NHS Scotland launches national Menopause and Menstrual Health Workplace Policy

Measures to support women experiencing difficult menopause or menstrual health symptoms in the workplace are being introduced by NHS Scotland across their workforce.

As one of the medium term actions in the Women’s Health Plan, the policy reflects recommendations from a study of NHS employees by Professor Kathleen Riach, supported by the Scottish Government.

The new policy aims to create an environment where women feel confident in raising health issues so solutions can be put in place.

Minister for Women’s Health Jenni Minto said: “It’s important to foster a culture of awareness and compassionate management in the workplace so women feel confident and comfortable in raising issues around their menopause or menstrual health.

“NHS Scotland’s policy will recommend a number of measures that will make work life easier such as flexible breaks and working arrangements.  

“This is a positive example of an employer taking proactive steps to reduce barriers to women’s health in the workplace and we hope it promotes equivalent efforts across the public, private and third sectors.”

Professor Kathleen Riach said: “NHS Scotland’s new Menopause and Menstrual Health Workplace Policy marks a vital step in ensuring all employees are valued, supported, and recognised as an integral part of the country’s workforce, no matter their age or stage of their reproductive lives.

“Healthier women mean a healthier economy. By identifying and scaling some of the best practice currently existing across the NHS Scotland workforce, as well as introducing new evidence-based practises, this policy will ensure the menstrual status of women is no barrier to jobs and careers in healthcare.”

Women’s health plan – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

NHS Scotland National Menopause and Menstrual Health Workplace Policy

Funding for Motor Neurone Disease research

The Scottish Government is teaming up with MND Scotland to fund research to investigate potential causes of and therapies for motor neurone disease (MND).

Each partner is contributing £125,000 to provide the opportunity for a clinical professional to undertake a PhD to both enhance MND research and MND clinical capacity in NHS Scotland. The three-year Clinical Academic Fellowship will start in 2024.

According to MND Scotland, in the UK, there is a 1 in 300 lifetime risk of getting MND and there is currently no cure or effective disease modifying treatment available. Average life expectancy following diagnosis is just 18 months.

Deputy First Minister Shona Robison announced the funding in Paris where she welcomed charity cyclists who had travelled from Edinburgh to raise funds for the MND charity My Name’5 Doddie Foundation.

Ms Robison said: “MND is a devastating condition, and we are committed to ensuring that all people living with MND in Scotland are able to access the best possible care and support.

“MND is incredibly distressing for the person with the condition and their family. The research funding in collaboration with MND Scotland will allow vital work to study the progression of the condition and help inform the development of future treatments.”

Dr Jane Haley, Director of Research at MND Scotland, said: “We are proud of our ongoing partnership with the Scottish Government. This is our third joint funded fellowship and will further build MND research capacity within the NHS in Scotland.

“MND is a brutal disease that affects too many lives. With this joint funding, we are taking a further step towards understanding the causes of MND and the search for effective treatments.

“We look forward to future collaborations with the Scottish Government, including ensuring that Scotland is equipped to roll out any emerging treatments for MND which may arise from the clinical trials currently underway.” 

NHS highlights importance of measles vaccination to safeguard public health

NHSGGC has emphasised the importance of being vaccinated against measles, mumps and rubella following an increase in cases across the UK and Europe.

Measles is one of the most highly infectious diseases and can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening complications if it is not treated. Symptoms of measles include a high fever, rash, cough, runny nose and watery eyes. In the most severe of cases, measles can develop into more threatening conditions such as pneumonia, especially in those with a weakened immune system.

To combat this, NHSGGC strongly recommends members of the public are up to date with their vaccines to ensure protection against the disease. The normal course is two doses of MMR vaccine in childhood. It can also be given to adults, and if you have missed a dose, for whatever reason, you remain eligible and your GP can refer you in to one of the health board’s vaccine clinics.

The immunisation is provided from the health board free of charge and can be administered at a range of healthcare facilities across the city and at other locations in the NHSGGC area.

Iain Kennedy, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, said: “Getting vaccinated against measles helps prevent the spread of the disease and by increasing vaccination coverage, we can create a shield of immunity that safeguards individuals and the wider community.

“As we have noticed an increase in cases across the UK, it is important to ensure the safety of each other and in particular, young children.

