Rip Off: NHS Lothian short changed £365.7 million over the last 11 years, says Briggs

Lothian MSP Miles Briggs has criticised the NHS Scotland Resource Allocation Committee (NRAC) formula used by SNP Ministers to allocate funding to each health board. Continue reading Rip Off: NHS Lothian short changed £365.7 million over the last 11 years, says Briggs

Partial reinstatement of children’s services at St John’s

Paediatric inpatient services in St John’s Hospital will begin to be restored in March, it was announced yesterday. NHS Lothian will reinstate the service from Monday to Friday each week to provide 24-hour services to children in West Lothian. Continue reading Partial reinstatement of children’s services at St John’s

Jeane Freeman to chair NHS Lothian’s Annual Review public meeting

NHS Lothian’s Annual Review will take place on Monday 4th February. The public meeting will be chaired by Ms Jeane Freeman MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, and is the formal process through which the Scottish Government assesses NHS Lothian’s performance in 2017-2018. Continue reading Jeane Freeman to chair NHS Lothian’s Annual Review public meeting

Courage and perseverance: living with diabetes

Kay Malloch, Diabetes Specialist Nurse, recently presented 91 year-old Evelyn Emslie, who has diabetes, with the John MacLeod Medal. This was awarded by Diabetes UK in recognition of the courage and perseverance required to live with diabetes for 70 years. Continue reading Courage and perseverance: living with diabetes

“Completely Unacceptable” waits for drug and alcohol treatment in Lothian

Scottish Conservative Health Spokesman and Lothian MSP Miles Briggs, has hit out at SNP Ministers over waiting times for Alcohol and Drug Partnerships (ADPs) in NHS Lothian.

Latest figures from ISD Scotland, for quarter ending 30 September 2018, have revealed that only 81.6% of patients have been seen within three weeks to start their first treatment, a drop of 2.5% from 84.1% in the previous quarter ending 30th June 2018.

NHS Lothian has not met the national target of 90% of patients seen within three weeks in any of quarters over the last year, and patients are forced to wait longer for first alcohol and drug treatments at Lothian ADPs than any other health boards across Scotland.

For the latest quarter, ending 30 September 2018, Midlothian ADP had by far the lowest percentage of patients seen within three weeks for first treatment than of any ADP across Scotland, with only 61.7% of patients seen within three weeks and only 66.7% of patients seen within five weeks.

For the previous quarter, ending 30th June 2018, West Lothian ADP had the longest waiting times in Scotland for Drug and alcohol treatment, with 66.2% seen within 3 weeks and 71.6% seen within 5 weeks.

In November, the Scottish Conservatives launched their new drug strategy that would halve the number of drug deaths in 5 years and increase the number of problem drug users accessing treatment from just 40% to the UK average of 60%.

Miles Briggs, Scottish Conservative Lothian MSP, said: “These figures show that previous cuts by SNP Ministers to Alcohol and Drug partnerships have had a detrimental impact in NHS Lothian.

“Patients in Lothian are being forced to wait longer than anywhere else in Scotland for Alcohol and Drug treatment, which is completely unacceptable.

“It is critical that  patients who need treatment for alcohol and drugs are not having to wait months to get the support that they need, but this is what some are having to do.

“I have written to the Scottish Government to again raise my concerns over waiting times for treatment at Lothian ADPs and asking what actions are being taken to improve waiting times.”

Neigh Bother for autistic youngsters

Neigh Bother

Standing out in the mud, exposed to the elements may not sound like fun – but it was for the young people at Neigh Bother! Being around horses, whilst learning practical horse care skills, achieving their skills section of the Duke of Edinburgh Award, and not to mention being able to meet other like minded young people, is enough to make the biting wind and pouring rain worthwhile! 
Continue reading Neigh Bother for autistic youngsters