HND Contemporary Art Practice (CAP) students from the Granton Campus of the Edinburgh College. The artworks that can be seen in the exhibition at North Edinburgh Arts until 23 February are the culmination of a project which was instigated in September 2012 by ourselves, Alan Holligan & Jennie Temple, course lecturers on HND CAP, with priceless support from Lynn McCabe and the North Edinburgh Social History Group.

The Contemporary Art Practice course has been running very successfully since 2007. The course provides a range of excellent opportunities for students to develop a broad understanding of artistic practice. Alan and I had for some time been discussing how to develop a strong working connection between the CAP Course, the local community and surrounding areas of North Edinburgh. Beyond the college location, and the students who came to us who lived locally, we recognised that although we were part of a Community College (then Edinburgh’s Telford College: a stalwart of North Edinburgh for many years) we felt professional connection to our immediate surroundings could be stronger. We acknowledged that we bussed in and out of work every day, passing through the community in which our workplace was rooted, and also acknowledged that this was something we did not feel entirely comfortable about. As a result we started to discuss the possibility of a project for our HND 2nd year students that we hoped would, at the very least, begin a dialogue with some our neighbours.

We initially approached a couple of local groups to see if they would be interested in meeting with us, and subsequently our students. We couldn’t have anticipated the warmth with which we were greeted and quite quickly we were able to establish links and visits with (the amazing) North Edinburgh Social History Group and North Edinburgh Arts (with whom we already had some links). These visits were incredibly informative and allowed us to immediately understand the local area more fully, and in a way that we had never before: An area steeped in history; an area that had once been rich farmland; an area that had been home to a post-war camp; an area that the Duke of Buccleuch had happily called home, and much, much more. The students were instantly engaged and brought a range of rich contributions to the discussions: amongst the group of 11 students the majority was similar to us; they did not know the area very well. However, there is one current student (and we have had several prior) who grew up in the area and who has been able to give a very subjective insight into his relationship with North Edinburgh, alongside a few other students with friends and relatives in the area.

After these initial meetings and an amazing guided mini-bus tour of the area, generously facilitated by members of the Social History Group, we set the students the project. They were to spend two weeks responding to the local area and draw on the information that they had received from the experts. We would then present the resulting artworks to the Social History Group at the College.

At this point, we were all very excited, but could not have anticipated just how successful and stimulating the project would be. The students worked exceptionally hard from the moment the project started and responded in meaningful, thoughtful and sensitive ways. In retrospect, we realised that the students’ sense of responsibility to the Social History Group and the residents of North Edinburgh meant that they approached the project with a strong sense of integrity and a determination to make artworks that did not patronise or misrepresent the (sometimes sensitive and personal) issues that had been discussed within the meetings. The provision of a very unambiguous context for the artwork allowed the students to work in a way that was fundamentally different to normal project work: they had an audience that they did not know very well, and they were making work which they would themselves present to their audience.

As the initial stage of the project drew to a conclusion, we arranged a date for some members of the Social History Group to come and lunch with us and to view the works. The students were understandably nervous and worried: What if they didn’t like what we had done? Quickly it became clear that there was no need for nerves and all of the artworks were exceptionally well received and prompted lively, important and some emotional discussion amongst everyone present. The success and positive reception of the artworks went far, far beyond our expectations and we all knew immediately that we had to take the project to its next logical step: to exhibit the works, beyond the walls of the college and within the local community. And that is where we are now. The exhibition is an exciting opportunity for the staff and students to continue to engage with our local area and we are privileged to be taking part in what we hope to be the first stage of a long and prosperous collaboration between the students and staff of the HND Contemporary Art Practice course and the local residents and communities of North Edinburgh.

The exhibition will run until the 23 February at North Edinburgh Arts, Tuesday-Friday 10am-8pm, Sat 10am – 1pm, with a day of discussion and art-workshops to take place on Wednesday 20 February from 10am until 3pm.

Places are free but limited and booking is essential. Please book a place by emailing or call 0131 315 2515.

Recruitment is currently taking place for HND Contemporary Art Practice Course at the Edinburgh College, Granton Campus. If you are interested please visit the College website for further information and online application:

Alan Holligan and Jennie Temple
Course Lecturers, Contemporary Arts Practice


Play-Base courses at North Edinburgh Arts

We have two courses coming up at North Edinburgh Arts Centre:
Our Child Safety and  storytelling courses as introductory childcare courses which benefit women  looking for a career in childcare as well mothers interested in their own  parenting.

Our Storyelling course  is especially popular with students interested in child development and speech  development in children. All students will receive a certificate for both  courses.


Jennifer Ba
Training Support Worker, Play-Base Edinburgh
PlayBase NedArtslogo