The Alien Assignment: Haven kids produce another classic!

‘It was his first assignment as a Secret Agent …’


Over recent years, children from Circle’s Haven Project have spent a week during the summer holidays visiting a location then coming up with ideas and storylines to produce their very own storybook with writer Mike Nicholson. Continue reading The Alien Assignment: Haven kids produce another classic!

Calling all collectors!

ARCADEUM: art project looking for unusual collections cac2

Whether it’s an interest, an obsession, a hobby or a habit; from animal ornaments to ankle bracelets, from zulu masks to zoo souvenirs, intentionally or by chance – lots of us collect things.

As part of ARCADEUM, a new art project based at North Edinburgh Arts, artist Hans Clausen is looking for residents in North Edinburgh who have collections. Hans plans to create an exhibition around local residents collections accompanied by a book and/or website featuring people’s collections and the stories attached to them.

He would like to hear from anyone of any age who has a collection they’d like to share … the more unusual the better! Over the coming year the ARCADEUM project will be exploring the purpose, potential and possibilities of public art, specifically in and around the new Community Partnership Centre to be built in Pennywell in 2016.

There will be public art events, exhibitions and opportunities for participation, collaboration and discussion. Bringing people together to talk about the things they collect is a way of finding common interests and starting conversations about why we like what we like, the value and worth of things and how we relate and respond to the stuff that surrounds us.

If you’re a collector, a happy hoarder or just happen to have a curious collection of things Hans would like to hear from you. Please get in touch, leave us your contact details and Hans will be happy to meet with you to hear about your collection!

You can contact Hans by:

  • Email:
  • Phone: 0131 315 2151
  • At North Edinburgh Arts on Thursdays or Fridays or leave him a message at reception.




Special double bill at North Edinburgh Arts tonight

Tonight at NEA: The Bridge and Remembering Tomorrow


We are delighted to be presenting not one but two fantastic events on Friday 23 October, from Annie George, and the North Edinburgh Theatre project:

7pm THE BRIDGE by Annie George

TICKETS: £8 full/£5 concession/£3.50 Good Neighbours
Box Office 0131 315 2151,

Written and performed by Annie George
Directed by Sarah MacDonald
Composer, Niroshini Thambar
Design by Alice Wilson

The Bridge is a compelling and inspiring piece of visual theatre, which tells a remarkable story of the short life and lost work of PM John, a poet and author from Kerala India, living in the days running up to Independence from the British in 1947. His story is interwoven with that of his family, their struggles, and journeys they took across continents to new lives and opportunities.

8.30pm Remembering Tomorrow

theatre group

A short film from the North Edinburgh Theatre project as part of the Scottish Mental Health Arts & Film Festival

Join us for the premiere of a short film devised and presented by the group who brought you the sell-out 1D Tenement Opera in January this year, The North Edinburgh Theatre group (above) have used film, scripted and devised pieces to reflect on their own and others’ experiences around wellbeing.

Director: Stephanie Knight
Filmmaker: Elliott Hatherley

Free – but contact the box office to book. The cafe will be open serving light refreshments, wines and beer so why not join us for the evening?


Zoo Arts Extra beach day this Saturday

Food, fire, sea, sky, sand and art!

beach day

  • 12.00pm: leaving North Edinburgh Arts
  • Walk to beach at Granton end of Silverknowes promenade (on West Shore Road)
  • Lunch beside a fire with hot chocolate, marshmallows, followed by play and creative activities
  • 4.00pm: Return to North Edinburgh Arts
  • 4.30pm: Collect your children from beside the arts centre, or let us know if they are to make their own way home.
Donations are welcome towards cost of food and materials.
in person
at North Edinburgh Arts, 15a Pennywell Court EH4 4TZ
by emailing
zooarts.nea@gmail.comby phoning
0131 315 2151Permission slips are available from:

North Edinburgh Arts reception, Muirhouse Library, Muirhouse Community Shop, Muirhouse Millenium Centre or Pilton Youth & ChildrensProject.

Spirit of solidarity is strong following Glasgow Girls screening

Glasgow Girls

Pupils from Craigroyston and Broughton High Schools were in the audience at North Edinburgh Arts on Thursday night  for the first public screening  of The Glasgow Girls in North Edinburgh (writes Lynn McCabe). 

The film tells the true story of  seven pupils from Drumchapel High School who, with the support of their teacher, set up a  campaign after the  police removed their friend Agnesa  and her family from their home in the middle of the night. One of those Drumchapel pupils, Roza Salih, joined the discussion at North Edinburgh Arts.

Still wearing their pyjamas, the family was  driven in the back of a van to Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre where they were detained awaiting deportation. Agnesa and her family were Romas and had come to Scotland to escape persecution  in their homeland. 

After the screening, Roza (below, right) explained how she and her friends  were shocked when they discovered what had happened to their friend and  that dawn raids, detention and deportation were  the norm for  failed asylum seekers.

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The schoolfriends responded by putting together a petition demanding the safe return of Agnesa and her family.  When the petition  failed they took their campaign to the wider community who took part in candlelit vigils and peaceful demonstrations. The local community also took part in a look-out system to alert families about the imminent arrival of removal vans.

Agnesa and her family were eventually released, but the victory was bitter sweet as the girls realised they were unable to  save everyone.

Roza talked about the impact the campaign had on her life and the pride she had in the local community of Drumchapel  for  getting behind their campaign and challenging the inhumane treatment of asylum seekers.

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Members of the audience talked about North Edinburgh’s proud history of fighting racism through campaigns such as  Muirhouse Anti-Racism Campaign and North Edinburgh Welcomes Refugees.  It was  pointed out that North Edinburgh was rising to the occasion again by collecting clothes, toiletries, tents and sleeping bags to help  children and adults stranded in terrible conditions in refugee camps throughout Europe. Members of the Womens International Group (WIG) were overwhelmed at the generosity of local people who have handed in warm clothes, jackets, shoes, sleeping bags and toiletries for children and adults stranded in refugee camps across Europe (above).

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Anna Hutchison (above, left), a member of the Women’s International Group, reported that more than 60 women from North Edinburgh have met twice in the last few months to discuss issues around asylum, immigration and racism and are working on ideas for building a more caring and supportive community. Their plans include:

§  Learning about  the causes of immigration  and exploring what causes people to flee their countries

§  Challenging the myths about asylum seekers and refugees being promoted by certain politicians and sections of the media

§  Developing ways of reaching isolated people and making them feel welcome in this community

§  Celebrating  different cultures and highlighting the benefits of diversity

§  Building links and trust between different groups

A meeting to take forward these ideas  will be organised at  the beginning of November.  Anyone wishing to get involved in this group should contact:

Lynn McCabe at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre on 552 5700, email 


Julie Smith at North Edinburgh Timebank on

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