“Measles can spread easily and quickly though droplets from the nose and mouth when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

“We would encourage all parents to ensure their child has had two doses of the MMR vaccine before they start school to help reduce the spread of infection.

“The best way to stay safe and healthy is to get vaccinated against the disease and collectively reduce the risks of outbreaks.”

For more information on measles and how you can stay protected, please visit NHS Inform.

Scotland’s Health Secretary marks 75th anniversary of the NHS

Staff thanked for their efforts and dedication

Health Secretary Michael Matheson has paid tribute to the staff who have helped deliver the NHS throughout its 75 year existence.

Mr Matheson praised the extraordinary efforts of those involved with the service, particularly in the recent years of the pandemic. He also expressed his gratitude to those whose spirit of innovation has helped the NHS adapt over the years.

He said: “We are fortunate beyond words to have a National Health Service free at the point of need for every single one of us. Looking around the globe, it is clear that what we accept as a basic human right is not enjoyed by the majority of the world’s population.

“On this day, the 75th anniversary of our NHS, I cannot express enough how grateful I am to the people who have delivered this extraordinary service through all these years.

Working in the NHS has not always been easy – particularly during the covid pandemic, but along with their colleagues in social care, NHS staff worked in tremendously difficult circumstances to care for those who needed them. Together they saved countless lives and their contribution will never be forgotten.

“From the world’s first ‘test tube baby’, through to robotic surgery, and then vaccinations and treatments for Covid-19 being rolled out at incredible pace – our health service has always been ready to adapt to new technologies and scientific developments.

“That spirit of innovation will be ever more crucial in the years to come, as the NHS and social care face new and different challenges, and it’s something we are determined to harness here in Scotland.

“With the continued support of people across the country, and the unwavering dedication of NHS staff, I have no doubt the NHS will be celebrating many more anniversaries in the years to come.”

Further investment in cancer support services

£9 million extension of partnership to help patients

A partnership to support cancer patients and their families to deal with the financial, emotional and physical health effects of the disease is to be extended with a further investment of £9 million.

The programme looks to ensure that everyone affected by cancer in Scotland has access to a specialist key support worker. This means clinicians have more time to offer direct medical and clinical support to patients.

Over the next three years, it is anticipated there will be a gradual increase in access to the service, with a minimum of 14,000 new cancer diagnoses accessing it each year.

The Scottish Government has been working in partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support to improve the service offered to those affected by cancer through the Transforming Cancer Care Programme (TCC). This partnership – the first of its kind in the UK – began under the 2016 Cancer Strategy and has seen £18 million invested to date.

The Scottish Government has agreed to continue the partnership and provide an additional three years of funding for the Improving the Cancer Journey services. Each partner will invest an additional £4.5 million.

Making the announcement ahead of a visit to NHS Forth Valley to celebrate the NHS 75th anniversary, First Minister Humza Yousaf said: ““Our recently published Cancer Strategy and Action Plan places an emphasis on person-centred care for all and supporting the mental health of cancer patients and their families.

“We have committed to launch the final Improving the Cancer Journey service, in partnership with Macmillan, over the next three years. We will also commit to spreading this successful model to all areas in Scotland over the coming year.

“This will see an additional £9 million of joint investment and ensure that everyone diagnosed with cancer in Scotland has access to a key support worker. It will be of great benefit to patients while also easing pressure on the NHS by freeing up clinicians.”

Janice Preston, Head of Partnerships at Macmillan Cancer Support in Scotland, said: “The Macmillan Improving the Cancer Journey (ICJ) Services are available for anyone affected by cancer.

“By the end of 2024, everyone in Scotland who needs support will have the chance to talk to an ICJ practitioner who will help individuals to identify their needs and access expert support, from benefits advice to emotional support – whatever they might need.

“This is a unique service for people affected by cancer that helps to reduce pressure on the NHS and is making a really positive difference to people living with cancer and their families. Since 2014, these vital, non-medical services have already helped over 18,500 people and this money will mean they can keep on transforming cancer support across Scotland.

“We are excited that, through our partnership with the Scottish Government, another £9 million is being made available to ensure people can continue to get this help for another three years.”

The roll out of the Improving the Cancer Journey model to every Health & Social Care Partnership follows 4 key principles:

o    100% of adults diagnosed with cancer, within agreed criteria, will be invited or referred to an ICJ service to speak to a specialist practitioner.

o    An ICJ practitioner with the service user will complete a Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA) and generate a care plan to meet the needs identified.

o    Local community assets will be identified and utilised to support the service user in meeting their needs.

o    The service user will be followed up by the ICJ practitioner in the community to monitor progress with agreed actions.

Dermatology: Funding to bring down outpatient waiting list

£1.8 million for new national service

A new national digital dermatology programme will be launched to help speed up treatment and reduce waiting lists.

By capturing quality digital images of a patient’s skin concern when they visit their GP or primary care provider the programme will, where clinically appropriate, allow a senior dermatologist to triage, diagnose and assess some skin conditions without the need for patients to attend an appointment.

People will then either be treated by their GP, directed to a more suitable service for their skin concern like an acne clinic or be offered a face-to-face appointment at a dermatology clinic, with those who need it directly scheduled for treatment or surgery.

Dermatology is one of the biggest outpatient specialties with over 46,000 patients on the waiting list for a first appointment at the end of March 2023. This new programme, backed by £1.8 million of funding, could potentially reduce demand for outpatient dermatology appointments by up to 50 per cent with the potential for up to 90 percent of referrals across Scotland to include a digital image.

Health Secretary Michael Matheson said: “The Scottish Government is determined to reduce waiting times across all specialities, and we know that dermatology is one of the busiest when it comes to demand for outpatient appointments. This new programme will lead to a better and quicker service for patients – allowing clinicians to see patients in the right place sooner. It has the potential to significantly reduce waiting times.  

“Innovation like this is vital for the future of our healthcare service and I am excited to see the real benefits that will come from programmes like this in the years to come.”

Fiona Macdonald, Consultant Dermatologist and Centre for Sustainable Delivery (CfSD) Clinical Lead for Dermatology said: “Managing referrals during the pandemic highlighted to Dermatologists how important a good quality image is to a Dermatology referral.

“It can help us prioritise the most urgent referrals, choose the right treatment pathway or offer advice to support care provided in Primary care”.

Dr Stuart Sutton, GP and clinical lead for primary and secondary care interface working, said: “Having a fast, effective and secure way for Primary Care teams to send images of our patient’s skin conditions to specialist colleagues will ensure more rapid and most appropriate advice and treatment is available – a picture provides a level of detail that cannot be conveyed in a traditional referral letter.”

Reducing the carbon footprint in the NHS

Delivering more environmentally sustainable care

A programme to reduce the carbon footprint of NHS Scotland and enable more environmentally sustainable care has been launched.

The National Green Theatres Programme, developed by clinicians, will cut the high emissions and waste typically generated in surgery while maintaining the highest levels of patient safety and quality of care.

The first set of actions will help NHS Scotland meet its net zero target by 2040 and reduce carbon emissions by 7,100 tonnes of carbon dioxide, the equivalent 4,400 single passenger return flights from Glasgow to New York.

The programme features a number of measures, all of which can be made without impacting patient safety or standards of care, including:

  • removing anaesthetic gases from the supply chain
  • moving away from single use instruments/consumables
  • introducing waste segregation
  • switching from pre-operative intravenous to oral paracetamol

The programme is being rolled out across the country following a successful pilot in NHS Highland.

Visiting the green theatre at Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport Maree Todd said: “The roll out of the Green Theatres Programme is a very positive step in the right direction to making our NHS net zero by 2040.

“Our incredible NHS staff have worked tirelessly to develop a model that not only puts patients and their safety first, but will reduce our environmental impact.”

Dr Kenneth Barker, CfSD Clinical Lead for the National Green Theatres Programme said: “Our patients always comes first but it’s great that we are now making clinically safe patient care decisions with sustainability in mind.

“Theatres are high carbon and energy intensive areas that produce high volumes of waste, so reducing their environmental impact will make a positive difference toward achieving Scotland’s net zero targets.

“We are working with our National Green Theatres Specialty Delivery Group and national partners to support Boards to implement these actions and are developing a Green Map to monitor progress.”

Majority of Scots will take COVID-19 vaccines in the future

A report published yesterday by Healthcare Improvement Scotland finds that the majority of Scots will take COVID-19 vaccines in the future, based on their experiences with COVID-19.

The survey, commissioned by the Scottish Government, asked questions about people’s motivations around vaccination as we move away from the pandemic.

Uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine has been high and the survey asked people if they would take up new offers of COVID-19 vaccination, or, if not, to understand their reasons why.

The Citizens’ Panel survey, which ran between November 2022 and February 2023, found that of the 667 people who responded to the survey, the majority of respondents (72%) said they would take up the offer of the COVID-19 vaccine in the future. The survey also found that of those who will take up the offer of the COVID-19 vaccine in future, their main reasons were to protect themselves (88%) and to protect others (82%).

One respondent said: “If I can do this to help myself and others, and know the vigorous testing the vaccines have gone through, then why wouldn’t I accept the vaccine?”

Some 12% said they would decline the offer and 17% were not sure. Where respondents did not want it, the most common reason given was concern over possible long-term side effects of the vaccine.

In addition, all respondents were asked if their decision about getting the COVID-19 vaccine has changed over time. The majority said that their decision has not changed (82%). Some 16% said they wanted it at first, but now they don’t, and just 2% said that they didn’t want it at first but now they do.

The survey asks if people are more or less likely to take up the offer of other vaccines, such as flu or childhood vaccines, based on their COVID-19 vaccine experiences, with 36% saying  more likely, 56% saying it’s made no difference, and just 7% saying they are less likely.

Simon Watson, Medical Director at Healthcare Improvement Scotland, said: “Vaccination is an absolutely essential element of our response to COVID-19 including future variants. It is vital to protect individuals, their families and the wider population of Scotland.”

Clare Morrison, Director of Community Engagement at Healthcare Improvement Scotland, said: “The findings around vaccination motivations highlight the positive public attitudes towards vaccination, as well as potential areas for improvement, mainly around the need to develop clear and accessible information about vaccine side effects and the benefits of vaccination including their effectiveness against serious illness.”

The report recommends the Scottish Government should continue to consider how to ensure positive and accessible vaccination experiences for all.

It also notes the Government should consider exploring people’s concerns further and their experiences around side effects. Developing further clear and accessible messaging around side effects, and the benefits and effectiveness of vaccination against serious illness may help address this.

Visit our Community Engagement website to access the full report.

Tech partnership boosts health innovation

Linking business and clinical expertise

Innovative companies will be able to trial new health products in clinical settings across the country following a link-up between the Scottish Government’s £42 million Techscaler programme and the NHS.

Participants in the programme, which provides world class expertise and support to young businesses with high growth potential, are being offered access to NHS Regional Test Beds. These enable entrepreneurs to work alongside clinicians and have access to patients and anonymised data to test ideas, products and services.

And in a reciprocal agreement, firms already using the NHS Test Beds will automatically become part of the Techscaler network.

Wellbeing Economy Secretary Neil Gray announced the move during a visit to Bioliberty in Edinburgh, which uses robotics to provide rehabilitation and assistance for stroke survivors.

The company will be one of 14 firms in sectors including healthtech and life sciences to join a Scottish Government-funded visit to New York to showcase their work.

Mr Gray said: “Scotland’s life sciences sector has an annual turnover of more than £8 billion and is one of our key sectors for transformative economic growth. This partnership will be able to leverage our world-leading universities, life sciences hubs and excellent healthcare systems to support the growth of the sector and development of entrepreneurs.

“Testing products in a real world environment and accelerating development is vital, and will enable a broader reach of the Tech Scaler programme. This in turn will benefit patients and medical staff as they develop cutting-edge technology for use across the NHS, from stroke and rehabilitation through to reducing drug-related deaths.

“It is a further example of the steps we are taking as we develop a sustainable, high-skill economy that works for everyone.”

Chief Scientist (Health) Anna Dominiczak said: “I welcome this collaboration, which will result in transformative innovations for the NHS and help to ensure that Scotland is the best location for life sciences companies.”

Scotland’s Chief Entrepreneur Mark Logan said: “By making this connection between health testing and business support, we create an environment for innovation which enables Scottish companies to compete effectively, whilst bringing much-needed treatment solutions to the NHS.”